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JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?

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Todayjavascript column introduces front-end security.

JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?


Hello, AV8D~ The topic we want to share today is front-end Web security. webThe importance of security is self-evident, and it is a topic that all Internet companies cannot avoid.

In the field of web front-end, although browsers have helped us take many isolation and protection measures at the system level, the open features of web page code and the language features of html and JS make Hackers still have a lot of opportunities to take advantage of. Google, Facebook, etc. all have their own vulnerability bounty mechanisms, striving to discover and fix vulnerabilities before hackers do, so as to minimize corporate losses.

Web security is a commonplace topic, but it is always new. Today I will once again sort out (c) (v) some front-end web attack methods, so that everyone can learn after reading this article:

  • Common front-end security issues and corresponding solutions;
  • Tips and knowledge of Yidiudi network attacks;
  • Some classic vulnerability attack cases ;
  • and new attack methods that have recently entered our field of vision;


1. Introduction to XSS

XSS## The full name of # is Cross-Site Scripting, a cross-site scripting attack. It refers to exploiting vulnerabilities left during web development and injecting malicious instruction code into the web page through clever methods, allowing users to load and execute web programs maliciously created by attackers. In layman's terms, hackers try to fortify users to run their own attack code in the web pages they visit. Once it is successfully run, the hacker may do the following:

    Get the current user's access to this code
  • cookies of the website, thereby obtaining the user's sensitive information;
  • uses the identity of the current user to initiate some unintentional operation requests, such as deleting website friends, posting, sending private messages, etc.;
  • Implement
  • DDos attack;
According to the source of the attack,

XSS can be roughly divided into persistent attacks and non-persistent attacks ( Of course, there are also reflection type, storage type and Dom type. I personally prefer to choose the first classification because it is easier to understand).

Non-persistent attack

The characteristic of non-persistent XSS is its immediacy. It does not need to be stored in the server. It cleverly constructs a URL with malicious code and then guides the user to click to visit. , the attack can be realized.

To give a simple chestnut, suppose there is a website as follows.

JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?

If you are careful, you will find that this page will put the

q parameter content above url into the web page, and you turn on debugging Taiwan saw the code implementation of the web page as follows:

<h1 id="query-key"></h1><span>查询结果如下</span>// ...<script>
  const reg = new RegExp("(^|&)q=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i");  const res = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg);  if (res != null) {      const query = decodeURIComponent(res[2]);      document.getElementById('query-key').innerHTML = query;
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found that it did not filter

query, and directly inserted it into DOM using the innerHTML method. , you almost laughed out loud after reading it: you have no sense of safety at all! So if you want to design a URL for this website to allow users to click and launch an XSS attack to get the user's cookies data, what would you do? Woolen cloth?

That’s not very

so easy. You can write a XSS link with your backhand:

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This way the webpage will ## The script tag in the #q

parameter is inserted into the DOM for execution, and a prompt box pops up. The idea is definitely fine, but you may find that it doesn’t work. This is because the browser has intercepted and filtered the insertion of some dangerous tags such as


. Of course, this is difficult. It doesn’t defeat us. After all, we can’t write it on our faces that we are going to do bad things. This does not respect our opponents, so let’s just change it to a more euphemistic way of writing: <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">http://abcd.com?q=&lt;img src=&quot;&quot; onerror=&quot;alert(document.cookie)&quot; /&gt;复制代码</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div> Because it is inserting a picture, the browser Generally, filtering and interception are not performed, and then we leave


blank to trigger the onerror event and indirectly execute our malicious script. done! Persistent Attack

You may find a disadvantage of non-persistent attacks, that is, before attacking, you must first allow users to see your URL and induce them Click, to put it bluntly, you still have to find a way to increase the exposure of this malicious link! This is so troublesome, is there a permanent solution?

If we can find a way to store the malicious code in the website's database, wouldn't all the users of this website who access my malicious data suffer?

Therefore, if the comment area of ​​a website is not filtered for security, then we can submit the malicious script to the backend server through comments, and then any user who visits this comment page will execute it. to my code to achieve the purpose of attack.

