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Analysis of the implementation of PHP 7 arrays from the perspective of PHP underlying source code

Release: 2023-02-17 18:08:01
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php7 column introduces how the underlying source code of PHP implements PHP 7 arrays.

Analysis of the implementation of PHP 7 arrays from the perspective of PHP underlying source code

Recommendation: php7

##PHP 7 Array Overview PHP The array in is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values ​​to keys. This type is optimized in many ways, so it can be treated as a real array, or list (vector), hash table (which is an implementation of map), dictionary, set, stack, queue and many more possibilities. Since the value of an array element can also be another array, tree structures and multidimensional arrays are also allowed. ——PHP official document Chinese version
There are two main points to focus on here:

key can be an integer or a string. Keys of Float, Bool, and Null types will be converted to integers or strings for storage, and an error will be reported for other types.

value can be of any type.
When traversing the array, the array elements are taken out in the order in which their keys are added.
PHP 7 arrays are divided into two types: packed array and hash array, which can be converted to each other when certain conditions are met.

The key of the hash array can be an integer or a string. When a hash conflict occurs, a linked list (conflict chain) is used to resolve the conflict.

All keys of packed array are natural numbers, and the keys of elements added in sequence gradually increase (continuity is not required). Its time consumption and memory usage are lower than hash array.
The following only introduces content related to hash array.

Main data types

The following figure shows the main data types of arrays:

Hash 区               arData                 Data 区

                                            | 指 针 指 向 Data 区 的 开 始

|          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
|nTableMask|nTableMask|  ......  |    -1    |    0     |    1     |  ......  |nTableSize|
|          |    +1    |          |          |          |          |          |    +1    |
|          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| uint32_t | uint32_t |  ......  | uint32_t |  Bucket  |  Bucket  |  ......  |  Bucket  |
|          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
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Looking at the whole, this is an array. But the entry is arData instead of the leftmost element. arData divides the array into two parts:

The left side is the Hash area, its value is uint32_t type, which is the subscript of the first element of the conflict chain in the Data area;

The right side is the Data area, its value It is a Bucket type, used to store data and related information.
Since arData mainly points to the Data area, its default type is configured as a Bucket pointer.

When applying for memory, the memory size required for the Hash area will be added to the memory size required for the Data area, and then applied together.

What does Bucket look like?

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/* 数组的基本元素 */
typedef struct _Bucket {
    zval              val;              /* 值 */
    zend_ulong        h;                /* hash 值(或者整数索引) */
    zend_string      *key;              /* 字符串 key(如果存储时用整数索引,则该值为 NULL) */
} Bucket;
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Bucket puts key and value together.

In the conflict chain, Bucket is a node. Then there will be a question in my mind: How to get the next node of the conflict chain?

Conflict Chain

Speaking of linked lists, it is natural to think that the structure of the linked list elements contains the pointer next that points to the next element. For example, one-way linked list:

typedef struct listNode {
    struct listNode *next;
    void *value;
} listNode;
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But Bucket does not contain this pointer.

Will there be a special place for storing conflict chains one level above Bucket, that is, in the structure definition of the array?


typedef struct _zend_array HashTable;
struct _zend_array {
    zend_refcounted_h gc;
    union {
        struct {
                zend_uchar    flags,
                zend_uchar    _unused,
                zend_uchar    nIteratorsCount,
                zend_uchar    _unused2)
        } v;
        uint32_t flags;
    } u;
    uint32_t    nTableMask;       // 用于把 hash 值转化为 [nTableMask, -1] 区间内的负数。根据 nTableSize 生成。
    Bucket     *arData;           // 指向 Data 区的指针。
    uint32_t    nNumUsed;         // Data 区最后一个有效 Bucket 的下标 + 1。
    uint32_t    nNumOfElements;   // 存在多少个有效 Bucket。删除数组元素时,会使其减一。
    uint32_t    nTableSize;       // 总共有多少空间。
    uint32_t    nInternalPointer;
    zend_long   nNextFreeElement;
    dtor_func_t pDestructor;
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Then go to the next level of Bucket and take a look:


typedef struct _zval_struct     zval;
struct _zval_struct {
    zend_value        value;    // 通用值结构。存储基础类型(double)或指针(数组、对象等等)
    union {
        struct {
            // 省略其他定义
        } v;
        uint32_t type_info;        // 值的类型,例如 IS_ARRAY 、IS_UNDEF
    } u1;
    union {
        uint32_t     next;         // 指向 hash 冲突链的下一个元素    <--- 就是这里
        // 省略其他定义
    } u2;                       // u2 表示第二个 union
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Surprise! The next element of the linked list is actually hidden in PHP's general data type zval.

Can’t believe it? .jpg

Additional point:

The conflict chain of PHP HashMap is always a linked list, and will not be converted into a red-black tree when certain conditions are met like JAVA's HashMap. This will cause certain problems. More details later.

How to see HashTable?

