This article brings you a detailed introduction to Java annotations (code examples). It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Annotations are like labels
Beginners can understand annotations this way: imagine that the code has life, and annotations are labels attached to some living individuals in the code. . To simplify, an annotation is like a label. Before learning any specific annotation syntax, you can think of an annotation as a label. This helps you quickly understand its general function. If a beginner has his brain empty during the learning process, please don’t panic and say to yourself: annotate, label. Annotation, label.
Annotation syntax
Because it is rare in normal development, I believe many people will think that the status of annotations is not high. In fact, like classes and interfaces, annotations also belong to a type. It is a concept introduced in Java SE 5.0 version. Definition of annotations
Annotations are defined through the @interface keyword.
public @interface TestAnnotation { }
Its form is very similar to the interface, but there is an @ symbol in front. The above code creates an annotation named TestAnnotaion.
You can simply understand that a label named TestAnnotation is created.
Application of annotation
An annotation is created above, so what is the method of using the annotation.
@TestAnnotation public class Test { }
Create a class Test, and then add @TestAnnotation where the class is defined to annotate the class with TestAnnotation. You can simply understand it as attaching the TestAnnotation label to the Test class. However, in order for annotations to work properly, a new concept needs to be introduced, which is meta-annotation.
What does meta-annotation mean?
Meta-annotations are annotations that can be annotated on annotations, or meta-annotations are a basic annotation, but they can be applied to other annotations.
If it is difficult to understand, you can understand it like this. Meta-annotation is also a tag, but it is a special tag. Its function and purpose is to explain other ordinary tags.
There are 5 types of meta tags: @Retention, @Documented, @Target, @Inherited, and @Repeatable.
Retention means retention period in English. When @Retention is applied to an annotation, it explains the lifetime of the annotation.
Its value is as follows:
RetentionPolicy.SOURCE annotation is only retained in the source code stage, and will be discarded and ignored when the compiler compiles.
RetentionPolicy.CLASS annotation is only retained until compilation is in progress, it will not be loaded into the JVM.
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME annotations can be retained until the program is running, and they will be loaded into the JVM, so they can be obtained when the program is running.
We can deepen our understanding in this way. When @Retention explains a label, it specifies the time when the label is posted. @Retention is equivalent to stamping a timestamp on a label, and the timestamp indicates the time period during which the label was posted.
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface TestAnnotation { }
In the above code, we specify that TestAnnotation can be obtained during the program running cycle, so its life cycle is very long.
As the name suggests, this meta-annotation must be related to the document. Its function is to include elements in annotations into Javadoc.
Target means target, and @Target specifies the place where the annotation is used.
You can understand it this way, when an annotation is annotated with @Target, the annotation is limited to the application scenario.
Analogy to tags, originally tags can be posted wherever you want, but because of the existence of @Target, the place where it is posted is very specific, for example, it can only be posted to methods, classes, and method parameters. Wait a minute.
@Target has the following values
ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE 可以给一个注解进行注解 ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR 可以给构造方法进行注解 ElementType.FIELD 可以给属性进行注解 ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE 可以给局部变量进行注解 ElementType.METHOD 可以给方法进行注解 ElementType.PACKAGE 可以给一个包进行注解 ElementType.PARAMETER 可以给一个方法内的参数进行注解 ElementType.TYPE 可以给一个类型进行注解,比如类、接口、枚举
Inherited means inheritance, but It does not mean that the annotation itself can be inherited, but that if a super class is annotated with an @Inherited annotation, then if its subclass is not applied by any annotation, then the subclass inherits the super class. annotation.
is rather abstract. code to explain.
@Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface Test {} @Test public class A {} public class B extends A {}
The annotation Test is modified by @Inherited, then class A is annotated with Test, class B inherits A, and class B also has the annotation Test.