A user wrote a malicious code in the comment and submitted it to the background:

JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?


JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?


  • 因为被保存在了数据库中,因此它具有持久性;
  • 由于不需要诱导用户点击恶意链接即可造成攻击,更易达到攻击目的,因此持久型XSS更具危害性;



  • 想办法阻止恶意代码的注入和执行;
  • 用更安全的方法校验和保护用户的身份凭证,以降低XSS攻击之后带来的危害;

1、使用HTML转义。对外部插入的内容要永远保持警惕。 对所有外部插入的代码都应该做一次转义,将script,& < > " ' /等危险字符做过滤和转义替换,同时尽量避免使用innerHTML,document.write,outerHTML,eval等方法,用安全性更高的textContent,setAttribute等方法做替代;


Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'复制代码
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  • 不允许内联脚本执行;
  • 禁止加载外域代码;
  • 禁止外域提交;






CSRF(Cross-site request forgery)中文名称跨站请求伪造,攻击者诱导受害者进入第三方网站,在第三方网站中,向被攻击网站发送跨站请求。利用受害者在被攻击网站已经获取的注册凭证,绕过后台的用户验证,达到冒充用户对被攻击的网站执行某项操作的目的。


  • 1、受害者登录目标网站A;
  • 2、受害者以某种方式接触到恶意网站B的链接;
  • 3、受害者点击链接访问网站B, 网站B中的js代码执行, 偷偷向目标网站A发送某个请求;
  • 4、由于受害者登录过网站A, 因此请求携带了网站A的相关cookie凭证,最后请求成功执行;




  • 对于GET请求非常容易了,img标签链接不受浏览器的跨域限制,因此可以直接以img的形式发起请求;
  • 对于POST请求,通过CORS方法,还是很容易实现;



  • 首先该攻击请求基本是从第三方网站中发起,因此客户端似乎无法通过代码来阻止请求的发起。
  • 但是关键的一步在于恶意请求发起必须要带上身份凭据,请求才能被通过和执行,那如何通过一系列措施来加大三方网站对身份凭据的获取难度,以及完善服务端身份凭证的校验方式,成为了防御CSRF的重点工作。

1、 SameSite Cookie

If requests initiated by third parties cannot carry relevant cookies, then all problems seem to be solved. Fortunately, the browser provides the SameSite attribute for cookies, which indicates that the cookie is not sent with cross-domain requests. This proposal was proposed by Google. The only drawback is that it is still in the trial stage and has compatibility issues.

2. CSRF Token

Since the browser cannot help us solve all the problems for the time being, then we should find a way to make the identity verification mechanism more complicated. Relying on cookies alone has no security guarantee, then Add another verification dimension. SCRF Token is one such solution.

The process of this solution is: when the user accesses the website, the backend server generates a Token based on the algorithm, and then puts the Token in the seesion. When the website initiates a request, it must not only carry the cookie credentials, but also Bring this Token with you, and verify it together in the background before performing the operation after confirming your identity. Since the SCRF Token is placed in the session, when a third-party website initiates a request, the SCRF Token cannot be obtained, so the identity verification no longer passes, thus achieving the effect of preventing attacks.

3. Same origin detection

Since CSRF is initiated through third-party websites, if we can determine which websites each request received by the server comes from, we can filter those that pose security risks. Requests initiated by the website reduce the risk of being attacked.

Referer and Origin are one of the header fields of the http request, used to indicate which page the request is linked from. Therefore, the backend server can prevent third-party websites from launching CSRF attacks by checking whether this field is a link from its own website. However, the reliability of origin detection is not high. For example, in a 302 redirect, in order to protect the source, the http request will not carry the Origin field, and the Referer field will be subject to the Referer Policy Rule limits are not sent.

4. Add two-step verification

For some dangerous request operations (such as deleting accounts, cash withdrawals and transfers), we can add users’ secondary verification, such as initiating mobile phone or email verification code verification , thereby reducing the harm caused by CSRF.

3. Some cases

1) Google Digital Garage is an online education product of Google. A foreign security engineer introduced on his blog how to delete individuals from the website through CSRF attacks. account.

