C language code to implement greedy snake animation: First determine the basic idea. Every time the snake eats a piece of food, the snake's body will increase by one; then use UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT to control the movement of the snake's head, and the snake's body will increase by one. The body follows the snake's head; finally, for each subsequent frame, the snake's body moves to the position of the previous frame's snake's body.
Basic idea:
Every time a snake eats food, its body increases by one. Use UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT to control the head of the snake. Movement, and the snake's body follows the snake's head, and the next step of the snake's body in each subsequent frame is the position of the snake's body in the previous frame, and so on.
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #define BEG_X 2 #define BEG_Y 1 #define WID 20 #define HEI 20 HANDLE hout; typedef enum {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT} DIR; typedef struct Snake_body { COORD pos;//蛇身的位置 struct Snake_body *next;//下一个蛇身 struct Snake_body *prev;//前一个蛇身 }SNAKE, *PSNAKE; PSNAKE head = NULL;//蛇头 PSNAKE tail = NULL;//蛇尾 //画游戏边框的函数 void DrawBorder() { int i, j; COORD pos = {BEG_X, BEG_Y}; for(i = 0; i < HEI; ++i) { SetConsoleCursorPosition(hout, pos); for(j = 0; j < WID; ++j) { if(i == 0)//第一行 { if(j == 0) printf("┏"); else if(j == WID - 1) printf("┓"); else printf("━"); } else if(i == HEI - 1)//最后一行 { if(j == 0) printf("┗"); else if(j == WID - 1) printf("┛"); else printf("━"); } else if(j == 0 || j == WID - 1)//第一列或最后一列 printf("┃"); else printf(" "); } ++pos.Y; } } //添加蛇身的函数 void AddBody(COORD pos) { PSNAKE pnew = (PSNAKE)calloc(1, sizeof(SNAKE)); pnew->pos = pos; if(!head) { head = tail = pnew; } else { pnew->next = head;//新创建蛇身的next指向原先的蛇头 head->prev = pnew;//原先的蛇头的prev指向新创建的蛇身 head = pnew;//把新创建的蛇身作为新的蛇头 } SetConsoleCursorPosition(hout, head->pos); printf("◎"); } //蛇身移动的函数 void MoveBody(DIR dir) { PSNAKE ptmp; COORD pos = head->pos; switch(dir) { case UP: if(head->pos.Y > BEG_Y + 1) --pos.Y; else return; break; case DOWN: if(head->pos.Y < BEG_Y + HEI - 2) ++pos.Y; else return; break; case LEFT: if(head->pos.X > BEG_X + 2) pos.X -= 2; else return; break; case RIGHT: if(head->pos.X < BEG_X + (WID - 2) * 2) pos.X += 2; else return; break; } AddBody(pos);//添加了一个新的蛇头 ptmp = tail;//保存当前的蛇尾 tail = tail->prev; if(tail) tail->next = NULL; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hout, ptmp->pos); printf(" "); free(ptmp); } int main() { int ctrl; DIR dir = RIGHT;//初始蛇的方向是向右的 COORD pos = {BEG_X + 2, BEG_Y + HEI / 2}; system("color 0E"); system("mode con cols=90 lines=30"); hout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); printf(" ------------贪吃蛇的移动------------"); DrawBorder(); //自定义几个蛇的身体 AddBody(pos); pos.X += 2; AddBody(pos); pos.X += 2; AddBody(pos); pos.X += 2; AddBody(pos); pos.X += 2; AddBody(pos); pos.X += 2; AddBody(pos); pos.X += 2; AddBody(pos); //控制蛇的移动 while(ctrl = getch()) { switch(ctrl) { case 'w': if(dir == DOWN) continue; dir = UP; break; case 's': if(dir == UP) continue; dir = DOWN; break; case 'a': if(dir == RIGHT) continue; dir = LEFT; break; case 'd': if(dir == LEFT) continue; dir = RIGHT; break; case 'q': return 0; } MoveBody(dir); } return 0; }
The above is the detailed content of How to implement snake animation using c language code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!