Friends who have used Laravel know that they have an understanding of Laravel’s built-in string processing function, the IlluminateSupportStr class.
Laravel 7 now provides a more object-oriented and fluent string manipulation library based on these functions. You can use String::of to create an IlluminateSupportStringable object, and then process the string in a chained operation based on the methods provided by the object:
Here we take a look at the official example first:
return (string) Str::of(' Laravel Framework 6.x ') ->trim() ->replace('6.x', '7.x') ->slug();
The above code comes from the official website release notes. We can easily see what each method does.
The first step is to wrap the string Laravel Framework 6.x using the Str::of() method. After that, we can use the various smooth operation methods provided by Laravel 7.
For example, trim() removes leading and trailing spaces. replace() replaces, slug() changes the string into the form of slug
The actual running result of the above code is:
Is the above method very simple to use?
Next we introduce several commonly used methods.
before() method
Returns everything before the given value in the string:
Str::of('my website is')->before('is'); // 'my website '
Similarly, if there is before(), there will be after()
after() method
Returns everything after the given value in the string. If the value does not exist in the string, the entire string will be returned:
Str::of('my website is')->after('is'); // ''
append() method
Appends the given value to the string:
Str::of('vue')->append(' cli'); // 'vue cli'
lower () Method
Converts the string to lower case:
Str::of('LARAVEL FRAMEWORK')->lower(); // 'laravel framework'
upper() Method
Converts the given string to upper case:
Str::of('laravel')->upper(); // LARAVEL
title() method
Convert the given string to "first letter capitalization":
Str::of('my website is')->title(); // 'My Website Is'
substr() method
Specify the given start and length parameters The string part: (Start from which character to intercept, how many digits to intercept)
Str::of('Laravel Framework')->substr(8); // 'Framework'
Str::of('Laravel Framework')->substr(8, 6); // 'Framew'
ucfirst() method
Capitalize the first letter of the given string:
Str::of('my website is')->ucfirst(); // 'My website is'
words() method
Limit the number of words in the string:
Str::of('my website is')->words(3, ' ...'); // 'my website is ...'
length() method
Return the length of the string:
Str::of('Laravel framework')->length(); // 17
Ok, the above introduces some commonly used methods. In fact, they are all operations in the document. I just can’t demonstrate the operation. For more usage, please check the document directly.
The following is a collection of all methods