##{foreach from=$new_articles item=article } : The beginning of the loop,
{/foreach} : The end of the loop ##$new_articles: For the things to be looped, here is the website News##{$article.short_title} : The tag
of the news title is in the pattern: {foreach from=$post item=name} content {/foreach}
{foreach from=$post item=name} and {/foreach} tags can add any content to be looped (can be anything), loop The number of times is limited by $post (I will tell you what to fill in here.) name is the object of the current cycle. Convenient to call data.
以后这个循环我们会经常的用到哦. 还是不懂也没有关系,每次遇到我都会讲哪里要怎么设置的,多用就会了。
我们也可以这么写哦 , 注意: 在代码编辑的视图里面编辑
1. <table> 2. {foreach from=$new_articles item=article} 3. <tr><td> 4. {$article.short_title} 5. </td></td> 6. {/foreach} 7. </table>
Copy after login
一人得道,鸡犬升天啊,谢谢ECshop将我提升为教程区版主 ,实在时荣幸啊,谢谢大家的支持, 谢谢我的笔记本电脑小Y,谢谢我的电脑桌,谢谢我的椅子,谢谢大家! 呵呵! ~Orz.
好,继续在我们昨天的基础上,我们在网站快讯的循环后面,按 Enter键, 输入:商品列表,接着建立一个2行3列的表格,宽度为70%, 表格边框为1(为了让大家看清楚 ),起HTML代码如下
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. <td>1</td> 5. <td>2</td> 6. <td>3</td> 7. </tr> 8. <tr> 9. <td>4</td> 10. <td>5</td> 11. <td>6</td> 12. </tr> 13. </table>
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注: ( 1,2,3,4,5,6这些个是序号,方便跟大家讲解呢 )
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. <td>1</td> 5. <td>2</td> 6. <td>3</td> 7. </tr> 8. </table>
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,因此我们的循环标签应该在 | 和 | 的外面, 而2,和3应该是循环出来的东西,也就时我模板里面只用保留 1 这个td就可以了,2 和3都要去掉,
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. <td>1</td> 5. </tr> 6. </table>
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好,现在我们开始加循环标签,我们要调用的是精品推荐商品, 代码如下:
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. {foreach from=$best_goods item=goods} 5. <td>{$goods.short_style_name}</td> 6. {/foreach} 7. </tr> 8. </table>
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注意了:foreach 表示下面的内容属于要进行循环,from=$best_goods 表示循环的内容来自$best_goods,($best_goods是精品商品推荐的标签 ) , item=goods 表示当前循环这一次的对象叫goods,你也可以改为其它的东东,当然{$goods.short_style_name}这个地方的goods也要相应的改了哦,{$goods.short_style_name} 表示goods 这个对象的商品名称. 好了,我们保存,前台刷新看一下啊。呵呵,精品商品被循环出来了吧?
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. {foreach from=$best_goods item=jingpinshangpin} 5. <td>{$jingpinshangpin.short_style_name}</td> 6. {/foreach} 7. </tr>
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好我们继续完善他,给它加上链接对应商品的链接,也就是添加属性, 代码如下:
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. {foreach from=$best_goods item=jingpinshangpin} 5. <td><a href=”{$jingpinshangpin.url}”>{$jingpinshangpin.short_style_name}</a></td> 6. {/foreach} 7. </tr> 8. </table>
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刷新浏览器,点击链接看看链接到什么地方去了哦。呵呵! 链接到了每个产品自己的页面了呢。 说明:标签 {$jingpinshangpin.url} 就是精品商品的商品链接的标签了,但是要记得哦,$jingpinshangpin 是你起的名字哦,item=$jingpinshangpin的这个 $jingpinshangpin改变了的话,这里也要跟着改变。
接下来我们添加上商品的图片哦 ,也就是增加一个
属性 ,代码如下:
1. <p>商品列表</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. {foreach from=$best_goods item=jingpinshangpin} 5. <td><a href=”{$jingpinshangpin.url}”><img src=”{$jingpinshangpin.thumb}” border=”0″ /><br>{$jingpinshangpin.short_style_name}</a></td> 6. {/foreach} 7. </tr> 8. </table>
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说明:标签 {$jingpinshangpin.thumb} 就是精品商品的缩略图的标签了,但是要记得哦,$jingpinshangpin 是你起的名字哦,item=$jingpinshangpin的这个 $jingpinshangpin改变了的话,这里也要跟着改变。
接下来我们调取新品上市(标签为: $new_goods )和热卖商品( 标签为:$hot_goods) ,接着在刚才的代码后面加上去就是了。我就不多讲了哦,代码如下
1. <p>新品上市</p> 2. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 3. <tr> 4. {foreach from=$new_goods item=xinpinshangshi} 5. <td><a href=”{$xinpinshangshi.url}”><img src=”{$xinpinshangshi.thumb}” border=”0″ /><br> 6. {$xinpinshangshi.short_style_name}</a></td> 7. {/foreach} 8. </tr> 9. </table> 10. 11. <p>热卖商品</p> 12. <table width=”70%” border=”1″> 13. <tr> 14. {foreach from=$hot_goods item=remaishangpin} 15. <td><a href=”{$remaishangpin.url}”><img src=”{$remaishangpin.thumb}” border=”0″ /><br> 16. {$remaishangpin.short_style_name}</a></td> 17. {/foreach} 18. </tr> 19. </table>
