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Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

Release: 2020-11-13 15:01:21
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In our daily work, github is an essential code hosting platform, but most students only use it to host code The place is not used reasonably.

In fact, there are a lot of fun or interesting places in github. Of course, these techniques can also greatly improve your work efficiency.

I have compiled some functions/techniques that I usually use more often, and I hope it can bring some help to your work!


Maybe many people have not heard of Gist. It is in the subdirectory of the github homepage:
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

This is a very useful function provided by github. GistAs a tool for pasting data, just like the Pastie website, data can be easily pasted in the Gist website and referenced in other web pages The data pasted in Gist.

As a sub-site of GitHub, it is natural that Gist uses the Git version library to maintain pasted data, which is very convenient of.

Enter the homepage of the Gist website and you will see a large data paste dialog box. As long as you provide a simple description, file name, and paste the file content, you can create a new of paste.

Each new paste is called a Gist and has a separate URL.

When a paste is created, the newly created Gist page will be displayed. Click the embed (embed) button, and a section for embedding other pages will be displayed. The JavaScript code of the web page, embed the above JavaScript code into the web page, you can embed the data from Gist in the corresponding web page, and keep the syntax high Lighting and other functions.
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

Create files through the web interface

In some cases, we may not want to create files locally and then use gitPush to remote method to create files, so is there a simple and efficient way?

It's very simple, just create it through the web interface creation method (create new file) provided by github:

file Search

Sometimes, we want to find a certain file in a huge git warehouse. If we look at it one by one, it may take a while (I often felt that githubIt’s really troublesome to find a file in the warehouse).

In fact, github provides a quick search method: press the 'T' key on the keyboard to activate the file finder, press ⬆️ and ⬇️ to select files up and down, of course, you can also enter the file name you are looking for to quickly search

github cli (command line)

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

When we submit the local code to GitHub, You can view various interactive information on the GitHub website, such as Issue submitted by other developers, or submitted code merge requests, etc. But it would be really cool if we could view and process this information directly on the command line.

Let me take you from 0 to 1 to get startedGitHub CLI!


To install GitHub CLI is very simple.

Under macOS you can use the Homebrew tool to install:

$ brew install github/gh/gh
# 如果需要更新执行下面的命令即可
$ brew update && brew upgrade gh
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Under Windows you can use the following command line Installation:

scoop bucket add github-gh https://github.com/cli/scoop-gh.git
scoop install gh
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After the installation is completed, execute the gh command directly on the command line. If you see the information as shown below, the installation has been successful:
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

For installation on other platforms, please refer to the official documentation: https://cli.github.com/manual/installation


We need to authorize once when using it:
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

Enter the Enter key in the command line and the authorization page will open in the browser. Just click Authorization:
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

授权成功回到命令行,我们发现通过gh issue list指令已经拿到了issue列表:
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?


创建 issue

我们通过 CLI 先交互式地提交了一条issueissueBody 需要通过nano编辑。
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

筛选 issue

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?


Do you know these 15 useful Github features?


GitHub Actions 

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

GitHub ActionsGitHub 的持续集成服务。


如果你需要某个 action,不必自己写复杂的脚本,直接引用他人写好的 action 即可,整个持续集成过程,就变成了一个 actions 的组合。

GitHub 做了一个官方市场,可以搜索到他人提交的 actions
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?
下面分别从基本概念和发布流程详细说明一下GitHub Actions


  • workflow (流程):持续集成一次运行的过程,就是一个 workflow。
  • job (任务):一个 workflow 由一个或多个 jobs 构成,含义是一次持续集成的运行,可以完成多个任务。
  • step(步骤):每个 job 由多个 step 构成,一步步完成。
  • action (动作):每个 step 可以依次执行一个或多个命令(action)。

实例:React 项目发布到 GitHub Pages

这里通过 GitHub Actions 构建一个 React 项目,并发布到 GitHub Pages。最终代码都在这个仓库里面,发布后的网址为https://jack-cool.github.io/github-actions-demo/


由于示例需要将构建成果发到GitHub仓库,因此需要 GitHub 密钥。按照官方文档,生成一个密钥。然后,将这个密钥储存到当前仓库的Settings/Secrets里面。
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

创建 React 项目

使用create-react-app初始化一个 React 应用:

$ npx create-react-app github-actions-demo
$ cd github-actions-demo
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"homepage": "https://jack-cool.github.io/github-actions-demo"
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创建 workflow 文件



name: GitHub Actions Build and Deploy Demo
      - master
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # 拉取代码
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2 # If you're using actions/checkout@v2 you must set persist-credentials to false in most cases for the deployment to work correctly.
          persist-credentials: false
      # 安装依赖、打包
      - name: Install and Build
        run: |
          npm install
          npm run-script build

