##PrefaceRelated learning recommendations: mysql tutorial
on the attribute, which requires the attribute (column) to be atomic and cannot be decomposed; (as long as All relational databases satisfy 1NF)
Second normal form: 2NF - ensure that each column in the table is related to the primary key is the unique constraint onrecords , requirements The record has a unique identifier, that is, the uniqueness of the entity;
First satisfy 1NF, and then each table must have a primary key, and ensure that each column is related to the primary key, not part of the primary key (mainly for joint primary keys). In other words, only one type of data is stored in a table instead of multiple types of data.Error Demonstration: Wrong design of product order information
Correct Demonstration: Correct design of product order information
field redundancy, which requires that fields are not redundant.
The third normal form needs to ensure that each column of data in the data table is directly related to the primary key and cannot be indirectly related. Transitive dependencies are not allowed, for example, non-primary key column A depends on non-primary key column B, and non-primary key column B depends on the primary key.关键字段 -> 非关键字段x -> 非关键字段y复制代码
Case 1:
For example, when designing an order data table, you can use the customer number as a foreign key to establish a corresponding relationship with the order table. You cannot add other information about the customer (such as name, company, etc.) fields to the order form. The design shown in the following two tables is a database table that satisfies the third normal form.Assume that the student relationship table is
Student (Student number, name, age, college, college location, college phone number), the key word is the single keyword "student number", because there is the following determination relationship: <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class='brush:php;toolbar:false;'>(学号)-> (姓名、年龄、所在学院、学院地点、学院电话)复制代码</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>
That is, there is a non-key field "college location" , the transfer function dependence of "college phone number" on the key field "student number".
It will also have data redundancy, update anomalies, insertion anomalies and deletion anomalies. Correctly, the student relationship table should be divided into the following two tables:
##Less duplicate data and no redundancy;
Querying often requires many associations, which increases the cost of querying. It may also invalidate some indexing strategies because normalization places columns in different tables that would otherwise belong to the same index in one table.
Advantages and disadvantages of denormalizationAvoid correlation, almost all data can be displayed in one table .
There is a lot of redundant data, which is less troublesome to maintain. It is also easy to lose important information when deleting data.
如果数据量一样,但数据类型更小的话,数据存放同样的数据就会占用更少的空间,这样检索同样的数据所带来的IO 消耗自然会降低,性能也就很自然的得到提升。此外,MySQL 对不同类型的数据,处理方式也不一样,比如在运算或者排序操作中,越简单的数据类型操作性能越高,所以对于要频繁进行运算或者排序的字段尽量选择简单的数据类型。
show status
分析低效率的SQL;-- select语句分类SelectDml数据操作语言(insert update delete) dtl 数据事物语言(commit rollback savepoint)Ddl数据定义语言(create alter drop..) Dcl(数据控制语言) grant revoke-- Show status 常用命令--查询本次会话Show session status like 'com_%'; //show session status like 'Com_select'--查询全局Show global status like 'com_%';-- 给某个用户授权grant all privileges on *.* to 'abc'@'%';--为什么这样授权 'abc' 表示用户名 '@' 表示host, 查看一下mysql->user表就知道了--回收权限revoke all on *.* from 'abc'@'%';--刷新权限[也可以不写]flush privileges;复制代码
MySQL客户端连接成功后,通过使用 show [session|global] status
show status like 'Com_%';复制代码
其中, Com_XXX
表示 XXX
:慢查询的次数 (默认是慢查询时间10s)
show status like 'Connections';show status like 'Uptime';show status like 'Slow_queries';复制代码
show variables like 'long_query_time';复制代码
set long_query_time=2;复制代码
show status like 'Uptime';
select/update/delete.. /
: show status like 'Com_%';
show variables like '%query%';复制代码
默认是off关闭的,使用时,需要改为on 打开 slow_query_log_file
默认是10S,每次执行的sql达到这个时长,就会被记录Slow_queries 记录的是慢查询数量 当有一条sql执行一次比较慢时,这个vlue就是1 (记录的是本次会话的慢sql条数)
show status like '%slow_queries%';复制代码
- 如何打开慢查询 : SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = ON;