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1. <p>分类列表</p> 2. {foreach from=$categories item=fenlei} 3. <a href=”{$fenlei.url}”>{$fenlei.name}</a> 4. {/foreach}
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1. <p>分类列表</p> 2. {foreach from=$categories item=fenlei} 3. <a href=”{$fenlei.url}”> {$fenlei.name}</a> 4. {foreach from=$fenlei.children item=child} 5. <br>- – <A href=”{$child.url}”>{$child.name|escape:html}</A> 6. {/foreach} 7. {/foreach}
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不过如果你的分类已经固定了很少改动,我建议还是做成死的,这样可以做的更漂亮一些,比如每个分类直接是用图片来代替。呵呵,我一般就是这么处理的,我除了商品和新闻是动态调用出来的以外,其它的都是做成固定的死的,这样就能够设计的很漂亮,因为有时候受到代码的限制,做出来不是很好看。(…说的好模糊,您能理解吗?不能的话就告诉我 ).
由于个人原因,今天教程停播一天,明天继续,实在不好意思各位. ~Orz.
1.如何调用某个分类里面的商品 2.如何制作商品展示页面的模板 3.完善前面讲的章节,并对大家提出的问题做出解答
今天我们来学习如何掉用某一个分类里面的产品。 首先把 default文件夹中的category.dwt 的名字改为category_bak.dwt,然后新建一个category.dwt文件. 然后插入下面的代码:
1. {foreach from=$goods_list item=goods} 2. <img src=”{$goods.goods_thumb}” border=”0″ /><br> 3. {$goods.goods_name} 4. {/foreach}
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接着我们访问这个页面:(Ecshop的访问网址/category.php?id=1)例如:http://localhost/ecshop/category.php?id=1 这样我们就访问到了分类id为1的商品了,我们也可以让id=2就访问到id = 2商品了,那如何看某个分类的id呢? 我们看后台: 商品管理-》商品分类-》就可以看到商品分类的列表,然后把鼠标指上去选择新窗口打开,就能在地址来里面看到goods.php?act=list&cat_id=1这样子的信息,cat_id所等于的值就是这个分类的id了,然后就可以拿来调取了,呵呵。
好每次每次都把商品的列表调取出来了,那么如何调取某一个商品的页面呢? 首先把 default文件夹中的goods.dwt 的名字改为goods_bak.dwt,然后新建一个goods.dwt文件. 然后插入下面的代码:
1. 商品图片: <img src=”{$goods.goods_img}” /><br><br> 2. 商品名称:{$goods.goods_style_name}<br><br> 3. 商品货号:{$goods.goods_sn}<br><br> 4. 商品品牌: {$goods.goods_brand}<br><br> 5. 商品数量:{$goods.goods_number} 单位:{$goods.measure_unit}<br><br> 6. 添加时间:{$goods.add_time}<br><br> 7. 市场价格:{$goods.market_price}<br><br> 8. 本店价格:{$goods.shop_price_formated}<br><br> 9. 注册用户价格:{$rank_price.price}<br><br> 10. 注册用户价格:{$rank_price.price}<br><br> 11. 注册用户价格:{$rank_price.price}<br><br>
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接着我们访问这个页面:(Ecshop的访问网址/goods.php?id=1)例如:http://localhost/ecshop/goods.php?id=1 这样我们就访问到了商品id为1的商品了,我们也可以让id=2就访问到id = 2商品了,那如何看某个商品的id呢?
还有人在问品牌的,某一个品牌的商品怎么调用,呵呵,下次有时间再讲 更新啦!!
今天我们学习一下如何在首页调取某个分类的商品: 注意了,这里的修改有一些麻烦了哦:
首先你需要下载一套新的模板,比如blueksy 上传到模板目录 /themes/ 也就是 /themes/bluesky,
然后进入网站后台->模板管理->模板选择,选择bluesky, 选择OK, 然后到网站后台 -> 模板管理 -> 设置模板 -> 分类下的商品 ( 点击分类下的商品前面的+号,然后选择“主区域中间“,序号默认, 商品分类随便选择一个就可以了”,
然后填写显示的条数,填写好后点击确定提交,( 注意: 有的朋友可能会遇到提交不了,是因为权限问题,需要把bluesky的模板权限改,然后再重新提交一次)。
这里我增加了两个,的数据是:主区域空间 0 手机 6
主区域空间 0 手机 6 我们在这里增加了多少条记录,对应首页就可以调取多少个分类。
1. <p>第一个分类的<p> 2. <?php $this->assign(‘cat_goods’,$this->_var['cat_goods_1']); ?><?php $this->assign(‘goods_cat’,$this->_var['goods_cat_1']); ?><?php echo $this->fetch(‘library/cat_goods.lbi’); ?> 3. <p>第二个分类的<p> 4. <?php $this->assign(‘cat_goods’,$this->_var['cat_goods_3']); ?><?php $this->assign(‘goods_cat’,$this->_var['goods_cat_3']); ?><?php echo $this->fetch(‘library/cat_goods.lbi’); ?>
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这里要注意了, 红色的 1 代表你要显示分类的分类的ID, 将它改为你需要的 刚才添加的ID就可以了 红色的 3 代表你要显示分类的分类的ID, 将它改为你需要的 刚才添加的ID就可以了
仔细一看还是有点不好的地方哦,就是样子不好看啊,对不对?是默认模板的样子,没有关系啦,我们打开 librasy目录中的cat_goods.lbi文件修改就可以了。修改要注意的地方上门讲过了,不过这里还是要再说明一些小问题
1. <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″> 2. <p><img src=”../images/green_arrow.gif” width=”37″ height=”37″ alt=”" border=”0″ style=”vertical-align:middle” /><a href=”{$goods_cat.url}”>{$goods_cat.name|escape:html}</a></p> 3. <p> 4. <!–{foreach from=$cat_goods item=goods}–> 5. <table border=”0″ cellpadding=”3″ cellspacing=”1″ style=”float: left”> 6. <tr> 7. <td align=”center”><a href=”{$goods.url}”><img src=”{$goods.thumb}” border=”0″ alt=”{$goods.name|escape:html}” /></a></td> 8. </tr> 9. <tr> 10. <td><a href=”{$goods.url}” title=”{$goods.name|escape:html}”>{$goods.short_name|escape:html}</a><br /> 11. <!– {if $goods.promote_price neq “”} –> 12. {$lang.promote_price}<span>{$goods.promote_price}</span> 13. <!– {else}–> 14. {$lang.shop_price}<span>{$goods.shop_price}</span> 15. <!–{/if}–> 16. </td> 17. </tr> 18. </table> 19. <!–{/foreach}–> 20. <br style=”clear:both”/> 21. </p>
