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Release: 2016-05-25 16:59:49
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define(&#39;APP_DIR&#39;, dirname(__FILE__));
define(&#39;COOKIE_FILE&#39;, APP_DIR . &#39;/app.cookie.txt&#39;); //会话记录文件
define(&#39;VISITOR_CAPTURE_INTERVAL&#39;, 3); //QQ采集间隔
define(&#39;VISITOR_DATA_UPLOAD_INTERVAL&#39;, &#39;&#39;);
define(&#39;THIS_TIME&#39;, time());
define(&#39;REQUEST_TIMEOUT&#39;, 20); //请求超时20秒
define(&#39;END_LINE&#39;, "\n");
define(&#39;DEBUG&#39;, true); //开启调试
$login_users = array(
    array(&#39;user&#39; => &#39;2064556526&#39;, &#39;password&#39; => &#39;909124951&#39;),
    array(&#39;user&#39; => &#39;483258700&#39;, &#39;password&#39; => &#39;909124951&#39;),
    array(&#39;user&#39; => &#39;1990270522&#39;, &#39;password&#39; => &#39;909124951&#39;),
    array(&#39;user&#39; => &#39;2718711637&#39;, &#39;password&#39; => &#39;909124951&#39;),
    array(&#39;user&#39; => &#39;2841076562&#39;, &#39;password&#39; => &#39;909124951&#39;),
Copy after login


include(APP_DIR . &#39;/qy.visitor.php&#39;);
$sessions = array();
$user = $login_users[array_rand($login_users)];
$visitor_capture = new QQVisitorCapture($user[&#39;user&#39;], $user[&#39;password&#39;], COOKIE_FILE, REQUEST_TIMEOUT, DEBUG, END_LINE);
$visitors = $visitor_capture->getVisitorInfo();
if (empty($visitors)) {
} else {
class Trace
    public static function nl($num = 1)
        $str = &#39;&#39;;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
            $str .= "\n";
        return $str;
    public static function br($num = 1)
        $str = &#39;&#39;;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
            $str .= "<br/>";
        return $str;
    public static function write($content, $end_line, $title = null)
        $close = &#39;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&#39;;
        if ($title) {
            $start = &#39;--------&#39; . $title . &#39;---------&#39;;
        } else {
            $start = &#39;-----------------&#39;;
        echo $start . $end_line;
        if (is_array($content)) {
            echo $end_line;
        } else {
            echo $content;
            echo $end_line;
        if (empty($content)) {
            echo $end_line;
        } else {
            echo $close . $end_line;
class Utils
    public static function getMicroTime()
        list($mic, $time) = explode(" ", microtime());
        return intval($time) + floatval(sprintf(&#39;%.3f&#39;, $mic));
    public static function getUTCMilliseconds()
        return round(rand(1, 9) / 10 * 2147483647) * round(1, 999) % 10000000000;
    public static function decodeURIComponent($content)
        return urldecode(preg_replace("/\\\\x([0-9a-z]{2,3})/i", "%$1", $content));
    public static function  jsRandom()
        list($mic, $time) = explode(" ", microtime());
        return $mic;
    function loginJsTime()
        list($mic, $time) = explode(" ", microtime());
        return $time . sprintf(&#39;%3d&#39;, $mic * 1000);
    protected static function utf8_unicode($c)
        switch (strlen($c)) {
            case 1:
                return ord($c);
            case 2:
                $n = (ord($c[0]) & 0x3f) << 6;
                $n += ord($c[1]) & 0x3f;
                return $n;
            case 3:
                $n = (ord($c[0]) & 0x1f) << 12;
                $n += (ord($c[1]) & 0x3f) << 6;
                $n += ord($c[2]) & 0x3f;
                return $n;
            case 4:
                $n = (ord($c[0]) & 0x0f) << 18;
                $n += (ord($c[1]) & 0x3f) << 12;
                $n += (ord($c[2]) & 0x3f) << 6;
                $n += ord($c[3]) & 0x3f;
                return $n;
    public static function  getGTK($str)
        $hash = 5381;
        for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($str); $i < $len; ++$i) {
            $hash += ($hash << 5) + self::utf8_unicode($str[$i]);
        return $hash & 2147483647;
    protected static function hexchar2bin($str)
        $arr = &#39;&#39;;
        $temp = null;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i = $i + 2) {
            $arr .= "\\x" . substr($str, $i, 2);
        eval(&#39;$temp="&#39; . $arr . &#39;";&#39;);
        return $temp;
    protected static function getUid($uid)
