Vue.js method of monitoring route changes: 1. Implemented through watch, the code is [watch:{$route(to,from){console.log(to.path);}]; 2. key It is used to prevent "reuse", the code is [
The operating environment of this tutorial: windows10 system, vue2.9, this article is applicable to all brands of computers.
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# #vue.js method of monitoring routing changes:
Method 1: Through watch
// 监听,当路由发生变化的时候执行 watch:{ $route(to,from){ console.log(to.path); } },
// 监听,当路由发生变化的时候执行 watch: { $route: { handler: function(val, oldVal){ console.log(val); }, // 深度观察监听 deep: true } },
// 监听,当路由发生变化的时候执行 watch: { '$route':'getPath' }, methods: { getPath(){ console.log(this.$route.path); } }
Method 2: Key is used to prevent "reuse"
Vue provides you with a way to declare "these two elements are completely independent - don't Reuse them”. Just add a key attribute with a unique value (original words from the Vue document)<router-view :key="key"></router-view> computed: { key() { return this.$ !== undefined? this.$ +new Date(): this.$route +new Date() } }
Date() can ensure that the key is different every time, so You can refresh the data as desired.
Method 3: Through the hook function of vue-router beforeRouteEnter beforeRouteUpdate beforeRouteLeave
<script> // 引入 Tabbar组件 import mTabbar from './components/Tabbar' import mTabbarItem from './components/TabbarItem' // 引入 vuex 的两个方法 import {mapGetters, mapActions} from 'vuex' export default { name: 'app', // 计算属性 computed:mapGetters([ // 从 getters 中获取值 'tabbarShow' ]), // 监听,当路由发生变化的时候执行 watch:{ $route(to,from){ if(to.path == '/' || to.path == '/Prisoner' || to.path == '/Goods' || to.path == '/Time' || to.path == '/Mine'){ /** * $store来自Store对象 * dispatch 向 actions 发起请求 */ this.$store.dispatch('showTabBar'); }else{ this.$store.dispatch('hideTabBar'); } } }, beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { // 在渲染该组件的对应路由被 confirm 前调用 // 不!能!获取组件实例 `this` // 因为当钩子执行前,组件实例还没被创建 }, beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) { // 在当前路由改变,但是该组件被复用时调用 // 举例来说,对于一个带有动态参数的路径 /foo/:id,在 /foo/1 和 /foo/2 之间跳转的时候, // 由于会渲染同样的 Foo 组件,因此组件实例会被复用。而这个钩子就会在这个情况下被调用。 // 可以访问组件实例 `this` }, beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) { // 导航离开该组件的对应路由时调用 // 可以访问组件实例 `this` }, components:{ mTabbar, mTabbarItem }, data() { return { select:"Building" } } } </script>
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