1. flask
flask is a lightweight framework written in python, which can be used to implement a website Or web service. This article uses flask to develop an interface.
flask needs to be installed first and then referenced. pip install flask
The process of developing an interface with flask is:
1. Define a server
server=flask.Flask(__name__) #__name__代表当前的python文件。把当前的python文件当做一个服务启动
2. Then define the interface function. The difference between general functions and interface functions is , above the functions defined as interfaces, add:
@server.route('/index',methods=['get','post']) #第一个参数就是路径,第二个参数支持的请求方式,不写的话默认是get @server.route('/index',methods=['get','post'])#第一个参数就是路径,第二个参数支持的请求方式,不写的话默认是get def index(): res={'msg':'这是我开发的第一个借口','msg_code':0} return json.dumps(res,ensure_ascii=False)
3. Let the server execute
server.run(port=7777,debug=True,host='') #port可自定义填写。不要与机器上已占用的port冲突。 #debug=True,在代码进行修改后,程序会自动重新加载,不用再次运行。也就是运行一次即可,即使改动代码,也不需要重启服务 #host本地ip地址,写0.0.0.0,可以让其他人直接访问本机的ip。 #最终这个接口的访问地址就是 ,get方法或者post方法都可。返回数据是json格式res内容
import flask,json server=flask.Flask(__name__)#__name__代表当前的python文件。把当前的python文件当做一个服务启动 @server.route('/index',methods=['get','post'])#第一个参数就是路径,第二个参数支持的请求方式,不写的话默认是get def index(): res={'msg':'这是我开发的第一个借口','msg_code':0} return json.dumps(res,ensure_ascii=False) server.run(port=7777,debug=True,host='')
During interface access, you often need to enter parameters . Then if you want to accept the incoming parameters, you can use the following method:
import flask,json server=flask.Flask(__name__)#__name__代表当前的python文件。把当前的python文件当做一个服务启动 @server.route('/reg',methods=['post'])#只有在函数前加上@server.route (),这个函数才是个接口,不是一般的函数 def reg(): username=flask.request.values.get('username') passwd=flask.request.values.get('passwd') if username and passwd: sql='select * from my_user where username="%s";'%username print(sql) if my_db(sql): res={'msg':'用户已存在','msg_code':2001} else: insert_sql='insert into my_user (username,passwd,is_admin) values ("%s","%s",0);'%(username,passwd) my_db(insert_sql) res={'msg':'注册成功','msg_code':0} else: res={'msg':'必填字段未填,请查看接口文档','msg_code':1001} #1001表示必填接口未填 return json.dumps(res,ensure_ascii=False) server.run(port=7777,debug=True,host='') #端口不写默认是5000.debug=True表示改了代码后不用重启,会自动帮你重启.host写0.0.0.0,别人就可以通过ip访问接口。否则就是127.0.0.1
2. Cookie operation processing
Assume that you are doing When logging in to the interface, if you want to add cookies to the local, you need to do the following operations on the json string returned by the interface:
res = flask.make_response(json_res) #json_res是接口返回数据。然后对json_res在做操作,构造成返回结果的对象 res.set_cookie(key,session_id,3600) #最后的数字是cookie的失效时间。这样设置以后,在执行登录接口成功登录,则会同时在本地加入cookie。其中key和session_id的值根据实际情况定义
@server.route('/login',methods=['get']) def login(): username = flask.request.values.get('username') pwd = flask.request.values.get('pwd') if username == 'zy' and pwd=='123456': session_id = tools.my_md5(username+time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) key = 'txz_session:%s'%username tools.op_redis(key,session_id,600) res = {'session_id':session_id,'error_code':0,'msg':'登录成功', 'login_time':time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') } #给用户返回的信息 json_res = json.dumps(res,ensure_ascii=False)#返回结果弄成json res = flask.make_response(json_res) #构造成返回结果的对象 res.set_cookie(key,session_id,3600) #最后的数字是cookie的失效时间。 return res
The above operations can successfully save the cookie to the local. When you need to use cookies in the interface in the future, you only need to obtain:
cookies = flask.request.cookies #All cookies are a dictionary. Then the corresponding cookie can be obtained through the dictionary and the operation can be performed.
Example: For example, when doing some operations, you must be logged in. At this time, you can directly compare the content in the cookie when you log in locally with the content in the server. If there is a consistent , indicating that you have successfully logged in
@server.route('/posts') def posts(): cookies = flask.request.cookies #所有的cokies username = '' # session = ''#定义这两个变量是为了,在没有传cookie的时候用的。 for key,value in cookies.items(): if key.startswith('txz_session'): #判断cookie以txz_session开头的话,取到它 username = key session = value #调用接口的时候用户传过的seesion,从cookie里面取过来的 redis_session = tools.op_redis(username) #从redis里面获取到的的cookie if redis_session == session: #判断传过来的seeion和redis里面的session一样 title = f
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