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PHP: Things related to the development of WeChat payment service providers

Release: 2023-04-06 22:56:01
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PHP: Things related to the development of WeChat payment service providers

Project background

It is not a big project. We use WeChat service provider to manage multiple sub-merchant, and use the service provider’s interface to replace the sub-merchant. Only after placing an order can the service provider's background receive a callback.

The usage scenario is web scan code payment


The domain name should belong to the service provider Set the "webpage authorized domain name" in the official account (I wonder if this operation is required?)

Set the callback address in the payment service provider's background (sub-merchant should not need to set it)

Project use apache php is the background service, download the official paid php demo (native)

We will play directly according to the directory structure of the demo, and directly put the decompressed example and lib directories into the server root directory

In the example directory, create the cert directory, go to the service provider's backend-account center-api security, download the certificate, and put it in this directory

In the example directory, create the logs directory for WeChat payment Log class writes log files

Since WeChat payment requires https, check the access log in the logs directory under the apache directory, the ssl_request.txt file, and at the bottom, you can see whether the callback address has been requested


The official demo has two ways to scan the QR code to pay. The first method is no longer available, so the second one is used.

The official demo , there will be a bug that cannot display the QR code. The example page is native.php

print print_r($result); This will display errors, mainly about curl errors, which can be solved by Baidu yourself


Add a public method to the interface object in WxPay.Config.Interface.php public abstract function GetSubMchId(); //Get the sub-merchant id in WxPay.Config In .php, configure the required parameters, use Baidu by yourself, and add a method public function GetSubMchId(){ return '8888888888'; //Return the sub-merchant number by vbyzc } In lib/WxPay.Api.php, under the unified In the single method unifiedOrder, add $inputObj->SetSub_mch_id($config->GetSubMchId());//Sub-merchant number by vbyzc in each place where the order needs to be queried, and the payment page will be called back in real time This method must be used to set the sub-merchant id on the request page that detects the order payment status:
$input->SetSub_mch_id($config->GetSubMchId()); Note that there may be no $config object in some places. Please introduce WxPay.Config.php and initialize: $config = new WxPayConfig();

Part of the code

Scan code page: native.php

* example目录下为简单的支付样例,仅能用于搭建快速体验微信支付使用
* 样例的作用仅限于指导如何使用sdk,在安全上面仅做了简单处理, 复制使用样例代码时请慎重
* 请勿直接直接使用样例对外提供服务

require_once "../lib/WxPay.Api.php";
require_once "WxPay.NativePay.php";
require_once &#39;log.php&#39;;

$logHandler= new CLogFileHandler("logs/".date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;).&#39;.log&#39;);
$log = Log::Init($logHandler, 15);


$notify = new NativePay();

 * 流程:
 * 1、调用统一下单,取得code_url,生成二维码
 * 2、用户扫描二维码,进行支付
 * 3、支付完成之后,微信服务器会通知支付成功
 * 4、在支付成功通知中需要查单确认是否真正支付成功(见:notify.php)

$out_trade_no = "vbyzc_for_jstx".date("YmdHis"); 

$input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder();
$input->SetTotal_fee("1"); // 金额
// $input->SetTime_expire(date("YmdHis", time() + 500));
$input->SetProduct_id("123456789"); //此id为二维码中包含的商品ID,商户自行定义。

$result = $notify->GetPayUrl($input);
$url2 = $result["code_url"];

echo "<div>这是返回:$url2</div>";

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> 
    <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>

    <div style="margin-left: 10px;color:#556B2F;font-size:30px;font-weight: bolder;">扫描支付模式二</div><br/>
    <div> 订单编号<input id="out_trade_no" type="hidden"  value="<?php echo $out_trade_no;?>"> </div>
    <img alt="模式二扫码支付" src="qrcode.php?data=<?php echo urlencode($url2);?>" style="width:150px;height:150px;"/>
    <div>支付提示:<span id="query_result" style="color: red">WAITING...</span></div>
        var t1;
        var sum=0;
        $(document).ready(function () {
            t1=setInterval("ajaxstatus()", 4000);
        function ajaxstatus() {
            if(sum>100){ window.clearInterval(t1);return false;}
            if ($("#out_trade_no").val() != 0) {
                $.post("orderqueryajax.php", { out_trade_no:$("#out_trade_no").val() }, function (data) {
                    data = $.trim(data);
                    if (data=="SUCCESS") {
                            // 插入php代码
                            if (isset($_POST[&#39;history_go&#39;]) && $_POST[&#39;history_go&#39;] == 3){
                                echo &#39;window.setTimeout("history.go(-3);",2000);&#39;;
                                echo &#39;window.setTimeout("history.go(-2);",2000);&#39;;
Copy after login

Query and return the order status page: orderqueryajax.php

* ajax异步查询订单是否完成
require_once "../lib/WxPay.Api.php";
require_once &#39;log.php&#39;;
require_once "WxPay.Config.php";

$logHandler= new CLogFileHandler("../logs/".date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;).&#39;.log&#39;);
$log = Log::Init($logHandler, 15);

$v = $_POST["out_trade_no"];
if(isset($v) && $v != ""){
    $out_trade_no = $v;
    $config = new WxPayConfig();
    $input = new WxPayOrderQuery();
    $input->SetSub_mch_id($config->GetSubMchId());//子商户号 by vbyzc
    $result = WxPayApi::orderQuery($config, $input);
    if ($result[&#39;return_code&#39;] == &#39;SUCCESS&#39; && $result[&#39;result_code&#39;] == &#39;SUCCESS&#39;){//返回查询结果
        echo $result[&#39;trade_state&#39;];
        echo "FAIL";
Copy after login