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Some strange thing here is that there are more symbols on both sides of the label. This does not matter. It does not matter if you delete it.
Name |
Type |
Remarks (function or meaning) |
File(Directory)Can the name be changed |
images |
Directory |
Directory for storing template images |
Cannot be changed |
library |
Directory |
Directory for storing template library files |
Cannot be changed |
screenshot.png |
Picture |
Used for"Backend management -> Template management -> Template Select ” to display the template thumbnail.
Unchangeable |
style.css |
cssStyle sheet |
Cannot be changed |
Remarks: Template There are a total of 22 files( format: .dwt). Reminder: 1, Changing the contents of the library file in the template file is invalid. When the page is refreshed, the program automatically reloads the contents of the library file into the template file(Subject to the content of the library file). 2, All id values starting with ECS_ in the template must be retained ( is related to ajax). 3, Non-library file content cannot be placed in the editable area, otherwise the non-library file content will be overwritten and deleted when setting the template. |
Template file
| ## Product brand page | cannot be changed |
article.dwt |
Template file |
Article content page |
Cannot be changed |
article_cat.dwt |
Template file |
Article list page |
Cannot be changed |
Template file
All category pages
Cannot be changed
##category.dwt | Template file | Product list page | cannot be changed |
compare.dwt | Template file | Product comparison page | Cannot be changed |
##Template file |
Shopping Cart and Shopping Process Page |
Cannot be changed |
gallery.dwt |
Template file |
Product album page |
Cannot be changed |
goods.dwt |
Template file |
Product details page |
Cannot be changed |
Template file
Group purchase product details page
| ##Cannot be changed |
Template file |
Group purchase product list page |
Cannot be changed |
| ##index.dwt
Template file |
Homepage |
Cannot be changed |
message.dwt |
Template file |
Information prompt page |
Cannot be changed |
Template file
Shopping center page
Cannot be changed
Template file
Receipt confirmation information page
Cannot be changed
##respond.dwt | Template file
| Online payment result prompt information page | Cannot be changed |
Template file |
Product search page |
Cannot be changed |
snatch.dwt |
Template file |
Raiders of the Lost Ark page |
Cannot be changed |
tag_cloud.dwt |
Template file |
Tag cloud page |
Cannot be changed |
Template file
User center page (including: welcome page, my message, my tags, favorite products, out-of-stock registration list, add missing items Cargo registration.)
Cannot be changed
##user_passport.dwt | Template file | User security page (including: member login, member registration, password retrieval.) | Cannot be changed |
user_transaction.dwt | Template file | User center page (including: personal Information, my red envelope, add red envelope, my order, order details, merged order, order status, product list, total cost, consignee information, payment method, other information, member balance.) | Cannot be changed |
Remarks: There are 40 library files in total (Format .lbi) Reminder: Try to keep the default file name, otherwise the background management will not be able to manage the library file or there will be unforeseen errors. |
ad_position.lbi |
Library file |
Advertising position |
Unchangeable |
Library file
What products have been purchased by people who have purchased this product
