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A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js

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A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js

#One of the most unique features of Vue is its non-intrusive reactive system. Data models are just ordinary JavaScript objects. And when you modify them, the view updates. Vue is implemented through two-way binding. This article will introduce the principle and implementation method of Vue two-way binding.

This article mainly introduces two major contents:

1. The principle of two-way binding of vue data.

2. The process of implementing a simple version of vue mainly implements the functions of {{}}, v-model and event instructions.

Related code address: https://github.com/canfoo/self-vue

vue data two-way binding principle

Vue data two-way binding is achieved through data hijacking combined with the publisher-subscriber model. We can first take a look at what it means to output an object defined on the vue initialization data through the console.


var vm = new Vue({
    data: {
        obj: {
            a: 1
    created: function () {
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A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js

We can see that attribute a has two corresponding get and set methods, why Will there be these two more methods? Because vue implements data hijacking through Object.defineProperty().

What is Object.defineProperty() used for? It can control some unique operations of an object's attributes, such as read and write rights, and whether it can be enumerated. Here we mainly study its two corresponding description attributes, get and set.

In normal times, we can easily print out the attribute data of an object:

var Book = {
  name: 'vue权威指南'
console.log(Book.name);  // vue权威指南
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If you want to directly add the name of the book while executing console.log(book.name) A book title, how to deal with it? Or what should be used to monitor the property value of the object Book. At this time, Object.defineProperty() comes in handy. The code is as follows:

var Book = {}
var name = '';
Object.defineProperty(Book, 'name', {
  set: function (value) {
    name = value;
    console.log('你取了一个书名叫做' + value);
  get: function () {
    return '《' + name + '》'
Book.name = 'vue权威指南';  // 你取了一个书名叫做vue权威指南
console.log(Book.name);  // 《vue权威指南》
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We set the name attribute of the object Book through Object.defineProperty() and rewrite its get and set operations. As the name suggests, get is a function triggered by reading the value of the name attribute, and set is a function triggered by setting the value of the name attribute.

So when the statement Book.name = 'vue authoritative guide' is executed, the console will print out "You named a book called vue authoritative guide". Then, when reading this attribute, "Vue Authoritative Guide" will be output, because we have processed the value in the get function.

If we execute the following statement at this time, what will be output on the console?

A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js

At first glance, it looks a bit similar to the vue data we printed above, indicating that vue does use this method to hijack data. Next, we use its principle to implement a simple version of mvvm two-way binding code.

Idea Analysis

The implementation of mvvm mainly includes two aspects, data changes update the view, and view changes update the data:

A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js

The key point is how the data updates the view, because the view updates the data through event monitoring. For example, the input tag can monitor the 'input' event. So we focus on analyzing how to update the view when the data changes.

The focus of the data update view is how to know that the data has changed. As long as you know that the data has changed, the next thing will be easy to handle. How to know that the data has changed? In fact, we have already given the answer above, which is to set a set function on the property through Object.defineProperty().

This function will be triggered when the data changes, so we only need to put some methods that need to be updated here to update the data view.

A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js

Now that we have the idea, the next step is the implementation process.

Implementation process

We already know that to implement two-way binding of data, we must first hijack and monitor the data, so we need to set up a monitor Observer is used to monitor all properties. If the attribute changes, you need to tell the subscriber Watcher to see if it needs to be updated.

Because there are many subscribers, we need to have a message subscriber Dep to specifically collect these subscribers, and then manage them uniformly between the listener Observer and the subscriber Watcher.

Next, we also need an instruction parser, Compile, to scan and parse each node element, initialize the relevant instructions into a subscriber Watcher, and replace the template data or bind the corresponding function.