Look at the structure again.


typedef struct _zend_array HashTable;
struct _zend_array {
    zend_refcounted_h gc;
    union {
        struct {
                zend_uchar    flags,
                zend_uchar    _unused,
                zend_uchar    nIteratorsCount,
                zend_uchar    _unused2)
        } v;
        uint32_t flags;
    } u;
    uint32_t    nTableMask;       // 根据 nTableSize 生成的负数。用于把 hash 值转化为 [nTableMask, -1] 区间内的负整数,防止越界。
    Bucket     *arData;           // 指向 Data 区的指针。
    uint32_t    nNumUsed;         // Data 区最后一个有效 Bucket 的下标 + 1。
    uint32_t    nNumOfElements;   // 存在多少个有效 Bucket。删除数组元素时,会使其减一。
    uint32_t    nTableSize;       // 总共有多少空间。
    uint32_t    nInternalPointer; // 内部指针。受到 reset() 、 end() 、 next() 等的影响。
    zend_long   nNextFreeElement;
    dtor_func_t pDestructor;
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A valid Bucket refers to a Bucket val whose type is not IS_UNDEF. That is, it is not an undefined value. Invalid Bucket and vice versa.

The difference between nNumUsed, nNumOfElements and nTableSize:

nNumUsed        = 4
nNumOfElements  = 3
nTableSize      = 8

|          |          |           |          |           |           |           |
|    0     |    1     |     2     |    3     |     4     |  ......   |     7     |
|          |          |           |          |           |           |           |
|          |          |           |          |           |           |           |
|  Bucket  |  Bucket  | Undefined |  Bucket  | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined |
|          |          |   Bucket  |          |   Bucket  |  Buckets  |   Bucket  |
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Main operations of arrays

The basic operations mainly used in PHP arrays are: search, add, update, delete

PHP internal operations include: rehash, expansion

Among them, search is relatively simple. Add, update, and delete all include search actions, so let’s look at search first.


Since key has two types: integer and string, the implementation of search is also divided into two types. Here we take integer key as an example.

When reading the source code, pay attention to the functions starting with HT_HASH_* and HT_DATA_*, which represent operations in the Hash area and Data area respectively.


static zend_always_inline Bucket *zend_hash_index_find_bucket(const HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h)
    uint32_t nIndex;
    uint32_t idx;
    Bucket *p, *arData;

    arData = ht->arData;
    nIndex = h | ht->nTableMask;                // 避免 Hash 区越界
    idx = HT_HASH_EX(arData, nIndex);           // 在 Hash 区取 nIndex 位置的值,结果是 Data 区某个 Bucket 的下标
    while (idx != HT_INVALID_IDX) {
        ZEND_ASSERT(idx < HT_IDX_TO_HASH(ht->nTableSize));  // 确保 Data 区没有越界
        p = HT_HASH_TO_BUCKET_EX(arData, idx);  // 用 Data 区下标获取 Bucket,即冲突链的第一个 Bucket
        if (p->h == h && !p->key) {             // 整数 key 存到 h,因此比对 h。p->key 为 NULL 表示 Bucket 的 key 为整数 key
            return p;
        idx = Z_NEXT(p->val);                   // 没有找到的话,从当前的 Bucket 获取冲突链的下一个 Bucket
    return NULL;                                // 链表遍历完也没找到,那就是不存在
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For example:

nTableSize = 8

 nTableMask = -(nTableSize + nTableSize)

            = (-16)            = (11111111111111111111111111110000)
                   10                                              2

 h          = (100000000)      = (00000101111101011110000100000000)
                         10                                        2

 nIndex     = (h | nTableMask) = (11111111111111111111111111110000)  = (-16)
                                                                   2     +  10
     |                  Hash          arData          Data
     |                                   +
     |                                   |              +----------------------------+
     v                                   v              v                            |
+---------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
|   -16   |   -15   |  ......  |   -1    |    0    |    1    |  ......  |    7    |  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
|    1    |    6    |  ......  |    5    | Bucket0 | Bucket1 |  ......  | Bucket7 |  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
+---------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+  |
     +                                                 +                     ^       |
     |                                                 |        next         |       |
     |                                                 +---------------------+       |
     |                                                                               |
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As for why nTableMask = -(nTableSize nTableSize), see [Load Factor] below.

nTableMask makes no matter how big the uint32_t is, after bitwise OR and conversion to a signed integer, it will become a negative integer, and its value will be in the range [nTableMask, -1].

Introducing the search for complete number keys. By the way, compare the search for string keys. The differences are as follows:

字符串 key 会存到 p->key 里面,而这个字符串的 hash 存到 p->h 里面。
在比较 key 的时候,整数 key 是比较两个整数是否相等,而字符串 key 会先比较 hash 是否相等,然后比较两个字符串是否相等。
依然取整数 key 为例。这里不关注更新元素的部分和 packed array 的部分。


static zend_always_inline zval *_zend_hash_index_add_or_update_i(HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h, zval *pData, uint32_t flag)
    // ... 省略代码
    idx = ht->nNumUsed++;                       // 使用空间 + 1
    nIndex = h | ht->nTableMask;                // 取 hash 值对应的 Hash 区的下标
    p = ht->arData + idx;                       // 获取指向新元素的指针
    Z_NEXT(p->val) = HT_HASH(ht, nIndex);       // 新 Bucket 指向 Hash 区下标所指的冲突链第一个 Bucket
    HT_HASH(ht, nIndex) = HT_IDX_TO_HASH(idx);  // Hash 区下标指向新 Bucket
    if ((zend_long)h >= (zend_long)ht->nNextFreeElement) {
        ht->nNextFreeElement = h < ZEND_LONG_MAX ? h + 1 : ZEND_LONG_MAX;
    ht->nNumOfElements++;                       // 元素个数 + 1
    p->h = h;                                   // 整数 key 的下标就是 hash
    p->key = NULL;                              // 整数 key 时,必须把 p->key 设置为 NULL
    ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&p->val, pData);            // 把要添加的值复制到新 Bucket 里面