Cannot be changed
Library file
Brand’s goods
cannot be changed
Library file
Brand area
Cannot be changed
##cart.lbi |
Library file |
Shopping cart |
Cannot be changed |
cat_articles.lbi |
Library file |
Article list |
Unchangeable |
Library file
Category The items below
cannot be changed
Library file
Product classification tree
Cannot be changed
comments .lbi
Library file
User comment list ( ajaxLoading comments_list.lbi library file.)
cannot be changed
##comments_list. lbi |
Library file |
User comment content |
cannot be changed |
consignee.lbi |
Library file |
Shipping address form |
Library file
Related articles
Cannot be changed
##goods_attrlinked.lbi | Library file | Products associated with attributes | cannot be changed |
##Library file |
Related accessories |
Cannot be changed |
Gallery file |
Product Album |
Cannot be changed |
Library file
Product list
Cannot be changed
Library file
Related goods
Not available Change
library file
goods tags
Cannot be changed
Library file
Home page group purchase products
cannot be changed
Library file
Online store help
Cannot be changed
history.lbi |
Library file |
Product browsing history |
Unchangeable |
invoice_query.lbi |
Library file |
Invoice Query |
Cannot be changed |
Library file
Member login (ajaxLoadingmember_info.lbi Library file.)
Cannot be changed
member_info. lbi
| ##Library file | Member login form and user account information after successful login | Not available Change |
##Library file |
Latest articles |
Unchangeable |
order_total.lbi |
Library file |
Total order fee |
Cannot be changed |
Library file
Page footer
Cannot be changed
Library file
Top of page
##pages.lbi | Library file | list Pagination | Unchangeable |
recommend_best.lbi | Library file | High Quality Recommendation | Cannot be changed |
recommend_hot.lbi |
Library file |
Hot-selling items |
Cannot be changed |
Library file
New product recommendation
| ##Cannot be changed |
Library file |
Promotion items |
Cannot be changed |
Library file |
Search form |
cannot be changed |
Library file |
Raiders of the Lost Ark Bidding Form (must be id="ECS_SNATCH"contains implementationajaxRefresh.) |
Cannot be changed |
snatch_price.lbi |
##Library file
Raiders of the Lost Ark latest bid list (must be id="ECS_PRICE_LIST"Contains the implementation of ajaxrefresh.)
Cannot be changed
##top10.lbi | Library file | Sales Ranking | Cannot be changed |
Library file |
Current location |
Cannot be changed |
Library file |
User Center Menu |
Cannot be changed |
Library file
Online survey
Cannot be changed
ECSHOP Layout reference picture(Applicable versionv2.1.5)
Article list page : article_cat.dwt

Article content page: article.dwt

Product brand page: brand.dwt

All category pages: catalog.dwt
Product list page: category.dwt

Product comparison page: compare.dwt

Shopping cart and shopping process page: flow.dwt

Product album page: gallery.dwt

Product details page: goods.dwt

Group purchase product details page: group_buy_goods.dwt

Group purchase product list page: group_buy_list.dwt

Homepage: index.dwt

Message prompt page: message.dwt

Shopping center page : pick_out.dwt

Receive confirmation information page: receive.dwt

Online payment prompt information page: respond.dwt

Product search page: search.dwt

Raiders of the Lost Ark Page: snatch.dwt

tagcloud page: tag_cloud. dwt

User center page (including: welcome page, my message, my tags, favorite products, out-of-stock registration list, add out-of-stock registration.) : user_clips.dwt

User security page (including: member login, member registration, password retrieval.) : user_passport.dwt

User center page (including: personal information, my red envelope, add red envelope, my order, order details, merged order, order status, product list, cost Total, consignee information, payment method, other information, membership balance.) : user_transaction.dwt