        $temp = null;
        eval(&#39;$temp="&#39; . $uid . &#39;";&#39;);
        return $temp;
    public static function getEncryption($password, $uin, $vcode)
        $uin = self::getUid($uin);
        $str1 = self::hexchar2bin(strtoupper(md5($password)));
        $str2 = strtoupper(md5($str1 . $uin));
        return strtoupper(md5($str2 . strtoupper($vcode)));
class CookieFileExtract
    protected $cookie_file;
    protected $cookie_list;
    protected function  __construct($cookie_file)
        $this->cookie_file = $cookie_file;
        $this->cookie_list = $this->extractFile();
    protected function isValidateCookieFile()
        if ($this->cookie_file && file_exists($this->cookie_file)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    protected function extractFile()
        $cookie_list = array();
        if ($this->isValidateCookieFile($this->cookie_file)) {
            $content = file($this->cookie_file);
            if (is_array($content)) {
                foreach ($content as $line) {
                    $line = trim($line);
                    if (strlen($line) > 0 && $line[0] != &#39;#&#39;) {
                        $cookie = (preg_split("/\s+/", $line));
                        if (count($cookie) == 7) {
                            $cookie_list[$cookie[5]] = $cookie[6];
                        } else {
                            $cookie_list[$cookie[5]] = &#39;&#39;;
        return $cookie_list;
    protected function buildCookieStr($cookies)
        $arr = array();
        if (is_array($cookies)) {
            foreach ($cookies as $k => $cookie) {
                $line = $cookie[&#39;domain&#39;] . "\t" . "TRUE" . "\t" . $cookie[&#39;path&#39;] . "\t" . "FALSE" . "\t" . $cookie[&#39;expires&#39;] . "\t" . $k . "\t" . $cookie[&#39;value&#39;];
                $arr[] = $line;
        return $arr;
    protected function __setCookies($cookies)
        $new_line = array();
        if (is_array($cookies)) {
            if ($this->isValidateCookieFile($this->cookie_file)) {
                $content = file($this->cookie_file);
                if (is_array($content)) {
                    foreach ($content as $line) {
                        $line = trim($line);
                        if (strlen($line) > 0 && $line[0] != &#39;#&#39;) {
                            $cookie = (preg_split("/\s+/", $line));
                            if (!in_array($cookie[5], $cookies)) {
                                $new_line[] = $line;
                        } else {
                            $new_line[] = $line;
            file_put_contents($this->cookie_file, implode("\n", array_merge($new_line, $this->buildCookieStr($cookies))));
    protected function __getAllCookies($refresh = false)
        if ($refresh) {
            $this->cookie_list = $this->extractFile();
        return $this->cookie_list;
    protected function __getCookie($cookie_name, $refresh = false)
        $cookie_list = $this->__getAllCookies($refresh);
        if (is_array($cookie_list) && array_key_exists($cookie_name, $cookie_list)) {
            return $cookie_list[$cookie_name];
        } else {
            return null;
    protected function __clearAllCookies()
        $this->cookie_list = null;
class BaseRequest extends CookieFileExtract
    protected $curl_instance;
    protected $request_timeout;
    protected $debug;
    protected $end_line;
    protected $user_agent = &#39;Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0&#39;;
    protected function __construct($cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line)
        $this->request_timeout = $request_timeout;
        $this->debug = $debug;
        $this->end_line = $end_line;
    protected function initInstance()
        $this->curl_instance = curl_init();
        if ($this->isValidateCookieFile()) {
            curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file);
            curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file);
        curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->request_timeout);
        curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
        curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($this->curl_instance, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