    return &p->val;
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nNumUsed       = 1

 nNumOfElements = 1

 nTableSize     = 8

 nTableMask     = (-16)            = (11111111111111111111111111110000)
                       10                                              2

 h              = (100000000)      = (00000101111101011110000100000000)
                             10                                        2

 nIndex         = (h + nTableMask) = (11111111111111111111111111110000)  = (-16)
                                                                       2        10
     |                 Hash          arData          Data
     |                                  +
     |                                  |    +-------------------------------------+
     v                                  v    v                                     |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
|   -16   |   -15   | ......  |   -1    |    0    |    1    |  ...... |    7    |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |Undefined|Undefined|Undefined|  |
|    0    |   -1    | ......  |   -1    | Bucket0 | Bucket1 | Buckets | Bucket7 |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
     +                                                                             |


                                                   可 用 的 Bucket

 nNumUsed       = 2

 nNumOfElements = 2

                       Hash          arData          Data

                                        |              +---------------------------+
                                        v              v                           |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
|   -16   |   -15   | ......  |   -1    |    0    |    1    | ......  |    7    |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |Undefined|undefined|  |
|    1    |   -1    | ......  |   -1    | Bucket0 | Bucket1 | Buckets | Bucket7 |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
     +                                       ^   next   +                          |
     |                                       +----------+                          |
     |                                                                             |
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获取数组 arData 最后一个元素之后的合法位置(这个位置的内存在之前已经申请好了)。把这里的 Bucket 称为 BucketA。
把 BucketA 的下标放入 BucketA 的 h 中,把要添加的元素值放入 BucketA 的 val 。
把 Hash 区 (h | nTableMask) 位置指向的 Data 下标存储的 Bucket 称为 BucketB。
把 BucketA 的 val 的 next 指向 BucketB 。
更新Hash 区 (h | nTableMask) 位置的值为 BucketA 的下标。
Hash 区 -1 表示 HT_INVALID_IDX


static zend_always_inline zval *_zend_hash_index_add_or_update_i(HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h, zva
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zend_hash_index_find_bucket(const HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h)

来看 h 这个 key 是否存在。如果存在就执行更新,如果不在就执行添加。

更新的操作就是把 pData 复制到找到的 Bucket 里面,替换掉原先的值。


目标 key 不存在
目标 key 存在,其指向的 Bucket 处于冲突链的第一个位置
目标 key 存在,其指向的 Bucket 不处于冲突链的第一个位置
目标 key 不存在,直接返回就可以了。

目标 key 存在时,包括两个主要的操作:


在第一个位置:直接让 Hash 区的值指向冲突链第二个位置的 Bucket 在 Data 区的下标;

如果 key 是字符串,则尝试释放 key 的空间;
把 Bucket 的 val 复制到另一个变量 data,把 Bucket 的 val 的类型设置为 undefined;
尝试释放 data 所占的空间。

zend_hash_del_bucket(HashTable *ht, Bucket *p)
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_zend_hash_del_el_ex(HashTable *ht, uint32_t idx, Bucket *p, Bucket *prev)
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static zend_always_inline void _zend_hash_del_el_ex(HashTable *ht, uint32_t idx, Bucket *p, Bucket *prev)
    if (!(HT_FLAGS(ht) & HASH_FLAG_PACKED)) {
        if (prev) {                                                 // 处于冲突链的中间
            Z_NEXT(prev->val) = Z_NEXT(p->val);
        } else {                                                    // 处于冲突链的第一个
            HT_HASH(ht, p->h | ht->nTableMask) = Z_NEXT(p->val);    // 让 Hash 区的值指向下一个 Bucket 的 Data 区下标

    idx = HT_HASH_TO_IDX(idx);
    ht->nNumOfElements--;    // 数组元素计数器减一。此时 nNumUsed 保持不变。

    // 如果数组内部指针指向要删除的这个 Bucket ,则让其指向数组下一个有效 Bucket 。
    if (ht->nInternalPointer == idx || UNEXPECTED(HT_HAS_ITERATORS(ht))) {
        uint32_t new_idx;

        new_idx = idx;
        while (1) {
            if (new_idx >= ht->nNumUsed) {
            } else if (Z_TYPE(ht->arData[new_idx].val) != IS_UNDEF) {
        if (ht->nInternalPointer == idx) {
            ht->nInternalPointer = new_idx;
        zend_hash_iterators_update(ht, idx, new_idx);

    // 如果要删除的元素是数组的最后一个元素,则尝试从后往前多回收几个无效 Bucket
    if (ht->nNumUsed - 1 == idx) {
        do {
        } while (ht->nNumUsed > 0 && (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE(ht->arData[ht->nNumUsed-1].val) == IS_UNDEF)));
        ht->nInternalPointer = MIN(ht->nInternalPointer, ht->nNumUsed);

    // key 为字符串时,释放字符串内存
    if (p->key) {

    if (ht->pDestructor) {      // 如果配置了析构函数,则调用析构函数
        zval tmp;
        ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&tmp, &p->val);
    } else {
        ZVAL_UNDEF(&p->val);    // 没有析构函数,则直接将 zval 的 u1.type_info 配置为 undefind。不用释放空间,因为以后元素可以重用这个空间
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PHP 数组可拥有的最大容量


