在 php 获取图片尺寸的方法我们可以使用 getimagesize 获取图片尺寸的效率是很低的,首先需要获取整个的图片信息,然后再进行操作,下面的例子更科学算法更好,我们一起来看看吧。
<?php /* * 获取JPEG格式图片的尺寸信息,并且不需要下载/读取整个图片。 * 经测试这个函数不是对所有JPEG格式的图片都有效。 * http://www.phprm.com */ // Retrieve JPEG width and height without downloading/reading entire image. function getjpegsize($img_loc) { $handle = fopen($img_loc, "rb") or die("Invalid file stream."); $new_block = NULL; if(!feof($handle)) { $new_block = fread($handle, 32); $i = 0; if($new_block[$i]=="xFF" && $new_block[$i+1]=="xD8" && $new_block[$i+2]=="xFF" && $new_block[$i+3]=="xE0") { $i += 4; if($new_block[$i+2]=="x4A" && $new_block[$i+3]=="x46" && $new_block[$i+4]=="x49" && $new_block[$i+5]=="x46" && $new_block[$i+6]=="x00") { // Read block size and skip ahead to begin cycling through blocks in search of SOF marker $block_size = unpack("H*", $new_block[$i] . $new_block[$i+1]); $block_size = hexdec($block_size[1]); while(!feof($handle)) { $i += $block_size; $new_block .= fread($handle, $block_size); if($new_block[$i]=="xFF") { // New block detected, check for SOF marker $sof_marker = array("xC0", "xC1", "xC2", "xC3", "xC5", "xC6", "xC7", "xC8", "xC9", "xCA", "xCB", "xCD", "xCE", "xCF"); if(in_array($new_block[$i+1], $sof_marker)) { // SOF marker detected. Width and height information is contained in bytes 4-7 after this byte. $size_data = $new_block[$i+2] . $new_block[$i+3] . $new_block[$i+4] . $new_block[$i+5] . $new_block[$i+6] . $new_block[$i+7] . $new_block[$i+8]; $unpacked = unpack("H*", $size_data); $unpacked = $unpacked[1]; $height = hexdec($unpacked[6] . $unpacked[7] . $unpacked[8] . $unpacked[9]); $width = hexdec($unpacked[10] . $unpacked[11] . $unpacked[12] . $unpacked[13]); return array($width, $height); } else { // Skip block marker and read block size $i += 2; $block_size = unpack("H*", $new_block[$i] . $new_block[$i+1]); $block_size = hexdec($block_size[1]); } } else { return FALSE; } } } } } return FALSE; } ?>
$url='http://www.phprm.com /images/201203/08/1331189004_28093400.jpg'; $image_content = file_get_contents($url); $image = imagecreatefromstring($image_content); $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); echo $width.'*'.$height."nr";