    function setCookies($cookies)
    protected function getAllCookies($refresh = false)
        $cookies = $this->__getAllCookies($refresh);
        return $cookies;
    protected function clearAllCookies($refresh = false)
        if ($refresh) {
    protected function getCookie($name, $refresh = false)
        $cookie = $this->__getCookie($name, $refresh);
        return $cookie;
    protected function getRequestInstance()
        return $this->curl_instance;
    protected function closeInstance()
        if (is_resource($this->curl_instance)) {
    protected function resetInstance()
    protected function requestExec($option)
        curl_setopt_array($this->getRequestInstance(), $option);
        //if ($this->debug) {
        //    $result = curl_exec($this->getRequestInstance());
        //    Trace::write($result, $this->end_line, &#39;request output&#39;);
        //} else {
        return curl_exec($this->getRequestInstance());
class QQVisitorRequest extends BaseRequest
    protected $user;
    protected $password;
    protected function __construct($user, $password, $cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line)
        parent::__construct(dirname($cookie_file) . &#39;/&#39; . $user . &#39;.&#39; . basename($cookie_file), $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line);
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->password = $password;
class ResultExtract
    public static function  getCoreJsInfo($content, $user)
        $arr = array();
        preg_match(&#39;/cfg\s*=\s*\{(.*?)\s*\}\s*,\s*URL_PARAM_HASH/s&#39;, $content, $m);
        if (count($m) > 0) {
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/\s*/&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $m[1]);
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/"\+g\_iLoginUin\+"/&#39;, $user, $f);
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/\$j\.cookie.get\("hotfeeds_closed"\)==1\?""\:/&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $f);
            $f = explode(",", $f);
            if (count($f) > 0) {
                foreach ($f as $t) {
                    $t = trim($t);
                    $p = strpos($t, &#39;:&#39;);
                    $key = trim(substr($t, 0, $p), &#39;"&#39;);
                    $value = trim(substr($t, $p + 1), &#39;"&#39;);
                    if ($key) {
                        $arr[$key] = $value;
                if (count($arr) > 0) {
                    $arr[&#39;visitor&#39;] = $arr;
        return $arr;
    public static function  enterQzoneSuccess($content)
        $arr = array();
        $arr2 = array();
        preg_match(&#39;/g_Data\s*=\s*{\s*feedsPart1\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*feedsPart2/s&#39;, $content, $m);
        if (count($m) > 0) {
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/\s*/&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $m[1]);
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/([\{,])([^,]*?)(\:)/&#39;, &#39;$1"$2"$3&#39;, $f);
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/:\&#39;(.*?)\&#39;([,\}])/&#39;, &#39;:"$1"$2&#39;, $f);
            $arr = json_decode($f, true);
            $arr = $arr[&#39;main&#39;];
        preg_match(&#39;/g_type.*?g_IZone_Flag/s&#39;, $content, $m);
        if (count($m) > 0) {
            $f = preg_replace(&#39;/\s*/&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $m[0]);
            $f = explode(",", $f);
            foreach ($f as $t) {
                $t = trim($t);
                $p = strpos($t, &#39;=&#39;);
                $key = trim(substr($t, 0, $p));
                $value = trim(substr($t, $p + 1), &#39;"&#39;);
                if ($key) {
                    $arr2[$key] = $value;
        return array_merge($arr, $arr2);
    public static function getLoginJsInfo($content)
        $s = preg_replace(&#39;/.*?pt\.plogin\s*=\s*\{(.*?)aqScanLink.*/s&#39;, &#39;$1&#39;, $content);
        preg_match(&#39;/.*js_type\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*,.*/&#39;, $s, $m);
        if (count($m) > 1) {
            return array(&#39;js_type&#39; => $m[1]);
        return array();
    public static function getLoginAddress($content)
