Now let’s share a special effect of Jiugongge lottery
Special effects description:
A jQuery nine-square grid big wheel lottery code web page special effect. Click the lottery button to start a random lottery to select prizes. You can set the starting position, number of prizes, number of rotations, and winning position parameters. (Compatibility test: IE7 and above, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, 360 and other mainstream browsers)
<!--效果html开始--> <div id="lottery"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-0"><img src="images/1.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-1"><img src="images/2.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-2"><img src="images/4.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-3"><img src="images/3.png"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-11"><img src="images/7.png"></td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"><a href="#"></a></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-4"><img src="images/5.png"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-10"><img src="images/1.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-5"><img src="images/6.png"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-9"><img src="images/3.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-8"><img src="images/6.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-7"><img src="images/8.png"></td> <td class="lottery-unit lottery-unit-6"><img src="images/7.png"></td> </tr> </table> </div>
js part
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var lottery={ index:-1, //当前转动到哪个位置,起点位置 count:0, //总共有多少个位置 timer:0, //setTimeout的ID,用clearTimeout清除 speed:20, //初始转动速度 times:0, //转动次数 cycle:50, //转动基本次数:即至少需要转动多少次再进入抽奖环节 prize:-1, //中奖位置 init:function(id){ if ($("#"+id).find(".lottery-unit").length>0) { $lottery = $("#"+id); $units = $lottery.find(".lottery-unit"); this.obj = $lottery; this.count = $units.length; $lottery.find(".lottery-unit-"+this.index).addClass("active"); }; }, roll:function(){ var index = this.index; var count = this.count; var lottery = this.obj; $(lottery).find(".lottery-unit-"+index).removeClass("active"); index += 1; if (index>count-1) { index = 0; }; $(lottery).find(".lottery-unit-"+index).addClass("active"); this.index=index; return false; }, stop:function(index){ this.prize=index; return false; } }; function roll(){ lottery.times += 1; lottery.roll(); if (lottery.times > lottery.cycle+10 && lottery.prize==lottery.index) { clearTimeout(lottery.timer); lottery.prize=-1; lottery.times=0; click=false; }else{ if (lottery.times<lottery.cycle) { lottery.speed -= 10; }else if(lottery.times==lottery.cycle) { var index = Math.random()*(lottery.count)|0; lottery.prize = index; }else{ if (lottery.times > lottery.cycle+10 && ((lottery.prize==0 && lottery.index==7) || lottery.prize==lottery.index+1)) { lottery.speed += 110; }else{ lottery.speed += 20; } } if (lottery.speed<40) { lottery.speed=40; }; //console.log(lottery.times+'^^^^^^'+lottery.speed+'^^^^^^^'+lottery.prize); lottery.timer = setTimeout(roll,lottery.speed); } return false; } var click=false; window.onload=function(){ lottery.init('lottery'); $("#lottery a").click(function(){ if (click) { return false; }else{ lottery.speed=100; roll(); click=true; return false; } }); }; </script>
CSS part
/* 效果CSS开始 */ #lottery{width:574px;height:584px;margin:0px auto;background:url(../images/bg.jpg) no-repeat;padding:50px 55px;} #lottery table td{width:142px;height:142px;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;font-size:24px;color:#333;font-index:-999} #lottery table td a{width:284px;height:284px;line-height:150px;display:block;text-decoration:none;} #lottery table{background-color:#ea0000;} /* 效果CSS结束 */
Parameters that can be set in JS:
index:-1, //The current position of rotation, starting position
count:0, //How many positions are there in total
timer:0, //The ID of setTimeout, clear it with clearTimeout
speed:20, //Initial rotation speed
times:0, //Number of rotations
cycle:50, //Basic number of spins: that is, the minimum number of spins required before entering the lottery
prize:-1, //Winning position
Finally, here’s the demo picture