C Learning: map set (key-value pair)
Set (set) and map (map) belong to Non-linear structure container class
The internal implementation is a balanced binary tree
map is a correlation container of STL, which provides one-to-one data processing capabilities
The first one can be called a keyword, and each keyword Can only appear once in the map
The second is called the value of the keyword
set set
begin Syntax:
iterator begin();
clear Syntax:
void clear();
count Syntax:
size_type count( const key_type &key );
empty Syntax:
bool empty();
end Syntax:
const_iterator end();
equal_range Syntax:
pair equal_range( const key_type &key );
erase Syntax:
void erase( iterator i ); void erase( iterator start, iterator end ); size_type erase( const key_type &key );
find syntax:
iterator find( const key_type &key );
allocator_type get_allocator();
insert Syntax:
iterator insert( iterator i, const TYPE &val ); void insert( input_iterator start, input_iterator end ); pair insert( const TYPE &val );
lower_bound Syntax:
iterator lower_bound( const key_type &key );
key_comp Syntax:
key_compare key_comp();
max_size Syntax:
size_type max_size();
rbegin Syntax:
reverse_iterator rbegin();
rend Syntax:
reverse_iterator rend();
size Syntax:
size_type size();
swap Syntax:
void swap( set &object );
upper_bound Syntax:
iterator upper_bound( const key_type &key );
value_comp Syntax:
value_compare value_comp();
Simple example code:
/* * =========================================================================== * * Filename: setTest.cpp * Description: * Version: 1.0 * Created: 2017年07月01日 22时20分58秒 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * Author: (), * Company: * * =========================================================================== */ #include<iostream> #include<set> using namespace::std; void showSet(const set<int> i_set){ //通过迭代器的形式输出set集合 cout<<"===========the show start==========="<<endl; set<int>::const_iterator c_iter; for(c_iter = i_set.begin(); c_iter !=i_set.end();c_iter++){ cout<< "i_set:"<<*c_iter << endl; } cout<<"===========the show end============="<<endl; } void showReverseSet(set<int> r_set){ cout<<"==========the show reverse set start============="<<endl; //通过反向迭代器输出 set<int>::reverse_iterator r_iter; for(r_iter = r_set.rbegin();r_iter!=r_set.rend();r_iter++){ cout<< "r_set:"<< *r_iter <<endl; } cout<<"==========the show reverse set end==============="<<endl; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ //set的常用几种构造函数 int array[6] = {11,3,25,7,9,6}; //第一种构造函数 set<int> first_set; //第二种构造函数 set<int> second_set(array,array+6); showSet(second_set); //第三种构造函数 set<int> third_set(second_set.begin(),second_set.end()); showSet(third_set); //set的插入insert函数 first_set.insert(3); first_set.insert(6); first_set.insert(5); first_set.insert(5); showSet(first_set); //返回当前集合中出现某个值的数量count int count = first_set.count(5); cout<< "the count:"<< count << endl; //返回当前集合是否是null的 empty函数 bool setIsEmpty = first_set.empty(); cout << "the set empty type:"<<setIsEmpty <<endl; //删除某个元素 erase first_set.erase(3); showSet(first_set); //set的大小 cout<<"the set size:"<< first_set.size() << endl; showReverseSet(first_set); //交换集合中的元素 first_set.swap(second_set); showSet(first_set); showSet(second_set); //通过find函数来寻找集合中的元素 set<int>::iterator iter; iter = first_set.find(3); first_set.erase(iter); showSet(first_set); first_set.clear(); return 0; }
begin Syntax:
iterator begin();
begin() function returns an iterator pointing to the first element of the map.
clear Syntax:void clear();
clear() function deletes all elements in the map.
count Syntax:size_type count( const KEY_TYPE &key );
The count() function returns the number of elements in the map whose key value is equal to key.
empty Syntax:bool empty();
empty() function returns true (true) if the map is empty, otherwise returns false (false).
end Syntax:iterator end();
end() function returns an iterator pointing to the end of the map.
equal_range Syntax:pair equal_range( const KEY_TYPE &key );
equal_range() function returns two iterators - one pointing to the first element with the key value key, and the other pointing to the last element The element whose key value is key.
erase syntax:void erase( iterator pos ); void erase( iterator start, iterator end ); size_type erase( const KEY_TYPE &key );
erase() function deletes the element at pos position, or deletes the element between start and end, or deletes those whose value is key of all elements.
find Syntax:iterator find( const KEY_TYPE &key );
The find() function returns an iterator pointing to the element with the key value key. If it is not found, it returns an iterator pointing to the end of the map.
get_allocator Syntax:allocator_type get_allocator();
The get_allocator() function returns the map's configurator.
insert Syntax: iterator insert( iterator pos, const pair<KEY_TYPE,VALUE_TYPE> &val );
void insert( input_iterator start, input_iterator end );
pair<iterator, bool> insert( const pair<KEY_TYPE,VALUE_TYPE> &val );
insert() function:
Insert val after pos, and then return a pointer to this element iterator.
Insert val only if val does not exist. The return value is an iterator pointing to the inserted element and a bool value describing whether it was inserted.
key_comp Syntax:key_compare key_comp();
key_comp() function returns a function that compares keys.
lower_bound Syntax:######iterator lower_bound( const KEY_TYPE &key );
max_size 语法:
size_type max_size();
rbegin 语法:
reverse_iterator rbegin();
rend 语法:
reverse_iterator rend();
size 语法:
size_type size();
swap 语法:
void swap( map &obj );
upper_bound 语法:
iterator upper_bound( const KEY_TYPE &key );
value_comp 语法:
value_compare value_comp();
#include<iostream> #include<map> #include<string> using namespace::std; /* * *map集合的简单使用 * * */ class Compare{ public: bool operator()(int a,int b){ return a > b; } }; int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ //定义一个map的对象 map<int,string> num_convert_map; map<int,string>::iterator m_iter; //采用pair来进行键值对的添加 num_convert_map.insert(pair<int,string>(1,"one")); //通过map集合内部的value_type来进行插入键值对 num_convert_map.insert(map<int,string>::value_type(2,"two")); //通过make_pair来进行键值对的插入 num_convert_map.insert(make_pair(3,"three")); //map重载了[],[键] = "值" num_convert_map[0] = "zero"; //输出map中的元素 for(m_iter =num_convert_map.begin();m_iter != num_convert_map.end() ;m_iter++){ //第一个元素iter->first 第二个元素 iter->second cout << m_iter->first <<":"<< m_iter -> second << endl; } //通过键来查询值 cout<<num_convert_map[3]<<endl; map<string,string> string_map; string_map.insert(pair<string,string>("张三","初中")); string_map["李四"] = "高中"; //由此重写后的map对象的[]运算符是支持泛型的 cout << string_map["张三"]<<endl; //输出map的大小 cout<< "map size:" << num_convert_map.size() <<endl; //通过Compare将map排序,通过赋值拷贝的构造函数 map<int,string,Compare> num_convert_map2(num_convert_map.begin(),num_convert_map.end()); num_convert_map2.insert(pair<int,string>(5,"张三")); num_convert_map2.insert(pair<int,string>(3,"李四")); num_convert_map2.insert(pair<int,string>(1,"赵柳")); cout<< "-------------"<<endl; for(m_iter = num_convert_map2.begin();m_iter != num_convert_map2.end();m_iter++){ cout<<m_iter->first <<";"<<m_iter->second<<endl; } return 0; }
本文转自: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_29924041/article/details/74080102
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