        preg_match(&#39;/.*?<\s*iframe\s*id\s*=\s*"login_frame"\s*name\s*=\s*"login_frame".*?src\s*=\s*"(.*?xui\.ptlogin2\.qq\.com.*?)".*?>\s*<\/iframe>.*?/&#39;, $content, $m);
        if (count($m) > 1) {
            return html_entity_decode($m[1]);
        return null;
    public static function checkLoginSuccess($content)
        preg_match_all(&#39;/.*?\((.*)\).*?/&#39;, $content, $match);
        if ($match[1][0]) {
            $g = explode(&#39;,&#39;, $match[1][0]);
            if (count($g) > 1) {
                if (($g[count($g) - 2]) == "&#39;登录成功!&#39;") {
                    $url_parts = parse_url($g[2]);
                    parse_str($url_parts[&#39;query&#39;], $arr);
                    if (array_key_exists(&#39;ptsig&#39;, $arr)) {
                        $ptsig = $arr[&#39;ptsig&#39;];
                    } else {
                        $ptsig = null;
                    return array(&#39;status&#39; => true, &#39;value&#39; => array(&#39;url&#39; => $g[2], &#39;ptsig&#39; => $ptsig));
        return array(&#39;status&#39; => false);
    public static function rightFrameVisitors($content)
        $visitor_list = array();
        $f = preg_replace(&#39;/\s*/&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $content);
        $f = preg_replace(&#39;/.*?_Callback\((\{.*?\})\).*?/&#39;, &#39;$1&#39;, $f);
        $f = json_decode($f, true);
        if (is_array($f) && count($f) > 0 && array_key_exists(&#39;data&#39;, $f)
            && array_key_exists(&#39;module_3&#39;, $f[&#39;data&#39;])
            && array_key_exists(&#39;data&#39;, $f[&#39;data&#39;][&#39;module_3&#39;])
            && array_key_exists(&#39;items&#39;, $f[&#39;data&#39;][&#39;module_3&#39;][&#39;data&#39;])
        ) {
            $visitors = $f[&#39;data&#39;][&#39;module_3&#39;][&#39;data&#39;][&#39;items&#39;];
            foreach ($visitors as $visitor) {
                if (!array_key_exists(&#39;loc&#39;, $visitor)) {
                    $visitor_list [] = array(
                        &#39;uin&#39; => $visitor[&#39;uin&#39;], &#39;name&#39; => $visitor[&#39;name&#39;], &#39;online&#39; => $visitor[&#39;online&#39;], &#39;time&#39; => $visitor[&#39;time&#39;],
                        &#39;img&#39; => $visitor[&#39;img&#39;], &#39;yellow&#39; => $visitor[&#39;yellow&#39;], &#39;supervip&#39; => $visitor[&#39;supervip&#39;],
        return $visitor_list;
    public static function getVisitors($content)
        $f = preg_replace(&#39;/\s*/&#39;, &#39;&#39;, $content);
        preg_match(&#39;/^.*?(\{.*?\})\);\s*$/&#39;, $f, $m);
        $visitor_list = array();
        if (is_array($m) && count($m) > 1 && strlen($m[1]) > 0) {
            $visitors = json_decode(trim($m[1]), true);
            if (array_key_exists(&#39;data&#39;, $visitors) && array_key_exists(&#39;items&#39;, $visitors[&#39;data&#39;])) {
                foreach ($visitors[&#39;data&#39;][&#39;items&#39;] as $visitor) {
                    if ($visitor[&#39;name&#39;]) {
                        $_ = array(
                            &#39;uin&#39; => $visitor[&#39;uin&#39;], &#39;name&#39; => $visitor[&#39;name&#39;], &#39;time&#39; => $visitor[&#39;time&#39;],
                            &#39;yellow&#39; => $visitor[&#39;yellow&#39;], &#39;supervip&#39; => $visitor[&#39;supervip&#39;],
                        if (array_key_exists(&#39;portraitlabel&#39;, $visitor)) {
                            $_[&#39;portraitlabel&#39;] = $visitor[&#39;portraitlabel&#39;];
                        $visitor_list[] = $_;
                        if (array_key_exists(&#39;uins&#39;, $visitor)) {
                            foreach ($visitor[&#39;uins&#39;] as $uins) {
                                $_ = array(
                                    &#39;uin&#39; => $uins[&#39;uin&#39;], &#39;name&#39; => $uins[&#39;name&#39;], &#39;time&#39; => $uins[&#39;time&#39;],
                                    &#39;yellow&#39; => $uins[&#39;yellow&#39;], &#39;supervip&#39; => $uins[&#39;supervip&#39;],
                                if (array_key_exists(&#39;portraitlabel&#39;, $uins)) {
                                    $_[&#39;portraitlabel&#39;] = $uins[&#39;portraitlabel&#39;];
                                $visitor_list[] = $_;
        return $visitor_list;
    public static function  checkVC($content)
        preg_match_all(&#39;/.*?\((.*)\).*?/&#39;, $content, $match);
