What is a palindrome number:
There is a type of number that is the same number when viewed backwards and forwards, for example : 12321, 1221, 2332, etc. Such numbers are called: palindrome numbers.
Example: Enter a 5-digit number and determine whether it is a palindrome number. That is, 12321 is a palindrome number, the ones digit is the same as the thousands digit, and the tens digit is the same as the thousands digit. Find all the palindromes in the 5-digit number:
Method 1. Use for loop
# 找出5位数中所有的回文数: for i in range(10000,100000): # 遍历所有的5位数 s = str(i) # 将数字转换成字符串类型,即可以用索引取出每一位上的数字 if s[0] == s[-1] and s[1] == s[-2]: # 字符串的索引 print(i)
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Method 2. Define the function
def is_huiwen(n): reversed_str= str(n) return reversed_str == reversed_str[-1::-1] # output = filter(is_huiwen,range(10000,100000)) print(list(output))
·The user inputs a 5-digit number to determine whether it is a palindrome number:
# 输入一个5位数,判断它是否是回文数: a = int(input(" 请输入一个5位整数:")) s = str(a) if s[0] == s[-1] and s[1] == s[-2]: print(" %d 是一个回文数!" % a) else: print(" %d 不是一个回文数!" % a)
· Determine whether any integer is a palindrome number:
n = int(input('请输入一个整数:')) s = str(n) f = True for i in range(len(s)//2): if s[i] != s[-1-i]: f = False break if f: print('%d 是一个回文数' % n) else: print('%d 不是一个回文数' % n)
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