Configuration file:
# 包括:打开新窗口关闭、unix结束标记、禁止更新、100字符换行、字体、缩进、高亮、编码 { "open_files_in_new_window": false, "default_line_ending": "unix", "update_check": false, "word_wrap": "true", "wrap_width": 100, "font_size": 12, "tab_size": 4, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "highlight_line": true, "highlight_modified_tabs": true, "show_encoding": true }
Copy after login
Installed package:
- ColorPicker #Gitgutter // Gitgutter better help developers to see the changes and differences before the file, improve development efficiency
- jquery // Reminder
- Markdown Preview // Preview - Spacegray // Templates and color schemes
- Ctags Quick writing
- AllAutocomplete to search all open tabs
- AutoFileName ##Blade Snippets ‐ ’ ’ s ’s ’ s ’ s use to ‐ to provide Blade template auto-completion
- Laravel 4 Blade Highlighter // to provide Blade keyword highlighting
- SublimeLinter SublimeLinter-php : //PHP error prompt
- phpfmt folder
- Alignment // Code Alignment