This article brings you a detailed summary of vue modifiers (with examples). It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
In order to make it easier for everyone to write code, vue.js provides you with many convenient modifiers, such as canceling bubbling, blocking default events, etc. that we often use~
Form modifier
Event modifier
Mouse button modifier
Key value modifier
v- bind modifier (I really don’t know what it’s called)
Form modifier
What is the most commonly used to fill in forms? input! v-model~And our modifiers exist to simplify these things
<div> <input> <p>{{value}}</p> </div>
We can see from here that while we are still typing, while the cursor is still there, the following value has already come out, which can be said to be very real-time.
But sometimes we want to update the view after the cursor leaves after we have finished inputting everything.
<div> <input> <p>{{value}}</p> </div>
That’s it~ Only when our cursor leaves the input box, it will update the view, which is equivalent to triggering an update in the onchange event.
In our input box, we often need to filter the content entered by some brothers who accidentally hit the space after entering the password.
In order to let you see it more clearly, I changed the style, but the problem is not big. I believe you have clearly seen this big There are no spaces on the left and right sides of hello, even though you hit the space bar in the input box.
It should be noted that it can only filter the leading and trailing spaces! The first and last, and the ones in the middle will not be filtered
As you can see from this name, it should be to limit the input of numbers or to convert the input into numbers, but it is not It's so hot to rush the order.
If you enter the string first, it is equivalent to not adding the .number
due to the event With the bubbling mechanism, when we bind a click event to an element, the parent's click event will also be triggered.<div> <button>ok</button> </div> //js shout(e){ console.log(e) } //1 //2
<div> <button>ok</button> </div> //只输出1
Default behavior for preventing events, for example, preventing submission of a form when the submit button is clicked. Equivalent to calling the event.preventDefault() method.<!-- 提交事件不再重载页面 -->
Note: Modifiers can be used multiple times at the same time, but the order may vary. Using v-on:click.prevent.self will prevent all clicks, while v-on:click.self.prevent will only prevent clicks on the element itself.
That is,
Judged from left to right~
Only when the event is triggered from the element itself to which the event is bound The callback is triggered. As shown below, we just knew from .stop that the child element will bubble to the parent element and trigger the click event of the parent element. When we add this .self, when we click the button, the click event shout of the parent element will not be triggered. Only when the parent element is clicked (blue background) will shout~ From the English translation of self, it is 'self, itself'. You can see the usage of this modifier<div> <button>ok</button> </div>
The usage of this modifier is as simple and crude as the name. It can only be used once. After the event is bound, it can only be triggered once. , it will not trigger the second time.//键盘按坏都只能shout一次 <button>ok</button>
From the above we know the bubbling of events. In fact, the complete event mechanism is: capture phase-target phase-bubble phase.The default is that event triggering starts from the target and bubbles up.
When we add this .capture, we do the opposite, and the event triggers from the top level containing this element downwards.
<div> obj1 <div> obj2 <div> obj3 <div> obj4 </div> </div> </div> </div> // 1 2 4 3
<!-- 滚动事件的默认行为 (即滚动行为) 将会立即触发 --> <!-- 而不会等待 `onScroll` 完成 --> <!-- 这其中包含 `event.preventDefault()` 的情况 --> <div>...</div>
.left 左键点击
.right 右键点击
.middle 中键点击
//普通键 .enter .tab .delete //(捕获“删除”和“退格”键) .space .esc .up .down .left .right
//系统修饰键 .ctrl .alt .meta .shift
可以通过全局 config.keyCodes 对象自定义按键修饰符别名:
// 可以使用 `v-on:keyup.f1` Vue.config.keyCodes.f1 = 112
<button>ok</button> <button>ok</button> <button>ok</button>
.exact (2.5新增)
我们上面说了这个系统修饰键,当我们像这样绑定了click键按下的事件,惊奇的是,我们同时按下几个系统修饰键,比如ctrl shift点击,也能触发,可能有些场景我们只需要或者只能按一个系统修饰键来触发(像制作一些快捷键的时候),而当我们按下ctrl和其他键的时候则无法触发。那就这样写。
注意:这个只是限制系统修饰键的,像下面这样书写以后你还是可以按下ctrl + c,ctrl+v或者ctrl+普通键 来触发,但是不能按下ctrl + shift +普通键来触发。
.sync(2.3.0+ 新增)
在有些情况下,我们可能需要对一个 prop 进行“双向绑定”。不幸的是,真正的双向绑定会带来维护上的问题,因为子组件可以修改父组件,且在父组件和子组件都没有明显的改动来源。我们通常的做法是
//父亲组件 <comp></comp> //js func(e){ = e; }
//子组件js func2(){ this.$emit('update:myMessage',params); }
//父组件 <comp></comp> //子组件 this.$emit('update:myMessage',params);
注意带有 .sync 修饰符的 v-bind 不能和表达式一起使用 (例如 v-bind:title.sync=”doc.title + ‘!’” 是无效的)。取而代之的是,你只能提供你想要绑定的属性名,类似 v-model。
将 v-bind.sync 用在一个字面量的对象上,例如 v-bind.sync=”{ title: doc.title }”,是无法正常工作的,因为在解析一个像这样的复杂表达式的时候,有很多边缘情况需要考虑。
Property:节点对象在内存中存储的属性,可以访问和设置。 Attribute:节点对象的其中一个属性( property ),值是一个对象。 可以通过点访问法 document.getElementById('xx').attributes 或者 document.getElementById('xx').getAttributes('xx') 读取,通过 document.getElementById('xx').setAttribute('xx',value) 新增和修改。 在标签里定义的所有属性包括 HTML 属性和自定义属性都会在 attributes 对象里以键值对的方式存在。
//这里的id,value,style都属于property //index属于attribute //id、title等既是属性,也是特性。修改属性,其对应的特性会发生改变;修改特性,属性也会改变 <input> //input.index === undefined //input.attributes.index === this.index
防止污染 HTML 结构
<input> //input.index === this.index //input.attributes.index === undefined
由于HTML 特性是不区分大小写的。
这将导致渲染失败,因为 SVG 标签只认 viewBox,却不知道 viewbox 是什么。
new Vue({ template: '<svg></svg>' })
The above is the detailed content of Detailed summary of vue modifiers (with examples). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!