        if (strlen($match[1][0]) > 1) {
            $m = str_replace("&#39;", &#39;&#39;, $match[1][0]);
            $g = explode(&#39;,&#39;, $m);
            if (count($g) == 3) {
                return array(&#39;saltUin&#39; => $g[2], &#39;verifycode&#39; => $g[1], &#39;RSAKey&#39; => $g[2] ? false : true);
        return array();
    public static function getLoginInfo($content)
        $s = preg_replace(&#39;/.*?pt\.ptui\s*=\s*\{(.*?)\}\s*;.*/s&#39;, &#39;$1&#39;, $content);
        $e = preg_split(&#39;/,\s*/&#39;, trim($s));
        $info = array();
        foreach ($e as $t) {
            $t = trim($t);
            $p = strpos($t, &#39;:&#39;);
            $key = trim(substr($t, 0, $p));
            $value = trim(substr($t, $p + 1));
            if (preg_match(&#39;/encodeURIComponent/&#39;, $value)) {
                $value = preg_replace(&#39;/^encodeURIComponent\s*\(\s*"(.*)?"\s*\)\s*,?$/&#39;, &#39;$1&#39;, $value);
            } else {
                $value = trim($value, &#39;",&#39;);
            if ($key) {
                $info[$key] = urldecode($value);
        return $info;
class QQVisitorCapture extends QQVisitorRequest
    public function __construct($user, $password, $cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line)
        parent:: __construct($user, $password, $cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line);
    public function trace($content, $title)
        if ($this->debug = true) {
            Trace:: write($content, $this->end_line, $title);
    public function error($message)
        $this->trace($message, &#39;login error &#39;);
        return false;
    public function success()
        return true;
    public function getGTKEncryption()
        return Utils ::getGTK($this->getCookie(&#39;skey&#39;, true));
    public function getCookies($refresh = false)
        return $this->getAllCookies($refresh);
    public function clearCookies($refresh = false)
        return $this->clearAllCookies($refresh);
    public function login()
        $login_submit_info_url = null;
        $login_submit_info_url = $this->visitQzone();
            &#39;pgv_pvid&#39; => array(
                &#39;value&#39; => Utils::getUTCMilliseconds(), &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.qq.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
            &#39;pgv_info&#39; => array(
                &#39;value&#39; => &#39;ssid=s&#39; . Utils::getUTCMilliseconds(), &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.qq.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
            &#39;_qz_referrer&#39; => array(
                &#39;value&#39; => &#39;qzone.qq.com&#39;, &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.qq.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
        $this->trace(&#39;&#39;, &#39;login begin&#39;);
        $this->trace($login_submit_info_url, &#39;$login_submit_info_url===&#39;);
        $login_submit_info = $this->getLoginSubmitInfo($login_submit_info_url);
        $this->trace($login_submit_info, &#39;$login_submit_info===&#39;);
        if (empty($login_submit_info)) {
        $this->trace(&#39;&#39;, &#39;getLoginJs&#39;);
        $js_arr = $this->getLoginJs();
        $this->trace($js_arr, &#39;$getLoginJs===&#39;);
        if (empty($js_arr)) {
        $u = $uin = $this->user;
        $r = Utils::jsRandom();
        $verifycode = null;
        $pt_rsa = null;
        $ptredirect = $login_submit_info[&#39;target&#39;];
        $h = $t = $g = $from_ui = 1;
        $p = null;
        $regmaster = $login_submit_info[&#39;regmaster&#39;];
        $u1 = Utils::decodeURIComponent($login_submit_info[&#39;s_url&#39;]);
        $ptlang = $login_submit_info[&#39;lang&#39;];
        $action = strval(rand(5, 9)) . &#39;-&#39; . strval(strlen($this->user) + strlen($this->password) + rand(1, 5)) . &#39;-&#39; . Utils::loginJsTime();
        $js_ver = $login_submit_info[&#39;ptui_version&#39;];
        $js_type = $js_arr[&#39;js_type&#39;];
        $login_sig = $login_submit_info[&#39;login_sig&#39;];
        $appid = $aid = $login_submit_info[&#39;appid&#39;];
        $pt_qzone_sig = $login_submit_info[&#39;pt_qzone_sig&#39;];
        $daid = $login_submit_info[&#39;daid&#39;];
