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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development

Release: 2020-09-15 16:34:15
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development

Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
#If there are multiple businesses, For public accounts/mini programs with the same functional mode, if it is just a small program development, do you need to copy multiple sets of codes, change the appid information, configure the domain name server and key and other tedious information in the background of the WeChat public account, and submit each change? Publish once and repeat the steps. As the number of official accounts/mini programs to be maintained gradually increases, the resources and costs that need to be invested also increase.

Have you ever thought about it, we only need to develop a set of public account/mini program code, use it as a template, and then a backend management system to move all the things done in the backend of the WeChat public account to ourselves in the system. To create a small program with the same business, you only need administrator authorization and just click a few buttons in our system to publish the small program online. It can be developed for N public accounts at one time and provide standardized interface services to meet the needs of Basic business needs. By scanning the QR code to authorize the platform, it can help multiple public accounts implement business. There is no need to understand complicated parameter settings, and the password is not provided to developers to ensure security and truly free the hands of operating students and developers. It would be nice to have more time to talk to my girlfriend. That’s right, WeChat third-party platform development is here to help you save more time to pick up girls.

Related learning recommendations:

WeChat public account development tutorial


WeChat public platform- The third-party platform (referred to as the third-party platform) is open to all developers who have passed the developer qualification certification. After being authorized by the operator of the official account or mini program (referred to as the operator), the third-party platform developer can provide the operator of the official account or mini program with account application, mini program creation, and technology by calling the interface capabilities of the WeChat open platform. Comprehensive services such as development, industry solutions, event marketing, and plug-in capabilities. Operators of the same account can choose multiple third parties that are suitable for them to provide product capabilities or entrust operations.

In terms of business characteristics, the third-party platform must be as shown in the figure:

Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
In terms of specific business scenarios, Third-party platforms include the following scenarios:

provides industry solutions, such as solutions for the e-commerce industry, or solutions for the tourism industry, etc.;

industry: (horizontally) provides more professional solutions Operational capabilities, refined operation of user public accounts or mini programs;

functions: (vertical) optimization of public platform functions, such as tools specifically optimizing the visual style and layout of graphic and text messages, or specially customized CRM User management functions, or powerful mini program plug-ins, etc.

The prerequisite for accessing third-party development is a WeChat open platform application. For detailed creation steps, please refer to


Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development

#1. Obtain the verification ticket

Verification ticket (component_verify_ticket). After the third-party platform is created and approved, the WeChat server will Push component_verify_ticket

to its "authorized event receiving URL" by POST every 10 minutes. After receiving the POST request, just return the string success directly. In order to enhance security, the xml in postdata will be encrypted using the encryption and decryption key when applying for the service, and needs to be decrypted after receiving the push.

public void saveTicket(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
  String msgSignature = request.getParameter("msg_signature");// 微信加密签名
  String timeStamp = request.getParameter("timestamp");// 时间戳    
  String nonce = request.getParameter("nonce"); // 随机数  
  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream(),"UTF-8"));
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  String line = null;
  while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    sb = sb.append(line);
  String postData = sb.toString();
  try {
    AuthorizedUtils.saveComponentVerifyTicket(msgSignature, timeStamp, nonce, postData);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.error("系统异常", e);
  } finally {
    // 响应消息
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
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2. Obtain token

Token (component_access_token) is the calling credential for the third-party platform interface. The acquisition of tokens is limited. Each token is valid for 2 hours. Please manage the tokens yourself. When the token is about to expire (for example, 1 hour and 50 minutes), call the interface again to obtain it.

public static ComponentToken getComponentToken(String ticket) {
RedisService<ComponentToken> redisService = RedisService.load();

ComponentToken componentToken = redisService.load(ComponentToken.COMPONENTTOKEN_ID, ComponentToken.class);  
if (componentToken == null) {
  String encryptAppId = ThirdPlat.PLAT_APPID;
  String appId = EnDecryptUtil.d3esDecode(encryptAppId);
  String encryptSecret = ThirdPlat.PLAT_SECRET;
  String secret = EnDecryptUtil.d3esDecode(encryptSecret);
  String requestUrl = AuthAccessUrl.COMPONENT_ACCESS_URL;
  Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); 
  map.put("component_appid", appId); //第三方平台appid
  map.put("component_appsecret", secret); //第三方平台appsecret
  map.put("component_verify_ticket", ticket); 
  String outputStr = JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
  JSONObject jsonObject = HttpRequestUtils.httpRequest(requestUrl, "POST", outputStr);
    if (null != jsonObject) {
    long expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + 7200;
      expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + jsonObject.getIntValue("expires_in");        
    }catch (Exception e) {
    try {
      componentToken = new ComponentToken();
      redisService.save(componentToken, ComponentToken.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      componentToken = null;
      logger.error("系统异常", e);
} else {
  long sysTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  if (sysTime >= componentToken.getExpiresIn()) {
    redisService.delete(ComponentToken.COMPONENTTOKEN_ID, ComponentToken.class);
    componentToken = getComponentToken(ticket);
return componentToken;
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development

