The content of this article is about how to implement bubble prompts (with code) using vue instructions. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
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//L6zt github
I am building component wheels, which is just messing around.
I wrote a slider component myself and wanted to add a bubble prompt. In order to reuse and save trouble, I wrote a command to solve it.
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##My understanding of the instructions: Not long ago, I saw part of the vnode implementation source code, but my qualifications are limited... I can't understand it. The life cycle of vnode-----> Before generation, after generation, generating real dom, updating vnode, updating dom, and destroying.
The instructions of Vue depend on the life cycle of vnode, which are nothing more than hooks similar to the above.
Code effect The command is attached to element A. By default, a bubble container B is generated and inserted into the body. B will obtain the position information of element A and its own
size information. After some Column operation, the B element will be positioned in the middle of A. When the mouse is placed on A, B will be displayed, and it will disappear when the mouse is moved away.
The following code
Bubble command
import { on , off , once, contains, elemOffset, position, addClass, removeClass } from '../utils/dom'; import Vue from 'vue' const global = window; const doc = global.document; const top = 15; export default { name : 'jc-tips' , bind (el , binding , vnode) { // 确定el 已经在页面里 为了获取el 位置信信 Vue.nextTick(() => { const { context } = vnode; const { expression } = binding; // 气泡元素根结点 const fWarpElm = doc.createElement('p'); // handleFn 气泡里的子元素(自定义) const handleFn = binding.expression && context[expression] || (() => ''); const createElm = handleFn(); fWarpElm.className = 'hide jc-tips-warp'; fWarpElm.appendChild(createElm); doc.body.appendChild(fWarpElm); // 给el 绑定元素待其他操作用 el._tipElm = fWarpElm; el._createElm = createElm; // 鼠标放上去的 回调函数 el._tip_hover_fn = function(e) { // 删除节点函数 removeClass(fWarpElm, 'hide'); = 0; // 不加延迟 fWarpElm的大小信息 (元素大小是 0 0)---> 删除 class 不是立即渲染 setTimeout(() => { const offset = elemOffset(fWarpElm); const location = position(el); = `left: ${location.left - offset.width / 2}px; top: ${ - top - offset.height}px;`; = 1; }, 16); }; //鼠标离开 元素 隐藏 气泡 const handleLeave = function (e) { = 0; // transitionEnd 不太好应该加入兼容 once({ el, type: 'transitionEnd', fn: function() { console.log('hide'); addClass(fWarpElm, 'hide'); } }) }; el._tip_leave_fn = handleLeave; // 解决 slider 移动结束 提示不消失 el._tip_mouse_up_fn = function (e) { const target =; console.log(target); if (!contains(fWarpElm, target) && el !== target) { handleLeave(e) } }; on({ el, type: 'mouseenter', fn: el._tip_hover_fn }); on({ el, type: 'mouseleave', fn: el._tip_leave_fn }); on({ el: doc.body, type: 'mouseup', fn: el._tip_mouse_up_fn }) }); } , // 气泡的数据变化 依赖于 context[expression] 返回的值 componentUpdated(el , binding , vnode) { const { context } = vnode; const { expression } = binding; const handleFn = expression && context[expression] || (() => ''); Vue.nextTick( () => { const createNode = handleFn(); const fWarpElm = el._tipElm; if (fWarpElm) { fWarpElm.replaceChild(createNode, el._createElm); el._createElm = createNode; const offset = elemOffset(fWarpElm); const location = position(el); = `left: ${location.left - offset.width / 2}px; top: ${ - top - offset.height}px;`; } }) }, // 删除 事件 unbind (el , bind , vnode) { off({ el: dov.body, type: 'mouseup', fn: el._tip_mouse_up_fn }); el = null; } }
slider component