Repeatable 自然是可重复的意思。@Repeatable 是 Java 1.8 才加进来的,所以算是一个新的特性。
@interface Persons { Person[] value(); } @Repeatable(Persons.class) @interface Person{ String role default ""; } @Person(role="artist") @Person(role="coder") @Person(role="PM") public class SuperMan{ }
注意上面的代码,@Repeatable 注解了 Person。而 @Repeatable 后面括号中的类相当于一个容器注解。
@interface Persons { Person[] value(); }
按照规定,它里面必须要有一个 value 的属性,属性类型是一个被 @Repeatable 注解过的注解数组,注意它是数组。
如果不好理解的话,可以这样理解。Persons 是一张总的标签,上面贴满了 Person 这种同类型但内容不一样的标签。把 Persons 给一个 SuperMan 贴上,相当于同时给他贴了程序员、产品经理、画家的标签。
我们可能对于 @Person(role=“PM”) 括号里面的内容感兴趣,它其实就是给 Person 这个注解的 role 属性赋值为 PM ,大家不明白正常,马上就讲到注解的属性这一块。
@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface TestAnnotation { int id(); String msg(); }
上面代码定义了 TestAnnotation 这个注解中拥有 id 和 msg 两个属性。在使用的时候,我们应该给它们进行赋值。
赋值的方式是在注解的括号内以 value="" 形式,多个属性之前用 ,隔开。
@TestAnnotation(id=3,msg="hello annotation") public class Test { }
需要注意的是,在注解中定义属性时它的类型必须是 8 种基本数据类型外加 类、接口、注解及它们的数组。
注解中属性可以有默认值,默认值需要用 default 关键值指定。比如:
@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface TestAnnotation { public int id() default -1; public String msg() default "Hi"; }
TestAnnotation 中 id 属性默认值为 -1,msg 属性默认值为 Hi。
@TestAnnotation() public class Test {}
因为有默认值,所以无需要再在 @TestAnnotation 后面的括号里面进行赋值了,这一步可以省略。
另外,还有一种情况。如果一个注解内仅仅只有一个名字为 value 的属性时,应用这个注解时可以直接接属性值填写到括号内。
public @interface Check { String value(); }
上面代码中,Check 这个注解只有 value 这个属性。所以可以这样应用。
@Check("hi") int a;
@Check(value="hi") int a;
public @interface Perform {}
@Perform public void testMethod(){}
Java 预置的注解
学习了上面相关的知识,我们已经可以自己定义一个注解了。其实 Java 语言本身已经提供了几个现成的注解。
public class Hero { @Deprecated public void say(){ System.out.println("Noting has to say!"); } public void speak(){ System.out.println("I have a dream!"); } }
定义了一个 Hero 类,它有两个方法 say() 和 speak() ,其中 say() 被 @Deprecated 注解。然后我们在 IDE 中分别调用它们。
可以看到,say() 方法上面被一条直线划了一条,这其实就是编译器识别后的提醒效果。
这个大家应该很熟悉了,提示子类要复写父类中被 @Override 修饰的方法
阻止警告的意思。之前说过调用被 @Deprecated 注解的方法后,编译器会警告提醒,而有时候开发者会忽略这种警告,他们可以在调用的地方通过 @SuppressWarnings 达到目的。
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test1(){ Hero hero = new Hero(); hero.say(); hero.speak(); }
参数安全类型注解。它的目的是提醒开发者不要用参数做一些不安全的操作,它的存在会阻止编译器产生 unchecked 这样的警告。它是在 Java 1.7 的版本中加入的。
@SafeVarargs // Not actually safe! static void m(List<String>... stringLists) { Object[] array = stringLists; List<Integer> tmpList = Arrays.asList(42); array[0] = tmpList; // Semantically invalid, but compiles without warnings String s = stringLists[0].get(0); // Oh no, ClassCastException at runtime! }
上面的代码中,编译阶段不会报错,但是运行时会抛出 ClassCastException 这个异常,所以它虽然告诉开发者要妥善处理,但是开发者自己还是搞砸了。
Java 官方文档说,未来的版本会授权编译器对这种不安全的操作产生错误警告。
函数式接口注解,这个是 Java 1.8 版本引入的新特性。函数式编程很火,所以 Java 8 也及时添加了这个特性。
函数式接口 (Functional Interface) 就是一个具有一个方法的普通接口。
@FunctionalInterface public interface Runnable { /** * When an object implementing interface <code>Runnable</code> is used * to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object's * <code>run</code> method to be called in that separately executing * thread. * <p> * The general contract of the method <code>run</code> is that it may * take any action whatsoever. * * @see java.lang.Thread#run() */ public abstract void run(); }
我们进行线程开发中常用的 Runnable 就是一个典型的函数式接口,上面源码可以看到它就被 @FunctionalInterface 注解。
可能有人会疑惑,函数式接口标记有什么用,这个原因是函数式接口可以很容易转换为 Lambda 表达式。这是另外的主题了,有兴趣的同学请自己搜索相关知识点学习。
我通过用标签来比作注解,前面的内容是讲怎么写注解,然后贴到哪个地方去,而现在我们要做的工作就是检阅这些标签内容。 形象的比喻就是你把这些注解标签在合适的时候撕下来,然后检阅上面的内容信息。
注解通过反射获取。首先可以通过 Class 对象的 isAnnotationPresent() 方法判断它是否应用了某个注解
public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class extends Annotation> annotationClass) {}
然后通过 getAnnotation() 方法来获取 Annotation 对象。
public A getAnnotation(Class annotationClass) {}
或者是 getAnnotations() 方法。
public Annotation[] getAnnotations() {}
如果获取到的 Annotation 如果不为 null,则就可以调用它们的属性方法了。比如
@TestAnnotation() public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean hasAnnotation = Test.class.isAnnotationPresent(TestAnnotation.class); if ( hasAnnotation ) { TestAnnotation testAnnotation = Test.class.getAnnotation(TestAnnotation.class); System.out.println("id:"; System.out.println("msg:"+testAnnotation.msg()); } } } 程序的运行结果是: id:-1 msg:
这个正是 TestAnnotation 中 id 和 msg 的默认值。
@TestAnnotation(msg="hello") public class Test { @Check(value="hi") int a; @Perform public void testMethod(){} @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test1(){ Hero hero = new Hero(); hero.say(); hero.speak(); } public static void main(String[] args) { boolean hasAnnotation = Test.class.isAnnotationPresent(TestAnnotation.class); if ( hasAnnotation ) { TestAnnotation testAnnotation = Test.class.getAnnotation(TestAnnotation.class); //获取类的注解 System.out.println("id:"; System.out.println("msg:"+testAnnotation.msg()); } try { Field a = Test.class.getDeclaredField("a"); a.setAccessible(true); //获取一个成员变量上的注解 Check check = a.getAnnotation(Check.class); if ( check != null ) { System.out.println("check value:"+check.value()); } Method testMethod = Test.class.getDeclaredMethod("testMethod"); if ( testMethod != null ) { // 获取方法中的注解 Annotation[] ans = testMethod.getAnnotations(); for( int i = 0;i < ans.length;i++) { System.out.println("method testMethod annotation:"+ans[i].annotationType().getSimpleName()); } } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } } 它们的结果如下 id:-1 msg:hello check value:hi method testMethod annotation:Perform
需要注意的是,如果一个注解要在运行时被成功提取,那么 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) 是必须的。
我们不妨将目光放到 Java 官方文档上来。
提供信息给编译器: 编译器可以利用注解来探测错误和警告信息
编译阶段时的处理: 软件工具可以用来利用注解信息来生成代码、Html文档或者做其它相应处理。
运行时的处理: 某些注解可以在程序运行的时候接受代码的提取
还是回到官方文档的解释上,注解主要针对的是编译器和其它工具软件(SoftWare tool)。
当开发者使用了Annotation 修饰了类、方法、Field 等成员之后,这些 Annotation 不会自己生效,必须由开发者提供相应的代码来提取并处理 Annotation 信息。这些处理提取和处理 Annotation 的代码统称为 APT(Annotation Processing Tool)。
现在,我们可以给自己答案了,注解有什么用?给谁用?给 编译器或者 APT 用的。
—— 程序员 A : 我写了一个类,它的名字叫做 NoBug,因为它所有的方法都没有错误。
—— 我:自信是好事,不过为了防止意外,让我测试一下如何?
—— 程序员 A: 怎么测试?
—— 我:把你写的代码的方法都加上 @Jiecha 这个注解就好了。
—— 程序员 A: 好的。 package ceshi; import ceshi.Jiecha; public class NoBug { @Jiecha public void suanShu(){ System.out.println("1234567890"); } @Jiecha public void jiafa(){ System.out.println("1+1="+1+1); } @Jiecha public void jiefa(){ System.out.println("1-1="+(1-1)); } @Jiecha public void chengfa(){ System.out.println("3 x 5="+ 3*5); } @Jiecha public void chufa(){ System.out.println("6 / 0="+ 6 / 0); } public void ziwojieshao(){ System.out.println("我写的程序没有 bug!"); } }
上面的代码,有些方法上面运用了 @Jiecha 注解。
package ceshi; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface Jiecha { }
然后,我再编写一个测试类 TestTool 就可以测试 NoBug 相应的方法了。
package ceshi; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class TestTool { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub NoBug testobj = new NoBug(); Class clazz = testobj.getClass(); Method[] method = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); //用来记录测试产生的 log 信息 StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); // 记录异常的次数 int errornum = 0; for ( Method m: method ) { // 只有被 @Jiecha 标注过的方法才进行测试 if ( m.isAnnotationPresent( Jiecha.class )) { try { m.setAccessible(true); m.invoke(testobj, null); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); errornum++; log.append(m.getName()); log.append(" "); log.append("has error:"); log.append("\n\r caused by "); //记录测试过程中,发生的异常的名称 log.append(e.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName()); log.append("\n\r"); //记录测试过程中,发生的异常的具体信息 log.append(e.getCause().getMessage()); log.append("\n\r"); } } } log.append(clazz.getSimpleName()); log.append(" has "); log.append(errornum); log.append(" error."); // 生成测试报告 System.out.println(log.toString()); } } 测试的结果是: 1+1=11 1-1=0 x 5=15" has " log.append(" error." }
chufa has error:
caused by ArithmeticException
/ by zero
NoBug has 1 error.
提示 NoBug 类中的 chufa() 这个方法有异常,这个异常名称叫做 ArithmeticException,原因是运算过程中进行了除 0 的操作
所以,NoBug 这个类有 Bug。
注解的基本语法,创建如同接口,但是多了个 @ 符号。
注解的提取需要借助于 Java 的反射技术,反射比较慢,所以注解使用时也需要谨慎计较时间成本。
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