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25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing

Release: 2021-07-28 09:59:23
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Reduce, as one of the new regular array methods in ES5, is a powerful method. This article will introduce you to 25 advanced uses of array reduce.

25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing

reduce As one of the new regular array methods in ES5, compare forEach, filter and map, seems to be somewhat ignored in actual use, and it is found that people around me rarely use it, resulting in such a powerful method being gradually buried.

If you use reduce often, how could you miss such a useful tool! I still have to take it out from the dust, wipe it clean, and offer you its advanced uses. Such a useful method should not be buried by the public.

The following is a brief explanation of the syntax of reduce. For details, please view the relevant instructions of reduce() of MDN.

  • Definition: Execute a custom accumulator for each element in the array, summarizing its results into a single return value
  • Form: array.reduce(( t, v, i, a) => {}, initValue)
  • Parameters
    • callback: callback function (required)
    • initValue: Initial value (optional)
  • Parameters of the callback function
    • total(t): The return value when the accumulator completes the calculation (Required)
    • value(v): Current element (Required)
    • index(i): Index of the current element ( Optional)
    • array(a): The array object to which the current element belongs (Optional)
  • Process
    • Use t as the initial value of the cumulative result. If t is not set, the first element of the array will be the initial value
    • Start traversing, use the accumulator to process v, accumulate the mapping results of v to t, end the loop, and return t
    • Enter the next loop and repeat the above operation until the last element of the array
    • ends the traversal and returns the final t

##reduceThe essence is to apply the accumulator to the array members one by one, taking the last output value as the next input value. Here's a simple chestnut to look at the calculation results of reduce.

const arr = [3, 5, 1, 4, 2];
const a = arr.reduce((t, v) => t + v);
// 等同于
const b = arr.reduce((t, v) => t + v, 0);
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25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing

reduce is essentially an accumulator function, which uses a user-defined accumulator to customize the accumulation of array members to obtain an The value generated by the accumulator. In addition, reduce also has a younger brother reduceRight. The functions of the two methods are actually the same, except that reduce is executed in ascending order, reduceRight is executed in descending order.

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Advanced usage

The above simple chestnut alone is not enough to explain what

reduce is. In order to show the charm of reduce, I provide you with 25 scenarios to apply the advanced usage of reduce. Some advanced usage may need to be implemented in combination with other methods, which provides more possibilities for diversification of reduce.

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cumulative multiplication

function Accumulation(...vals) {
    return vals.reduce((t, v) => t + v, 0);

function Multiplication(...vals) {
    return vals.reduce((t, v) => t * v, 1);
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Accumulation(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 15
Multiplication(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 120
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weight summation

const scores = [
    { score: 90, subject: "chinese", weight: 0.5 },
    { score: 95, subject: "math", weight: 0.3 },
    { score: 85, subject: "english", weight: 0.2 }
const result = scores.reduce((t, v) => t + v.score * v.weight, 0); // 90.5
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replace reverse

function Reverse(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduceRight((t, v) => (t.push(v), t), []);
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Reverse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
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Replace map and filter

const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3];

// 代替map:[0, 2, 4, 6]
const a = arr.map(v => v * 2);
const b = arr.reduce((t, v) => [...t, v * 2], []);

// 代替filter:[2, 3]
const c = arr.filter(v => v > 1);
const d = arr.reduce((t, v) => v > 1 ? [...t, v] : t, []);

// 代替map和filter:[4, 6]
const e = arr.map(v => v * 2).filter(v => v > 2);
const f = arr.reduce((t, v) => v * 2 > 2 ? [...t, v * 2] : t, []);
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Replace some and every

const scores = [
    { score: 45, subject: "chinese" },
    { score: 90, subject: "math" },
    { score: 60, subject: "english" }

// 代替some:至少一门合格
const isAtLeastOneQualified = scores.reduce((t, v) => t || v.score >= 60, false); // true

// 代替every:全部合格
const isAllQualified = scores.reduce((t, v) => t && v.score >= 60, true); // false
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Array split

function Chunk(arr = [], size = 1) {
    return arr.length ? arr.reduce((t, v) => (t[t.length - 1].length === size ? t.push([v]) : t[t.length - 1].push(v), t), [[]]) : [];
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const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Chunk(arr, 2); // [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
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Array filtering

function Difference(arr = [], oarr = []) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v) => (!oarr.includes(v) && t.push(v), t), []);
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const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const arr2 = [2, 3, 6]
Difference(arr1, arr2); // [1, 4, 5]
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Array filling

function Fill(arr = [], val = "", start = 0, end = arr.length) {
    if (start < 0 || start >= end || end > arr.length) return arr;
    return [
        ...arr.slice(0, start),
        ...arr.slice(start, end).reduce((t, v) => (t.push(val || v), t), []),
        ...arr.slice(end, arr.length)
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const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
Fill(arr, "aaa", 2, 5); // [0, 1, "aaa", "aaa", "aaa", 5, 6]
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Array flattening

function Flat(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v) => t.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? Flat(v) : v), [])
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const arr = [0, 1, [2, 3], [4, 5, [6, 7]], [8, [9, 10, [11, 12]]]];
Flat(arr); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
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Array deduplication

function Uniq(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v) => t.includes(v) ? t : [...t, v], []);
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const arr = [2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2];
Uniq(arr); // [2, 1, 0, 3]
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Maximum and minimum values ​​of the array

function Max(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v) => t > v ? t : v);

function Min(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v) => t < v ? t : v);
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const arr = [12, 45, 21, 65, 38, 76, 108, 43];
Max(arr); // 108
Min(arr); // 12
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Array members are disassembled independently