        $this->trace(&#39;&#39;, &#39;checkVC&#39;);
        $check_data = $this->checkVC($regmaster, $appid, $js_ver, $js_type, $login_sig, $u1, $r);
        if (count($check_data) !== 3) {
        $this->trace($check_data, &#39;$check_data===&#39;);
        $this->trace(json_encode($check_data), &#39;$check_data===&#39;);
        $verifycode = $check_data[&#39;verifycode&#39;];
        if ($check_data[&#39;RSAKey&#39;]) {
        } else {
            $p = Utils::getEncryption($this->password, $check_data[&#39;saltUin&#39;], $verifycode);
            $pt_rsa = 0;
        $this->trace(&#39;&#39;, &#39;submitLogin&#39;);
            &#39;ptui_loginuin&#39; => array(
                &#39;value&#39; => $this->user, &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.qq.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
        $login_result = $this->submitLogin($verifycode, $p,
            $pt_rsa, $ptredirect, $u1,
            $h, $t, $g, $from_ui,
            $ptlang, $action, $js_ver, $js_type,
            $login_sig, $aid, $daid, $pt_qzone_sig);
        if ($login_result[&#39;status&#39;]) {
            $this->trace(&#39;登录成功&#39;, &#39;submitLogin&#39;);
            $this->trace($login_result, &#39;$login_result====&#39;);
                &#39;fnc&#39; => array(
                    &#39;value&#39; => 1, &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.qzone.qq.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
            $enterQzoneInfo = $this->enterQzone($login_result[&#39;value&#39;][&#39;url&#39;], $login_result[&#39;value&#39;][&#39;ptsig&#39;]);
            $this->trace($enterQzoneInfo, &#39;$enterQzoneInfo===&#39;);
            if ($enterQzoneInfo) {
                $this->trace(&#39;进入空间&#39;, &#39;enterQzone&#39;);
                //$referer = $login_result[&#39;value&#39;][&#39;url&#39;];
                //$scope = 0;
                $this->trace(&#39;&#39;, &#39;getCoreJs&#39;);
                $coreJsInfo = $this->getCoreJs();
                $this->trace($coreJsInfo, &#39;getCoreJs===&#39;);
                    &#39;qzone_referer&#39; => array(
                        &#39;value&#39; => $login_result[&#39;value&#39;][&#39;url&#39;], &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.local.cckf123456789.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
                    &#39;qzone_visitor_param&#39; => array(
                        &#39;value&#39; => implode(&#39;|&#39;, array_values($coreJsInfo[&#39;visitor&#39;])), &#39;path&#39; => &#39;/&#39;, &#39;domain&#39; => &#39;.local.cckf123456789.com&#39;, &#39;expires&#39; => &#39;0&#39;
                //$this->trace(&#39;&#39;, &#39;rightFrameVisitor&#39;);
                //print_r($this->rightFrameVisitor($referer, implode(&#39;|&#39;, array_values($coreJsInfo[&#39;visitor&#39;]))));
                return $this->success();
            } else {
        } else {
    protected function visitQzone()
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => &#39;http://qzone.qq.com&#39;,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::getLoginAddress($this->requestExec($options));
    protected function getLoginJs()
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => &#39;http://imgcache.qq.com/ptlogin/ver/10067/js/c_login_old.js&#39;,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::getLoginJsInfo($this->requestExec($options));
    public function checkVC($regmaster, $appid, $js_ver, $js_type, $login_sig, $u1, $r)
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => &#39;http://check.ptlogin2.qq.com/check?&#39; . http_build_query(array(
                &#39;regmaster&#39; => $regmaster,
                &#39;uin&#39; => $this->user,
                &#39;appid&#39; => $appid,
                &#39;js_ver&#39; => $js_ver,
                &#39;js_type&#39; => $js_type,
                &#39;login_sig&#39; => $login_sig,
                &#39;u1&#39; => $u1,
                &#39;r&#39; => $r,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::checkVC($this->requestExec($options));
    protected function report()
        $url = &#39;http://ui.ptlogin2.qq.com/cgi-bin/report?id=358342&t=&#39; . Utils::jsRandom();
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => $url,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