A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js


Observer是一个数据监听器,其实现核心方法就是前文所说的Object.defineProperty( )。如果要对所有属性都进行监听的话,那么可以通过递归方法遍历所有属性值,并对其进行Object.defineProperty( )处理。


function defineReactive(data, key, val) {
    observe(val); // 递归遍历所有子属性
    Object.defineProperty(data, key, {
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true,
        get: function() {
            return val;
        set: function(newVal) {
            val = newVal;
            console.log('属性' + key + '已经被监听了,现在值为:“' + newVal.toString() + '”');
function observe(data) {
    if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') {
    Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
        defineReactive(data, key, data[key]);
var library = {
    book1: {
        name: ''
    book2: ''
library.book1.name = 'vue权威指南'; // 属性name已经被监听了,现在值为:“vue权威指南”
library.book2 = '没有此书籍';  // 属性book2已经被监听了,现在值为:“没有此书籍”
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function defineReactive(data, key, val) {
    observe(val); // 递归遍历所有子属性
    var dep = new Dep(); 
    Object.defineProperty(data, key, {
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true,
        get: function() {
            if (是否需要添加订阅者) {
                dep.addSub(watcher); // 在这里添加一个订阅者
            return val;
        set: function(newVal) {
            if (val === newVal) {
            val = newVal;
            console.log('属性' + key + '已经被监听了,现在值为:“' + newVal.toString() + '”');
            dep.notify(); // 如果数据变化,通知所有订阅者
function Dep () {
    this.subs = [];
Dep.prototype = {
    addSub: function(sub) {
    notify: function() {
        this.subs.forEach(function(sub) {
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那要如何触发get的函数,再简单不过了,只要获取对应的属性值就可以触发了,核心原因就是因为我们使用了Object.defineProperty( )进行数据监听。



function Watcher(vm, exp, cb) {
    this.cb = cb;
    this.vm = vm;
    this.exp = exp;
    this.value = this.get();  // 将自己添加到订阅器的操作
Watcher.prototype = {
    update: function() {
    run: function() {
        var value = this.vm.data[this.exp];
        var oldVal = this.value;
        if (value !== oldVal) {
            this.value = value;
            this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldVal);
    get: function() {
        Dep.target = this;  // 缓存自己
        var value = this.vm.data[this.exp]  // 强制执行监听器里的get函数
        Dep.target = null;  // 释放自己
        return value;
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function defineReactive(data, key, val) {
    observe(val); // 递归遍历所有子属性
    var dep = new Dep(); 
    Object.defineProperty(data, key, {
        enumerable: true,
        configurable: true,
        get: function() {
            if (Dep.target) {.  // 判断是否需要添加订阅者
                dep.addSub(Dep.target); // 在这里添加一个订阅者
            return val;
        set: function(newVal) {
            if (val === newVal) {
            val = newVal;
            console.log('属性' + key + '已经被监听了,现在值为:“' + newVal.toString() + '”');
            dep.notify(); // 如果数据变化,通知所有订阅者
Dep.target = null;
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    <h1 id="name">{{name}}</h1>
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function SelfVue (data, el, exp) {
    this.data = data;
    el.innerHTML = this.data[exp];  // 初始化模板数据的值
    new Watcher(this, exp, function (value) {
        el.innerHTML = value;
    return this;
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    <h1 id="name">{{name}}</h1>

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这时候打开页面,可以看到页面刚开始显示了是'hello world',过了2s后就变成'canfoo'了。到这里,总算大功告成一半了。

但是还有一个细节问题,我们在赋值的时候是这样的形式 ' selfVue.data.name = 'canfoo' ' 而我们理想的形式是' selfVue.name = 'canfoo' '