Callback page: notify.php

* example目录下为简单的支付样例,仅能用于搭建快速体验微信支付使用
* 样例的作用仅限于指导如何使用sdk,在安全上面仅做了简单处理, 复制使用样例代码时请慎重
* 请勿直接直接使用样例对外提供服务
// 链接数据库
mysql_connect(HOST,NAME,PASS) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query(&#39;SET NAMES &#39;.CODEPAGE);

require_once "../lib/WxPay.Api.php";
require_once &#39;../lib/WxPay.Notify.php&#39;;
require_once "WxPay.Config.php";
require_once &#39;log.php&#39;;

$logHandler= new CLogFileHandler("logs/".date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;).&#39;.log&#39;);
$log = Log::Init($logHandler, 15);

class PayNotifyCallBack extends WxPayNotify
    public function Queryorder($transaction_id)
        $input = new WxPayOrderQuery();
        $config = new WxPayConfig();
        $input->SetSub_mch_id($config->GetSubMchId()); //设置子商户号  by vbyzc
        $result = WxPayApi::orderQuery($config, $input);
        Log::DEBUG("query:" . json_encode($result));
        if(array_key_exists("return_code", $result)
            && array_key_exists("result_code", $result)
            && $result["return_code"] == "SUCCESS"
            && $result["result_code"] == "SUCCESS")
            return true;
        return false;

    * 回包前的回调方法
    * 业务可以继承该方法,打印日志方便定位
    * @param string $xmlData 返回的xml参数
    public function LogAfterProcess($xmlData)
        Log::DEBUG("call back, return xml:" . $xmlData);
     * @param WxPayNotifyResults $data 回调解释出的参数
     * @param WxPayConfigInterface $config
     * @param string $msg 如果回调处理失败,可以将错误信息输出到该方法
     * @return true回调出来完成不需要继续回调,false回调处理未完成需要继续回调
    public function NotifyProcess($objData, $config, &$msg)
        $data = $objData->GetValues();
        //TODO 1、进行参数校验
        if(!array_key_exists("return_code", $data) 
            ||(array_key_exists("return_code", $data) && $data[&#39;return_code&#39;] != "SUCCESS")) {
            $msg = "异常异常";
            return false;
        if(!array_key_exists("transaction_id", $data)){
            $msg = "输入参数不正确";
            return false;

        //TODO 2、进行签名验证
        try {
            $checkResult = $objData->CheckSign($config);
            if($checkResult == false){
                return false;
        } catch(Exception $e) {

        //TODO 3、处理业务逻辑
        Log::DEBUG("call back JSON:" . json_encode($data));
        $notfiyOutput = array();
        /* 返回的格式 
            "appid": "wxa664cef2fee1b641", //调用接口提交的公众账号ID
            "attach": "test",//附加数据,在查询API和支付通知中原样返回,该字段主要用于商户携带订单的自定义数据 (使用SetAttach设置的)
            "bank_type": "LQT",//不知什么鬼东西
            "cash_fee": "1",// 金额
            "fee_type": "CNY",//货币类型
            "is_subscribe": "N",//不知什么鬼东西
            "mch_id": "154133502151",// 商户号(服务商)
            "nonce_str": "jw0bvddz275qyvxnpdfoaam55h3dw6uk",//微信返回的随机字符串
            "openid": "opnVE5pDPx2hWAoLLxyQW5KQt8GA",// 用户openid(应该是对于绑定的公从号)
            "out_trade_no": "vbyzc_for_jstx20190701010509",// 发起订单时自定义订单号
            "result_code": "SUCCESS",// 业务结果
            "return_code": "SUCCESS",// 此字段是通信标识,非交易标识,交易是否成功需要查看result_code来判断
            "sign": "80E46C6CC50C25E6B5099AE4E03DA3C6FEFD5B172A99B03A56FAC4A9E11EC8F3",//
            "sub_mch_id": "154172463171",// 子商户id
            "time_end": "20190701090530",// 交易结束时间??
            "total_fee": "1",// 总金额
            "trade_type": "NATIVE",// 支付方式
            "transaction_id": "4200000301201907011310094985" // 微信支付单号
            $msg = "订单查询失败";
            Log::DEBUG("vbyzc run to here : order querySelect faild!!!!!" );
            return false;
        // 根据微信官方原代码的业务流程,应该是如下:
        // 支会成功后微信会不断请求回调,在上面的代码 应该是包函了回调回应的代码,
        // 如果成功回应,微信支付应该就停止请求回调,才能执行下面的代码 
        Log::DEBUG("vbyzc run to here :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<start to mysql record" );

        $openid = $data[&#39;openid&#39;];// 微信用户
        $trade_no = $data[&#39;transaction_id&#39;];// 微信支付单号
        $mch_id = $data[&#39;mch_id&#39;];// 商户号
        $sub_mch_id = $data[&#39;sub_mch_id&#39;];// 子商户id
        $trade_status = $data[&#39;result_code&#39;];// 业务结果
        $total_amount = $data[&#39;total_fee&#39;];// 总金额
        $out_trade_no = $data[&#39;out_trade_no&#39;];// 商户自定义订单号

        $cmd = "insert into myorder(openid,trade_no,mch_id,sub_mch_id,trade_status,total_amount,out_trade_no,datetime) 
        values (&#39;$openid&#39;,&#39;$trade_no&#39;,&#39;$mch_id&#39;,&#39;$sub_mch_id&#39;,&#39;$trade_status&#39;,$total_amount,&#39;$out_trade_no&#39;,NOW())";
        Log::DEBUG("vbyzc run to here :end to mysql record>>>>>>>>>>" );
        return true;

$config = new WxPayConfig();
Log::DEBUG("begin notify");
$notify = new PayNotifyCallBack();
$notify->Handle($config, false);

Copy after login

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