How to reset the Linux password if you forget it: first hit "e" on the kernel; then change the content on the linux16 line to "rw rd.break"; then enter the system's emergency rescue mode. And enter passwd and other commands in sequence; finally restart the service.
linux tutorial 》
People who are new to Linux may be at a loss if they forget the root password. I want to retrieve my root password, but I don’t know how. In fact, you only need a few simple steps to reset your root password (I don’t know how to retrieve it)1. After booting, type on the kernel, and then edit Option
CTRL X to enter the password modification
# chroot /sysroot //进入系统的根目录 # passwd //重置密码 # touch /.autorelabel //创建文件,让系统重新启动时能够识别修改 # exit 退出chroot模式 # reboot //重启系统
##5. Restarting is a bit slow, you need to wait patiently for a while, and you can use it after restarting Log in with the password you just reset
# passwd //之后会提示输入新密码 输入之后修改成功!
Change the password of a general user as root:
# passwd username(要更改密码的用户名)