<?php declare (strict_types = 1); namespace app\controller; use Ucenter\Controller\UcController; class uc extends UcController { /** * 构造方法,用于实例化 UcController */ public function __construct(){ $this->init(); } }
2 Index controller adds uc class variables.
private $uc;
3 Instantiate the uc controller in the index method, and operate the UCenter interface through $this->uc. $this->uc = new uc();
After the above two steps are completed, you can call the ucenter interface in the appropriate place in the code to register and log in. Below is a code snippet from my project for reference only. 4 When registering, verify whether the username already exists and is legal
$username = $data['Content']; $result = $this->uc->uc_check_name($username); switch ($result) { case -1: $reason = "用户名不合法"; break; case -2: $reason = "包含不允许注册的词语"; break; case -3: $reason = "用户名已经存在"; break; } if ($result != 1) { $this->_resetStep(); return array(join("\n", array_merge(array('【注册】注册失败', $reason), $this->_guestActions() )), 'text'); } else { $this->_setStep(self::STEP_REGISTER_PASSWORD); Session::set('username', $data['Content']); return array('【注册】请输入密码', 'text'); } }
5 After entering the password, call ucenter to register. Because ucenter must bring username, password, and email when registering, it needs to be the user Generate the default email
//注册->输入密码 if ($this->_currentStep() == self::STEP_REGISTER_PASSWORD) { $this->_resetStep(); Session::set('password', $data['Content']); //call ucenter to register user $username_valid = $this->uc->uc_check_name(Session::get('username')); Log::write('$username_valid' . $username_valid, 'debug'); if ($username_valid == 1) { //register Log::write('start register ' . Session::get('username'), 'debug'); $email = "reg_" . substr(Session::getId(), 0, 3) . time() . substr(Session::getId(), 7, 4) . "@null.null"; //$email = Session::get('username').'@'.Session::get('username').'.com'; $register_result = $this->uc->uc_register(Session::get('username'), Session::get('password'), $email); Log::write('register result is ' . $register_result, 'debug'); switch ($register_result) { case -1: $reason = "用户名不合法"; break; case -2: $reason = "包含不允许注册的词语"; break; case -3: $reason = "用户名已经存在"; break; case -4: $reason = "Email格式有误"; break; case -5: $reason = "Email不允许注册"; break; case -6: $reason = "该Email已经被注册"; break; } if ($register_result > 0) { Log::write('Ucenter register successful' . Session::get('username'), 'debug'); return array(join("\n", array_merge(array('【注册】注册成功'), $this->_guestActions())), 'text'); } else { Log::write('Ucenter register failed' . $reason, 'debug'); $this->_resetSession(); return array(join("\n", array_merge(array('【注册】注册失败', $reason), $this->_guestActions() )), 'text'); } } }
6. Just pass in the username and password entered by the user when logging in. After successful login, write the username and password into the session file.
$result = $this->uc->uc_login(Session::get('username'), $data['Content']);
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