Home > PHP Framework > ThinkPHP > About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

Release: 2021-04-21 11:07:10
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The following tutorial column of thinkphp will introduce to you the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!


I always come across some thinkphp5.0.X sites and search for vulnerabilities online There are several types of payloads that can be used to execute remote code caused by variable coverage. There will be some differences between different small versions, such as the following ones.

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Although the payload is correct, it makes me confused and I don’t know why.
What are the differences between these types?
What is the function of each parameter?
Why is this happening?


thinkphp has two versions, one is core version and the other is full version. To put it simply, the core version does not include third-party libraries, such as verification code libraries (emphasis added, will be used later).

Starting from 5.0.0, the code execution payload applicable to 5.0.0 looks like this

POST /thinkphp5.0.0 HTTP/1.1

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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X
Why _method=__construct
Why filter=system
Why a=whoami
Why method=GET## The entry file of

#thinkphp is

public/index.php, as follows.

// 定义应用目录
define('APP_PATH', __DIR__ . '/../application/');
// 加载框架引导文件
require __DIR__ . '/../thinkphp/start.php';
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Follow up


// 1. 加载基础文件
require __DIR__ . '/base.php';

// 2. 执行应用
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See that

App::run() is called to execute the application. Follow up on the
run() function under thinkphp/library/think/App.php.

     * 执行应用程序
     * @access public
     * @param Request $request Request对象
     * @return Response
     * @throws Exception
    public static function run(Request $request = null)

            // 获取应用调度信息
            $dispatch = self::$dispatch;
            if (empty($dispatch)) {
                // 进行URL路由检测
                $dispatch = self::routeCheck($request, $config);
            // 记录当前调度信息
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In the

run() function, the self::routeCheck() function will be called according to the requested information to perform URL routing detection, set the scheduling information and assign it to $dispatch.

     * URL路由检测(根据PATH_INFO)
     * @access public
     * @param  \think\Request $request
     * @param  array          $config
     * @return array
     * @throws \think\Exception
    public static function routeCheck($request, array $config)
            // 路由检测(根据路由定义返回不同的URL调度)
            $result = Route::check($request, $path, $depr, $config['url_domain_deploy']);
        return $result;
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Route::check() function is as follows.

     * 检测URL路由
     * @access public
     * @param Request   $request Request请求对象
     * @param string    $url URL地址
     * @param string    $depr URL分隔符
     * @param bool      $checkDomain 是否检测域名规则
     * @return false|array
    public static function check($request, $url, $depr = '/', $checkDomain = false)
        $method = $request->method();
        // 获取当前请求类型的路由规则
        $rules = self::$rules[$method];
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will call the

$request->method() function to obtain the current request type.

     * 当前的请求类型
     * @access public
     * @param bool $method  true 获取原始请求类型
     * @return string
    public function method($method = false)
        if (true === $method) {
            // 获取原始请求类型
            return IS_CLI ? 'GET' : (isset($this->server['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $this->server['REQUEST_METHOD'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
        } elseif (!$this->method) {
            if (isset($_POST[Config::get('var_method')])) {
                $this->method = strtoupper($_POST[Config::get('var_method')]);
        return $this->method;
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Because the

method() function called above does not pass parameters, so here $method = false, enter elseif. var_method is a form request type camouflage variable, and its value can be seen in application/config.php as _method.

// 表单请求类型伪装变量
'var_method'             => '_method',
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Then as long as POST passes a

_method parameter, you can enter the following if, which will execute

$this->method = strtoupper($_POST[Config::get('var_method')]);
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, so it can be called by specifying

_method Any function under this class. So
_method=__construct is to call the __construct function under thinkphp/library/think/Request.php. It should be noted that the value of $method under the Request class is also overwritten with __construct. This is very important, so record it first.

method => __construct
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Then why do we need to call the