      # 部署到 GitHub Pages
      - name: Deploy
        uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3
          ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          BRANCH: gh-pages
          FOLDER: build
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1、 拉取代码。这里用的是 GitHub 官方的 action: actions/checkout@v2


3、部署到GitHub Pages。使用了第三方作者的 action:JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3。我这里详细介绍下这个 action

使用 with 参数向环境中传入了三个环境变量:

  • ACCESS_TOKEN:读取 GitHub 仓库 secretsACCESS_TOKEN 变量,也就是我们前面设置的
  • BRANCH:部署分支 gh-pagesGitHub Pages 读取的分支)
  • FOLDER:需要部署的文件在仓库中的路径,也就是我们使用 npm run build 生成的打包目录
这里有一点需要注意:我使用的是 v3 版本,需要使用 with 参数传入环境变量,且需要自行构建;网上常见的教程使用的是 v2 版本,使用 env 参数传入环境变量,不需要自行构建,可使用 BUILD_SCRIPT 环境变量传入构建脚本。


以后,你每次有代码 pushmaster 分支时,GitHub 都会开始自动构建。


平时我们可能有一行非常好的代码,想分享给其他同事看,那么可以在url后面加上#L 行号,比如:

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

如果是想分享某几行的,可以在url后面添加如#L 开始行号-L 结束行号,像https://github.com/Jack-cool/rest_node_api/blob/master/app/models/users.js#L17-L31,效果如下图:

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

通过提交的msg自动关闭 issue 


  • close
  • closes
  • closed
  • fix
  • fixes
  • fixed
  • resolve
  • resolves
  • resolved

关闭同一个仓库中的 issue


例如一个提交信息中含有fixes #26,那么一旦这次提交被合并到默认分支,仓库中的 26 号issue就会自动关闭。


关闭不同仓库中的 issue


例如,提交信息中包含closes Jack-cool/fe_interview/issues/113,将会关闭fe_interview中的113issue



在自己的项目下,点击 Insights,然后再点击 Traffic,里面有 Referring sitesPopular content 的详细数据和排名。

其中 Referring sites 表示大家都是从什么网站来到你的项目的,Popular content 则表示大家经常看你项目的哪些文件。




issuespull requests 里可以添加复选框,语法如下(注意空白符):

- [ ] 步骤一
- [ ] 步骤二
  - [ ] 步骤2.2
  - [ ] 步骤2.3
- [ ] 步骤三
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Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

普通的markdown文件中可创建只读的任务列表,比如在README.md中添加 TODO list:

### 接下来要做的事
- [x] 数据结构与算法
- [ ] react源码
- [ ] docker
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Do you know these 15 useful Github features?


Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

issues 模版和 pull request 模版 


这个issue模版我是在给element uiissue时发现的:
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

GitHub中,代码库维护者如果提供有定制的 issues 模版和pull request 模版,可以让人们有针对性的提供某类问题的准确信息,从而在后续维护中能够进行有效地对话和改进,而不是杂乱无章的留言。


  • 在代码库根目录新建.github目录
  • .github 目录下添加 ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md 文件作为 issues 默认模版。当创建 issue 时,系统会自动引用该模版。


## 概述

bug 概述

## 重现步骤

1. aaa
2. bbb
3. ccc

## Bug 行为

Bug 的表现行为

## 期望行为


## 附件


> "
> 日志内容
> "
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GitHub Wiki 

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

大家平时的项目,一般都使用 Markdown 来编写项目文档和 README.md 等。Markdown 一般情况下能够满足我们的文档编写需求,如果使用得当的话,效果也非常棒。不过当项目文档比较长的时候,阅读体验可能就不是那么理想了,这种情况我想大家应该都曾经遇到过。

GitHub 每一个项目都有一个单独完整的 Wiki 页面,我们可以用它来实现项目信息管理,为项目提供更加完善的文档。我们可以把 Wiki 作为项目文档的一个重要组成部分,将冗长、具体的文档整理成 Wiki,将精简的、概述性的内容,放到项目中或是 README.md 里。





Git Submodules vs Git Subtrees 

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

为什么使用 Submodules or Subtrees?



subtreesubmodule 的目的都是用于 git 子仓库管理,二者的主要区别在于,subtree 属于拷贝子仓库,而 submodule 属于引用子仓库。



  • submodule: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
  • subtree: https://einverne.github.io/post/2020/04/git-subtree-usage.html

GitHub 插件推荐 



Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

我们有时经常需要在github上查找文件,但如果文件结构嵌套很深,查找起来是非常麻烦的,这时使用Octotree可以在仓库左侧显示当前项目的目录结构,让你可以在github上像使用Web IDE一样方便。
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?


Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

This is a more cool 3D stereo renderinggithub contribution.
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

Enhanced GitHub

Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

This plug-in supports displaying the repository size and the size of each file in the repository and download links for each file.
Do you know these 15 useful Github features?

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