PHP method for case conversion of amount: use the amount conversion function gres, the code is [$grees=array("十","百","千","万","十","百" ","Qian","Billion");list($ns1,$ns2)=explode(".",$ns,2)].
php amount case conversion method:
An amount conversion function used in CRM in the early years , take it out from the old project and record it today. There are many functional methods for converting amounts, and they are all very good. However, this is a conversion function written by Xiao Cuigang when he was working, so it is somewhat commemorative. If you have any questions, please point them out, thank you!
Without further ado, let’s get straight to the code:
<? function upper($ns) { static $cnums=array("零","壹","贰","叁","肆","伍","陆","柒","捌","玖"), $cnyunits=array("圆","角","分"), $grees=array("拾","佰","仟","万","拾","佰","仟","亿"); list($ns1,$ns2)=explode(".",$ns,2); $ns2=array_filter(array($ns2[1],$ns2[0])); $ret=array_merge($ns2,array(implode("",calu(str_split($ns1),$grees)),"")); $ret=implode("",array_reverse(calu($ret,$cnyunits))); return str_replace(array_keys($cnums),$cnums,$ret); } function calu($list,$units) { $ul=count($units); $xs=array(); foreach (array_reverse($list) as $x) { $l=count($xs); if ($x!="0" || !($l%4)) $n=($x=='0'?'':$x).($units[($l-1)%$ul]); else $n=is_numeric($xs[0][0])?$x:''; array_unshift($xs,$n); } return $xs; } echo upper('12121'); ?>
The above is the basic conversion code, and a second transformation will be carried out on this basis:
<?php /** * 转换大写金额 * $num 数字类型 */ function inttod($num) { //判断$num是否存在 if(!$num) return '零圆'; //保留小数点后两位 $num = round($num, 2); //将浮点转换为整数 $tem_num = $num * 100; //判断数字长度 $tem_num_len = strlen($tem_num); if($tem_num_len > 14) { return '数字太大了吧,有这么大的金钱吗'; } //大写数字 $dint = array('零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖'); //大写金额单位 $danwei = array('仟', '佰', '拾', '亿', '仟', '佰', '拾', '万', '仟', '佰', '拾', '圆'); $danwei1 = array('角', '分'); //空的变量用来保存转换字符串 $daxie = ''; //分割数字,区分圆角分 list($left_num, $right_num) = explode('.', $num); //计算单位长度 $danwei_len = count($danwei); //计算分割后的字符串长度 $left_num_len = strlen($left_num); $right_num_len = strlen($right_num); //循环计算亿万元等 for($i = 0; $i < $left_num_len; $i++) { //循环单个文字 $key_ = substr($left_num, $i, 1); //判断数字不等于0或数字等于0与金额单位为亿、万、圆,就返回完整单位的字符串 if($key_ !== '0' || ($key_ == '0' && ($danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i] == '亿' || $danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i] == '万' || $danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i] == '圆'))) { $daxie = $daxie . $dint[$key_] . $danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i]; } else { //否则就不含单位 $daxie = $daxie . $dint[$key_]; } } //循环计算角分 for($i = 0; $i < $right_num_len; $i++) { $key_ = substr($right_num, $i, 1); if($key_ > 0) { $daxie = $daxie . $dint[$key_] . $danwei1[$i]; } } //计算转换后的长度 $daxie_len = strlen($daxie); //设置文字切片从0开始,utf-8汉字占3个字符 $j = 0; while($daxie_len > 0) { //每次切片两个汉字 $str = substr($daxie, $j, 6); //判断切片后的文字不等于零万、零圆、零亿、零零 if($str == '零万' || $str == '零圆' || $str == '零亿' || $str == '零零') { //重新切片 $left = substr($daxie, 0, $j); $right = substr($daxie, $j + 3); $daxie = $left . $right; } $j += 3; $daxie_len -= 3; } return '人民币' . $daxie . '整'; } $result = inttod(99090909090.19); var_dump($result);
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