- 将默认时间改为1S: SET GLOBAL long_query_time = 1;
关键字可以模拟优化器执行SQL语句,分析你的查询语句或是结构的性能瓶颈 在 select 语句之前增加 explain 关键字,MySQL 会在查询上设置一个标记,执行查询会返回执行计划的信息,而不是执行这条SQL。
注意:如果 from 中包含子查询,仍会执行该子查询,将结果放入临时表中
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `actor`; CREATE TABLE `actor` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,`name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;INSERT INTO `actor` (`id`,`name`,`update_time`) VALUES (1,'a','2020-09-16 14:26:11'), (2,'b','2020-09-16 14:26:11'), (3,'c','2020-09-16 14:26:11');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS` film`; CREATE TABLE`film`(`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`),KEY `idx_name` (`name`) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;INSERT INTO `film`(`id`,`name`) VALUES (3,'film0'),(1,'film1'),(2,'film2');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `film_actor`;CREATE TABLE`film_actor`(`id` int(11) NOT NULL,`film_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`actor_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`remark` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`),KEY `idx_film_actor_id` (`film_id`,`actor_id`) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;INSERT INTO`film_actor`(`id`,`film_id`,`actor_id`)VALUES(1,1,1), (2,1,2),(3,2,1);复制代码
explain select * from actor;复制代码
explain extended
会在 explain 的基础上额外提供一些查询优化的信息。紧随其后通过 show warnings 命令可以得到优化后的查询语句,从而看出优化器优化了什么。额外还有 filtered 列,是一个半分比的值,rows * filtered/100 可以估算出将要和 explain 中前一个表进行连接的行数(前一个表指 explain 中的id值比当前表id值小的表)。
explain extended select * from film where id = 1;复制代码
show warnings;复制代码
explain partitions
相比 explain 多了个 partitions 字段,如果查询是基于分区表的话,会显示查询将访问的分区。
接下来我们将展示 explain 中每个列的信息。
id 列的编号是 select 的序列号,有几个 select 就有几个 id,并且id的顺序是按 select 出现的顺序递增的。id列越大执行优先级越高,id相同则从上往下执行,id为 NULL 最后执行。
explain select * from film where id = 2;复制代码
:复杂查询中最外层的 selectsubquery
:包含在 select 中的子查询(不在 from 子句中)derived
:包含在 from 子句中的子查询。MySQL 会将结果存放在一个临时表中,也称为派生表(derived的英文含义)用下面这个例子来了解 primary、subquery、derived类型。
explain select (select 1 from actor where id = 1) from (select * from film where id = 1) der;复制代码
#关闭mysql5.7新特性对衍 生表的合并优化set session optimizer_switch='derived_merge=off'; 复制代码
#还原默认配置set session optimizer_switch='derived_merge=on'; 复制代码
:在 union 中的第二个和随后的 selectexplain select 1 union all select 1;复制代码
这一列表示 explain 的一行正在访问哪个表。
当 from 子句中有子查询时,table列是 格式,表示当前查询依赖 id=N 的查 询,于是先执行 id=N 的查询。
当有 union 时,UNION RESULT 的 table 列的值为
system > const > eq_ref > ref > range > index > ALL复制代码
一般来说,得保证查询达到 range
级别,最好达到 ref
NULL:MySQL 能够在优化阶段分解查询语句,在执行阶段用不着再访问表或索引。例如:在索引列中选取最小值,可以单独查找索引来完成,不需要在执行时访问表。
explain select min(id) from film;复制代码
system、const :MySQL 能对查询的某部分进行优化并将其转化成一个常量(可以看 show warnings 的)。用于 primary key
或 unique key
的所有列与常数比较时,所以表最多有一个匹配行,读取1次,速度比较快。system 是 const 的特例,表里只有一条元组匹配时为 system。
explain extended select * from (select * from film where id = 1) tmp;复制代码
show warnings;复制代码
eq_ref :primary key 或 unique key 索引的所有部分被连接使用,最多只会返回一条符合条件的记录。这可能实在 const 之外最好的连接类型了,简单的 select 查询不会出现这种 type。
explain select * from film_actor left join film on film_actor.film_id = film.id;复制代码
ref :相比 eq_ref ,不使用唯一索引,而是使用普通索引或者唯一性索引的部分前缀,索引要和某个值相比较,可能会找到多个符合条件的行。
(1)简单 select 查询,name 是普通索引(非唯一索引)
explain select * from film where name = 'film1';复制代码
(2)关联表查询, idx_film_actor_id
是 film_id 和 actor_id 的联合索引,这里使用到了 film_actor 的左边前缀 film_id 部分。
explain select film_id from film left join film_actor on film.id = film_actor.film_id;复制代码
range : 范围扫描通常出现在 in()、betwwen、>、<、>=
explain select * from actor where id > 1;复制代码
index :扫描全表索引,通过比 ALL 快一些。
explain select * from film;复制代码
ALL :即全表扫描,意味着MySQL需要从头到尾去查找所需要的行。通常情况下这需要增加索引来进行优化了。
explain select * from actor复制代码
这一列显示查询可能使用哪些索引来查找。 explain 时可能出现 possible_keys 有列,而 key 显示 NULL 的情况,这种情况是因为表中数据不多,mysql认为索引对此查询帮助不大,选择了全表查询。 如果该列是NULL,则没有相关的索引。在这种情况下,可以通过检查 where 子句看是否可以创造一个适当的索引来提高查询性能,然后用 explain 查看效果。
如果没有使用索引,则该列是 NULL。如果想强制mysql使用或忽视possible_keys列中的索 引,在查询中使用 force index
、ignore index
这一列显示了mysql在索引里使用的字节数,通过这个值可以算出具体使用了索引中的哪些 列。 举例来说,film_actor的联合索引 idx_film_actor_id 由 film_id 和 actor_id 两个int列组成, 并且每个int是4字节。通过结果中的key_len=4可推断出查询使用了第一个列:film_id列来执 行索引查找。
explain select * from film_actor where film_id = 2;复制代码
