The following tutorial column will introduce to you how to make Laravel applications have multi-tenant functions in a few minutes. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!
In this tutorial, we will useTenancy for Laravel package to make Laravel applications multi-tenant.
It is a multi-tenant software package that allows your Laravel application to be multi-tenant No need to copy additional code
. It's as plug-and-play as a rental package.
Side note: In this tutorial, we'll cover the most common setup - multi-database tenancy on multiple domains. If you need a different setup, this is 100% possible. Just check out the package.
How it worksWhat is unique about this package is that it does not force you to write your application in a specific way. You can write your application as you are used to and it will automatically generate multi-tenancy under the hood. You can even integrate packages into existing applications.
1. When the server receives a user request
2. The program can identify which tenant the request belongs to through the request. (Through the main domain name, subdomain name, path, request header, query parameters, etc.)3. The program will switch from the
default database link to the current tenant link.
4. Any database calls, cache calls, queue calls, and other operations will automatically match the tenant and switch.
The first step is to install the package through composer. The command is as follows:
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command as follows:
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This operation will generate the following files: migration files, configuration files, routing files and a service provider. Let us set up the database and perform database migration through the following command:
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Then register the service provider in
config/app.php. Please make sure to place the code in the following location:
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Now, we create a custom tenant model. The package is unrestricted, so to use a separate database and domain we need to create a slightly customized tenant model. Create a app/Tenant.php
file with the following code:
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Now we tell the package to use this model for tenants: <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">// config/tenancy.php file
&#39;tenant_model&#39; => \App\Tenant::class,</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>Two parts<p>The package treats your application as two separate parts: </p>
<h2></h2>central application - hosts the login page, possibly a central dashboard to manage tenants, etc.<p></p>tenant Application - This is the part used by your tenants. This is most likely where most of the business logic resides<ul>
<li>Split the Application<li>Now that we understand these two parts, let’s split the application accordingly. </ul>
<h2>Central app</h2>
<p>First let’s make sure the central app is only accessible on the central domain. </p>
<h3>Go to </h3>app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php<p> and make sure your </p>web<p> and <code>api
routes are only loaded on the central domain: <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">protected function mapWebRoutes()
foreach ($this->centralDomains() as $domain) {
protected function mapApiRoutes()
foreach ($this->centralDomains() as $domain) {
protected function centralDomains(): array
return config('tenancy.central_domains');
}</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>
Now go to your file config/tenancy.php
and actually add the central domain.
I'm using Valet, so for me the central domain is saas.test
and the tenant domains are
and bar .saas.test
is an example. So we set the
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Tenant app Now comes the fun part. This part is almost too easy.
routing file That's it.
If you have an existing application, use your code to do this. If you are using a brand new application, please follow the following example:
By default, your tenant routes look like this:
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These routes can only be used in the tenant (non-hub) domain Access on -
PreventAccessFromCentralDomainsmiddleware enforces this.
Let's make a small change to dump all the users in the database so we can actually see multi-tenancy working. Add this to the middleware group: <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">Route::get('/', function () {
return 'This is your multi-tenant application. The id of the current tenant is ' . tenant('id');
});</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>
Now, migrate. Just move the migrations related to the tenant application into the
因此,让我们打开php artisan tinker
请注意,我们在 这里使用域标识因此,请确保您使用的域指向您的应用程序。我正在使用代客,所以我正在*.saas.test
用于租户。如果使用php artisan serve
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就是这样- 我们有一个多租户应用程序!
如果您访问 foo.saas.test
,您将看到不同用户的转储 。数据库是100%分离的,我们使用的代码 —App\User::all()
— 根本不需要了解租约!这一切都会在后台自动发生。您只需像以前那样编写应用程序,而不必考虑自己的范围界定,并且一切都正常。
不过,Tenancy for Laravel 项目的帮助并没有到此结束。该软件包将为您完成与多租户相关的所有繁重工作。但是,如果您要构建SaaS,则仍然需要自己编写计费逻辑,入门流程和类似的标准内容。如果您有兴趣,该项目还提供了一个优质产品:multi-tenant SaaS boilerplate。它旨在通过为您提供通常需要编写的SaaS功能来节省您的时间。所有这些都打包在一个随时可以部署的多租户应用程序中。
The above is the detailed content of Teach you how to make your Laravel application multi-tenant in a few minutes. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!