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Learn javascript prototype and prototype chain with me_javascript skills

Release: 2016-05-16 15:31:41
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Students who have used JavaScript must be familiar with prototype, but beginners are confused about what it is. They only know that functions have a prototype attribute, and functions can be added for instance access. Others are not clear. Well, I recently looked at some advanced JavaScript programming and finally unveiled its mystery.

Each function has a prototype attribute, which is a reference to an object. This object is called a prototype object. The prototype object contains methods and properties shared by function instances, which means that the function is used as a constructor call ( When called using the new operator), the newly created object will inherit properties and methods from the prototype object. Unlike traditional object-oriented languages, Javascript's inheritance mechanism is based on prototypes rather than Class classes.

1. Private variables and functions
Before talking about prototype in detail, let’s talk about a few related things so that we can better understand the design intention of prototype. Before understanding the JavaScript prototype chain, it is necessary to first understand the JavaScript scope chain. In the function scope of JavaScript, if the variables and functions defined within the function do not provide an interface to the outside world, they will not be accessible from the outside, that is, they will become private variables and private functions.

function Obj(){
 var a=0; //私有变量
 var fn=function(){ //私有函数


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In this way, the variable a and function fn cannot be accessed outside the function object Obj. They become private and can only be used inside Obj. Even instances of function Obj still cannot access these variables and functions

var o=new Obj();
console.log(o.a); //undefined
console.log(o.fn); //undefined
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2. Static variables and functions

When a function is defined and the attributes and functions added by "." are still accessible through the object itself, but its instances cannot be accessed, such variables and functions are called static variables and static functions respectively. , students who have used Java and C# can easily understand the meaning of static.

function Obj(){}
 Obj.a=0; //静态变量
 Obj.fn=function(){ //静态函数 

console.log(Obj.a); //0
console.log(typeof Obj.fn); //function

var o=new Obj();
console.log(o.a); //undefined
console.log(typeof o.fn); //undefined

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3. Instance variables, functions

In object-oriented programming, in addition to some library functions, we still hope to define some properties and methods when the object is defined, which can be accessed after instantiation. JavaScript can also do this

function Obj(){
 this.a=[]; //实例变量
 this.fn=function(){ //实例方法 

console.log(typeof Obj.a); //undefined
console.log(typeof Obj.fn); //undefined

var o=new Obj();
console.log(typeof o.a); //object
console.log(typeof o.fn); //function

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This can achieve the above purpose, however

function Obj(){
 this.a=[]; //实例变量
 this.fn=function(){ //实例方法


var o1=new Obj();
console.log(o1.a); //[1]
console.log(typeof o1.fn); //object
var o2=new Obj();
console.log(o2.a); //[]
console.log(typeof o2.fn); //function

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The running result of the above code is completely in line with expectations, but it also illustrates a problem. a and fn are modified in o1, but there is no change in o2. Since arrays and functions are both objects and reference types, this means Although the properties and methods in o1 have the same name as those in o2, they are not a reference, but a copy of the properties and methods defined by the Obj object.

This is not a problem for attributes, but it is a big problem for methods, because the methods are doing exactly the same function, but they are copied twice. If a function object has thousands and instances method, then each instance of it must maintain a copy of thousands of methods, which is obviously unscientific. What can we do? Prototype came into being. Let’s first look at the meaning of the object:

4. Ordinary objects and function objects

In JavaScript, everything is an object! But the objects are also different. Divided into ordinary objects and function objects, Object and Function are the function objects that come with JS. Here are some examples

function f1(){};
 var f2 = function(){};
 var f3 = new Function('str','console.log(str)');

 var o3 = new f1();
 var o1 = {};
 var o2 =new Object();

 console.log(typeof Object); //function
 console.log(typeof Function); //function
 console.log(typeof o1); //object
 console.log(typeof o2); //object
 console.log(typeof o3); //object
 console.log(typeof f1); //function
 console.log(typeof f2); //function
 console.log(typeof f3); //function 

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In the above example, o1 o2 o3 are ordinary objects, and f1 f2 f3 are function objects. How to distinguish is actually very simple. All objects created through new Function() are function objects, and others are ordinary objects. f1, f2 are ultimately created through new Function(). Function Objects are also created through New Function().

5. prototype prototype

In JavaScript, whenever an object (function) is defined, the object will contain some predefined properties. One of the properties of the function object is the prototype object. Note: Ordinary objects do not have prototype, but have _ proto _ attribute.

