An article to help you learn Python lists

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The content of this article is about an article to help you learn Python lists. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

A thousand miles begins with a single step. To develop a pair of eyes that can see everything, you must first learn the basic skills in a down-to-earth manner. Today, I will take you to review the Python list carefully. You can learn something new by reviewing the past, that’s why.

Of course, you should also think divergently while reviewing, because some seemingly insignificant and conventional language habits, such as why array indexes start from 0, may have a lot of history behind them. To know what is happening, you also need to know why it is happening. Meow meow meow~~~

Finally, on top of the basic knowledge, you should also explore advanced ones, such as learning generator expressions, so that you can have a more solid grasp. Basics, and can be integrated to achieve a more comprehensive cognitive upgrade.

What is the list in Python?

A list is an ordered collection that can add, find, and delete elements at any time.

List supports adding elements of different data types: numbers, strings, lists, tuples, etc.

The list can traverse all elements through ordered indexes. Counting from front to back, the index is [0, n-1]. Counting from back to front, the index is [-1, -n], where n is the length of the list.

The list can be an empty list without elements, or it can contain too many elements (if the memory size supports it).

list_a = []   # 空列表,即len(list_a) == 0
list_b = [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2], (33, 44)]
# list_b 长度为5,包含2个数字元素、1个字符串元素、1个列表元素和1个元组元素
len(list_b) == 5
list_b[0] == list_b[-5] == 2018
lits_b[3] == list_b[-2] == ['hi', 1, 2] 
lits_b[4] == list_b[-1] == (33, 44)
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How to operate lists in Python?

1) Create a list:

Wrap the elements in square brackets [], and separate the elements with commas.

Use the list() method to convert and generate a list.

List generation/list analysis/list comprehension, generate a list.

list_a = [1, 2, 3]
list_b = list("abc") # list_b == ['a', 'b', 'c']
list_c = list((4, 5, 6)) # list_c == [4, 5, 6]
list_d = [i for i in list_a]  # list_d == [1, 2, 3]
list_e = [i*j for i in list_a for j in list_c] # list_e == [4,5,6,10,12,12,15,18]
list_f = [i*j for i,j in zip(list_a,list_c)] # list_f == [4, 10, 18]
list_g = [i for i in list_a if i%2 == 0] # list_g == [2]

# 结合range()函数,range(start, stop[, step])
list_h = list(range(3)) # list_h == [0, 1, 2]
list_i = list(range(3,7)) # list_i == [3, 4, 5, 6]
list_j = list(range(3,9,2)) # list_j == [3, 5, 7]

# 找出100以内的能够被3整除的正整数
list_k = list(range(3,100,3)) # list_k == [3, 6, 9, ..., 96, 99]
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2) Expand the list:

Use the append() method to add a single new element to the end of the list.

Use the insert() method to add an element at a specified position in the list.

Use the " " operator to splice the two lists into a new list.

Use the extend() method to splice one list into another list.

# 以下分别添加2个元素
list_a = []
list_a.append('happy')  # list_a == ['happy']
list_a.insert(0, 'very') # list_a == ['very', 'happy']

# 以下两种扩充列表方式
list_1 = ['I', 'am']
list_2 = ['very', 'happy']
list_3 = list_1 + list_2  # 新列表 list_3 == ['I', 'am', 'very', 'happy']
list_1.extend(list_2)  # 原列表1扩充,list_1 == ['I', 'am', 'very', 'happy']
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3) Delete the list and destroy the list:

Use the del list[m] statement to delete the element at the specified index m.

Use the remove() method to delete the element with the specified value (the first matching item).

Use the pop() method to take out and delete a single element at the end of the list.

Use the pop(m) method to remove and delete the element with index value m.

Use the clear() method to clear the elements of the list. (The cup is still there, but the water is empty)

Use the del list statement to destroy the entire list. (Both cups and water are gone)

# 以下4种删除列表元素方式
list_1 = list_2 = list_3 = list_4 = ['I', 'am', 'very', 'happy']
del list_1[0]  # list_1 == ['am', 'very', 'happy']
list_2.remove('I') # list_2 == ['am', 'very', 'happy']
list_3.pop()  # list_3 == ['I', 'am', 'very']
list_4.pop(0)  # list_4 == ['am', 'very', 'happy']

# 清空与销毁
list_a = [1, 2, 3]
list_b = [1, 2, 3]
list_b.clear()   # list_b == []
del list_a  # 没有list_a了,再使用则会报错
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4) List slicing:

Basic meaning: Start from the i-th position, go to the right after Up to n elements, filter by m intervals

Basic format: [i : i n : m]; i is the starting index value of the slice, which can be omitted when it is the first of the list; i n is the end of the slice The position can be omitted when it is the last position in the list; m does not need to be provided. The default value is 1 and 0 is not allowed. When m is a negative number, the list is flipped. Note: These values ​​can be larger than the list length and will not be reported as out of bounds.

li = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16]