    protected function getLoginSubmitInfo($url)
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => $url,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::getLoginInfo($this->requestExec($options));
    protected function submitLogin($verifycode, $p,
                                   $pt_rsa, $ptredirect, $u1,
                                   $h, $t, $g, $from_ui,
                                   $ptlang, $action, $js_ver, $js_type,
                                   $login_sig, $aid, $daid, $pt_qzone_sig)
        $url = &#39;http://ptlogin2.qq.com/login&#39;;
        $url .= &#39;?&#39; . http_build_query(array(
                &#39;u&#39; => $this->user,
                &#39;verifycode&#39; => $verifycode));
        $url .= &#39;&p=&#39; . $p; ###
        $url .= &#39;&&#39; . http_build_query(array(
                &#39;pt_rsa&#39; => $pt_rsa,
                &#39;ptredirect&#39; => $ptredirect,
                &#39;u1&#39; => $u1,
                &#39;h&#39; => $h,
                &#39;t&#39; => $t,
                &#39;g&#39; => $g,
                &#39;from_ui&#39; => $from_ui,
                &#39;ptlang&#39; => $ptlang,
                &#39;action&#39; => $action,
                &#39;js_ver&#39; => $js_ver,
                &#39;js_type&#39; => $js_type,
        $url .= &#39;&login_sig=&#39; . $login_sig; ###
        $url .= &#39;&&#39; . http_build_query(array(
                &#39;aid&#39; => $aid,
                &#39;daid&#39; => $daid,
                &#39;pt_qzone_sig&#39; => $pt_qzone_sig));
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => $url,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::checkLoginSuccess($this->requestExec($options));
    public function loginSuccessRedirect($url)
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => $url,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
    public function  enterQzone($referer, $ptsig)
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => &#39;http://user.qzone.qq.com/&#39; . $this->user . &#39;?ptsig=&#39; . $ptsig,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;Referer:&#39; . $referer,
        return ResultExtract::enterQzoneSuccess($this->requestExec($options));
    public function getCoreJs()
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => "http://ctc.qzonestyle.gtimg.cn/c/=/qzone/v8/engine/cpu.js,/qzone/v8/ic/qm.js,/qzone/v8/ic/tab_menu.js,/qzone/v8/ic/feeds.js,/qzone/v8/ic/tab_friend_feed.js,/qzone/v8/toolbar/core.js",
        return ResultExtract::getCoreJsInfo($this->requestExec($options), $this->user);
    public function getVisitorInfo($mask = 7, $page = 1, $fupdate = 1, $clear = 1)
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => &#39;http://g.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/friendshow/cgi_get_visitor_more?&#39; . http_build_query(array(
                &#39;uin&#39; => $this->user,
                &#39;mask&#39; => $mask,
                &#39;g_tk&#39; => $this->getGTKEncryption(),
                &#39;page&#39; => $page,
                &#39;fupdate&#39; => $fupdate,
                &#39;clear&#39; => $clear,
                &#39;sd&#39; => Utils::jsRandom(),
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::getVisitors($this->requestExec($options));
    public function  rightFrameVisitor()
        $param = Utils ::getGTK($this->getCookie(&#39;qzone_visitor_param&#39;, true));
        $referver = Utils ::getGTK($this->getCookie(&#39;qzone_referer&#39;));
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
            CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
            CURLOPT_URL => &#39;http://r.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/right_frame.cgi?&#39; . http_build_query(array(
                &#39;uin&#39; => $this->user,
                &#39;param&#39; => $param,
                &#39;g_tk&#39; => $this->getGTKEncryption(),
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                &#39;Referer:&#39; . $referver,
                &#39;User-Agent:&#39; . $this->user_agent,
        return ResultExtract::rightFrameVisitors($this->requestExec($options));
class CCKFServiceRequest extends BaseRequest
    protected $service_address;
    protected $service_id;
    protected $security_key;