#if SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4
# define HT_MAX_SIZE 0x04000000 /* small enough to avoid overflow checks */
/* 省略代码 */
#elif SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8
# define HT_MAX_SIZE 0x80000000
/* 省略代码 */
# error "Unknown SIZEOF_SIZE_T"
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根据 sizeof(size_t) 的执行结果判断应该设置为 67108864 还是 2147483648 。

0x04000000 转为二进制是: 00000100000000000000000000000000 0x80000000 转为二进制是:

当 nNumUsed 大于等于 nTableSize 时,会触发 Resize 操作,以此获取更多可使用的 Bucket 。

Resize 策略
Resize 的定义是:


static void ZEND_FASTCALL zend_hash_do_resize(HashTable *ht)
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Resize 有两种策略:

双倍扩容 + rehash
之所以有不用双倍扩容的选择,是因为 PHP 在删除元素时,只是将对应 Data 区的 Bucket 的值设置为 undefined,并没有移动后面的元素。

选择的条件主要涉及 HashTable 的三个成员:

struct _zend_array {
    // ...省略
    uint32_t    nNumUsed;         // Data 区最后一个有效 Bucket 的下标 + 1。
    uint32_t    nNumOfElements;   // 存在多少个有效 Bucket。删除数组元素时,会使其减一。
    uint32_t    nTableSize;       // 总共有多少空间。
    // ...省略
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什么情况下只需要 rehash ?

源码是:ht->nNumUsed > ht->nNumOfElements + (ht->nNumOfElements >> 5)


ht->nNumUsed - ht->nNumOfElements > (ht->nNumOfElements >> 5)
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也就是被设置为 undefined 的 Bucket 数量大于当前元素个数除以 32 向下取整的值。


当 nNumUsed 为 2048 , nNumOfElements 为 2000 的时候,得到 2048 - 2000 < 62 ,因此执行扩容。
当 nNumUsed 为 2048 , nNumOfElements 为 1900 的时候,得到 2048 - 1900 > 59 ,因此执行 rehash。
rehash 做以下操作:

清空 Hash 区;
取两个指针,一个指向当前扫描的位置(叫做 p),一个指向迁移后的位置(叫做 q),遍历直到 p 到达 nNumUsed ;
p 在碰到无效 Bucket 时,会继续往前走一步,不做其他事。
p 在碰到有效 Bucket 时,会把 Bucket 的值复制到 q 指向的 Bucket 的值,并且 p 和 q 一起往前走一步。
这种做法的效率会比每次移动有效 Bucket 都把后面的数据一起往前移动来得高。
更新内部指针,使其指向更新位置后的 Bucket;
更新 nNumUsed,使其等于 nNumOfElements 。

什么情况下双倍扩容 + rehash ?
满足只 rehash 的条件就只做 rehash,如果不满足条件并且 nTableSize 小于数组可拥有的最大容量(HT_MAX_SIZE),则双倍扩容。

由于 HT_MAX_SIZE 是 0x04000000 或者 0x80000000,并且 nTableSize 始终是 2 的次方,所以最后一次双倍扩容后的容量刚好是 HT_MAX_SIZE 。

0x04000000 converted to binary is: 00000100000000000000000000000000 0x80000000 converted to binary is:

Double expansion capacity, do the following operations:

nTableSize becomes Double the original;
Re-apply for the memory of the Hash area and Data area, and then copy the data of the original Data area to the new Data area in the form of memory copy;
Recalculate nTableMask;
Release it The memory of the original Data area;
does rehash. Mainly to rebuild the Hash area.

Load Factor

The load factor will affect the probability of hash collision and thus the time consumption, and it will also affect the size of the hash area to affect the memory consumption.

In PHP, the relationship between nTableMask and nTableSize is used to reflect:

Load factor = |nTableMask / nTableSize|

When the load factor is 1 (PHP 5), nTableMask == - (nTableSize) .
When the load factor is 0.5 (PHP 7), nTableMask == - (nTableSize nTableSize).

Why does load factor affect time consumption and memory consumption?

The larger the load factor, the smaller the absolute value of nTableMask (nTableMask itself is affected by nTableSize), resulting in a smaller Hash area.

Once the Hash area becomes smaller, collisions are more likely to occur. This makes the conflict chain longer, and the operations performed will take longer in the conflict chain.

The smaller the load factor, the larger the Hash area, which consumes more memory, but the conflict chain becomes shorter and the operation time becomes shorter.

Load factor time consumption memory consumption size size size

So it should be adjusted according to the memory and time requirements.

PHP’s load factor is reduced from 1 (PHP5) to 0.5 (PHP7), making the speed faster, but at the same time the memory consumption becomes larger.

In terms of memory consumption, PHP has also made an improvement and added packed array.

packed array

All keys of packed array are natural numbers, and the keys of elements added in sequence gradually increase (not required to be continuous).

packed array query can directly calculate the position of the target element based on the subscript (equivalent to an array in C language), so it does not require a Hash area to speed up.

However, because under certain conditions, packed array will be converted into hash array, so it still retains nTableMask. It's just that nTableMask is fixed to its minimum value, currently -2 .

The Hash area has only two positions, and their values ​​are both HT_INVALID_IDX, which is -1.