__construct function to complete the attack chain, not another function? Follow up function, as follows.

     * 架构函数
     * @access public
     * @param array $options 参数
    public function __construct($options = [])
        foreach ($options as $name => $item) {
            if (property_exists($this, $name)) {
                $this->$name = $item;
        if (is_null($this->filter)) {
            $this->filter = Config::get('default_filter');
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When calling the

__construct function above, the $_POST array was passed in, which means foreach will be used to traverse POSTSubmitted data, then use property_exists() to detect whether the current class has the property, and assign the value if it exists, and $name and $item are both From $_POST, completely controllable, there is a problem of variable coverage. filter=system&method=GET is used to overwrite $filter under the current class to system, and $method to GET , current variable situation:

method => __construct => GET
filter => system
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Why should

method be overwritten again to GET? , because there are two lines of code in the check() function.

$method = $request->method();
// 获取当前请求类型的路由规则
$rules = self::$rules[$method];
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Variable overwriting has been done previously in the

method() function, and the value of $method is __construct. The definition of $rules is as follows:

    private static $rules = [
        'GET'     => [],
        'POST'    => [],
        'PUT'     => [],
        'DELETE'  => [],
        'PATCH'   => [],
        'HEAD'    => [],
        'OPTIONS' => [],
        '*'       => [],
        'alias'   => [],
        'domain'  => [],
        'pattern' => [],
        'name'    => [],
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Then if

$method is not overridden again, it will be GET, POST, PUT, etc., self::$rules [$method] is self::$rules['__construct'], and the program will report an error.

After the application scheduling information is obtained, if

debug is turned on, routing and request information will be recorded. This is also very important, record it first.

if (self::$debug) {
                Log::record('[ ROUTE ] ' . var_export($dispatch, true), 'info');
                Log::record('[ HEADER ] ' . var_export($request->header(), true), 'info');
                Log::record('[ PARAM ] ' . var_export($request->param(), true), 'info');
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Then enter the

switch case processing based on the $dispatch type.

            switch ($dispatch['type']) {
                case 'redirect':
                    // 执行重定向跳转
                    $data = Response::create($dispatch['url'], 'redirect')->code($dispatch['status']);
                case 'module':
                    // 模块/控制器/操作
                    $data = self::module($dispatch['module'], $config, isset($dispatch['convert']) ? $dispatch['convert'] : null);
                case 'controller':
                    // 执行控制器操作
                    $data = Loader::action($dispatch['controller']);
                case 'method':
                    // 执行回调方法
                    $data = self::invokeMethod($dispatch['method']);
                case 'function':
                    // 执行闭包
                    $data = self::invokeFunction($dispatch['function']);
                case 'response':
                    $data = $dispatch['response'];
                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('dispatch type not support');
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Direct access to

public/index.phpThe module name/controller name/operation name called by default is /index/index/index, specifically defined in application/config.php.

