Recently, I encountered a function at work, which requires us to customize the H5 page on our mobile phone to share it with WeChat friends, Moments, QQ and QQ space.
The following is a method I got from Baidu and tested it myself; I will share it with everyone and learn from each other.
Implementation principle: Custom sharing of H5 requires the use of the sharing interface of the WeChat public platform, which is the JSSDK in WeChat web development, [specific documentation: https://developers.weixin.】Use the sharing interface in WeChat’s SDK, as shown in the figure below:
Note: The following custom sharing function can only be shared in WeChat's built-in browser; it is not available in other browsers.
First we need to open a WeChat public account. The type of public account must be a subscription account or a personal account There is no sharing interface function.
After the registration of our official account is completed, we need to log in to the WeChat public platform, go to the development-"interface permissions, and activate the permissions for the sharing interface [Authentication is required to open permissions Enterprise and payment certification], the following picture is the situation that has been certified:
Log in to the WeChat public platform, go to Settings-"Public Account Settings-"Function Settings, fill in the valid JS interface security domain name [your project access domain name], as shown in the following figure:
Click on Development-"Basic Settings-"IP Whitelist to fill in a server IP [you IP address of the server where the project is located], the specific reasons will be mentioned below, as shown in the following figure:
## (1)Introduce the JS file
Introduce the following JS file on the page that needs to call the JS interface, (Supports https):
If you need to further improve service stability, when the above resources are inaccessible, you can Change access: (supports https)
## (2) Inject permission verification through the config interface Configuration
All pages that need to use JS-SDK must first inject configuration information, otherwise they will not be able to call
wx.config({ debug: true, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。 appId: '', // 必填,公众号的唯一标识 timestamp: , // 必填,生成签名的时间戳 nonceStr: '', // 必填,生成签名的随机串 signature: '',// 必填,签名 jsApiList: [] // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表 });
Among the parameters for the above permission verification,
1. "appId" is the unique identifier of the official account, which can be obtained on the WeChat public platform
2. "timestamp", timestamp
3. "nonceStr ", random string, [length should not exceed 32 characters]
4."signature", signature (needs to splice parameters and then encrypt it)
5.jsApiList is a list of JS interfaces, as follows Figure: [Link:]
(3) Generate signature "signature" [a more complicated place]
a. To generate a signature, we need to use several parameters, and then The parameters are concatenated into a string and then encrypted using sha1().
The parameters are: noncestr: random string [This needs to be consistent with the random string in permission verification]
jsapi_ticket: jsapi_ticket is a temporary ticket used by the public account to call the WeChat JS interface. Under normal circumstances, the jsapi_ticket is valid for 7200 seconds and is obtained through access_token.
timestamp: timestamp [This timestamp also needs to be consistent with the timestamp in permission verification, the unit is seconds]
url: The URL of the current web page, excluding # and its following characters
Then concatenate all parameters into one string ,For example:
class Wxapi{ protected $appid; protected $appsecret; /** * 构造函数 * 2019-12-10 */ public function __construct($appid,$appsecret){ $this->appid=$appid; $this->appsecret=$appsecret; $this->sessionKey_url=""; $this->accessToken_url=""; $this->jsapi_ticket_url=""; $this->qrcodeUrl=""; } /** * 获取access_token * 2019-12-10 * * @param string appid appid * @param string appsecret appsecret * @param string tableName 表名(wx_account) * @return string token token */ public function getToken($appid,$appsecret,$tableName){ $accountInfo = DB::table($tableName)->where('appid',$appid)->where('appsecret',$appsecret)->first(); $now_time = time();//当前时间戳 if(empty($accountInfo)){ return false; } if($now_time-$accountInfo->access_token_time<7000){ $token = $accountInfo->access_token; return $token; }else{ $get_token_url = $this->accessToken_url."?grant_type=client_credential&appid=".$appid.'&secret='.$appsecret; $getToken_json = curl_get($get_token_url); $getToken_arr = json_decode($getToken_json['output'],true); $token = $getToken_arr['access_token']; $arr = [ 'access_token_time'=>time(), 'access_token'=>$token, 'updated_at'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()) ]; $res = DB::table($tableName)->where('appid',$appid)->where('appsecret',$appsecret)->update($arr); if($res){ return $token; }else{ return false; } } } /** * 获取jssdk-ticket * 2019-12-10 * * @param string appid appid * @param string appsecret appsecret * @param string tableName 表名(wx_account) * @return string token token */ public function getJssdkTicket($appid,$appsecret,$tableName){ $accountInfo = DB::table($tableName)->where('appid',$appid)->where('appsecret',$appsecret)->first(); if(empty($accountInfo)){ return false; } $now_time = time();//当前时间戳 if($now_time-$accountInfo->jsapi_ticket_time<7000){ $jsapi_ticket = $accountInfo->jsapi_ticket; return $jsapi_ticket; }else{ $access_token=$this->getToken($appid,$appsecret,$tableName); if(!$access_token){ return false; } $get_jsapi_ticket_url = $this->jsapi_ticket_url."?access_token=".$access_token."&type=jsapi"; $getJssdkTicket_json = curl_get($get_jsapi_ticket_url); $getJssdkTicket_arr = json_decode($getJssdkTicket_json['output'],true); $jsapi_ticket = $getJssdkTicket_arr['ticket']; $arr = [ 'jsapi_ticket_time'=>time(), 'jsapi_ticket'=>$jsapi_ticket, 'updated_at'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()) ]; $res = DB::table($tableName)->where('appid',$appid)->where('appsecret',$appsecret)->update($arr); if($res){ return $jsapi_ticket; }else{ return false; } } } }
The above is the detailed content of H5 page custom title, link, description, picture sharing to WeChat friends, Moments, QQ and QQ space. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!