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JavaScript you don't know

Release: 2020-11-17 16:30:35
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JavaScript column introduces some must-know operations.

JavaScript you don't know

Unlike students in other "circles", students in the front-end circle are very keen on the "handwritten xxx method" and basically spend every day in the Nuggets You can see similar articles. However, many articles (not representative of all, no offense intended) are mostly swallowing the truth and copying what has gone before, which cannot withstand scrutiny and research, and can easily mislead new students who are just getting started with JavaScript.

In view of this, this article will be based on some typical knowledge points in "JavaScript You Don't Know" (Little Yellow Book), combined with some classic and high-frequency "handwritten" methods to explain the principles and principles one by one. Implementation is combined, and students work together to understand the principles before writing code by hand.

1. Operator new

Before explaining it, we first need to clarify a very common misunderstanding about functions and objects in JavaScript:

In traditional class-oriented In the language, "constructors" are some special methods in a class. When using new to initialize a class, the constructor in the class will be called. The usual form is like this:

something = new MyClass(..);复制代码
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JavaScript also has a new operator, and the usage method looks the same as those in class-oriented languages. Most developers think that # in JavaScript The mechanism of ##new is also the same as those languages. However, the mechanism of new in JavaScript is actually completely different from that in class-oriented languages.

First, let’s redefine the “constructor” in JavaScript. In JavaScript, constructors are just functions that are called when using the

new operator. They do not belong to a class, nor do they instantiate a class. In fact, they can't even be said to be a special function type, they are just ordinary functions called by the new operator.

In fact, there is no so-called "constructor", only "constructor call" for the function. Use

new to call a function, or when a constructor call occurs, the following operations will be automatically performed:

    Create (or construct) a brand new object;
  1. This new object will be executed [[ prototype]] connection;
  2. This new object will be bound to this of the function call;
  3. If the function does not return other objects, then the new expression The function call in the formula will automatically return this new object.
Therefore, if we want to write a theoretical

new, we must strictly follow the above steps and implement it into the code:

* @param {fn} Function(any) 构造函数
* @param {arg1, arg2, ...} 指定的参数列表
function myNew (fn, ...args) {
    // 创建一个新对象,并把它的原型链(__proto__)指向构造函数的原型对象
    const instance = Object.create(fn.prototype)

    // 把新对象作为thisArgs和参数列表一起使用call或apply调用构造函数
    const result = fn.apply(instance, args)

    return (result && typeof instance === 'object') ? result : instance
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In the sample code, we use

Object.create(fn.prototype) to create an empty object so that its prototype chain __proto__ points to the prototype object of the constructor fn. prototype, later we will also hand-write a Object.create() method to figure out how it is done.

2. Operator instanceof

For a long time, JavaScript only had some syntactic elements similar to classes, such as

new and instanceof , but some new elements were added in later ES6, such as the class keyword.

Without considering

class, the relationship between new and instanceof is "ambiguous". The main purpose of the new and instanceof operators is to move closer to "object-oriented programming".

Therefore, now that we understand

new, there is no reason not to understand instanceof. Quoting the description of instanceof on MDN: "The instanceof operator is used to detect whether the prototype attribute of the constructor appears on the prototype chain of an instance object." .

After seeing this, I basically understand that the implementation of

instanceof needs to test your understanding of the prototype chain and prototype. The content about prototypes and prototype chains in JavaScript requires a large amount of content to explain clearly, and there are also some good summary blog posts on the Internet, including one that will help you thoroughly understand prototype, __proto__ and constructor (illustration) in JS. A rare and excellent article that clearly combs and summarizes the relationships and connections between them.

The second part of "JavaScript You Don't Know" - Chapter 5 provides a more basic and comprehensive introduction to prototype-related content, which is worth reading.

The implementation of the following

instanceof code is very simple, but it needs to be based on your understanding of prototypes and prototype chains. It is recommended that you first read the above blog post Or continue after you understand the article.

* @param {left} Object 实例对象
* @param {right} Function 构造函数
function myInstanceof (left, right) {
    // 保证运算符右侧是一个构造函数
    if (typeof right !== 'function') {
        throw new Error('运算符右侧必须是一个构造函数')

    // 如果运算符左侧是一个null或者基本数据类型的值,直接返回false 
    if (left === null || !['function', 'object'].includes(typeof left)) {
        return false

    // 只要该构造函数的原型对象出现在实例对象的原型链上,则返回true,否则返回false
    let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(left)
    while (true) {

        // 遍历完了目标对象的原型链都没找到那就是没有,即到了Object.prototype

        if (proto === null) return false

        // 找到了
        if (proto === right.prototype) return true

        // 沿着原型链继续向上找
        proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)
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3. Object.create()

Object.create()The method creates a new object and uses the existing object to provide the newly created object__proto__.



