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Are there components inside angularjs? Detailed introduction to Angular internal components

Release: 2018-09-07 16:17:38
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This article mainly introduces to you the questions about the internal components of angularjs. Anyone who wants to know the answer can read it. The article introduces in detail whether there are components inside angularjs. Now we will Let’s read this article

angularjs problem explanation:

Since I started usingAngular, I have been obsessed with the difference between components and instructions. It's confusing, especially for those coming from the Angular.js world, because there are only directives in Angular.js, even though we often use them as components. If you search for explanations of this problem on the Internet, many will explain it like this:

These statements seem to be correct. I looked at the view factory source code generated by the Angular compiler to compile the components, and indeed no component definition was found. If you Checking will only find command.

Note: Use Angular-CLI ng new to create a new project. After executing ng serve to run the program, you can view the ** generated after compiling the component under the ng:// domain of the Source Tab of Chrome Dev Tools. .ngfactory.js file, the code of this file is the view factory source code mentioned above.

But I didn’t find explanation on the Internet, because if you want to know the reason, you must be familiar with the internal working principles of Angular. If the above problem has troubled you for a long time, Then this article is for you. Let’s discover the mysteries together and get ready.

Essentially, this article mainly explains how components and directives are defined internally in Angular, and introduces a new view node definition - directive definition.

Note: View nodes also include element nodes and text nodes. If you are interested, you can view Translated Angular DOM update mechanism.


If you have read the articles I wrote before, especially Translated Angular DOM update mechanism, you may understand that the inside of the Angular program is a view tree. Each view is generated by a view factory, and each view contains different view nodes with specific functions. In the article just mentioned (that article is very important for understanding this article), I introduced the two simplest node types-element node definition and text node definition. Element node definitions are used to create all DOM element nodes, while text node definitions are used to create all DOM text nodes.

So if you write a template like the following:

<p><h1>Hello {{name}}</h1></p>
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Angular Compiler will compile this template and generate two element nodes, namely p and h1 DOM elements, and a text node, the Hello {{name}} DOM text. These are important nodes because without them you won't see anything on the screen. But the component composition mode tells us that components can be nested, so there must be another view node to embed the component. In order to figure out what these special nodes are, you first need to understand what components are made of. Essentially, components are essentially DOM elements with specific behaviors, and these behaviors are implemented in component classes. Let’s first look at the DOM elements.

Custom DOM elements

You may know that you can create a new HTML tag in html. For example, if you do not use a frame, you can directly insert a new tag in html:

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Then query this DOM node and check the type, you will find that it is a completely legal DOM element (Note: You can try this part of the code in an html file, or even write < a-comp>A Component</a-comp>, the result is executable, the reason is shown below):

const element = document.querySelector('a-comp');
element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; // true
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The browser will use the HTMLUnknownElement interface to createa-comp element, this interface inherits the HTMLElement interface, but it does not need to implement any properties or methods. You can use CSS to decorate it, or add event listeners to it to listen for some common events, such as the click event. So like I said, a-comp is a perfectly legal DOM element.

Then, you can turn it into a custom DOM element To enhance this element, you need to create a separate class for it and register this class using the JS API:

class AComponent extends HTMLElement {...}
window.customElements.define('a-comp', AComponent);
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Is this somewhat similar to what you have been doing?

没错,这和你在 Angular 中定义一个组件非常类似,实际上,Angular 框架严格遵循 Web 组件标准但是为我们简化了很多事情,所以我们不必自己创建 shadow root 并挂载到宿主元素(注:关于 shadow root 的概念网上资料很多,其实在 Chrome Dev Tools 里,点击右上角 settings,然后点击 Preferences -> Elements,打开 Show user agent shadow root 后,这样你就可以在 Elements 面板里看到很多 DOM 元素下的 shadow root)。然而,我们在 Angular 中创建的组件并没有注册为自定义元素,它会被 Angular 以特定方式去处理。如果你对没有框架时如何创建组件很好奇,你可以查看 Custom Elements v1: Reusable Web Components