为了实现这样的形式,我们需要在new SelfVue的时候做一个代理处理,让访问selfVue的属性代理为访问selfVue.data的属性,实现原理还是使用Object.defineProperty( )对属性值再包一层:

function SelfVue (data, el, exp) {
    var self = this;
    this.data = data;
    Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
        self.proxyKeys(key);  // 绑定代理属性
    el.innerHTML = this.data[exp];  // 初始化模板数据的值
    new Watcher(this, exp, function (value) {
        el.innerHTML = value;
    return this;
SelfVue.prototype = {
    proxyKeys: function (key) {
        var self = this;
        Object.defineProperty(this, key, {
            enumerable: false,
            configurable: true,
            get: function proxyGetter() {
                return self.data[key];
            set: function proxySetter(newVal) {
                self.data[key] = newVal;
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这下我们就可以直接通过' selfVue.name = 'canfoo' '的形式来进行改变模板数据了。






function nodeToFragment (el) {
    var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    var child = el.firstChild;
    while (child) {
        // 将Dom元素移入fragment中
        child = el.firstChild
    return fragment;
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接下来需要遍历各个节点,对含有相关指定的节点进行特殊处理,这里咱们先处理最简单的情况,只对带有 '{{变量}}' 这种形式的指令进行处理,先简道难嘛,后面再考虑更多指令情况:

function compileElement (el) {
    var childNodes = el.childNodes;
    var self = this;
    [].slice.call(childNodes).forEach(function(node) {
        var reg = /\{\{(.*)\}\}/;
        var text = node.textContent;
        if (self.isTextNode(node) && reg.test(text)) {  // 判断是否是符合这种形式{{}}的指令
            self.compileText(node, reg.exec(text)[1]);
        if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length) {
            self.compileElement(node);  // 继续递归遍历子节点
function compileText (node, exp) {
    var self = this;
    var initText = this.vm[exp];
    updateText(node, initText);  // 将初始化的数据初始化到视图中
    new Watcher(this.vm, exp, function (value) {  // 生成订阅器并绑定更新函数
        self.updateText(node, value);
function updateText (node, value) {
    node.textContent = typeof value == &#39;undefined&#39; ? &#39;&#39; : value;
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function SelfVue (options) {
    var self = this;
    this.vm = this;
    this.data = options;
    Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function(key) {
    new Compile(options, this.vm);
    return this;
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    <div id="app">
<script src="js/observer.js"></script>
<script src="js/watcher.js"></script>
<script src="js/compile.js"></script>
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var selfVue = new SelfVue({
        el: &#39;#app&#39;,
        data: {
            title: &#39;hello world&#39;,
            name: &#39;&#39;
    window.setTimeout(function () {
        selfVue.title = &#39;你好&#39;;
    }, 2000);
    window.setTimeout(function () {
        selfVue.name = &#39;canfoo&#39;;
    }, 2500);
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如上代码,在页面上可观察到,刚开始titile和name分别被初始化为 'hello world' 和空,2s后title被替换成 '你好' 3s后name被替换成 'canfoo' 了。




function compile (node) {
    var nodeAttrs = node.attributes;
    var self = this;
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodeAttrs, function(attr) {
        var attrName = attr.name;
        if (self.isDirective(attrName)) {
            var exp = attr.value;
            var dir = attrName.substring(2);
            if (self.isEventDirective(dir)) {  // 事件指令
                self.compileEvent(node, self.vm, exp, dir);
            } else {  // v-model 指令
                self.compileModel(node, self.vm, exp, dir);
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function SelfVue (options) {
    var self = this;
    this.data = options.data;
    this.methods = options.methods;
    Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function(key) {
    new Compile(options.el, this);
    options.mounted.call(this); // 所有事情处理好后执行mounted函数
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    <div id="app">
        <input v-model="name">
        <button v-on:click="clickMe">click me!</button>
<script src="js/observer.js"></script>
<script src="js/watcher.js"></script>
<script src="js/compile.js"></script>
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
     new SelfVue({
        el: &#39;#app&#39;,
        data: {
            title: &#39;hello world&#39;,
            name: &#39;canfoo&#39;
        methods: {
            clickMe: function () {
                this.title = &#39;hello world&#39;;
        mounted: function () {
            window.setTimeout(() => {
                this.title = &#39;你好&#39;;
            }, 1000);
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A brief discussion on the principle and implementation method of two-way binding in Vue.js





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