<template> <p> <section> </section> <i> </i> </p> </template> <script> import {elemOffset, on, off, once} from "../../utils/dom"; const global = window; const doc = global.document; export default { props: { step: { type: [Number], default: 0 }, rangeEnd: { type: [Number], required: true }, value: { type: [Number], required: true }, minValue: { type: [Number], required: true }, maxValue: { type: [Number], required: true } }, data () { return { startX: null, width: null, curValue: 0, curStep: 0, left: 0, tempLeft: 0 } }, computed: { wTov () { let step = this.step; let width = this.width; let rangeEnd = this.rangeEnd; if (width) { if (step) { return width / (rangeEnd / step) } return width / rangeEnd } return null }, postValue () { let value = null; if (this.step) { value = this.step * this.curStep; } else { value = this.left / this.wTov; } return value; } }, watch: { value: { handler (value) { this.$nextTick(() => { let step = this.step; let wTov = this.wTov; if (step) { this.left = value / step * wTov; } else { this.left = value * wTov; } }) }, immediate: true } }, methods: { moveStart (e) { e.preventDefault(); const body = window.document.body; const _this = this; this.startX = e.pageX; this.tempLeft = this.left; on({ el: body, type: 'mousemove', fn: this.moving }); once({ el: body, type: 'mouseup', fn: function() { console.log('end'); _this.$emit('input', _this.postValue); off({ el: body, type: 'mousemove', fn: _this.moving }) } }) }, moving(e) { let curX = e.pageX; let step = this.step; let rangeEnd = this.rangeEnd; let width = this.width; let tempLeft = this.tempLeft; let startX = this.startX; let wTov = this.wTov; if (step !== 0) { let all = parseInt(rangeEnd / step); let curStep = (tempLeft + curX - startX) / wTov; curStep > all && (curStep = all); curStep < 0 && (curStep = 0); curStep = Math.round(curStep); this.curStep = curStep; this.left = curStep * wTov; } else { let left = tempLeft + curX - startX; left < 0 && (left = 0); left > width && (left = width); this.left = left; } }, createNode () { const fElem = document.createElement('i'); const textNode = document.createTextNode(this.postValue.toFixed(2)); fElem.appendChild(textNode); return fElem; } }, mounted () { this.width = elemOffset(this.$el).width; } }; </script> <style> .jc-slider-cmp { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 100%; border-radius: 4px; height: 8px; background: #ccc; .jc-slider-dot { position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 15px; border-radius: 50%; left: 0; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background: #333; cursor: pointer; } .slider-active-bg { position: relative; height: 100%; border-radius: 4px; background: red; } } </style>
const global = window; export const on = ({el, type, fn}) => { if (typeof global) { if (global.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, false) } else { el.attachEvent(`on${type}`, fn) } } }; export const off = ({el, type, fn}) => { if (typeof global) { if (global.removeEventListener) { el.removeEventListener(type, fn) } else { el.detachEvent(`on${type}`, fn) } } }; export const once = ({el, type, fn}) => { const hyFn = (event) => { try { fn(event) } finally { off({el, type, fn: hyFn}) } } on({el, type, fn: hyFn}) }; // 最后一个 export const fbTwice = ({fn, time = 300}) => { let [cTime, k] = [null, null] // 获取当前时间 const getTime = () => new Date().getTime() // 混合函数 const hyFn = () => { const ags = argments return () => { clearTimeout(k) k = cTime = null fn(...ags) } }; return () => { if (cTime == null) { k = setTimeout(hyFn(...arguments), time) cTime = getTime() } else { if ( getTime() - cTime { return item !== className }) el.className = classList.join(' ') }; export const delay = ({fn, time}) => { let oT = null let k = null return () => { // 当前时间 let cT = new Date().getTime() const fixFn = () => { k = oT = null fn() } if (k === null) { oT = cT k = setTimeout(fixFn, time) return } if (cT - oT { let top = 0; let left = 0; let offsetParent = son; while (offsetParent !== parent) { let dx = offsetParent.offsetLeft; let dy = offsetParent.offsetTop; let old = offsetParent; if (dx === null) { return { flag: false } } left += dx; top += dy; offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; if (offsetParent === null && old !== global.document.body) { return { flag: false } } } return { flag: true, top, left } }; export const getElem = (filter) => { return Array.from(global.document.querySelectorAll(filter)); }; export const elemOffset = (elem) => { return { width: elem.offsetWidth, height: elem.offsetHeight } };
The above is the detailed content of How to implement bubble prompts with vue instructions (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!