现在已经知道,我们可以创建任何一个 HTML 标签并在模板里使用它。所以,如果我们在 Angular 的组件模板里使用这个标签,框架将会给这个标签创建元素定义(注:这是由 Angular Compiler 编译生成的):

function View_AppComponent_0(_l) {
    return jit_viewDef2(0, [
        jit_elementDef3(0, null, null, 1, 'a-comp', [], ...)
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然而,你得需要在 module 或组件装饰器属性里添加 schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],来告诉 Angular 你在使用自定义元素,否则 Angular Compiler 会抛出错误(注:所以如果需要使用某个组件,你不得不在 module.declarationsmodule.entryComponentscomponent.entryComponents 去注册这个组件):

'a-comp' is not a known element:
1. If 'c-comp' is an Angular component, then ...
2. If 'c-comp' is a Web Component then add...
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所以,我们已经有了 DOM 元素但是还没有附着在元素上的类呢,那 Angular 里除了组件外还有其他特殊类没?当然有——指令。让我们看看指令有些啥。


你可能知道每一个指令都有一个选择器,用来挂载到特定的 DOM 元素上。大多数指令使用属性选择器(attribute selectors),但是有一些也选择元素选择器(element selectors)。实际上,Angular 表单指令就是使用 元素选择器 form 来把特定行为附着在 html form元素上。


@Directive({selector: 'a-comp'})
export class ADirective {}
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function View_AppComponent_0(_l) {
    return jit_viewDef2(0, [
        jit_elementDef3(0, null, null, 1, 'a-comp', [], ...),
        jit_directiveDef4(16384, null, 0, jit_ADirective5, [],...)
    ], null, null);
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现在 Angular Compiler 在视图定义函数的第二个参数数组里,添加了新生成的指令定义 jit_directiveDef4 节点,并放在元素定义节点 jit_elementDef3 后面。同时设置元素定义的 childCount 为 1,因为附着在元素上的所有指令都会被看做该元素的子元素。

指令定义是个很简单的节点定义,它是由 directiveDef 函数生成的,该函数参数列表如下(注:现在 Angular v5.x 版本略有不同):

Name Description
matchedQueries used when querying child nodes
childCount specifies how many children the current element have
ctor reference to the component or directive constructor
deps an array of constructor dependencies
props an array of input property bindings
outputs an array of output property bindings

本文我们只对 ctor 参数感兴趣,它仅仅是我们定义的 ADirective 类的引用。当 Angular 创建指令对象时,它会实例化一个指令类,并存储在视图节点的 provider data 属性里。

所以我们看到组件其实仅仅是一个元素定义加上一个指令定义,但仅仅如此么?你可能知道 Angular 总是没那么简单啊!



  selector: 'a-comp',
  template: '<span>I am A component</span>'
export class AComponent {}
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function View_AppComponent_0() {
    return jit_viewDef2(0, [
        jit_elementDef3(0, null, null, 1, 'a-comp', [], ...
                    jit_View_AComponent_04, jit__object_Object_5),
        jit_directiveDef6(49152, null, 0, jit_AComponent7, [], ...)
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好的,现在我们仅仅验证了上文所说的。本示例中, Angular 使用两种视图节点来表示组件——元素节点定义和指令节点定义。但是当使用一个真实的组件时,就会发现这两个节点定义的参数列表还是有些不同的。让我们看看有哪些不同吧。


节点类型(NodeFlags)是所有节点定义函数的第一个参数(注:最新 Angular v5.* 中参数列表有点点不一样,如 directiveDef 中第二个参数才是 NodeFlags)。它实际上是 NodeFlags 位掩码(注:查看源码,是用二进制表示的),包含一系列特定的节点信息,大部分在 变更检测循环 时被框架使用。并且不同节点类型采用不同数字:16384 表示简单指令节点类型(注:仅仅是指令,可看 TypeDirective);49152 表示组件指令节点类型(注:组件加指令,即 TypeDirective + Component)。为了更好理解这些标志位是如何被编译器设置的,让我们先转换为二进制:

16384 =  100000000000000 // 15th bit set
49152 = 1100000000000000 // 15th and 16th bit set
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如果你很好奇这些转换是怎么做的,可以查看我写的文章 The simple math behind decimal-binary conversion algorithms 。所以,对于简单指令 Angular 编译器会设置 15-th 位为 1:

