JavaScript data types are divided into six types, namely null, undefined, boolean, string, number, object.
Object is a reference type, and the other five are basic types or primitive types. We can use the typeof method to print out which type something belongs to. To compare variables of different types, you must first convert the type, which is called type conversion. Type conversion is also called implicit conversion. Implicit conversions usually occur with the operators addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, equals, and less than, greater than, etc. .
typeof '11' //string typeof(11) //number '11' < 4 //false
1. Basic type conversion
Let’s talk about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division first:
1. Add numbers to a string, and the numbers will be converted into strings.
2. Subtract a string from a number, and convert the string into a number . If the string is not a pure number, it will be converted to NaN. The same goes for string minus numbers. Subtracting two strings also converts them into numbers first.
3. The same applies to conversions of multiplication, division, greater than, less than and subtraction.
//隐式转换 + - * == / // + 10 + '20' //'2010' // - 10 - '20' //-10 10 - 'one' //NaN 10 - '100a' //NaN // * 10*'20' //200 '10'*'20' //200 // / 20/'10' //2 '20'/'10' //2 '20'/'one' //NaN
4. The order of addition operations is sensitive
Mixed expressions like this are sometimes confusing because JavaScript is sensitive to the order of operations. For example, expression: 1 2 "3"; //"33"
Since the addition operation is left associative (i.e. left associative law), it is equivalent to the following expression: (1 2) "3"; //"33"
In contrast, the expression: 1 "2" 3; //"123" evaluates to the string "123". The left associative law is equivalent to wrapping the addition operation on the left side of the expression in parentheses.
5. Let’s take a look at another group ==
1).undefined equals null
2). When comparing strings and numbers, convert strings to numbers
3). When the number is a Boolean comparison, Boolean is converted to a number
4). When comparing strings and Boolean, convert the two into numbers
// == undefined == null; //true '0' == 0; //true,字符串转数字 0 == false; //true,布尔转数字 '0' == false; //true,两者转数字 null == false; //false undefined == false; //false
7 false values: false, 0, -0, "", NaN, null and undefined, all other values are truth
6. NaN, not a number
NaN is a special value indicating that the result of certain arithmetic operations (such as finding the square root of a negative number) is not a number. The methods parseInt() and parseFloat() return this value when the specified string cannot be parsed. For some functions that normally return valid numbers, you can also use this method and use Number.NaN to indicate its error conditions.
Math.sqrt(-2) Math.log(-1) 0/0 parseFloat('foo')
For many JavaScript beginners, the first trap is that the result returned when calling typeof is usually something you don’t expect:
console.log(typeof NaN); // 'Number'
In this case, NaN does not mean a number, its type is number. Do you understand?
Because typeof returns a string, there are six types: "number", "string", "boolean", "object", "function", "undefined
Keep calm because there’s a lot of chaos down there. Let's compare two NaNs:
var x = Math.sqrt(-2); var y = Math.log(-1); console.log(x == y); // false
Maybe this is because we are not using strict equivalence (===) operation? Apparently not.
var x = Math.sqrt(-2); var y = Math.log(-1); console.log(x === y); // false
What about comparing two NaNs directly?
console.log(NaN === NaN); // false
Because there are many ways to represent a non-number, it still makes sense that a non-number will not be equal to another non-number that is NaN.
But of course, the solution is now available. Let’s get to know the global function isNaN:
console.log(isNaN(NaN)); // true
Alas, but isNaN() also has many flaws of its own:
console.log(isNaN('hello')); // true console.log(isNaN(['x'])); // true console.log(isNaN({})); // true
This leads to many different solutions. One takes advantage of the non-reflective nature of NaN (e.g., look at Kit Cambridge's notes)
var My = { isNaN: function (x) { return x !== x; } }
Fortunately, in the upcoming ECMAScript 6, there is a Number.isNaN() method that provides reliable NaN value detection.
In other words, true will only be returned if the argument is a true NaN
console.log(Number.isNaN(NaN)); // true console.log(Number.isNaN(Math.sqrt(-2))); // true console.log(Number.isNaN('hello')); // false console.log(Number.isNaN(['x'])); // false console.log(Number.isNaN({})); // false
0 == []; // true, 0 == [].valueOf(); ---> 0 == 0; '0' == []; // false, '0' == [].toString(); ---> '0' == ''; 2 == ['2']; // true, 2 == ['2'].valueOf(); ---> 2 == '2' ---> 2 == 2; '2' == [2]; // true, '2' == [2].toString(); ---> '2' =='2'; [] == ![]; //true, [].valueOf() == !Boolean([]) -> 0 == false ---> 0 == 0;
对象转成数字时,调用valueOf(),在这之前先调用的是toString();所以我猜valueOf方法是这样的。So上面的例子 0 == []要改成下面更合理。无论如何,[]最后是转成0的。
var valueOf = function (){ var str = this.toString(); //先调用toString(),转成字符串 //... } 0 == []; // true, 0 == [].valueOf(); -> 0 == '0' -> 0 == 0;
var a = [1]; a.valueOf = function (){ return 1;} a.toString = function (){ return '1';} a + 1; // 2, valueOf()先调用
var a = [1]; a.valueOf = function (){ return 1;} a.toString = function (){ return '1';} a + 1; // 2, 先调用valueOf() //去掉valueOf delete a.valueOf; a + 1; // '11', 调用toString()
var a = [1]; a.valueOf = function (){return ;} a.toString = function (){return 1 ;}; 1 - a; //NaN
其它对象 调用valueOf()转成不同的类型:
var a = {}; a.valueOf(); //Object {} var a = []; a.valueOf(); //[] 自己本身 var a = new Date(); a.valueOf(); //1423812036234 数字 var a = new RegExp(); a.valueOf(); // /(?:)/ 正则对象
[] == [] //false 地址不一样
var a = [];
b = a;
b == a //true
Number([]); //0
String([]); //”
Boolean([]); //true
3 + ” // 字符串'3'
+'3' // 数字3
!!'3' // true