# 以下写法都可以表示整个列表,其中 X >= len(li)
li[0:X] == li[0:] == li[:X] == li[:] == li[::] == li[-X:X] == li[-X:]

li[1:5] == [4,5,6,7] # 从1起,取5-1位元素
li[1:5:2] == [4,6] # 从1起,取5-1位元素,按2间隔过滤
li[-1:] == [16] # 取倒数第一个元素
li[-4:-2] == [9, 11] # 从倒数第四起,取-2-(-4)=2位元素
li[:-2] == li[-len(li):-2] == [1,4,5,6,7,9,11] # 从头开始,取-2-(-len(li))=7位元素

# 注意列表先翻转,再截取
li[::-1] == [16,14,11,9,7,6,5,4,1] # 翻转整个列表
li[::-2] == [16,11,7,5,1] # 翻转整个列表,再按2间隔过滤
li[:-5:-1] == [16,14,11,9] # 翻转整个列表,取-5-(-len(li))=4位元素
li[:-5:-3] == [16,9] # 翻转整个列表,取-5-(-len(li))=4位元素,再按3间隔过滤

li[::0]  # 报错(ValueError: slice step cannot be zero)
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5) Other operations:

Use the len() method to count the number of all elements.

Use the count() method to count the number of elements with a specified value.

Use the max() method to count the maximum value in the element (the element types are required to be the same; numerical types are directly compared, and other types are compared to IDs)

Use the min() method to count the maximum value in the element Minimum value (the element types are required to be the same; numeric types are directly compared, other types are compared with IDs)

Use the index() method to find the index position of the element with the specified value (the first match).

Use the reverse() method to flip the elements in the list.

Use the copy() method to shallowly copy and generate a new list.

Use the deepcopy() method to deep copy and generate a new list.

Use the sort() method to sort based on the original list.

Use the sorted() method to sort the elements of the original list based on the new list.

list_1 = [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2], (33, 44)]
len(list_1) == 5
list_1.count(10) == 1 # 元素10的数量为1
list_1.index(10) == 1 # 元素10的索引为1
list_1.reverse() # list_1 == [(33, 44), ['hi', 1, 2], '2018-10-1', 10, 2018]

# 比较浅拷贝与深拷贝
import copy
list_a = [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2], (33, 44)]
list_b = ['hi', 1, 2]
list_c = list_a.copy() # list_c == [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2], (33, 44)]
list_d = copy.deepcopy(list_a) # list_d == [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2], (33, 44)]
# 改变原列表中的可变对象元素
list_a[3].append('new') # list_a == [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2, 'new'], (33, 44)]
# 浅拷贝中的可变对象会随原列表变化而变化
list_c == [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2, 'new'], (33, 44)]
# 深拷贝中的可变对象不会随原列表变化而变化
list_d == [2018, 10, '2018-10-1', ['hi', 1, 2], (33, 44)]
# 比较sort() 与 sorted()
list_1 = list_2 = [2,1,4,6,5,3]
list_1.sort() # 原列表变化:list_1 == [1,2,3,4,5,6]
list_3 = sorted(list_2) # 原列表不变:list_2 == [2,1,4,6,5,3]; list_3 == [1,2,3,4,5,6]
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Why does Python list index start from 0?

The authoritative explanation comes from the blog post of Guido van Rossum (the father of Python): "Why Python uses 0-based indexing"

Summary in one sentence: Indexing starts from 0, and slicing usage is very simple grace.

The translation essence is as follows:

One of the reasons why I decided to use 0-based indexing in Python is the slice notation.

Let’s take a look at how to use slices first. Perhaps the most common usage is to "take the first n elements" or "index from the i-th position and take the last n elements" (the former usage is actually a special usage of i==starting position). It would be very elegant if these two usages could be implemented without ugly 1 or -1 in the expression.

If you use 0-based indexing, half-open interval slicing and default matching intervals (Python finally adopts this method), the slicing syntax for the above two situations becomes very beautiful: a[:n ] and a[i:i n], the former is the abbreviation of a[0:n].



















# 计算斐波那契数列的生成器
def fibon(n):
a = b = 1
for i in range(n):
yield a  # 使用yield
a, b = b, a + b

# 计算前1000000个数,通过next()函数,按顺序每次生成一个数
g = fibon(1000000)
next(g)  # 1
next(g)  # 1
next(g)  # 2
next(g)  # 3
next(g)  # 5
# 以此类推,但若调用超过1000000次,就会报异常StopIteration
# 计算前1000000个数,通过for循环逐一打印生成数
for x in fibon(1000000):
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l = [x*2 for x in range(5)]  # 列表生成式,4以内整数的2倍数
g = (x*2 for x in range(5))  # 生成器表达式
type(l)   # 结果:<type &#39;list&#39;>
type(g)   # 结果:<type &#39;generator&#39;>

print(l)  # 结果:[0,2,4,6,8]
print(g)  # 结果:<generator object at 0x000002173F0EBC50>
next(g)   # 0
next(g)   # 2
next(g)   # 4
next(g)   # 6
next(g)   # 8
next(g)   # Traceback (most recent call last): ....StopIteration

for x in g:
print(x, end=' ')  # 结果:0 2 4 6 8
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The above is the detailed content of An article to help you learn Python lists. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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