function Unzip(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce(
        (t, v) => (v.forEach((w, i) => t[i].push(w)), t),
        Array.from({ length: Math.max(...arr.map(v => v.length)) }).map(v => [])
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const arr = [["a", 1, true], ["b", 2, false]];
Unzip(arr); // [["a", "b"], [1, 2], [true, false]]
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Array member number statistics

function Count(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v) => (t[v] = (t[v] || 0) + 1, t), {});
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const arr = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2];
Count(arr); // { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3 }
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Array member location record

function Position(arr = [], val) {
    return arr.reduce((t, v, i) => (v === val && t.push(i), t), []);
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const arr = [2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 1, 6, 6, 7];
Position(arr, 2); // [0, 4]
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Array member attribute grouping

function Group(arr = [], key) {
    return key ? arr.reduce((t, v) => (!t[v[key]] && (t[v[key]] = []), t[v[key]].push(v), t), {}) : {};
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const arr = [
    { area: "GZ", name: "YZW", age: 27 },
    { area: "GZ", name: "TYJ", age: 25 },
    { area: "SZ", name: "AAA", age: 23 },
    { area: "FS", name: "BBB", age: 21 },
    { area: "SZ", name: "CCC", age: 19 }
]; // 以地区area作为分组依据
Group(arr, "area"); // { GZ: Array(2), SZ: Array(2), FS: Array(1) }
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Keyword statistics contained in array members

function Keyword(arr = [], keys = []) {
    return keys.reduce((t, v) => (arr.some(w => w.includes(v)) && t.push(v), t), []);
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const text = [
const keyword = ["偷懒", "喜欢", "睡觉", "摸鱼", "真好", "一边", "明天"];
Keyword(text, keyword); // ["喜欢", "摸鱼", "真好", "一边"]
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String flip

function ReverseStr(str = "") {
    return str.split("").reduceRight((t, v) => t + v);
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const str = "reduce最牛逼";
ReverseStr(str); // "逼牛最ecuder"
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number thousands differentiation

function ThousandNum(num = 0) {
    const str = (+num).toString().split(".");
    const int = nums => nums.split("").reverse().reduceRight((t, v, i) => t + (i % 3 ? v : `${v},`), "").replace(/^,|,$/g, "");
    const dec = nums => nums.split("").reduce((t, v, i) => t + ((i + 1) % 3 ? v : `${v},`), "").replace(/^,|,$/g, "");
    return str.length > 1 ? `${int(str[0])}.${dec(str[1])}` : int(str[0]);
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ThousandNum(1234); // "1,234"
ThousandNum(1234.00); // "1,234"
ThousandNum(0.1234); // "0.123,4"
ThousandNum(1234.5678); // "1,234.567,8"
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Asynchronous accumulation

async function AsyncTotal(arr = []) {
    return arr.reduce(async(t, v) => {
        const at = await t;
        const todo = await Todo(v);
        at[v] = todo;
        return at;
    }, Promise.resolve({}));
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const result = await AsyncTotal(); // 需要在async包围下使用
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Fibonacci sequence

function Fibonacci(len = 2) {
    const arr = [...new Array(len).keys()];
    return arr.reduce((t, v, i) => (i > 1 && t.push(t[i - 1] + t[i - 2]), t), [0, 1]);
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Fibonacci(10); // [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
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URL parameter deserialization

function ParseUrlSearch() {
    return location.search.replace(/(^\?)|(&$)/g, "").split("&").reduce((t, v) => {
        const [key, val] = v.split("=");
        t[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
        return t;
    }, {});
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// 假设URL为:https://www.baidu.com?age=25&name=TYJ
ParseUrlSearch(); // { age: "25", name: "TYJ" }
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URL parameter serialization

function StringifyUrlSearch(search = {}) {
    return Object.entries(search).reduce(
        (t, v) => `${t}${v[0]}=${encodeURIComponent(v[1])}&`,
        Object.keys(search).length ? "?" : ""
    ).replace(/&$/, "");
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StringifyUrlSearch({ age: 27, name: "YZW" }); // "?age=27&name=YZW"
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Return the specified key value of the object

function GetKeys(obj = {}, keys = []) {
    return Object.keys(obj).reduce((t, v) => (keys.includes(v) && (t[v] = obj[v]), t), {});
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const target = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };
const keyword = ["a", "d"];
GetKeys(target, keyword); // { a: 1, d: 4 }
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Array to object

const people = [
    { area: "GZ", name: "YZW", age: 27 },
    { area: "SZ", name: "TYJ", age: 25 }
const map = people.reduce((t, v) => {
    const { name, ...rest } = v;
    t[name] = rest;
    return t;
}, {}); // { YZW: {…}, TYJ: {…} }
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Redux Compose function principle

function Compose(...funs) {
    if (funs.length === 0) {
        return arg => arg;
    if (funs.length === 1) {
        return funs[0];
    return funs.reduce((t, v) => (...arg) => t(v(...arg)));
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25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing

25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing


// 创建一个长度为100000的数组
const list = [...new Array(100000).keys()];

// for
let result1 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    result1 += i + 1;

// forEach
let result2 = 0;
list.forEach(v => (result2 += v + 1));

// map
let result3 = 0;
list.map(v => (result3 += v + 1, v));

// reduce
const result4 = list.reduce((t, v) => t + v + 1, 0);
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累加操作 执行时间
for 6.719970703125ms
forEach 3.696044921875ms
map 3.554931640625ms
reduce 2.806884765625ms

以上代码在MacBook Pro 2019 15寸 16G内存 512G闪存Chrome 79下执行,不同的机器不同的环境下执行以上代码都有可能存在差异。



25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing

25 advanced uses of array reduce worth knowing




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