Prototype objects are actually ordinary objects (except Function.prototype, which is a function object, but it is very special. It has no prototype attribute (as mentioned earlier, function objects all have prototype attributes)). Look at the example below:

 function f1(){};
 console.log(f1.prototype) //f1{}
 console.log(typeof f1.prototype) //Object
 console.log(typeof Function.prototype) // Function,这个特殊
 console.log(typeof Object.prototype) // Object
 console.log(typeof Function.prototype.prototype) //undefined
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From the output of this console.log(f1.prototype) //f1 {}, we can see that f1.prototype is an instance object of f1 (here is the prototype object of f1). When f1 is created, an instance object is created and assigned to its prototype. The basic process is as follows:

 var temp = new f1();
 f1. prototype = temp;
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So, it is easy to understand why Function.prototype is a function object. As mentioned above, all objects generated by new Function () are function objects, so temp1 is a function object.

var temp1 = new Function ();
 Function.prototype = temp1;

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What is the prototype object used for? Mainly used for inheritance. Give an example:

var person = function(name){
 this.name = name
person.prototype.getName = function(){
 return this.name; // 这里this指向原型对象person ==>person.name
var xpg = new person(‘xiaopingguo');
xpg.getName(); //xiaopingguo
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function Person(){


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当调用构造函数创建一个实例的时候,实例内部将包含一个内部指针(很多浏览器这个指针名字为_ proto _ )指向构造函数的prototype,这个连接存在于实例和构造函数的prototype之间,而不是实例与构造函数之间。

function Person(name){


var person1=new Person('Byron');
var person2=new Person('Frank');

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Person的实例person1中包含了name属性,同时自动生成一个_ proto _属性,该属性指向Person的prototype,可以访问到prototype内定义的printName方法,大概就是这个样子的:


function Person(name){



var person1=new Person('Byron');
var person2=new Person('Frank');

console.log(person2.share); //[1,2]
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function Person(name){


var person=new Person('Byron');

console.log(person.share); //0;而不是prototype中的[]

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JS在创建对象(不论是普通对象还是函数对象)的时候,都有一个叫做_ proto _的内置属性,用于指向创建它的函数对象的原型对象prototype。以上面的例子

复制代码 代码如下:
console.log(xpg.__ proto __ === person.prototype) //true

同样,person.prototype对象也有_ proto _属性,它指向创建它的函数对象(Object)的prototype

复制代码 代码如下:
console.log(person.prototype.__ proto __=== Object.prototype) //true

继续,Object.prototype对象也有_ proto _属性,但它比较特殊,为null

复制代码 代码如下:
console.log(Object.prototype.__ proto __) //null

这个有_ proto _ 串起来的直到Object.prototype._ proto _为null的链叫做原型链。如下图:

当查找一个对象的属性时,JavaScript 会向上遍历原型链,直到找到给定名称的属性为止,到查找到达原型链的顶部 - 也就是 Object.prototype - 但是仍然没有找到指定的属性,就会返回 undefined,我们来看一个例子:

 function foo() {
 this.add = function (x, y) {
 return x + y;

foo.prototype.add = function (x, y) {
 return x + y + 10;

Object.prototype.subtract = function (x, y) {
 return x - y;

var f = new foo();
alert(f.add(1, 2)); //结果是3,而不是13
alert(f.subtract(1, 2)); //结果是-1

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通过代码运行,我们发现subtract是安装我们所说的向上查找来得到结果的,但是add方式有点小不同,这也是我想强调的,就是属性在查找的时候是先查找自身的属性,如果没有再查找原型,再没有,再往上走,一直插到Object的原型上,所以在某种层面上说,用 for in语句遍历属性的时候,效率也是个问题。


function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype = 1; // 无效
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原型对象内部也有一个指针(constructor属性)指向构造函数:Person.prototype.constructor = Person;




<script type="text/javascript">
 function Animal(name) //积累构造函数
 this.name = name;//设置对象属性

 Animal.prototype.behavior = function() //给基类构造函数的prototype添加behavior方法
 alert("this is a "+this.name);

 var Dog = new Animal("dog");//创建Dog对象
 var Cat = new Animal("cat");//创建Cat对象

 Cat.behavior();//output "this is a cat"

 alert(Dog.behavior==Cat.behavior);//output true;

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 var Calculator = function (decimalDigits, tax) {
 this.decimalDigits = decimalDigits;
 this.tax = tax;
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 Calculator.prototype = {
  add: function (x, y) {
  return x + y;

  subtract: function (x, y) {
  return x - y;
 //alert((new Calculator()).add(1, 3));

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我们就可以new Calculator对象以后,就可以调用add方法来计算结果了。


复制代码 代码如下:
Calculator.prototype = function () { } ();


Calculator.prototype = function () {
 add = function (x, y) {
  return x + y;

 subtract = function (x, y) {
  return x - y;
 return {
  add: add,
  subtract: subtract
} ();

//alert((new Calculator()).add(11, 3));

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同样的方式,我们可以new Calculator对象以后调用add方法来计算结果了。


var BaseCalculator = function () {
 this.decimalDigits = 2;

BaseCalculator.prototype.add = function (x, y) {
 return x + y;

