This article will introduce the basic usage of redis.
1. Redis basic part:
redis applicable occasions
1. The operation of getting the latest N data
2. Ranking application, taking the TOP N operation
3. The expiration time needs to be set accurately Application
4. Counter application
5.Uniq operation, obtain all data deduplication values for a certain period of time
6.Real-time system, anti-spam system
7.Pub/Sub to build a real-time messaging system
8.Build a queue system
SET operation 110,000 times per second, GET operations are 81,000 times per second, and the server configuration is as follows:
Linux 2.6, Xeon X3320 2.5Ghz.
The stackoverflow website uses Redis as a cache server.
The data will also be written to the hard disk. So the data is safe (except for sudden power outages, restarting the service will be written to the dump.rdb file)
1) Installation:
tar zxvf redis-2.6.9.tar.gz cd redis-2.6.9 make cd src && make install
2) Move the configuration file location (for ease of management)
cd /usr/local/ mkdir -p /usr/local/redis/bin mkdir -p /usr/local/redis/etc mv /lamp/redis-2.6.9/redis.conf /usr/local/redis/etc cd /lamp/redis-2.6.9/src mv redis-benchmark redis-check-aof redis-check-dump redis-cli redis-server /usr/local/redis/bin
3) Modify the configuration file
vi /usr/local/redis/etc/redis.conf
Change no in daemonize no to yes [yes refers to running in the background]
4) Start/random start:
cd /usr/local/redis/bin ./redis-server /usr/local/redis/etc/redis.conf#启动redis并指定配置文件。 #vi /etc/rc.local #设置随机启动。 /usr/local/redis/bin/redis-server /usr/local/redis/etc/redis.conf
5) Check whether the startup is successful
ps -ef | grep redis netstat -tunpl | grep 6379#查看端口是否占用。
6) Enter client/exit
cd /usr/local/redis/bin ./redis-cli#进入 quit#退出
7) Close redis
pkill redis-server#关闭 ./redis-cli shutdown#关闭
Redis Security
The security of Redis???(by the following 4 methods)
1. Use ACL controller security.
2. Add the following line of configuration to the redis.conf configuration file to bind redis to a single interface (but it does not only accept data from this network card).
3. Add a longer password to redis (no need to remember)
4. In redis The .conf configuration enables the authentication function.
5.SSL proxy
6.Disable the specified command.
Redis configuration
daemonize If you need to run in the background, change this item to yes
pidfile Configure multiple pid addresses by default in /var/run/
bind binding ip, after setting, only accept requests from this ip
port listening port, the default is 6379
timeout Set the timeout when the client connects, in seconds
loglevel It is divided into 4 levels, debug, verbose, notice, warning
logfile Configure log file address
databases Set the number of databases, the default database is 0
save Set redis Frequency of database mirroring
rdbcompression Whether to perform compression when performing mirror backup
Dbfilename File name of the mirror backup file
Dir Database File placement path for mirror backup
Slaveof Set the database as the slave database of other databases
Masterauth Password verification required for master database connection
Requirepass Set the password required for login
Maxclients Limit the number of clients connected at the same time
Maxmemory Set the maximum memory that redis can use
Appendonly Turn on the append only mode
You can understand the following:
Appendfsync Set the frequency of synchronization of the appendonly.aof file
vm-enabled Whether to enable virtual memory support
vm-swap-file Set the swap file path of virtual memory
vm-max-memory Set the path used by redis Maximum physical memory size
vm-page-size Set the page size of virtual memory
vm-pages Set the total page number of the swap file
vm-max -threads Set the number of threads used by VM IO at the same time
Glueoutputbuf Store small output buffers together
hash-max-zipmap-entries Set the critical value of hash
Activerehashing Rehash
5 data types: string, hash, linked list, set, ordered set.
Supports: push/pop, add/remove, intersection, union, difference, and sorting.
At the same time, the data will also be written to the hard disk. Therefore, the data is safe (except for sudden power outages, restarting the service will be written to the dump.rdb file)
select num#Select the library, the default is 0 library, a total of 16 libraries
auth liweijie#The password required for authorized users (the password is the password configured in redis.conf)
flushdb#Clear the database.
String (string) type:
set name lijie#Set the value of key name to lijie
get name#Get the value of name.
keys *#Query all keys.
setnx name liweijie#If the key already exists, it returns 0 and does not update to prevent overwriting.
setex haircolor 10 red #The validity period of the set key value is 10 seconds.
setrange email 6 the value of the replacement key to starting from the 6th character
mset name1 Li Dawei name2 Li Xiaowei#Set the values of multiple keys.
msetnxname1 Zhang San name3 Li Si# Determine whether the key exists. If it does not exist, set it. Otherwise, it will not set and return 0
mget name1 name2 name3#Get the values of multiple keys at one time.
getset name1 Tom#Reset the value of the key and return the old key value.
getrange email 6 18#Intercept the value of the email key, from the characters between 6th and 18th.
incr uid#increments by 1 each time (if the uid in the key does not exist, set it and start from 0, the same below)
incrby uid 5#increases by 5 each time
incrby uid -5#Decrease by 5 each time
decr uid #Decrease by 1 each time
decrby uid 5#Decrease by 5 each time
appendname1 @ the value of name1, add the string
strlenname1#Return the length of the value of key name1.
