This article introduces 5 TypeScript design patterns to you. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
Design patterns are templates that help developers solve problems. There are too many patterns covered in this book, and they often target different needs. However, they can be divided into three different groups:
, Adapter
, and Decorator
. Observer Pattern
. The singleton pattern is probably one of the most famous design patterns. It is a creation pattern because it ensures that no matter how many times we try to instantiate a class, we only have one instance available.
Handling database connections and the like can be done in singleton mode, because we want to process only one at a time without having to reconnect on each user request.
class MyDBConn { protected static instance: MyDBConn | null = null private id:number = 0 constructor() { = Math.random() } public getID():number { return } public static getInstance():MyDBConn { if (!MyDBConn.instance) { MyDBConn.instance = new MyDBConn() } return MyDBConn.instance } } const connections = [ MyDBConn.getInstance(), MyDBConn.getInstance(), MyDBConn.getInstance(), MyDBConn.getInstance(), MyDBConn.getInstance() ] connections.forEach( c => { console.log(c.getID()) })
Now, although the class cannot be instantiated directly, using the getInstance
method can ensure that there will not be multiple instances. In the example above, you can see how a pseudo-class that wraps a database connection benefits from this pattern.
This example shows that no matter how many times we call the getInstance
method, the connection is always the same.
The above running results:
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##Factory mode is a creation mode, just like
Single case mode Same. However, this pattern does not work directly on the object we care about, but only manages its creation.
vehicle class, but calling The code of their
move methods can be generic.
creator class with 3 methods, or a method that takes parameters. In either case, extending that logic to support the creation of more
vehices requires continually growing the same class.
interface Vehicle { move(): void } class Car implements Vehicle { public move(): void { console.log("Moving the car!") } } class Bicycle implements Vehicle { public move(): void { console.log("Moving the bicycle!") } } class Plane implements Vehicle { public move(): void { console.log("Flying the plane!") } } // VehicleHandler 是“抽象的”,因为没有人会实例化它instantiate it // 我们要扩展它并实现抽象方法 abstract class VehicleHandler { // 这是真正的处理程序需要实现的方法 public abstract createVehicle(): Vehicle public moveVehicle(): void { const myVehicle = this.createVehicle() myVehicle.move() } } class PlaneHandler extends VehicleHandler{ public createVehicle(): Vehicle { return new Plane() } } class CarHandler extends VehicleHandler{ public createVehicle(): Vehicle { return new Car() } } class BicycleHandler extends VehicleHandler{ public createVehicle(): Vehicle { return new Bicycle() } } /// User code... const planes = new PlaneHandler() const cars = new CarHandler() planes.moveVehicle() cars.moveVehicle()
vehicle type, all you have to do is add its
vehicle class and its handler program class without increasing the LOC of any other class.
Observer Pattern because of the type behavior we can implement it.
type InternalState = { event: String } abstract class Observer { abstract update(state:InternalState): void } abstract class Observable { protected observers: Observer[] = [] protected state:InternalState = { event: ""} public addObserver(o: Observer):void { this.observers.push(o) } protected notify () { this.observers.forEach(o => o.update(this.state)) } } class ConsoleLogger extends Observer { public update(newState: InternalState) { console.log("New internal state update: ", newState) } } class InputElement extends Observable { public click():void { this.state = { event: "click" } this.notify() } } const input = new InputElement() input.addObserver(new ConsoleLogger())
Observer, which will represent an object that reacts to changes on the
Observable entity. In the above example, we assume to have an
InputElement entity that is clicked (similar to how you have HTML input fields on the front end), and a
ConsoleLogger that logs to the console Everything that happened.
Observable without having to mess with its internal code. We can continue to add observers that perform other actions, even observers that react to specific events, and let their code decide what to do with each notification.
装饰模式试图在运行时向现有对象添加行为。 从某种意义上说,我们可以将其视为动态继承,因为即使没有创建新类来添加行为,我们也正在创建具有扩展功能的新对象。
通常,我们需要在 Dog 类中添加move
类。 但是,如果我们想将两者混合在一起,则必须再次创建一个新类来扩展它们的行为,但是,有更好的方法。
组合让我们可以将自定义行为封装在不同的类中,然后使用该模式通过将原始对象传递给它们的构造函数来创建这些类的新实例。 让我们看一下代码:
abstract class Animal { abstract move(): void } abstract class SuperDecorator extends Animal { protected comp: Animal constructor(decoratedAnimal: Animal) { super() this.comp = decoratedAnimal } abstract move(): void } class Dog extends Animal { public move():void { console.log("Moving the dog...") } } class SuperAnimal extends SuperDecorator { public move():void { console.log("Starts flying...") this.comp.move() console.log("Landing...") } } class SwimmingAnimal extends SuperDecorator { public move():void { console.log("Jumps into the water...") this.comp.move() } } const dog = new Dog() console.log("--- Non-decorated attempt: ") dog.move() console.log("--- Flying decorator --- ") const superDog = new SuperAnimal(dog) superDog.move() console.log("--- Now let's go swimming --- ") const swimmingDog = new SwimmingAnimal(dog) swimmingDog.move()
类扩展了相同的类。 这是因为装饰器需要提供与其尝试装饰的类相同的公共接口。SuperDecorator
,这意味着并没有使用它,只是使用它来定义构造函数,该构造函数会将原始对象的副本保留在受保护的属性中。 公共接口的覆盖是在自定义装饰器内部完成的。SuperAnimal
const superSwimmingDog = new SwimmingAnimal(superDog) superSwimmingDog.move()
interface IProduct { getName(): string getPrice(): number } class Product implements IProduct { private price:number private name:string constructor(name:string, price:number) { = name this.price = price } public getPrice():number { return this.price } public getName(): string { return } } class Box implements IProduct { private products: IProduct[] = [] contructor() { this.products = [] } public getName(): string { return "A box with " + this.products.length + " products" } add(p: IProduct):void { console.log("Adding a ", p.getName(), "to the box") this.products.push(p) } getPrice(): number { return this.products.reduce( (curr: number, b: IProduct) => (curr + b.getPrice()), 0) } } //Using the code... const box1 = new Box() box1.add(new Product("Bubble gum", 0.5)) box1.add(new Product("Samsung Note 20", 1005)) const box2 = new Box() box2.add( new Product("Samsung TV 20in", 300)) box2.add( new Product("Samsung TV 50in", 800)) box1.add(box2) console.log("Total price: ", box1.getPrice())
Adding a Bubble gum to the box Adding a Samsung Note 20 to the box Adding a Samsung TV 20in to the box Adding a Samsung TV 50in to the box Adding a A box with 2 products to the box Total price: 2105.5
因此,在处理遵循同一接口的多个对象时,请考虑使用此模式。 通过将复杂性隐藏在单个实体(组合本身)中,您会发现它有助于简化与小组的互动方式。
作者:Fernando Doglio
The above is the detailed content of 5 TypeScript design patterns you need to know. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!