The content of this article is about JS CSS to achieve the animation effect of meteor shower (code). It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
1, renderings
div > div > div > div > div > <div> div > div > div > body ><p>CSS<strong></strong></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">/* - - - - - - 重启 - - - - - - */ * { 保证金:0 ; 填充:0 ; } html, body { width:100% ; 最小宽度:1000px ; 身高:100% ; 最小高度:400px ; 溢出:隐藏; } / * ------------画布------------ * / .container { position:relative; 身高:100% ; } / *遮罩层* / #mask { position:absolute; 宽度:100% ; 身高:100% ; background:rgba(0,0,0,.8); z-index:900 ; } / *天空背景* / #sky { width:100% ; 身高:100% ; background:线性渐变(rgba(0,150,255,1),rgba(0,150,255,.8),rgba(0,150,255,.5)); } / *月亮* / #moon { position:absolute; 上:50px ; 右:200px ; 宽度:120px ; 身高:120px ; 背景:rgba(251,255,25,0.938); border-radius:50% ; box-shadow:0 0 20px rgba(251,255,25,0.5); z-index:9999 ; } / *闪烁星星* / .blink { position:absolute; background:rgb(255,255,255); border-radius:50% ; box-shadow:0 0 5px rgb(255,255,255); 不透明度:0 ; z-index:10000 ; } / *流星* / .star { position:absolute; 不透明度:0 ; z-index:10000 ; } .star :: after { content:“” ; 显示:块; 边界:坚固; border-width:2px 0 2px 80px ; / *流星随长度逐渐缩小* / border-color:透明透明透明rgba(255,255,255,1); border-radius:2px 0 0 2px ; transform:rotate(-45deg); transform-origin:0 0 0 ; 盒子阴影:0 0 20px rgba(255,255,255,.3); } / *云* / .cloud { position:absolute; 宽度:100% ; 身高:100px ; } .cloud-1 { bottom: - 100px ; z-index:1000 ; 不透明度:1 ; 变换:规模(1.5); -webkit-transform:scale(1.5); -moz-transform:scale(1.5); -ms-transform:scale(1.5); -o-transform:scale(1.5); } .cloud-2 { left: - 100px ; 底部: - 50px ; z-index:999 ; 不透明度:。5 ; 变换:旋转(7deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(7deg); -moz-transform:rotate(7deg); -ms-transform:rotate(7deg); -o-transform:rotate(7deg); } .cloud-3 { left:120px ; 底部: - 50px ; z-index:999 ; 不透明度:。1 ; transform:rotate(-10deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(-10deg); -moz-transform:rotate(-10deg); -ms-transform:rotate(-10deg); -o-transform:rotate(-10deg); } .circle { position:absolute; border-radius:50% ; 背景:#fff ; } .circle-1 { width:100px ; 身高:100px ; 上: - 50px ; 左:10px ; } .circle-2 { width:150px ; 身高:150px ; 上: - 50px ; 左:30px ; } .circle-3 { width:300px ; 身高:300px ; 上: - 100px ; 左:80px ; } .circle-4 { width:200px ; 身高:200px ; 上: - 60px ; 左:300px ; } .circle-5 { width:80px ; 身高:80px ; 上: - 30px ; 左:450px ; } .circle-6 { width:200px ; 身高:200px ; 上: - 50px ; 左:500px ; } .circle-7 { width:100px ; 身高:100px ; 上: - 10px ; 左:650px ; } .circle-8 { width:50px ; 身高:50px ; 上:30px ; 左:730px ; } .circle-9 { width:100px ; 身高:100px ; 上:30px ; 左:750px ; } .circle-10 { width:150px ; 身高:150px ; 上:10px ; 左:800px ; } .circle-11 { width:150px ; 身高:150px ; 上: - 30px ; 左:850px ; } .circle-12 { width:250px ; 身高:250px ; 上: - 50px ; 左:900px ; } .circle-13 { width:200px ; 身高:200px ; 上: - 40px ; 左:1000px ; } .circle-14 { width:300px ; 身高:300px ; 上: - 70px ; 左:1100px ; }
//流星动画 setInterval(function() { const obj = addChild(“#sky”,“p”,2,“star”); for(let i = 0 ; i <obj.children.length> { obj.parent.removeChild(obj.children [I]); } }) } }); } },1000); //闪烁星星动画 setInterval(function() { const obj = addChild(“#stars”,“p”,2,“blink”); for(let i = 0 ; i <obj.children.length requestanimation const for let><p>Encapsulation method<strong></strong></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">// -------------------------------------------动画---- ----------------------------------------------- //运动动画,调用Tween.js // ele:dom | 班级| id | 标签节点| 类名| id名| 标签名,只支持选择一个节点,类类名以及标签名只能选择页面中第一个 // attr:属性属性名 //值:目标值目标值 //时间:持续时间持续时间 //补间:定时function函数方程 // flag:Boolean判断是按值移动还是按位置移动,默认按位置移动 // fn:callback回调函数 //增加返回值:将内部参数对象返回,可以通过设置返回对象的属性stop为true打断动画 函数 requestAnimation(obj) { // -------------------------------------参数设置--------------------------------------------- //默认属性 const参数= { ele:null, attr:null, value:null, time:1000, tween:“linear”, flag:true, stop:false, fn:“” } //合并传入属性 Object .assign(parameter,obj); //覆盖重名属性 // -------------------------------------动画设置--------- ------------------------------------ //创建运动方程初始参数,方便复用 let start = 0 ; //用于保存初始时间戳 let target =(typeof parameter.ele === “string”?document .querySelector(parameter.ele):parameter.ele),//目标节点 attr = parameter.attr,//目标属性 beginAttr = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(target)[attr]),// attr起始值 value = parameter.value,//运动目标值 count = value - beginAttr,//实际运动值 time = parameter.time,//运动持续时间, tween = parameter.tween,//运动函数 flag = parameter.flag, callback = parameter.fn,//回调函数 curVal = 0 ; //运动当前值 //判断传入函数是否为数组,多段运动 (function() { if(attr instanceof Array){ beginAttr = []; count = []; 对于(让我的 ATTR){ 常量 VAL = parseFloat(的getComputedStyle(目标)[I]); beginAttr.push(VAL); count.push(value - val); } } if(value instanceof Array){ for(let i in value){ count [i] = value [i] - beginAttr [i]; } } })(); //运动函数 功能 动画(时间戳) { 如果(parameter.stop)返回 ; //打断 //存储初始时间戳 if(!start)start = timestamp; //已运动时间 让 t =时间戳 - 开始; //判断多段运动 if(beginAttr instanceof Array){ // const len = beginAttr.length //存数组长度,复用 //多段运动第1类 - 多属性,同目标,同时间/不同时间 if(typeof count === “number”){ //同目标 //同时间 if(typeof time === “number”){ if(t> time)t = time; //判断是否超出目标值 //循环attr,分别赋值 为(let i in beginAttr){ if(flag)curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count,time); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动到 写入位置else curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count + beginAttr [i],time); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动了 写入距离if(attr [i] === “opacity”) [attr [i]] = curVal; //给属性赋值 else [attr [i]] = curVal + “px” ; //给属性赋值 if(t <time> time [i])t = time [i]; //判断是否超出目标值 if(flag || attr [i] === “opacity”)curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count,i); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动到 写入位置else curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count + beginAttr [i],i); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动了 写入距离if(attr [i] === “opacity”) [attr [i]] = curVal; //给属性赋值 else [attr [i]] = curVal + “px” ; //给属性赋值 } if(t time)t = time; //判断是否超出目标值 for(let i in beginAttr){ //循环attr,count,分别赋值 //错误判断 if(!count [i] && count [i]!== 0){ throw new Error( “输入值的长度不是等于属性的长度“); } if(flag || attr [i] === “opacity”)curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count [i],time); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动到 写入位置else curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count [i] + beginAttr [i],time); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动了 写入距离if(attr [i] === “opacity”) [attr [i]] = curVal; //给属性赋值 else [attr [i]] = curVal + “px” ; //给属性赋值 } if(t <time> time [i])t = time [i]; //判断是否超出目标值 //错误判断 if(!count [i] && count [i]!== 0){ throw new Error( “输入值的长度不等于属性的长度”); } if(flag || attr [i] === “opacity”)curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count [i],time [i]); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动到 写入位置其他 curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count [i] + beginAttr [i],time [i]) ; //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动了 写入距离if(attr [i] === “opacity”) [attr [i]] = curVal; 否则 [attr [i]] = curVal + “px” ; } if(t time)t = time; if(flag || attr === “opacity”)curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr,count,time); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动到 写入位置else curVal = Tween [tween](t,beginAttr [i],count + beginAttr,time); //调用Tween,返回当前属性值,此时计算方法为移动了 写入距离if(attr === “opacity”) [attr] = curVal; 否则 [attr] = curVal + “px” ; if(t <time><p>3, case analysis<strong></strong></p> <p>HTML<strong></strong></p>Because there are many nodes, and I want to make it as realistic and interesting as possible A little bit, it also adds random positions to the nodes. Therefore, the output of nodes is controlled by JS. On the HTML side, only a few parent element boxes are written, plus the corresponding ID names and class names, and the structure is relatively simple. <p></p> <p>CSS<strong></strong></p>The difficult part of the CSS part is the style of the meteor and drawing the clouds with circles, and then stacking the clouds to create a three-dimensional effect. <p></p>First let’s talk about the style of the meteor: <p></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">#sky .star { position:absolute; 不透明度:0 ; z-index:10000 ; } .star :: after { content:“” ; 显示:块; 边界:坚固; border-width:2px 0 2px 80px ; / *流星随长度逐渐缩小* / border-color:透明透明透明rgba(255,255,255,1); border-radius:2px 0 0 2px ; transform:rotate(-45deg); transform-origin:0 0 0 ; 盒子阴影:0 0 20px rgba(255,255,255,.3); }
After completing a cloud layer, copy one, and then use multiple cloud layers through rotate, opacity, left positioning, etc. to create a three-dimensional effect that fades and overlaps;
The JS part uses meteor as an examplesetInterval(function() { const obj = addChild(“#sky”,“p”,2,“star”); //插入流星 for(let i = 0 ; i <obj.children.length> { obj.parent.removeChild(obj.children [I]); //动画结束删除节点 } }) } }); } },1000);</obj.children.length>
The above is the detailed content of JS+CSS to realize meteor shower animation effect (code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!