BaseCalculator.prototype.subtract = function (x, y) {
 return x - y;

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var BaseCalculator = function() {
 this.decimalDigits = 2;

BaseCalculator.prototype = {
 add: function(x, y) {
 return x + y;
 subtract: function(x, y) {
 return x - y;

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//覆盖前面Calculator的add() function 
Calculator.prototype.add = function (x, y) {
 return x + y + this.tax;

var calc = new Calculator();
alert(calc.add(1, 1));

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hasOwnProperty是Object.prototype的一个方法,它可是个好东西,他能判断一个对象是否包含自定义属性而不是原型链上的属性,因为hasOwnProperty 是 JavaScript 中唯一一个处理属性但是不查找原型链的函数。

// 修改Object.prototype
Object.prototype.bar = 1; 
var foo = {goo: undefined};

foo.bar; // 1
'bar' in foo; // true

foo.hasOwnProperty('bar'); // false
foo.hasOwnProperty('goo'); // true

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只有 hasOwnProperty 可以给出正确和期望的结果,这在遍历对象的属性时会很有用。 没有其它方法可以用来排除原型链上的属性,而不是定义在对象自身上的属性。

但有个恶心的地方是:JavaScript 不会保护 hasOwnProperty 被非法占用,因此如果一个对象碰巧存在这个属性,就需要使用外部的 hasOwnProperty 函数来获取正确的结果。

var foo = {
 hasOwnProperty: function() {
 return false;
 bar: 'Here be dragons'

foo.hasOwnProperty('bar'); // 总是返回 false

// 使用{}对象的 hasOwnProperty,并将其上下为设置为foo
{}.hasOwnProperty.call(foo, 'bar'); // true

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当检查对象上某个属性是否存在时,hasOwnProperty 是唯一可用的方法。同时在使用 for in loop 遍历对象时,推荐总是使用 hasOwnProperty 方法,这将会避免原型对象扩展带来的干扰,我们来看一下例子:

// 修改 Object.prototype
Object.prototype.bar = 1;

var foo = {moo: 2};
for(var i in foo) {
 console.log(i); // 输出两个属性:bar 和 moo

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我们没办法改变for in语句的行为,所以想过滤结果就只能使用hasOwnProperty 方法,代码如下:

// foo 变量是上例中的
for(var i in foo) {
 if (foo.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
 console.log(i); //moo
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这个版本的代码是唯一正确的写法。由于我们使用了 hasOwnProperty,所以这次只输出 moo。如果不使用 hasOwnProperty,则这段代码在原生对象原型(比如 Object.prototype)被扩展时可能会出错。

总结:推荐使用 hasOwnProperty,不要对代码运行的环境做任何假设,不要假设原生对象是否已经被扩展了


_ ptoto _属性

_ ptoto _属性(IE浏览器不支持)是实例指向原型对象的一个指针,它的作用就是指向构造函数的原型属性constructor,通过这两个属性,就可以访问原型里的属性和方法了。

Javascript中的对象实例本质上是由一系列的属性组成的,在这些属性中,有一个内部的不可见的特殊属性——_ proto _,该属性的值指向该对象实例的原型,一个对象实例只拥有一个唯一的原型。

function Box(){ //大写,代表构造函数
 Box.prototype.name = "trigkit4";//原型属性
 Box.prototype.age = "21";
 Box.prototype.run = function()//原型方法
 return this.name + this.age + 'studying';

var box1 = new Box();
var box2 = new Box();

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_ proto _属性和prototype属性的区别

_ proto _ 是普通对象的隐式属性,在new的时候,会指向prototype所指的对象;
_ ptoto _ 实际上是某个实体对象的属性,而prototype则是属于构造函数的属性。_ ptoto _只能在学习或调试的环境下使用。




function Box(){ //大写,代表构造函数
 Box.prototype.name = "trigkit4";//原型属性
 Box.prototype.age = "21";
 Box.prototype.run = function()//原型方法
 return this.name + this.age + 'studying';

var box1 = new Box();
box1.name = "Lee";

var box2 = new Box();

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function Box(){   
 this.name = "Bill";

Box.prototype.name = "trigkit4";//原型属性
Box.prototype.age = "21";
Box.prototype.run = function()//原型方法
 return this.name + this.age + 'studying';

var box1 = new Box();
box1.name = "Lee";

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function Person(){};

Person.prototype.name = "trigkit4";
Person.prototype.say = function(){

var p1 = new Person();//prototype是p1和p2的原型对象
var p2 = new Person();//p2为实例化对象,其内部有一个__proto__属性,指向Person的prototype


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  • 构造函数.prototype = 原型对象
  • 原型对象.constructor = 构造函数(模板)

- 原型对象.isPrototypeof(实例对象) 判断实例对象的原型是不是当前对象。


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