I hope the above content will help everyone. Many PHPers will always encounter some problems and bottlenecks when they advance. They write too much business code and have no sense of direction. They don’t know where to start to improve. I have compiled some information on this, including but not limited to: distributed architecture, high scalability, high performance, high concurrency, server performance tuning, TP6, laravel, YII2, Redis, Swoole, Swoft, Kafka, Mysql optimization, shell Scripts, Docker, microservices, Nginx and other advanced knowledge points can be shared with everyone for free if you need them. You need to click here to get PHP Advanced Architect>>>videos and interview documents for free

The source code used in this article is version PHP 7.4.4.

PHP 7 Array Overview
An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values ​​to keys. This type is optimized in many ways, so it can be treated as a real array, or list (vector), hash table (which is an implementation of map), dictionary, set, stack, queue and many more possibilities. Since the value of an array element can also be another array, tree structures and multidimensional arrays are also allowed. ——PHP official document Chinese version
There are two main points to focus on here:

key can be an integer or a string. Keys of Float, Bool, and Null types will be converted to integers or strings for storage, and an error will be reported for other types.
value can be of any type.
When traversing the array, the array elements are taken out in the order in which their keys are added.
PHP 7 arrays are divided into two types: packed array and hash array, which can be converted to each other when certain conditions are met.

The key of the hash array can be an integer or a string. When a hash conflict occurs, a linked list (conflict chain) is used to resolve the conflict.
All keys of packed array are natural numbers, and the keys of elements added in sequence gradually increase (continuity is not required). Its time consumption and memory usage are lower than hash array.
The following only introduces content related to hash array.

Main data types
The following figure shows the main data types of arrays:

Hash 区               arData                 Data 区

                                            | 指 针 指 向 Data 区 的 开 始

|          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
|nTableMask|nTableMask|  ......  |    -1    |    0     |    1     |  ......  |nTableSize|
|          |    +1    |          |          |          |          |          |    +1    |
|          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| uint32_t | uint32_t |  ......  | uint32_t |  Bucket  |  Bucket  |  ......  |  Bucket  |
|          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
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Looking at the whole, this is an array. But the entry is arData instead of the leftmost element. arData divides the array into two parts:

左边是 Hash 区,其值为 uint32_t 类型,是冲突链的第一个元素在 Data 区的下标;
右边是 Data 区,其值为 Bucket 类型,用于存储数据及其相关信息。
由于 arData 主要指向 Data 区,因此其默认类型被配置为 Bucket 指针。

在申请内存时,会把 Hash 区所需的内存大小加上 Data 区所需的内存大小,然后一起申请。

Bucket 长什么样?

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/* 数组的基本元素 */
typedef struct _Bucket {
    zval              val;              /* 值 */
    zend_ulong        h;                /* hash 值(或者整数索引) */
    zend_string      *key;              /* 字符串 key(如果存储时用整数索引,则该值为 NULL) */
} Bucket;
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Bucket 把 key 和 value 放在一起了。

在冲突链中,Bucket 是一个节点。那么此时心里会有一个疑问:怎么获取冲突链的下一个节点?

说到链表,会很自然地想到链表元素的结构体里包含着指向下一个元素的指针 next 。例如单向链表:

typedef struct listNode {
    struct listNode *next;
    void *value;
} listNode;
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但 Bucket 却不包含这个指针。

会不会在 Bucket 上一层,也就是数组的结构体定义中有一个专门存放冲突链的地方?


typedef struct _zend_array HashTable;
struct _zend_array {
    zend_refcounted_h gc;
    union {
        struct {
                zend_uchar    flags,
                zend_uchar    _unused,
                zend_uchar    nIteratorsCount,
                zend_uchar    _unused2)
        } v;
        uint32_t flags;
    } u;
    uint32_t    nTableMask;       // 用于把 hash 值转化为 [nTableMask, -1] 区间内的负数。根据 nTableSize 生成。
    Bucket     *arData;           // 指向 Data 区的指针。
    uint32_t    nNumUsed;         // Data 区最后一个有效 Bucket 的下标 + 1。
    uint32_t    nNumOfElements;   // 存在多少个有效 Bucket。删除数组元素时,会使其减一。
    uint32_t    nTableSize;       // 总共有多少空间。
    uint32_t    nInternalPointer;
    zend_long   nNextFreeElement;
    dtor_func_t pDestructor;
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那往 Bucket 下一层看看:

typedef struct _zval_struct     zval;
struct _zval_struct {
    zend_value        value;    // 通用值结构。存储基础类型(double)或指针(数组、对象等等)
    union {
        struct {
            // 省略其他定义
        } v;
        uint32_t type_info;        // 值的类型,例如 IS_ARRAY 、IS_UNDEF
    } u1;
    union {
        uint32_t     next;         // 指向 hash 冲突链的下一个元素    <--- 就是这里
        // 省略其他定义
    } u2;                       // u2 表示第二个 union
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惊!链表元素的 next 居然藏在 PHP 的通用数据类型 zval 里面。


PHP HashMap 的冲突链始终是一个链表,不会像 JAVA 的 HashMap 那样在达成一定条件时转成红黑树。这会带来一定的问题。后面再详细说明。

怎么看 HashTable ?