3. Quickly create small programs


通过该接口创建小程序默认为“已认证”。为降低接入小程序的成本门槛,通过该接口创建的小程序无需交 300 元认证费。

Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult fastRegister(String merchantId) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(merchantId);
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("快速创建小程序失败,merchant为null",null);
  } else {
      RedisService<ComponentVerifyTicket> redisService = RedisService.load();
      ComponentVerifyTicket componentVerifyTicket = redisService.load(ComponentVerifyTicket.COMPONENT_VERIFY_TICKET_ID,
    if (componentVerifyTicket == null) {
        return AjaxResult.error("快速创建小程序失败,component_verify_ticket为null",null);
    } else {
        ComponentToken componentToken = AuthorizedUtils.getComponentToken(componentVerifyTicket.getComponentVerifyTicket());
        RegisterWeappOut out = new RegisterWeappOut();
        JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.createRegisterWeapp(componentToken,out);
        if (obj.getInteger("errcode") == 0 && "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString("errmsg"))) {
            return AjaxResult.success();
        } else {
            return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger("errcode"),obj.getString("errmsg"));
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预授权码(pre_auth_code)是第三方平台方实现授权托管的必备信息,每个预授权码有效期为 10 分钟。需要先获取令牌才能调用。

public static String getPreAuthCode(String ticket) {
ComponentToken componentToken = getComponentToken(ticket);
String encryptAppId = ThirdPlat.PLAT_APPID;
String appId = EnDecryptUtil.d3esDecode(encryptAppId);
String url = AuthAccessUrl.PRE_AUTH_CODE_URL + componentToken.getComponentAccessToken();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("component_appid", appId);
    JSONObject jsonObject = HttpRequestUtils.httpRequest(url, "POST", JSONObject.toJSONString(map));   
return jsonObject.getString("pre_auth_code");
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult getMchWebAuthUrl(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
RedisService<ComponentVerifyTicket> redisService = RedisService.load();
ComponentVerifyTicket componentVerifyTicket = redisService.load(ComponentVerifyTicket.COMPONENT_VERIFY_TICKET_ID,
if(componentVerifyTicket == null){
  return AjaxResult.error("引入用户进入授权页失败,component_verify_ticket为null",null);
  String preAuthCode = AuthorizedUtils.getPreAuthCode(componentVerifyTicket.getComponentVerifyTicket());
  String encryptAppId = ThirdPlat.PLAT_APPID;
  String appId = EnDecryptUtil.d3esDecode(encryptAppId);
  String auth_type = ThirdPlat.AUTH_TYPE;
  String requestUrl = AuthAccessUrl.WEB_AUTH_URL;
  try {
    requestUrl = requestUrl.replace("COMPONENT_APPID", appId).replace("PRE_AUTH_CODE", preAuthCode)
        .replace("REDIRECT_URI", URLEncoder.encode(ThirdPlat.REDIRECT_URI.replace("MERCHANTID", id),"UTF-8")).replace("AUTH_TYPE", auth_type);
  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  logger.warn("步骤2:引入用户进入授权页---->成功,url为:" + requestUrl);
  return AjaxResult.success("操作成功",requestUrl);
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult setBasicInfo(BasicInfo basicInfo) throws IOException {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(basicInfo.getMerchantId());
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("设置基本信息失败,merchant为null",null);
  } else {
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(basicInfo.getHeadImage())) {
          UploadIn uli = new UploadIn();
          JSONObject uploadJson = BaseUtils.upload(info,uli);
          String mediaId = uploadJson.getString("media_id");
          ModifyHeadImageIn mhi = new ModifyHeadImageIn();
          JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.modifyHeadImage(info,mhi);
          if (!obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) || !ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
              return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE),obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG));
          } else {
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(basicInfo.getNickname())) {
          UploadIn uli = new UploadIn();
          JSONObject uploadJson = BaseUtils.upload(info,uli);
          String mediaId = uploadJson.getString("media_id");
          SetNicknameIn sni = new SetNicknameIn();
          JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.setNickname(info,sni);
          if (!obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) || !ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
              return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE),obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG));
          } else {
              if (obj.containsKey("audit_id") && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(obj.getString("audit_id"))) {
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(basicInfo.getSignature())) {
          ModifySignatureIn msi = new ModifySignatureIn();
          JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.modifySignature(info, msi);
          if (!obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) || !ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
              return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE),obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG));
          } else {
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(basicInfo.getStatus())) {
          SearchStatusIn ssi = new SearchStatusIn();
          JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.changeWxaSearchStatus(info, ssi);
          if (!obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) || !ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
              return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE),obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG));
          } else {
      return AjaxResult.success();
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development







Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult modifyDomain(ModifyDomain modifyDomain) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(modifyDomain.getMerchantId());
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("设置服务器域名失败,merchant为null",null);
  } else {
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      ModifyDomainOut out = new ModifyDomainOut();
      String[] requests = modifyDomain.getRequestdomain().split(",");
      List<String> requestList = Arrays.asList(requests);
      String[] wsrequests = modifyDomain.getWsrequestdomain().split(",");
      List<String> wsrequestList = Arrays.asList(wsrequests);
      String[] uploads = modifyDomain.getUploaddomain().split(",");
      List<String> uploadList = Arrays.asList(uploads);
      String[] downloads = modifyDomain.getDownloaddomain().split(",");
      List<String> downloadsList = Arrays.asList(downloads);
      JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.modifyDomain(info, out);
      if("0".equals(obj.getString("errcode")) && "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString("errmsg"))){
          return AjaxResult.success();
      } else {
          return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger("errcode"),obj.getString("errmsg"));
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为授权的小程序配置域名时支持配置子域名,例如第三方登记的业务域名如为 qq.com,则可以直接将 qq.com 及其子域名(如 xxx.qq.com)也配置到授权的小程序中。


Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult webviewDomain(WebviewDomain webviewDomain) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(webviewDomain.getMerchantId());
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("设置业务域名失败,merchant为null",null);
  } else {
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      SetWebViewDomainOut out = new SetWebViewDomainOut();
      String[] webviews = webviewDomain.getWebviewdomain().split(",");
      List<String> webviewList = Arrays.asList(webviews);
      JSONObject obj = BaseUtils.setWebViewDomain(info, out);
      if("0".equals(obj.getString("errcode")) && "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString("errmsg"))){
          return AjaxResult.success();
      } else {
          return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger("errcode"),obj.getString("errmsg"));
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第三方平台需要先将草稿添加到代码模板库,或者从代码模板库中选取某个代码模板,得到对应的模板 id(template_id);然后调用本接口可以为已授权的小程序上传代码。

Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult commit(CommitModel model) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.selectMerchantById(model.getMerchantId());
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("上传代码,merchant为null",null);
  AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
  CommitIn commitIn = new CommitIn();
  String value = model.getValue();
  String[] items = value.split("_");
  String version = items[2];

  JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
  obj.put("extAppid", merchant.getAppid());
  Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
  map.put("merchantId", model.getMerchantId());
  map.put("userVersion", commitIn.getUser_version());
  obj.put("ext", map);
  map = new HashMap<>();
  Map<String, Object> maps = new HashMap<>();
  maps.put("pages/index/index", map);
  obj.put("extPages", maps);
  obj = CodeUtils.commit(info, commitIn);
  if("0".equals(obj.getString("errcode")) && "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString("errmsg"))){
      AppletsRelease ar = appletsReleaseService.getOne(new LambdaQueryWrapper<AppletsRelease>()
      if(ar == null){
          ar = new AppletsRelease();
      } else{
      return AjaxResult.success();
  } else {
      return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger("errcode"),obj.getString("errmsg"));
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development



注意: 如果运营者同时也是该小程序的管理员,则无需绑定,管理员默认有体验权限。

Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
* 绑定体验者
* @parambindTester
* @return
public AjaxResult bindTester(BindTester bindTester) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(bindTester.getMerchantId());
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("绑定体验者失败,merchant为null",null);
  } else {
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      JSONObject obj = MemberUtils.bindTester(info, bindTester.getWechatId());
      if("0".equals(obj.getString("errcode")) && "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString("errmsg"))){
      AppletsTester at = new AppletsTester();
        return AjaxResult.success();
    } else {
        return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger("errcode"),obj.getString("errmsg"));