// 默认模块名
'default_module'         => 'index',
// 禁止访问模块
'deny_module_list'       => ['common'],
// 默认控制器名
'default_controller'     => 'Index',
// 默认操作名
'default_action'         => 'index',
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case 'module':
                    // 模块/控制器/操作
                    $data = self::module($dispatch['module'], $config, isset($dispatch['convert']) ? $dispatch['convert'] : null);
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     * 执行模块
     * @access public
     * @param array $result 模块/控制器/操作
     * @param array $config 配置参数
     * @param bool  $convert 是否自动转换控制器和操作名
     * @return mixed
    public static function module($result, $config, $convert = null)
            $data = self::invokeMethod($call);
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     * 调用反射执行类的方法 支持参数绑定
     * @access public
     * @param string|array $method 方法
     * @param array        $vars   变量
     * @return mixed
    public static function invokeMethod($method, $vars = [])
        $args = self::bindParams($reflect, $vars);
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     * 绑定参数
     * @access public
     * @param \ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionFunction $reflect 反射类
     * @param array             $vars    变量
     * @return array
    private static function bindParams($reflect, $vars = [])
        if (empty($vars)) {
            // 自动获取请求变量
            if (Config::get('url_param_type')) {
                $vars = Request::instance()->route();
            } else {
                $vars = Request::instance()->param();
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     * 设置获取获取当前请求的参数
     * @access public
     * @param string|array  $name 变量名
     * @param mixed         $default 默认值
     * @param string|array  $filter 过滤方法
     * @return mixed
    public function param($name = '', $default = null, $filter = null)
        if (empty($this->param)) {
            $method = $this->method(true);
            // 自动获取请求变量
            switch ($method) {
                case 'POST':
                    $vars = $this->post(false);
                case 'PUT':
                case 'DELETE':
                case 'PATCH':
                    $vars = $this->put(false);
                    $vars = [];
            // 当前请求参数和URL地址中的参数合并
            $this->param = array_merge($this->get(false), $vars, $this->route(false));
        if (true === $name) {
            // 获取包含文件上传信息的数组
            $file = $this->file();
            $data = array_merge($this->param, $file);
            return $this->input($data, '', $default, $filter);
        return $this->input($this->param, $name, $default, $filter);
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     * 获取变量 支持过滤和默认值
     * @param array         $data 数据源
     * @param string|false  $name 字段名
     * @param mixed         $default 默认值
     * @param string|array  $filter 过滤函数
     * @return mixed
    public function input($data = [], $name = '', $default = null, $filter = null)
        if (is_array($data)) {
            array_walk_recursive($data, [$this, 'filterValue'], $filter);
        } else {
            $this->filterValue($data, $name, $filter);
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 * 递归过滤给定的值
 * @param mixed     $value 键值
 * @param mixed     $key 键名
 * @param array     $filters 过滤方法+默认值
 * @return mixed
private function filterValue(&$value, $key, $filters)
    $default = array_pop($filters);
    foreach ($filters as $filter) {
        if (is_callable($filter)) {
            // 调用函数或者方法过滤
            $value = call_user_func($filter, $value);
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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X
About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

    // 设置默认过滤机制
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// 记录路由和请求信息
            if (self::$debug) {
                Log::record('[ ROUTE ] ' . var_export($dispatch, true), 'info');
                Log::record('[ HEADER ] ' . var_export($request->header(), true), 'info');
                Log::record('[ PARAM ] ' . var_export($request->param(), true), 'info');
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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

\think\Route::get('captcha/[:id]', "\\think\\captcha\\CaptchaController@index");
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POST /?s=captcha

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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X
About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

 * 获取server参数
 * @access public
 * @param string|array  $name 数据名称
 * @param string        $default 默认值
 * @param string|array  $filter 过滤方法
 * @return mixed
public function server($name = '', $default = null, $filter = '')
    if (empty($this->server)) {
        $this->server = $_SERVER;
    if (is_array($name)) {
        return $this->server = array_merge($this->server, $name);
    return $this->input($this->server, false === $name ? false : strtoupper($name), $default, $filter);
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POST /?s=captcha HTTP/1.1

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// 当前请求参数和URL地址中的参数合并
            $this->param      = array_merge($this->param, $this->get(false), $vars, $this->route(false));
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     * 设置获取路由参数
     * @access public
     * @param string|array  $name 变量名
     * @param mixed         $default 默认值
     * @param string|array  $filter 过滤方法
     * @return mixed
    public function route($name = '', $default = null, $filter = '')
        if (is_array($name)) {
            $this->param        = [];
            return $this->route = array_merge($this->route, $name);
        return $this->input($this->route, $name, $default, $filter);
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POST /?s=captcha HTTP/1.1

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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X

POST /?s=captcha HTTP/1.1

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About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X


5.0.0~5.0.12 无条件触发



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5.0.13~5.0.23 需要有第三方类库 如完整版中的captcha

POST /?s=captcha HTTP/1.1


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5.0.13~5.0.23 需要开启debug



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The above is the detailed content of About the RCE analysis caused by variable coverage in the full version of thinkphp5.0.X. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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