Hashes (Hash) type:
hset user:001 name liweijie#Hash sets the name key value of user user:001 to liweijie
hset user :001 age 21#Similarly, add an age key value of 21
hsetnx user:001 age 22#Same as above, but check whether the key exists. Create if it does not exist.
hmset user:002 name liweijie2 age 26 sex 1#Set the values of multiple keys at the same time.
hget user:001 name#Hash gets the value of the name key of user user:001.
hget user:001 age #Same as above.
hmget user:001 name age sex#Get the values of multiple specified keys.
hgetall user:001#Get the values of all keys.
hincrbyuser:001 age -8#Add the given value to the specified key.
hexists user:001 sex#Check whether the specified key value exists.
hlen user:001#Returns the number of keys/fields of the specified hash.
hdel user:001 sex#Delete the specified field or key value of the specified (user:001) hash.
hkeys user:003#Return all fields or key values in the hash.
Lists (linked list) type and operation (stack or queue):
lpush mylist "world"#Insert string from the head
lpush mylist "hello "#ibid
lrange mylist 0 -1#Get from 0 to the last one such as [1) "hello" 2) "world"]
rpush mylist "jiejie "#Insert at the end
linsert mylist before "hello" "this is linsert" #Specify the insertion position (insert before hello).
lset mylist 0 "what"#Set and modify the value of the specified subscript.
lrem mylist 1 "hello"#Delete (1) element with the value hello. (n<0 is deleted from the tail, n=0 is deleted entirely)
ltrim mylist 1 2 #Retain the elements with subscript 1/2 in the table.
lpop mylist# Pop the beginning element and return.
rpop mylist# Pop the tail element and return.
rpoplpush mylist mylist2 #Pop from the end of mylist and insert it into the head of mylist2.
lindex mylist 0#Get the element value with table index 0.
llen mylist#Returns the number of table elements (equivalent to count($arr )).
sets (set) type and operation (friend recommendation, blog, tag function):
smembers myset#View all element values in the myset set.
sadd myset "hello"#Add a value hello to the mysets collection
srem myset "hello"#Delete the element named hello in the myset collection.
spop myset #Randomly pop up and return an element in mysets.
sdiff myset2 myset3#Returns the difference between myset2 and myset3 (subject to myset2).
sdiffstore myset4 myset2 myset3#Return the difference between myset2 and myset3, and store it in myset4.
sinter myset2 myset3#Returns the intersection of myset2 and myset3.
sinterstore myset5 myset2 myset3#Return the intersection of myset2 and myset3 and store it in myset5.
sunion myset2 myset3#Find the union (remove duplication)
sunionstore myset6 myset2 myset3#Find the union and store it in myset6.
smove myset2 myset3 "three"#Move three in myset2 to myset3.
scard myset2#Returns the number of elements.
sismember myset2 "one"#Determine whether element one is in the myset2 set (equivalent to is_array()).
srandmember myset2# Randomly returns an element in the myset2 collection, but does not delete it (equivalent to array_rand()).
sorted sets (ordered set) type and operation (sorted by scores):
zadd myzset 1 "one"#Add element one to sequence 1
zadd myzset 2 "two"# Same as above.
zadd myzset 3 "two"#Equivalent to the value with an update order of 2
zrange myzset 0 -1 withscores#View all elements with sorting (default ascending order).
zrem myzset "two"#Delete two
zincrby myzset 2 "two"#Add 2 to the sequence value of two
zrank myzset "two"#Return to the set The index subscript value of the element.
zrevrank myzset two#Reverse the element and return the new subscript value.
zrevrange myzset 0 -1 withscores#Reverse in order (equivalent to descending order)
zrangebyscore myzset 1 10 withscores#Return elements in order 1-10 (can be paginated).
zcount myzset 1 10 #Return the number of elements in the order between 1-10.
zcard myzset#Returns the number of all elements in the set.
zremrangebyrank myzset 1 2#Delete elements with subscripts 1 to 2 in the set.
zremrangebyscore myzset 1 10#Delete elements from 1 to 10 in the set.
Common Redis commands
Key/value related commands.
keys * #Query all
keys user*#Query the specified
exists user:001# to determine whether it exists.
del name#Delete the specified key.
expire addr 10#设置过期时间
ttl addr#查询过期时间
select 0 #选择数据库
move age 1#将age移到1数据库。
get age #获取
persist age#移除age的过期时间。
rename name1 name2#重命名键
type myset#返回键的类型。
ping #测试redis连接是否存活。
echo lamp#输出一个lamp
select 10#选择数据库。
config get */loglevel #返回所有/指定的配置信息。
# requirepass foobared
requirepass beijing
方式一:Auth beijing
方式二:./redis-cli -a beijing
slaveof 6379 #指定master 的ip 和端口
masterauth beijing#这是master主机的密码
方式一、备份数据到磁盘(快照)[ snapshotting(快照)也是默认方式]
记录操作命令[ Append-only file(缩写aof)的方式]
备份数据到磁盘(快照)[ snapshotting(快照)也是默认方式]
save 900 1 #900秒内如果超过1个key被修改,则发起快照保存 save 300 10 #300秒内容如超过10个key被修改,则发起快照保存 save 60 10000
方式二、记录操作命令[ Append-only file(缩写aof)的方式](较安全持久化)
appendonly yes #启用aof 持久化方式 # appendfsync always //收到写命令就立即写入磁盘,最慢,但是保证完全的持久化 appendfsync everysec //每秒钟写入磁盘一次,在性能和持久化方面做了很好的折中
The above is the detailed content of How to use redis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!