typedef struct _zend_array HashTable;
struct _zend_array {
    zend_refcounted_h gc;
    union {
        struct {
                zend_uchar    flags,
                zend_uchar    _unused,
                zend_uchar    nIteratorsCount,
                zend_uchar    _unused2)
        } v;
        uint32_t flags;
    } u;
    uint32_t    nTableMask;       // 根据 nTableSize 生成的负数。用于把 hash 值转化为 [nTableMask, -1] 区间内的负整数,防止越界。
    Bucket     *arData;           // 指向 Data 区的指针。
    uint32_t    nNumUsed;         // Data 区最后一个有效 Bucket 的下标 + 1。
    uint32_t    nNumOfElements;   // 存在多少个有效 Bucket。删除数组元素时,会使其减一。
    uint32_t    nTableSize;       // 总共有多少空间。
    uint32_t    nInternalPointer; // 内部指针。受到 reset() 、 end() 、 next() 等的影响。
    zend_long   nNextFreeElement;
    dtor_func_t pDestructor;
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有效 Bucket 指的是 Bucket val 的类型不为 IS_UNDEF 。也就是不为未定义的(undefined)值。无效 Bucket 反之。

nNumUsed 、nNumOfElements 、 nTableSize 的区别:

nNumUsed        = 4
nNumOfElements  = 3
nTableSize      = 8

|          |          |           |          |           |           |           |
|    0     |    1     |     2     |    3     |     4     |  ......   |     7     |
|          |          |           |          |           |           |           |
|          |          |           |          |           |           |           |
|  Bucket  |  Bucket  | Undefined |  Bucket  | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined |
|          |          |   Bucket  |          |   Bucket  |  Buckets  |   Bucket  |
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PHP 数组主要用到的基本操作有:查找、添加、更新、删除

PHP 内部操作有:rehash 、扩容


由于 key 有整数和字符串这两种类型,因此查找的实现也分为两种。这里以整数 key 为例。

读源码时要注意 HT_HASH_* 和 HT_DATA_* 开头的函数,分别代表着在 Hash 区和 Data 区的操作。

static zend_always_inline Bucket *zend_hash_index_find_bucket(const HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h)
    uint32_t nIndex;
    uint32_t idx;
    Bucket *p, *arData;

    arData = ht->arData;
    nIndex = h | ht->nTableMask;                // 避免 Hash 区越界
    idx = HT_HASH_EX(arData, nIndex);           // 在 Hash 区取 nIndex 位置的值,结果是 Data 区某个 Bucket 的下标
    while (idx != HT_INVALID_IDX) {
        ZEND_ASSERT(idx < HT_IDX_TO_HASH(ht->nTableSize));  // 确保 Data 区没有越界
        p = HT_HASH_TO_BUCKET_EX(arData, idx);  // 用 Data 区下标获取 Bucket,即冲突链的第一个 Bucket
        if (p->h == h && !p->key) {             // 整数 key 存到 h,因此比对 h。p->key 为 NULL 表示 Bucket 的 key 为整数 key
            return p;
        idx = Z_NEXT(p->val);                   // 没有找到的话,从当前的 Bucket 获取冲突链的下一个 Bucket
    return NULL;                                // 链表遍历完也没找到,那就是不存在
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nTableSize = 8

 nTableMask = -(nTableSize + nTableSize)

            = (-16)            = (11111111111111111111111111110000)
                   10                                              2

 h          = (100000000)      = (00000101111101011110000100000000)
                         10                                        2

 nIndex     = (h | nTableMask) = (11111111111111111111111111110000)  = (-16)
                                                                   2     +  10
     |                  Hash          arData          Data
     |                                   +
     |                                   |              +----------------------------+
     v                                   v              v                            |
+---------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
|   -16   |   -15   |  ......  |   -1    |    0    |    1    |  ......  |    7    |  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
|    1    |    6    |  ......  |    5    | Bucket0 | Bucket1 |  ......  | Bucket7 |  |
|         |         |          |         |         |         |          |         |  |
+---------+---------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+  |
     +                                                 +                     ^       |
     |                                                 |        next         |       |
     |                                                 +---------------------+       |
     |                                                                               |
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至于为什么 nTableMask = -(nTableSize + nTableSize) ,见下文的【负载因子】。

nTableMask 使得无论多大的 uint32_t ,在按位或以及转成有符号整数后,都会变成负整数,并且其值会在 [nTableMask, -1] 这个区间。

介绍完整数 key 的查找,顺便对比一下字符串 key 的查找,不同之处如下:

字符串 key 会存到 p->key 里面,而这个字符串的 hash 存到 p->h 里面。
在比较 key 的时候,整数 key 是比较两个整数是否相等,而字符串 key 会先比较 hash 是否相等,然后比较两个字符串是否相等。
依然取整数 key 为例。这里不关注更新元素的部分和 packed array 的部分。


static zend_always_inline zval *_zend_hash_index_add_or_update_i(HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h, zval *pData, uint32_t flag)
    // ... 省略代码
    idx = ht->nNumUsed++;                       // 使用空间 + 1
    nIndex = h | ht->nTableMask;                // 取 hash 值对应的 Hash 区的下标
    p = ht->arData + idx;                       // 获取指向新元素的指针
    Z_NEXT(p->val) = HT_HASH(ht, nIndex);       // 新 Bucket 指向 Hash 区下标所指的冲突链第一个 Bucket
    HT_HASH(ht, nIndex) = HT_IDX_TO_HASH(idx);  // Hash 区下标指向新 Bucket
    if ((zend_long)h >= (zend_long)ht->nNextFreeElement) {
        ht->nNextFreeElement = h < ZEND_LONG_MAX ? h + 1 : ZEND_LONG_MAX;
    ht->nNumOfElements++;                       // 元素个数 + 1
    p->h = h;                                   // 整数 key 的下标就是 hash
    p->key = NULL;                              // 整数 key 时,必须把 p->key 设置为 NULL
    ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&p->val, pData);            // 把要添加的值复制到新 Bucket 里面