TypeDirective = 1 << 14
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而对于组件节点会设置 15-th16-th 位为 1:

TypeDirective = 1 << 14
Component = 1 << 15
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现在明白为何这些数字不同了。对于指令来说,生成的节点被标记为 TypeDirective 节点;对于组件指令来说,生成的节点除了被标记为 TypeDirective 节点,还被标记为 Component 节点。(想看更多就到PHP中文网AngularJS使用手册中学习)


因为 a-comp 是一个组件,所以对于下面的简单模板:

<span>I am A component</span>
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function View_AComponent_0(_l) {
    return jit_viewDef1(0, [
        jit_elementDef2(0, null, null, 1, 'span', [], ...),
        jit_textDef3(null, ['I am A component'])
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Angular 是一个视图树,所以父视图需要有个对子视图的引用,子视图会被存储在元素节点内。本例中,a-comp 的视图存储在为 &lt;a-comp&gt;&lt;/a-comp&gt; 生成的宿主元素节点内(注:意思就是 AComponent 视图存储在该组件宿主元素的元素定义内,就是存在 componentView 属性里。也可以查看 _Host.ngfactory.js 文件,该文件表示宿主元素 &lt;a-comp&gt;&lt;/a-comp&gt; 的工厂,里面存储 AComponent 视图对象)。jit_View_AComponent_04 参数是一个 代理类 的引用,这个代理类将会解析 工厂函数 创建一个 视图定义。每一个视图定义仅仅创建一次,然后存储在 DEFINITION_CACHE,然后这个视图定义函数被 Angular 用来 创建视图对象




Angular 根据组件装饰器中定义的 ViewEncapsulation 模式来决定使用哪种 DOM 渲染器:

  • Emulated Encapsulation Renderer

  • Shadow Renderer

  • Default Renderer

以上组件渲染器是通过 DomRendererFactory2 来创建的。componentRendererType 参数是在元素定义里被传入的,本例即是 jit__object_Object_5(注:上面代码里有这个对象,是 jit_elementDef3() 的最后一个参数),该参数是渲染器的一个基本描述符,用来决定使用哪一个渲染器渲染组件。其中,最重要的是视图封装模式和所用于组件的样式(注:componentRendererType 参数的结构是 RendererType2):

  styles:[["h1[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: green}"]], 
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如果你为组件定义了样式,编译器会自动设置组件的封装模式为 ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,或者你可以在组件装饰器里显式设置 encapsulation 属性。如果没有设置任何样式,并且也没有显式设置 encapsulation 属性,那描述符会被设置为 ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,并被 忽略生效,使用这种描述符的组件会使用父组件的组件渲染器。



<a-comp adir></a-comp>
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我们已经知道当为 AComponent 生成工厂函数时,编译器会为 a-comp 元素创建元素定义,会为 AComponent 类创建指令定义。但是由于编译器会为每一个指令生成指令定义节点,所以上面模板的工厂函数像这样(注:Angular v5.* 版本是会为 &lt;a-comp&gt;&lt;/a-comp&gt; 元素单独生成一个 *_Host.ngfactory.js 文件,表示宿主视图,多出来的 jit_directiveDef6(16384, null, 0, jit_ADirective8, [], ...) 是在这个文件代码里。可以 ng cli 新建项目查看 Sources Tab -> ng://。但作者表达的意思还是一样的。):

function View_AppComponent_0() {
    return jit_viewDef2(0, [
        jit_elementDef3(0, null, null, 2, 'a-comp', [], ...
        jit_View_AComponent_04, jit__object_Object_5),

    jit_directiveDef6(49152, null, 0, jit_AComponent7, [], ...)
    jit_directiveDef6(16384, null, 0, jit_ADirective8, [], ...)
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上面代码都是我们熟悉的,仅仅是多添加了一个指令定义,和子组件数量增加为 2。

注:全文主要讲的是组件(视图)在 Angular 内部是如何用指令节点和元素节点定义的。


The above is the detailed content of Are there components inside angularjs? Detailed introduction to Angular internal components. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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