key_len计算规则如下: 字符串
如果字段允许为 NULL,需要1字节记录是否为 NULL
这一列显示了在key列记录的索引中,表查找值所用到的列或常量,常见的有:const(常 量),字段名(例:film.id)
(1)Using index :使用覆盖索引
explain select film_id from film_actor where film_id = 1;复制代码
(2)Using where :使用 where 语句来处理结果,查询的列未被索引覆盖
explain select * from actor where name = 'a';复制代码
(3)Using index condition :查询的列不完全被索引覆盖,where 条件中是一个前导列的范围
explain select * from film_actor where film_id > 1;复制代码
(4)Using temporary :MySQL 需要创建一张临时表来处理查询。出现这种情况一般是要进行优化的,首先是想到用索引来优化。
explain select distinct name from actor;复制代码
explain select distinct name from film;复制代码
(5)Using filesort : 将用外部排序而不是索引排序,数据较小时从内存排序,否则需要在磁盘 完成排序。这种情况下一般也是要考虑使用索引来优化的。
explain select * from actor order by name;复制代码
explain select * from film order by name;复制代码
(6)Select tables optimized away :使用某些聚合函数(比如 max、min)来访问存在索引 的某个字段是
explain select min(id) from film;复制代码
# 示例表CREATE TABLE`employees`(`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '姓名',`age` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '年龄',`position` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '职位',`hire_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '入职时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_name_age_position` (`name`,`age`,`position`) USING BTREE )ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='员工记录表'; INSERT INTO employees(name,age,position,hire_time)VALUES('ZhangSan',23,'Manager',NOW());INSERT INTO employees(name,age,position,hire_time)VALUES('HanMeimei', 23,'dev',NOW());INSERT INTO employees(name,age,position,hire_time) VALUES('Lucy',23,'dev',NOW());复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan' AND age = 22;复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan' AND age = 22 AND position ='manager';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE age = 22 AND position ='manager';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE position = 'manager';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'ZhangSan';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'ZhangSan';EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE left(name,3) = 'ZhangSan';复制代码
ALTER TABLE `employees`ADD INDEX `idx_hire_time` (`hire_time`) USING BTREE;复制代码
EXPLAIN select * from employees where date(hire_time) ='2020-09-30';复制代码
EXPLAIN select * from employees where hire_time >='2020-09-30 00:00:00' and hire_time <='2020-09-30 23:59:59';复制代码
ALTER TABLE `employees`DROP INDEX `idx_hire_time`;复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan' AND age = 22 AND position ='manager';EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan' AND age > 22 AND position ='manager';复制代码
尽量使用覆盖索引(只访问索引的查询(索引列包含查询列)),减少select *
EXPLAIN SELECT name,age FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan' AND age = 23 AND position ='manager';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name= 'ZhangSan' AND age = 23 AND position ='manager';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name != 'ZhangSan';复制代码
is null、is not null
也无法使用索引EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name is null复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name like '%Zhang'复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name like 'Zhang%'复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT name,age,position FROM employees WHERE name like '%Zhang%';复制代码
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = '1000'; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 1000;复制代码
少用or或in,用它查询时,mysql不一定使用索引,mysql内部优化器会根据检索比例、 表大小等多个因素整体评估是否使用索引,详见范围查询优化。
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'ZhangSan' or name = 'HanMeimei';复制代码
ALTER TABLE`employees`ADD INDEX `idx_age` (`age`)USING BTREE;复制代码
explain select * from employees where age >=1 and age <=2000;复制代码
没走索引原因:mysql内部优化器会根据检索比例、表大小等多个因素整体评估是否使用索引。比如这个例子,可能是由于单次数据量查询过大导致优化器最终选择不走索引 优化方法:可以讲大的范围拆分成多个小范围。
explain select * from employees where age >=1 and age <=1000;explain select * from employees where age >=1001 and age <=2000;复制代码
ALTER TABLE `employees`DROP INDEX `idx_age`;复制代码
假设 index(a,b,c)
like KK% 相当于=常量,%KK 和 %KK% 相当于范围
The above is the detailed content of Practice (1)--MySQL performance optimization. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!