    return &p->val;
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nNumUsed       = 1

 nNumOfElements = 1

 nTableSize     = 8

 nTableMask     = (-16)            = (11111111111111111111111111110000)
                       10                                              2

 h              = (100000000)      = (00000101111101011110000100000000)
                             10                                        2

 nIndex         = (h + nTableMask) = (11111111111111111111111111110000)  = (-16)
                                                                       2        10
     |                 Hash          arData          Data
     |                                  +
     |                                  |    +-------------------------------------+
     v                                  v    v                                     |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
|   -16   |   -15   | ......  |   -1    |    0    |    1    |  ...... |    7    |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |Undefined|Undefined|Undefined|  |
|    0    |   -1    | ......  |   -1    | Bucket0 | Bucket1 | Buckets | Bucket7 |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
     +                                                                             |


                                                   可 用 的 Bucket

 nNumUsed       = 2

 nNumOfElements = 2

                       Hash          arData          Data

                                        |              +---------------------------+
                                        v              v                           |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
|   -16   |   -15   | ......  |   -1    |    0    |    1    | ......  |    7    |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |Undefined|undefined|  |
|    1    |   -1    | ......  |   -1    | Bucket0 | Bucket1 | Buckets | Bucket7 |  |
|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+  |
     +                                       ^   next   +                          |
     |                                       +----------+                          |
     |                                                                             |
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获取数组 arData 最后一个元素之后的合法位置(这个位置的内存在之前已经申请好了)。把这里的 Bucket 称为 BucketA。
把 BucketA 的下标放入 BucketA 的 h 中,把要添加的元素值放入 BucketA 的 val 。
把 Hash 区 (h | nTableMask) 位置指向的 Data 下标存储的 Bucket 称为 BucketB。
把 BucketA 的 val 的 next 指向 BucketB 。
更新Hash 区 (h | nTableMask) 位置的值为 BucketA 的下标。
Hash 区 -1 表示 HT_INVALID_IDX


static zend_always_inline zval *_zend_hash_index_add_or_update_i(HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h, zva
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zend_hash_index_find_bucket(const HashTable *ht, zend_ulong h)

来看 h 这个 key 是否存在。如果存在就执行更新,如果不在就执行添加。

更新的操作就是把 pData 复制到找到的 Bucket 里面,替换掉原先的值。


目标 key 不存在
目标 key 存在,其指向的 Bucket 处于冲突链的第一个位置
目标 key 存在,其指向的 Bucket 不处于冲突链的第一个位置
目标 key 不存在,直接返回就可以了。

目标 key 存在时,包括两个主要的操作:


在第一个位置:直接让 Hash 区的值指向冲突链第二个位置的 Bucket 在 Data 区的下标;

如果 key 是字符串,则尝试释放 key 的空间;
把 Bucket 的 val 复制到另一个变量 data,把 Bucket 的 val 的类型设置为 undefined;
尝试释放 data 所占的空间。

zend_hash_del_bucket(HashTable *ht, Bucket *p)
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_zend_hash_del_el_ex(HashTable *ht, uint32_t idx, Bucket *p, Bucket *prev)
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static zend_always_inline void _zend_hash_del_el_ex(HashTable *ht, uint32_t idx, Bucket *p, Bucket *prev)
    if (!(HT_FLAGS(ht) & HASH_FLAG_PACKED)) {
        if (prev) {                                                 // 处于冲突链的中间
            Z_NEXT(prev->val) = Z_NEXT(p->val);
        } else {                                                    // 处于冲突链的第一个
            HT_HASH(ht, p->h | ht->nTableMask) = Z_NEXT(p->val);    // 让 Hash 区的值指向下一个 Bucket 的 Data 区下标

    idx = HT_HASH_TO_IDX(idx);
    ht->nNumOfElements--;    // 数组元素计数器减一。此时 nNumUsed 保持不变。

    // 如果数组内部指针指向要删除的这个 Bucket ,则让其指向数组下一个有效 Bucket 。
    if (ht->nInternalPointer == idx || UNEXPECTED(HT_HAS_ITERATORS(ht))) {
        uint32_t new_idx;

        new_idx = idx;
        while (1) {
            if (new_idx >= ht->nNumUsed) {
            } else if (Z_TYPE(ht->arData[new_idx].val) != IS_UNDEF) {
        if (ht->nInternalPointer == idx) {
            ht->nInternalPointer = new_idx;
        zend_hash_iterators_update(ht, idx, new_idx);

    // 如果要删除的元素是数组的最后一个元素,则尝试从后往前多回收几个无效 Bucket
    if (ht->nNumUsed - 1 == idx) {
        do {
        } while (ht->nNumUsed > 0 && (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE(ht->arData[ht->nNumUsed-1].val) == IS_UNDEF)));
        ht->nInternalPointer = MIN(ht->nInternalPointer, ht->nNumUsed);

    // key 为字符串时,释放字符串内存
    if (p->key) {

    if (ht->pDestructor) {      // 如果配置了析构函数,则调用析构函数
        zval tmp;
        ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&tmp, &p->val);
    } else {
        ZVAL_UNDEF(&p->val);    // 没有析构函数,则直接将 zval 的 u1.type_info 配置为 undefind。不用释放空间,因为以后元素可以重用这个空间
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PHP 数组可拥有的最大容量