    public function __construct($security_key, $service_id, $service_address, $cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line)
        parent:: __construct($cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line);
        $this->service_address = $service_address;
        $this->service_id = $service_id;
        $this->security_key = $security_key;
class CCKFService extends BaseRequest
    public function __construct($security_key, $service_id, $service_address, $cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line)
        parent:: __construct($security_key, $service_id, $service_address, $cookie_file, $request_timeout, $debug, $end_line);
    public function uploadData($data)
        if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) {
            $options = array(
                CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->request_timeout,
                CURLOPT_HEADER => 1,
                CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,
                CURLOPT_URL => $this->service_address . &#39;?&#39; . http_build_query(array()),
class BaseConfigFileUtils
    protected $file;
    public function __construct($file)
        $this->file = $file;
    public function extractFile()
        $f_str = &#39;&#39;;
        $fp = fopen($this->file, &#39;r&#39;);
        if (flock($fp, LOCK_SH)) {
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                $f_str .= fgets($fp);
            flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
        $c = json_decode($f_str, true);
        return is_array($c) ? $c : array();
class RunAtTimeConfig extends BaseConfigFileUtils
    protected $visitor_capture_interval;
    protected $config;
    public function __construct($file, $visitor_capture_interval)
        $this->config = $this->extractFile();
        $this->visitor_capture_interval = $visitor_capture_interval;
    public function  updateConfig($arr)
        $this->config = $this->extractFile();
        if ($this->isValidateRun()) {
            $fp = fopen($this->file, &#39;w&#39;);
            if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
                fwrite($fp, json_encode(array_merge($this->config, $arr)));
                flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
            return true;
        return false;
    public function  getConfig($item)
        if (is_array($this->config) && array_key_exists($item, $this->config)) {
            return $this->config[$item];
        return null;
    public function isValidateRun()
        $c_time = Utils::getMicroTime();
        $run_at_time = floatval($this->getConfig(&#39;run_at_time&#39;));
        if ($c_time - $run_at_time >= $this->visitor_capture_interval) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
class VisitorList extends BaseConfigFileUtils
    protected $visitor_list;
    /**$visitor_list [] = array(
    &#39;uin&#39; => $visitor[&#39;uin&#39;], &#39;name&#39; => $visitor[&#39;name&#39;], &#39;online&#39; => $visitor[&#39;online&#39;], &#39;time&#39; => $visitor[&#39;time&#39;],
    &#39;img&#39; => $visitor[&#39;img&#39;], &#39;yellow&#39; => $visitor[&#39;yellow&#39;], &#39;supervip&#39; => $visitor[&#39;supervip&#39;],
    public function __construct($file)
        $this->visitor_list = $this->extractFile();
    public function updateVisitor($visitor)
        if (is_array($visitor) && !empty($visitor)) {
            foreach ($visitor as $one) {
                array_unshift($this->visitor_list, $one);
        $fp = fopen($this->file, &#39;w&#39;);
        if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
            fwrite($fp, json_encode($this->visitor_list));
            flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
    public function addVisitor($visitor)
        $list = array();
        if (is_array($visitor) && !empty($visitor)) {
            foreach ($visitor as $one) {
                if (!$this->isVisitorExist($one[&#39;name&#39;])) {
                    $list[] = $one;
        return $list;
    public function isVisitorExist($name)
        foreach ($this->visitor_list as $one) {
            if ($one[&#39;name&#39;] == $name) {
                return true;
        return false;
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