* 解除体验者
* @paramtesterIds
* @return
public AjaxResult unbindTester(Long[] testerIds) {
  for (Long id : testerIds) {
      AppletsTester tester = appletsTesterService.getById(id);
      if (tester == null) {
          return AjaxResult.error("解除体验者,tester为null",null);
      Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(tester.getMerchantId());
      if (merchant == null) {
          return AjaxResult.error("解除体验者,merchant为null",null);
        AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
        JSONObject obj = MemberUtils.unbindTester(info, tester.getWechatId());
        if("0".equals(obj.getString("errcode")) && "ok".equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString("errmsg"))){
        } else {
            return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger("errcode"),obj.getString("errmsg"));
    return AjaxResult.success();
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult getQrcode(String merchantId) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(merchantId);
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("获取体验二维码,merchant为null",null);
  AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
  String qrcodeUrl =  CodeUtils.getQrcode(info, "pages/index/index");
  return AjaxResult.success("操作成功",qrcodeUrl);
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult submitAudit(SubmitAudit submit) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(submit.getMerchantId());
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("获取体验二维码,merchant为null", null);
  AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
  List<String> categorys = submit.getCategory();
          .setTag(submit.getTag().replace(",", " "));
  List<SubmitAudit> submits = new ArrayList<>();
  JSONObject sa = CodeUtils.submitAudit(info, submits);
  if (sa.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) && ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(sa.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
      JSONObject obj = CodeUtils.getAuditStatus(info, sa.getString("auditid"));
      if (obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) && ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
          AppletsRelease ar = appletsReleaseService.getOne(new LambdaQueryWrapper<AppletsRelease>()
          if (ar == null) {
              return AjaxResult.error("请先上传代码");
          if (AppletsRelease.STATUS_0.equals(ar.getStatus())) {
          } else if (AppletsRelease.STATUS_1.equals(ar.getStatus())) {
          } else if (AppletsRelease.STATUS_2.equals(ar.getStatus())) {
          } else if (AppletsRelease.STATUS_3.equals(ar.getStatus())) {
          } else if (AppletsRelease.STATUS_4.equals(ar.getStatus())) {
          return AjaxResult.success();
      } else {
          return AjaxResult.error(obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE), obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG));
  } else {
      return AjaxResult.error(sa.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE), sa.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG));
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注意: 单个帐号每天审核撤回次数最多不超过 1 次,一个月不超过 10 次。

Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult undoCodeAudit(String[] ids) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (String id : ids) {
      Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(id);
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      JSONObject obj = CodeUtils.undoCodeAudit(info);
      if (obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) && ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
          AppletsRelease ar = appletsReleaseService.getOne(new LambdaQueryWrapper<AppletsRelease>()
      } else{
  if (sb.length() == 0) {
      return AjaxResult.success();
  } else {
      String name = sb.substring(0, sb.length()-1);
      return AjaxResult.error(name+"审核撤回失败");
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult releaseApplets(String[] ids) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (String id : ids) {
      Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(id);
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      JSONObject obj = CodeUtils.release(info);
      if (obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) && ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG))) {
          AppletsRelease ar = appletsReleaseService.getOne(new LambdaQueryWrapper<AppletsRelease>()
      } else{
  if (sb.length() == 0) {
      return AjaxResult.success();
  } else {
      String name = sb.substring(0, sb.length()-1);
      return AjaxResult.error(name+"发布失败");
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult revertCodeRelease(String[] ids) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (String id : ids) {
      Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(id);
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      JSONObject obj = CodeUtils.revertCodeRelease(info);
      if (!(obj.getInteger(ResStatus.ERRCODE).equals(ResStatus.CODE) && ResStatus.MSG.equalsIgnoreCase(obj.getString(ResStatus.ERRMSG)))) {
  if (sb.length() == 0) {
      return AjaxResult.success();
  } else {
      String name = sb.substring(0, sb.length()-1);
      return AjaxResult.error(null,name+"审核撤回失败");
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Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development
public AjaxResult getMiniQrcode(@PathVariable("merchantId") String merchantId) {
  Merchant merchant = merchantService.getById(merchantId);
  if (merchant == null) {
      return AjaxResult.error("获取小程序码,merchant为null",null);
  String qrcode;
  if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(merchant.getAppletImage())) {
      qrcode = merchant.getAppletImage();
  } else {
      AuthorizationInfo info = AuthorizedUtils.getAuthorizationInfo(merchant.getAppid());
      qrcode = WxUtils.getMiniQrcode(merchantId, "pages/index/index", "merchant", "miniQrcode", info.getAuthorizer_access_token());
  return AjaxResult.success("操作成功",qrcode);
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The above is the detailed content of Things about WeChat open platform and third-party platform development. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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