* 基础版本
* @param {Object} proto
Object.prototype.create = function (proto) {  
    // 利用new操作符的特性:创建一个对象,其原型链(__proto__)指向构造函数的原型对象
    function F () {}
    F.prototype = proto
    return new F()

* 改良版本
* @param {Object} proto
Object.prototype.createX = function (proto) {
    const obj = {}
    // 一步到位,把一个空对象的原型链(__proto__)指向指定原型对象即可
    Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto)
    return obj
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我们可以看到,Object.create(proto)做的事情转换成其他方法实现很简单,就是创建一个空对象,再把这个对象的原型链属性(Object.setPrototype(obj, proto))指向指定的原型对象proto就可以了(不要采用直接赋值__proto__属性的方式,因为每个浏览器的实现不尽相同,而且在规范中也没有明确该属性名)。






  1. new 调用?绑定到新创建的对象。
  2. call 或者 apply (或者 bind )调用?绑定到指定的对象。
  3. 由上下文对象调用?绑定到那个上下文对象。
  4. 默认:在严格模式下绑定到 undefined ,否则绑定到全局对象。


  1. 函数是否在 new 中调用( new 绑定)?如果是的话 this 绑定的是新创建的对象:
var bar = new foo()复制代码
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  1. 函数是否通过 callapply (显式绑定)或者硬绑定(bind)调用?如果是的话, this 绑定的是指定的对象:
var bar = foo.call(obj2)复制代码
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  1. 函数是否在某个上下文对象中调用(隐式绑定)?如果是的话, this 绑定的是那个上下文对象:
var bar = obj1.foo()复制代码
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  1. 如果都不是的话,使用默认绑定。如果在严格模式下,就绑定到 undefined ,否则绑定到全局对象:
var bar = foo()复制代码
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就是这样。对于正常的函数调用来说,理解了这些知识你就可以明白 this 的绑定原理了。


4.1 call和apply


const context = {
    name: 'ZhangSan'
function sayName () {
context.sayName = sayName
context.sayName() // ZhangSan复制代码
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* @param {context} Object 
* @param {arg1, arg2, ...} 指定的参数列表
Function.prototype.call = function (context, ...args) {
    // 指定为 null 或 undefined 时会自动替换为指向全局对象,原始值会被包装
    if (context === null || context === undefined) {
        context = window
    } else if (typeof context !== 'object') {
        context = new context.constructor(context)
    } else {
        context = context
    const func = this
    const fn = Symbol('fn')
    context[fn] = func
    const result = context[fn](...args)
    delete context[fn]
    return result

* @param {context}
* @param {args} Array 参数数组
Function.prototype.apply = function (context, args) {
    // 和call一样的原理
    if (context === null || context === undefined) {
        context = window
    } else if (typeof context !== 'object') {
        context = new context.constructor(context)
    } else {
        context = context
    const fn = Symbol('fn')
    const func = this
    context[fn] = func
    const result = context[fn](...args)
    delete context[fn]
    return result
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const fn = Symbol('fn')
const func = this
context[fn] = func复制代码
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4.2 bind


function bind(fn, obj) {
    return function() {
        return fn.apply( obj, arguments );
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由于硬绑定是一种非常常用的模式,所以在 ES5 中提供了内置的方法 Function.prototype.bind ,它的用法如下:

function foo(something) {
    console.log( this.a, something )
    return this.a + something;

var obj = {

var bar = foo.bind( obj )

var b = bar( 3 ); // 2 3

console.log( b ); // 5复制代码
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bind(..) 会返回一个硬编码的新函数,它会把参数设置为 this 的上下文并调用原始函数。

MDN是这样描述bind方法的:bind() 方法创建一个新的函数,在 bind() 被调用时,这个新函数的 this 被指定为 bind() 的第一个参数,而其余参数将作为新函数的参数,供调用时使用。


* @param {context} Object 指定为 null 或 undefined 时会自动替换为指向全局对象,原始值会被包装
* @param {arg1, arg2, ...} 指定的参数列表
* 如果 bind 函数的参数列表为空,或者thisArg是null或undefined,执行作用域的 this 将被视为新函数的 thisArg
Function.prototype.bind = function (context, ...args) {
    if (typeof this !== 'function') {
        throw new TypeError('必须使用函数调用此方法');
    const _self = this

    // fNOP存在的意义:
    //  1. 判断返回的fBound是否被new调用了,如果是被new调用了,那么fNOP.prototype自然是fBound()中this的原型
    //  2. 使用包装函数(_self)的原型对象覆盖自身的原型对象,然后使用new操作符构造出一个实例对象作为fBound的原型对象,从而实现继承包装函数的原型对象
    const fNOP = function () {}

    const fBound = function (...args2) {

        // fNOP.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this) 为true说明当前结果是被使用new操作符调用的,则忽略context
        return _self.apply(fNOP.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this) && context ? this : context, [...args, ...args2])

    // 绑定原型对象
    fNOP.prototype = this.prototype
    fBound.prototype = new fNOP()
    return fBound
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维基百科:柯里化,英语:Currying,是把接受多个参数的函数变换成接受一个单一参数(最初函数的第一个参数)的函数,并且返回接受余下的参数而且返回结果的新函数的技术 。


// 普通的add函数
function add(x, y) {
    return x + y

// Currying后
function curryingAdd(x) {
    return function (y) {
        return x + y

add(1, 2)           // 3
curryingAdd(1)(2)   // 3复制代码
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function curry(fn, ...args) {
    return fn.length <= args.length ? fn(...args) : curry.bind(null, fn, ...args);
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// 函数柯里化指的是一种将使用多个参数的一个函数转换成一系列使用一个参数的函数的技术。
function curry(fn, args) {
    args = args || []

    // 获取函数需要的参数长度
    let length = fn.length
    return function() {
        let subArgs = args.slice(0)

        // 拼接得到现有的所有参数
        for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {

        // 判断参数的长度是否已经满足函数所需参数的长度
        if (subArgs.length >= length) {
            // 如果满足,执行函数
            return fn.apply(this, subArgs)
        } else {
            // 如果不满足,递归返回科里化的函数,等待参数的传入
            return curry.call(this, fn, subArgs)
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The above is the detailed content of JavaScript you don't know. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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