1.HDFSDistributed file system operation and maintenance
1.Create recursion in the root directory of the HDFS file system Directory "1daoyun/file", upload the BigDataSkills.txt file in the attachment Go to the 1daoyun/file directory and use the relevant commands to view the files in the 1daoyun/file directory in the system List information.
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /1daoyun/filehadoop fs -put BigDataSkills.txt /1daoyun/file
hadoop fs -ls /1daoyun/file
at HDFS Create a recursive directory under the root directory of the file system"1daoyun/file", and add the ## in the attachment #BigDataSkills.txt file, upload it to the 1daoyun/file directory, and use HDFS File systemCheck tool checks whether files are damaged. hadoop fs -mkdir -p /1daoyun/file
hadoop fs -put BigDataSkills.txt/1daoyun/file
hadoop fsck /1daoyun/file/BigDataSkills.txt
at HDFS Create a recursive directory in the root directory of the file system "1daoyun/file", and add in the attachment BigDataSkills.txt file, upload to the 1daoyun/file directory, specify BigDataSkills.txt # during the upload process The ## file has a replication factor of #HDFS file system of 2 and uses fsck ToolTool checks the number of copies of storage blocks. hadoop fs -mkdir -p /1daoyun/file ##hadoop fs -D dfs.replication=2 -put BigDataSkills.txt /1daoyun/file hadoop fsck /1daoyun/file/BigDataSkills.txt 4.HDFS There is one in the root directory of the file system /apps file directory, it is required to enable the snapshot creation function of the directory and create a snapshot for the directory file , the snapshot name is apps_1daoyun, so use related commands to view the list information of the snapshot file. hadoop dfsadmin -allowSnapshot /apps hadoop fs -createSnapshot /apps apps_1daoyun hadoop fs -ls /apps/.snapshot 5.when Hadoop When the cluster starts, it will first enter the safe mode state, which will exit after 30 seconds by default. When the system is in safe mode, the HDFS file system can only be read, and cannot be written, modified, deleted, etc. It is assumed that the Hadoop cluster needs to be maintained. It is necessary to put the cluster into safe mode and check its status. hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter 6. In order to prevent operators from accidentally deleting files, HDFS The file system provides the recycle bin function, but Many junk files will take up a lot of storage space. It is required that the WEB interface of the Xiandian big data platform completely delete the files in the HDFS file system recycle bin The time interval is 7 days. Advancedcore-sitefs.trash.interval: 10080 7.In order to prevent operators from accidentally deleting files, the HDFS file system provides a recycle bin function, but too many junk files will take up a lot of storage space. It is required to use the "vi" command in Linux Shell to modify the corresponding configuration file and parameter information. Turn off the recycle bin function. After completion, restart the corresponding service. Advancedcore-sitefs.trash.interval: 0vi /etc/hadoop/ -227/0/core-site.xml ## ## trash.interval ## # sbin/stop-dfs.sh##sbin/start- dfs.sh The hosts in the cluster may experience downtime or system damage under certain circumstances. One Once these problems are encountered, The data files in the file system will inevitably be damaged or lost, HDFS The reliability of the file system now requires the redundancy replication factor of the cluster in the WEB interface of the Xidian big data platform Modify to 5. GeneralBlock replication5 9.Hadoop The hosts in the cluster may experience downtime or system damage under certain circumstances. Once Due to these problems, HDFS the data files in the file system will inevitably be damaged or lost, In order to ensure that HDFS For the reliability of the file system, the redundancy replication factor of the cluster needs to be modified to 5, in Linux Shell Use the "vi" command to modify the corresponding configuration file and parameter information. After completion, restart the corresponding service. vi/etc/hadoop/ site.xml ## # #/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh --config /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf stop {namenode/datenode} /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh --config /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf start {namenode/datenode} 10. Use the command to view hdfs in the file system/tmp The number of directories under the directory, the number of files and the total size of the files . hadoop fs -count /tmp2.MapREDUCE Case question 1.In the cluster node/usr/hdp/ In the # directory, there is a case JAR Packagehadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar. Run the PI program in the JAR package to calculate Piπ## Approximate value of #, requires running 5 Map tasks, each Map The number of throws for the task is 5. /usr/hdp/ jar hadoop- mapreduce-examples- pi 5 5
In the cluster node/usr/hdp/ directory, there is a caseJAR Packagehadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar. Run the wordcount program in the JAR package to #/1daoyun/file/ BigDataSkills.txt file counts words, outputs the operation results to the /1daoyun/output directory, and uses related commands to query the word count results. hadoop jar/usr/hdp/ wordcount /1daoyun/ file/BigDataSkills.txt /1daoyun/output 3.In the cluster node/usr/hdp/ In the # directory, there is a case JAR Packagehadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar. Run the sudoku program in the JAR package to calculate the results of the Sudoku problems in the table below. . cat puzzle1.dta 4. In the cluster node## There is a case JAR in the #/usr/hdp/ directory. Packagehadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar. Run the grep program in the JAR package to count / in the file system 1daoyun/file/BigDataSkills.txt The number of times "Hadoop" appears in the file. After the statistics are completed, query the statistical result information. hadoop jarhadoop-mapreduce-examples- grep /1daoyun/file/BigDataSkills.txt /output hadoop ##
The above is the detailed content of BigData big data operation and maintenance. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!