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18 Tips for Optimizing Laravel Database Query [Recommended]

Release: 2021-10-22 17:54:01
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The following tutorial column of Laravel will introduce you to 18 tips on optimizing Laravel database queries [recommended]. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

If your app is running slowly or has a lot of database queries, follow these performance optimization tips to improve your app's load time.

1. Retrieve large data sets

This tip focuses on improving the memory usage of your application when processing large data sets.

When processing large collections, group search results are processed instead of one-time search processing.

The following shows the process of retrieving data from the posts table.

$posts = Post::all(); // 使用 eloquent
$posts = DB::table('posts')->get(); // 使用查询构造器
 foreach ($posts as $post){
 // 处理 posts 操作
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The above example will retrieve all records from the posts table and process them. What if this expression reaches over 1 million rows? Memory will be exhausted quickly.

To avoid problems when processing large data sets, we can retrieve a subset of results and process them as follows.

Option 1: Use chunk

// 当使用 eloquent 时
$posts = Post::chunk(100, function($posts){
    foreach ($posts as $post){
     // Process posts
 // 当使用查询构造器时
$posts = DB::table('posts')->chunk(100, function ($posts){
    foreach ($posts as $post){
     // Process posts
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The above example retrieves 100 records from the posts table for processing, and retrieves another 100 records for processing. This iteration continues until all records have been processed.

This approach will create more database queries, but will be more memory efficient. Typically, processing of large data sets should occur in the background. Therefore, more queries can be run in the background to avoid running out of memory when processing large data sets.

Option 2: Using Cursors

// 使用 eloquent
foreach (Post::cursor() as $post){
   // 处理单个 post
 // 使用 query 构建器
foreach (DB::table('posts')->cursor() as $post){
   // 处理单个 post
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Example makes a single database query, retrieving all records of the table, processing the Eloquent models one after the other. This method only queries the database once and gets all posts. But using php generator optimizes memory usage.

When should I use this?

This can greatly optimize memory usage at the application layer. Since we retrieve all the data in the table, the database memory usage is still very high.

When the database has more memory and the application has less memory, it is recommended to use cursors. However, if your database does not have enough memory, it is better to use chunks.

Option 3: Use chunkById

// 使用 eloquent
$posts = Post::chunkById(100, function($posts){
    foreach ($posts as $post){
     // 处理 posts
 // 使用 query 构造器
$posts = DB::table('posts')->chunkById(100, function ($posts){
    foreach ($posts as $post){
     // 处理 posts
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chunk and chunkById The biggest difference is that chunk passes offset and limit Retrieve data. However,
chunkById retrieves the structure through the id field. The id field is usually an integer field, and it is also an auto-incrementing field. The queries for

chunk and chunkById are as follows.


select * from posts offset 0 limit 100
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select * from posts offset 101 limit 100
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select * from posts order by id asc limit 100
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select * from posts where id > 100 order by id asc limit 100
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Usually, query using limit and offset is slower, try to avoid using it. This article details the use of offset.

chunkById uses the id integer field and queries through where clause, which will be faster.

When to use chunkById?

  • Used when the database has an auto-increment primary key.

2. Select the appropriate column

Usually when retrieving data from the database, you will do the following.

$posts = Post::find(1); // 使用 eloquent
$posts = DB::table('posts')->where('id','=',1)->first(); // 使用 query 构建器
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The above code will get the following query

select * from posts where id = 1 limit 1
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select * means to find all columns from the table.
This is no problem when all columns are required.

However, when you only need the specified columns (id, title), you only need to retrieve those columns like below.

$posts = Post::select(['id','title'])->find(1); // 使用 eloquent
$posts = DB::table('posts')->where('id','=',1)->select(['id','title'])->first(); // 使用 query 构建器
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The above code gets the following query

select id,title from posts where id = 1 limit 1
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3. When one or two columns of the database table are needed

This point mainly focuses on the processing time of the retrieval results . This does not affect actual query time.

As I mentioned above, to retrieve the specified column, you can do this

$posts = Post::select(['title','slug'])->get(); // 使用 eloquent
$posts = DB::table('posts')->select(['title','slug'])->get(); // 使用 query 构建器
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Execute the above code, it will perform the following operations behind the scenes.