2) This article introduces the security vulnerabilities on the Facebook website and how to bypass security protection through CSRF to achieve account takeover.


I believe some friends have begun to feel sleepy. After all, the two web attack methods introduced earlier are already familiar to many people and are well known. The last chapter of this article introduces a Web attack method that may be less common, but has begun to return to the public eye: XS-Leaks.

1. What are XS-Leaks?

XS-Leaks are cross-site leaks. XS-Leaks uses the mechanism of querying the HTTP cache to infer the relevant information of the current user by judging the resource cache. If you heard about XS-Leaks for the first time, then I believe you must be surprised why ordinary HTTP resource caching can also cause user information leakage.

The Chrome browser team published an article on their developer website, stating that browsers after version 86 will begin to perform partition (domain name) management of the request cache resource mechanism. The reason is because of the previous The caching mechanism may cause privacy leaks.

Before this, the request caching strategy of Chrome browser was very simple:

  • 1. The user visits page A and requests an image resource. After the browser gets the image, This picture will be cached, and the URL of this picture will be used as the key value of the cache query;
  • 2. The user then visits page B. If this page also uses the above picture, at this time The browser will first query whether this resource has been cached. Since this image has been cached, the browser directly uses the cached resource;

Since the cached resource has no domain name restrictions, all websites share the cache resources, so this can be used to detect whether the user has visited a specific website: the malicious website initiates a specific resource request and can infer the user's browsing history by determining whether the resource comes from the cache. For example, if I request a Nuggets LOGO image (or other more unique resource) on my website, if I determine that this image comes from the cache, then I can know that the user has visited the Nuggets website.

XS-Leaks is similar to the above principle. It uses the mechanism of querying the HTTP cache to obtain some user data by detecting whether a query has results. The main steps of the XS-Leaks attack are as follows:

  • 1. Delete the cached resources of a specific website.
  • 2. Force the browser to refresh the website.
  • 3. Check whether the browser caches the resources deleted in (1).

JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?


首先我们可以先将这名@helloWorld的用户头像图片从社交网站上扒下来,假设该图片链接长这样: http://xxx.com/user/helloWorld.jpg


FETCH POST http://xxx.com/user/helloWorld.jpg复制代码
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接下来通过iframe或者<link ref=rerender href="http://xxx.com/user" />等方式悄悄发起一个请求,访问社交网站的个人信息页面http://xxx.com/user(这个页面包含用户的头像图片)。




const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {  // 如果img不是来自缓存,那么只有在图片加载完成触发onload之后,才能拿到实际的witdh值
img.src = 'http://xxx.com/user/helloWorld.jpg';// 如果存在缓存,在这里可以立即读取到图片的 witdh 值,否则会打印 0console.log(img.width);复制代码
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  • 设置SameSite Cookie;
  • CSRF Token;
  • 浏览器支持缓存分区;





JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?


GET /en?dontpoisoneveryone=1 HTTP/1.1Host: www.redhat.com
X-Forwarded-Host: a."><script>alert(1)</script>复制代码
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
<meta property="og:image" content="https://a."><script>alert(1)</script>"/>复制代码
Copy after login




尽管已经有这么多的措施来应对和抵御web的各种攻击,但依旧有一个又一个的安全漏洞被黑客们发现和攻破,强如Google,页面简洁如Google Search的网站,依然在2019年遭到了XSS攻击。而这次攻击却只需要一行代码:

<noscript><p title="</noscript><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>">复制代码
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大致的原因是Google在转义插入文本时,使用了HTML提供的template标签,使用template是个很不错的选择,因为它可以用来解析HTML,并且在解析过程中不会触发JavaScript脚本执行。然而template是JavaScript Disabled环境,而noscript在允许JavaScript和禁止JavaScript环境下的解析是不同的,这导致了这段恶意代码经过解析和sanitize之后仍然存在风险,最后成功实现了XSS攻击。有兴趣的小伙伴可以看看这篇关于这次XSS攻击的文章。






The above is the detailed content of JavaScript introduction: How much do you know about front-end security?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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