1. WeChat authentication service account and open WeChat payment
2. WeChat payment SDK, download address:
3. Log in to the WeChat payment platform https:/ / payment certificate
Method steps:
1.demo file processing
(1) Download the official demo, the file name is WxpayAPI_php_v3, rename the file to wxpay, for the convenience of writing the directory later;
(2) Open WxPay.Api.php in the lib folder In the file, there is a curl network request configuration code on line 537:
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,TRUE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,2);//严格校验
is replaced with:
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,2);//严格校验
in order to disable cURL from verifying the peer's certificate.
(3) Open the WxPay.Config.php file under the lib folder. Starting from line 25, complete the basic information settings according to your account;
const APPID = '公众账号APPID'; const MCHID = '商户号'; const KEY = '商户支付密钥'; const APPSECRET = '公众帐号secert';
(4) Open the lib folder WxPay.Notify.php file under, the code in line 79:
if($needSign == true && $this->GetReturn_code($return_code) == "SUCCESS") { $this->SetSign(); }
is changed to:
if($needSign == true && $this->GetReturn_code() == "SUCCESS") { $this->SetSign(); }
(5) Open the cert certificate directory and replace the two certificates inside with your own Payment certificate.
Related recommendations: "PHP Tutorial"
2. Public account background settings
(1) Configure the web page authorized domain name, my domain name is (;
(2) Configure the payment authorization directory. The domain name is ( I will put the demo in the directory pointed to by this domain name. Under the weixinopen/ folder, the jsapi.php file in the demo is located in the example/ directory, so the payment authorization directory is:
3. Payment process
Open the jsapi.php file in the example directory. Payment initiation and processing are all completed here.
(1) Obtain user openid
You have configured your APPID and APPSecert before, so there is no need to process it here.
//①、获取用户openid $tools = new JsApiPay(); $openId = $tools->GetOpenid();
The JsApiPay() class initialized here first gets an object. The file corresponds to WxPay.JsApiPay.php in the example/ directory. Calling the GetOpenid() method will automatically obtain its own openID.
(2) Unified order
//②、统一下单 $input = new WxPayUnifiedOrder(); $input->SetBody("test"); $input->SetAttach("test"); $input->SetOut_trade_no("YmdHis")); $input->SetTotal_fee("1"); $input->SetTime_start(date("YmdHis")); $input->SetTime_expire(date("YmdHis", time() + 600)); $input->SetGoods_tag("test"); $input->SetNotify_url(""); $input->SetTrade_type("JSAPI"); $input->SetOpenid($openId); $order = WxPayApi::unifiedOrder($input); echo '<font color="#f00"><b>统一下单支付单信息</b></font><br/>'; printf_info($order); $jsApiParameters = $tools->GetJsApiParameters($order);
Corresponds to the unifiedOrder() method on line 24 of WxPay.Api.php, which configures the order information and payment callback function. Several parameters need to be modified here:
A. Product name:
B. Order number
C. Payment amount
D. Payment verification link
Set to the location of your notify.php file, so I set it here to:
You can also write other addresses, Of course, it must be under the payment authorization domain name. After the payment is successful, it will automatically call back to the method specified in the link, where judgment and database operations can be performed.
E. Additional parameters
Additional parameters can be filled in or not. If filled in, it is best not to have spaces in the string.
At this time, click Pay and the payment should be successful.
(3) Initiate payment
<script type="text/javascript"> //调用微信JS api 支付 function jsApiCall() { WeixinJSBridge.invoke( 'getBrandWCPayRequest', <?php echo $jsApiParameters; ?>, function(res){ WeixinJSBridge.log(res.err_msg); alert(res.err_code+res.err_desc+res.err_msg); } ); } function callpay() { if (typeof WeixinJSBridge == "undefined"){ if( document.addEventListener ){ document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', jsApiCall, false); }else if (document.attachEvent){ document.attachEvent('WeixinJSBridgeReady', jsApiCall); document.attachEvent('onWeixinJSBridgeReady', jsApiCall); } }else{ jsApiCall(); } } </script>
Clicking the Pay Now button calls the callpay() function, which will call the jsApiCall() function to open the payment program.
jsApiCall() function will monitor every step of the action:
res.err_msg indicates the front-end judgment for get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel To cancel payment, es.err_msg is get_brand_wcpay_request:ok, indicating that the front-end judged that the payment was successful, and we can jump to the success page based on this.
(4) Support success callback
The payment result can be monitored through the front-end jsApiCall() function, but this is not trustworthy. To confirm whether the payment is successful, the business logic should be processed through notify.php. The payment verification link SetNotify_url() has been configured previously. After the payment is completed, the WeChat server will automatically request your notify.php file according to the link and open this file. In fact, the main code of this file is only two lines:
$notify = new PayNotifyCallBack(); $notify->Handle(false);
The Handle() function of the WxPay.Notify.php class file is traced from this:
/** * * 回调入口 * @param bool $needSign 是否需要签名输出 */ final public function Handle($needSign = true) { $msg = "OK"; //当返回false的时候,表示notify中调用NotifyCallBack回调失败获取签名校验失败,此时直接回复失败 $result = WxpayApi::notify(array($this, 'NotifyCallBack'), $msg); if($result == false){ $this->SetReturn_code("FAIL"); $this->SetReturn_msg($msg); $this->ReplyNotify(false); return; } else { //该分支在成功回调到NotifyCallBack方法,处理完成之后流程 $this->SetReturn_code("SUCCESS"); $this->SetReturn_msg("OK"); } $this->ReplyNotify($needSign); }
Main code:
$result = WxpayApi::notify(array($this, 'NotifyCallBack'), $msg); 然后来到WxPay.Api.php文件的第411行,notify()函数: /** * * 支付结果通用通知 * @param function $callback * 直接回调函数使用方法: notify(you_function); * 回调类成员函数方法:notify(array($this, you_function)); * $callback 原型为:function function_name($data){} */ public static function notify($callback, &$msg) { //获取通知的数据 $xml = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; //file_put_contents('log.txt',$xml,FILE_APPEND); //如果返回成功则验证签名 try { $result = WxPayResults::Init($xml); } catch (WxPayException $e){ $msg = $e->errorMessage(); return false; } return call_user_func($callback, $result); }
The $xml=$GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] here is After the payment is successful, the user returns a result to you, which is a string in XML format.
We can record the xml data returned here, and then open it to see if $out_trade_no is the order number I set before payment, and $attach is the additional parameter set.
After getting the order number, I will directly write the logic after the payment is successful, such as changing the data in the database, etc.
In this way, the general analysis of JsApi payment of WeChat payment is completed.
The above is the detailed content of What is the php WeChat payment process?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!