  • Execute select title, slug from posts Query
  • Each row retrieved corresponds to a Post model object (for PHP object) (query builder gets standard PHP object)
  • Generate collection for Post model
  • Return collection

Access data

foreach ($posts as $post){
    // $post 是 Post 模型或  php 标准对象
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The above approach has the additional overhead of creating a Post model for each row and creating a collection for these objects. If you really need Post model instances instead of data, this is the most correct approach.

But if you only need two values, you can do the following:

$posts = Post::pluck('title', 'slug'); // 使用 eloquent 时
$posts = DB::table('posts')->pluck('title','slug'); // 使用查询构造器时
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When the above code is executed, it does the following behind the scenes.

  • 对数据库执行 select title, slug from posts 查询
  • 创建一个数组,其中会以 title 作为 数组值slug 作为 数组键
  • 返回数组 ( 数组格式:[ slug => title, slug => title ] )


foreach ($posts as $slug => $title){
    // $title 是 post 的 title
    // $slug 是 post 的 slug
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$posts = Post::pluck('title'); // 使用 eloquent 时
$posts = DB::table('posts')->pluck('title'); // 使用查询构造器时
foreach ($posts as  $title){
    // $title 是 post 的 title
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上面的方式消除了每一行 Post 对象的创建。这将降低查询结果处理的内存和时间消耗。


4. 使用查询代替 collection 来统计行数


$posts = Post::all()->count(); // 使用 eloquent
$posts = DB::table('posts')->get()->count(); // 使用查询构造器
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select * from posts
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上述方法将从表中检索所有行。将它们加载到 collection 对象中并计算结果。当数据表中的行较少时,这可以正常工作。但随着表的增长,内存很快就会耗尽。


$posts = Post::count(); // 使用 eloquent 时
$posts = DB::table('posts')->count(); // 使用查询构造器时
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select count(*) from posts
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在 sql 中计算行数是一个缓慢的过程,当数据库表中有多行时性能会很差。最好尽量避免计算行数。

5. 通过即时加载关系避免 n + 1查询


class PostController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $posts = Post::all();
        return view('posts.index', ['posts' => $posts ]);
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// posts/index.blade.php 文件
 @foreach($posts as $post)
        <h3>{{ $post->title }}</h3>
        <p>Author: {{ $post->author->name }}</p>
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select * from posts // 假设返回5条数据
select * from authors where id = { post1.author_id }
select * from authors where id = { post2.author_id }
select * from authors where id = { post3.author_id }
select * from authors where id = { post4.author_id }
select * from authors where id = { post5.author_id }
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如上,1 条查询来检索帖子,5 条查询来检索帖子的作者(假设有 5 篇帖子)。因此对于每篇帖子,都会进行一个单独的查询来检索它的作者。

所以如果有 N 篇帖子,将会产生 N+1 条查询(1 条查询检索帖子,N 条查询检索每篇帖子的作者)。这常被称作 N+1 查询问题。


$posts = Post::all(); // Avoid doing this
$posts = Post::with(['author'])->get(); // Do this instead
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select * from posts // Assume this query returned 5 posts
select * from authors where id in( { post1.author_id }, { post2.author_id }, { post3.author_id }, { post4.author_id }, { post5.author_id } )
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6. 预加载嵌套关系

从上面的例子,考虑作者归属于一个组,同时需要显示组的名字的情况。因此在 blade 文件中,可以按下面这样做。

@foreach($posts as $post)
        <h3>{{ $post->title }}</h3>
        <p>Author: {{ $post->author->name }}</p>
        <p>Author's Team: {{ $post->author->team->name }}</p>
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$posts = Post::with(['author'])->get();
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select * from posts // Assume this query returned 5 posts
select * from authors where id in( { post1.author_id }, { post2.author_id }, { post3.author_id }, { post4.author_id }, { post5.author_id } )
select * from teams where id = { author1.team_id }
select * from teams where id = { author2.team_id }
select * from teams where id = { author3.team_id }
select * from teams where id = { author4.team_id }
select * from teams where id = { author5.team_id }
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如上,尽管预加载了 authors  关系,仍然产生了大量的查询。这是因为没有预加载 authors 上的 team 关系。


$posts = Post::with(['author.team'])->get();
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select * from posts // Assume this query returned 5 posts
select * from authors where id in( { post1.author_id }, { post2.author_id }, { post3.author_id }, { post4.author_id }, { post5.author_id } )
select * from teams where id in( { author1.team_id }, { author2.team_id }, { author3.team_id }, { author4.team_id }, { author5.team_id } )
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通过预加载嵌套关系,可以将查询数从 11 减到 3。