#if SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4
# define HT_MAX_SIZE 0x04000000 /* small enough to avoid overflow checks */
/* 省略代码 */
#elif SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8
# define HT_MAX_SIZE 0x80000000
/* 省略代码 */
# error "Unknown SIZEOF_SIZE_T"
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根据 sizeof(size_t) 的执行结果判断应该设置为 67108864 还是 2147483648 。

0x04000000 转为二进制是: 00000100000000000000000000000000 0x80000000 转为二进制是:

当 nNumUsed 大于等于 nTableSize 时,会触发 Resize 操作,以此获取更多可使用的 Bucket 。

Resize 策略
Resize 的定义是:


static void ZEND_FASTCALL zend_hash_do_resize(HashTable *ht)
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Resize 有两种策略:

双倍扩容 + rehash
之所以有不用双倍扩容的选择,是因为 PHP 在删除元素时,只是将对应 Data 区的 Bucket 的值设置为 undefined,并没有移动后面的元素。

选择的条件主要涉及 HashTable 的三个成员:

struct _zend_array {
    // ...省略
    uint32_t    nNumUsed;         // Data 区最后一个有效 Bucket 的下标 + 1。
    uint32_t    nNumOfElements;   // 存在多少个有效 Bucket。删除数组元素时,会使其减一。
    uint32_t    nTableSize;       // 总共有多少空间。
    // ...省略
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什么情况下只需要 rehash ?

源码是:ht->nNumUsed > ht->nNumOfElements + (ht->nNumOfElements >> 5)


ht->nNumUsed - ht->nNumOfElements > (ht->nNumOfElements >> 5)
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也就是被设置为 undefined 的 Bucket 数量大于当前元素个数除以 32 向下取整的值。


当 nNumUsed 为 2048 , nNumOfElements 为 2000 的时候,得到 2048 - 2000 < 62 ,因此执行扩容。
当 nNumUsed 为 2048 , nNumOfElements 为 1900 的时候,得到 2048 - 1900 > 59 ,因此执行 rehash。
rehash 做以下操作:

清空 Hash 区;
取两个指针,一个指向当前扫描的位置(叫做 p),一个指向迁移后的位置(叫做 q),遍历直到 p 到达 nNumUsed ;
p 在碰到无效 Bucket 时,会继续往前走一步,不做其他事。
p 在碰到有效 Bucket 时,会把 Bucket 的值复制到 q 指向的 Bucket 的值,并且 p 和 q 一起往前走一步。
这种做法的效率会比每次移动有效 Bucket 都把后面的数据一起往前移动来得高。
更新内部指针,使其指向更新位置后的 Bucket;
更新 nNumUsed,使其等于 nNumOfElements 。

什么情况下双倍扩容 + rehash ?
满足只 rehash 的条件就只做 rehash,如果不满足条件并且 nTableSize 小于数组可拥有的最大容量(HT_MAX_SIZE),则双倍扩容。

由于 HT_MAX_SIZE 是 0x04000000 或者 0x80000000,并且 nTableSize 始终是 2 的次方,所以最后一次双倍扩容后的容量刚好是 HT_MAX_SIZE 。

0x04000000 转为二进制是: 00000100000000000000000000000000 0x80000000 转为二进制是:


nTableSize 变为原先的两倍;
重新申请一次 Hash 区和 Data 区的内存,然后把原先 Data 区的数据以内存拷贝的方式复制到新的 Data 区;
重新计算 nTableMask;
释放掉原先 Data 区的内存;
做 rehash 。主要是为了重建 Hash 区。

负载因子(Load Factor)

负载因子会影响 hash 碰撞的概率从而影响到耗时,也会影响 Hash 区的大小来影响内存消耗。

在 PHP 中,用 nTableMask 和 nTableSize 的关系来体现:

负载因子 = |nTableMask / nTableSize|

负载因子为 1 的时候(PHP 5),nTableMask == - (nTableSize) 。
负载因子为 0.5 的时候(PHP 7), nTableMask == - (nTableSize + nTableSize) 。


负载因子越大, nTableMask 绝对值就越小(nTableMask 本身受到 nTableSize 的影响),从而导致 Hash 区变小。

Hash 区一旦变小,更容易产生碰撞。也就使得冲突链更长,执行的操作会在冲突链的时间消耗变得更长。

负载因子越小,Hash 区变大,使得内存消耗更多,但冲突链变短,操作耗时变小。



PHP 的负载因子从 1 (PHP5) 降到 0.5 (PHP7),使得速度变快了,但同时内存消耗变大。

针对内存消耗,PHP 还做了个改进,增加了 packed array。

packed array

packed array 的所有 key 是自然数,且依次添加的元素的 key 逐渐增大(不要求连续)。

packed array 查询时可以直接根据下标计算目标元素的位置(相当于 c 语言的数组),因此它不需要 Hash 区来加速。

不过由于在某些条件下, packed array 会转成 hash array ,所以它仍然保留 nTableMask 。只是 nTableMask 固定为最小值,当前为 -2 。

Hash 区只有两个位置,其值都是 HT_INVALID_IDX ,也就是 -1 。

The above is the detailed content of Analysis of the implementation of PHP 7 arrays from the perspective of PHP underlying source code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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