Recently I am using laravel 5 as an example. When making forms, I habitually use Form::open() It turns out that there is an error message, there is no such class,
Okay, I searched and found that in laravel 5, from and html are separately mentioned. Here is how to install and use it
Add to composer.json
<code><br> "require": { "illuminate/html": "~5.0" },</code>
<code><br>composer update</code>
After updating, open /config/app.php
below the array. Add
'Form' => 'Illuminate\Html\FormFacade', 'HTML' => 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade'
below the array and it will be installed!
How to use
It used to be written like this
{{Form::open()}} {{Form::close()}}
Now it’s like this
{!! Form::open() !!} {!! Form::close() !!}
The following paragraph is a reference to @久久的Article
If you are not comfortable using {!! HTML::script() !!}
Please go to the routing file routes.php and configure the following code
<code><br>Blade::setRawTags('{{', '}}');</code>
that is Can return to {{ HTML::script('js/jquery.js') }}
Reference completed
Article address
That’s basically it. For more usage methods, you can read the manual
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