7. 如果仅需要 id 时,别预加载 belongsTo 关系

想象一下,有 posts 和 authors 两张表。帖子表有 author_id 列归属作者表。

为了得到帖子的作者 id,通常这样做

$post = Post::findOrFail(<post id>);
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select * from posts where id = <post id> limit 1
select * from authors where id = <post author id> limit 1
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然而,可以直接通过下面方式得到作者 id 。

$post = Post::findOrFail(<post id>);
$post->author_id; // 帖子表有存放作者 id 的 author_id 列
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8. 避免使用不必要的查询


 class PostController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $posts = Post::all();
        $private_posts = PrivatePost::all();
        return view(&#39;posts.index&#39;, [&#39;posts&#39; => $posts, 'private_posts' => $private_posts ]);
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上面代码是从两张不同的表(posts, private_posts)检索数据,然后传到视图中。

// posts/index.blade.php
 @if( request()->user()->isAdmin() )
    <h2>Private Posts</h2>
        @foreach($private_posts as $post)
                <h3>{{ $post->title }}</h3>
                <p>Published At: {{ $post->published_at }}</p>
    @foreach($posts as $post)
            <h3>{{ $post->title }}</h3>
            <p>Published At: {{ $post->published_at }}</p>
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正如你上面看到的,$private_posts 仅对 管理员 用户可见,其他用户都无法看到这些帖子。


$posts = Post::all();
$private_posts = PrivatePost::all();
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我们进行两次查询。一次从 posts 表获取记录,另一次从 private_posts 表获取记录。

private_posts 表的记录仅 管理员用户 可见。但我们仍在查询以检索所有用户记录,即使它们不可见。


$posts = Post::all();
$private_posts = collect();
if( request()->user()->isAdmin() ){
    $private_posts = PrivatePost::all();
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9. 合并相似的查询


$published_posts = Post::where('status','=','published')->get();
$featured_posts = Post::where('status','=','featured')->get();
$scheduled_posts = Post::where('status','=','scheduled')->get();
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select * from posts where status = 'published'
select * from posts where status = 'featured'
select * from posts where status = 'scheduled'
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$posts =  Post::whereIn('status',['published', 'featured', 'scheduled'])->get();
$published_posts = $posts->where('status','=','published');
$featured_posts = $posts->where('status','=','featured');
$scheduled_posts = $posts->where('status','=','scheduled');
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select * from posts where status in ( 'published', 'featured', 'scheduled' )
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上面的代码生成一个查询来检索全部特定状态的帖子,通过状态为返回的帖子创建不同的 collections 。三个不同的状态的变量由一个查询生成。

10. 为常查询的列添加索引

如果查询中含有 where 条件作用于 string 类型的 column ,最好给这列添加索引。通过这列的查询将会快很多。

$posts = Post::where('status','=','published')->get();
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上面例子,我们对 status 列添加 where 条件来查询。可以通过下面这样的数据库迁移来优化查询。

Schema::table('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
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11.  使用 simplePaginate 而不是 Paginate


$posts = Post::paginate(20);
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那么为什么 laravel 会计算总行数呢?

为了生成分页连接,Laravel 会计算总行数。因此,当生成分页连接时,您可以预先知道会有多少页,以及过去的页码是多少。

另一方面,执行 simplePaginate 不会计算总行数,查询会比 paginate 方法快得多。但您将无法知道最后一个页码并无法跳转到不同的页面。

如果您的数据库表有很多行,最好避免使用 paginate,而是使用 simplePaginate

$posts = Post::paginate(20); // 为所有页面生成分页链接
$posts = Post::simplePaginate(20); // 仅生成上一页和下一页的分页链接
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paginate / simplePaginate
数据库表只有很少行,并且不会变大 paginate / simplePaginate
数据库表有很多行,并且增长很快 simplePaginate
必须提供用户选项以跳转到特定页面 paginate
必须向用户显示结果总数 paginate
不主动使用分页链接 simplePaginate
UI/UX 不会影响从切换编号分页链接到下一个/上一个分页链接 simplePaginate
使用“加载更多”按钮或“无限滚动”分页 simplePaginate

12. 避免使用前导通配符(LIKE 关键字)


select * from table_name where column like %keyword%
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select * from table_name where column like keyword%
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13. 避免 where 子句使用 SQL 函数

最好避免在 where 子句中使用 SQL 函数,因为它们会导致全表扫描。 让我们看下面的例子。要根据特定的时间查询结果,我们通常会这样做

$posts = POST::whereDate('created_at', '>=', now() )->get();
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select * from posts where date(created_at) >= 'timestamp-here'
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上面的查询将导致全表扫描,因为在计算日期函数之前,不会应用 where 条件。

我们可以重构这个函数,以避免使用如下的 date sql 函数

$posts = Post::where('created_at', '>=', now() )->get();
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select * from posts where created_at >= 'timestamp-here'
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14. 避免在表中添加过多的列

最好限制表中列的总数。可以利用像 mysql 这样的关系数据库将具有如此多列的表拆分为多个表。可以使用它们的主键和外键将它们连接在一起。

向表中添加太多列会增加单个记录的长度,并且会减慢表扫描的速度。在执行 select * 查询时,最终会检索到一些实际上并不需要的列。

15. 将带有文本数据的单独列输入到它们自己的表中


如果一个表有存储大量数据的列(例如: 数据类型为 TEXT 的列) ,那么最好将它们分离到它们自己的表中,或者分离到一个不经常被询问的表中。


假设您有一个名为 posts 的表,其中包含一列 内容,用于存储博客文章内容。博客文章的内容将是真正的巨大和经常的时候,你需要这个数据只有当一个人正在查看这个特定的博客文章。


16. 从表中查询最新记录的最佳实践


$posts = Post::latest()->get();
// or $posts = Post::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
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上面的查询方式将会产生如下 sql 语句:

select * from posts order by created_at desc
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这种查询方式基本上都是按照 created_at 字段做降序排列来给查询结果排序的。由于 created_at 字段是字符串类型的数据,所以用这种方式对查询结果进行排序通常会更慢。(译者注:MySQL 的 TIMESTAMP 类型字段是以 UTC 格式存储数据的,形如 20210607T152000Z,所以 created_at 字段确实是字符串类型的数据)。

如果你的数据表中使用了自增长的 id 字段作为主键,那么大多数情况下,最新的数据记录行的 id 字段值也是最大的。因为 id 字段不仅是一个整形数据的字段,而且也是一个主键字段,所以基于 id 字段对查询结果进行排序会更快。所以查询最新记录的最佳实践如下:

$posts = Post::latest('id')->get();
// or $posts = Post::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get();
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该方法会产生如下 sql 语句

select * from posts order by id desc
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17. 优化 MySQL 的数据插入操作

为了更快地从数据库查询数据,我们已经为 select 方法做了很多优化。 大多数情况下,我们只需要为查询方法进行优化就可以满足性能要求了。 但是很多时候我们还需要为『插入』和『更新』(insertupdate)方法进行优化。所以我给大家推荐一篇有趣的文章optimizing mysql inserts,这篇文章将有助于优化缓慢的『插入』和『更新』操作。

18. 检查和优化查询方法

在 Laravel 框架中,优化数据查询并没有完全通用的办法。你只能尽量搞清楚下面这些问题:你的程序是如何运行的、进行了多少个数据库查询操作、有多少查询操作是真正必要的。所以请检查你的应用产生的查询操作,这将有助于你确定并减少数据查询操作的总量。


注意: 不推荐在生产环境下使用这些工具。在生产环境使用这些工具将会降低你的应用性能,并且会让未经授权的用户获取到程序的敏感信息。

  • Laravel Debugbar - Laravel Debugbar has a database tab. Clicking this tab will display all the queries executed by the application when you open a page. statement. You can browse each page of the application and view the queries used for each page.
  • Clockwork - Clockwork is the same as Laravel Debugbar, except that Clockwork will not inject a toolbar on your website. You can use it in the "Developer Tools Window" ( developer tools window ), or enter a separate page to view the application's debugging information by opening the url /yourappurl/clockwork.
  • Laravel Telescope - Laravel Telescope is an excellent debugging tool specially provided for developing Laravel applications. Once you have Laravel Telescope installed, you can access its dashboard page by visiting yourappurl/telescope. In the telescope dashboard interface, click to open the queries tab. This page will display all MySQL queries executed by your application.

Original address: https://laravel-news.com/18-tips-to-optimize-your-laravel-database-queries

Translation address: https ://learnku.com/laravel/t/61384

The above is the detailed content of 18 Tips for Optimizing Laravel Database Query [Recommended]. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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