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What is koa in nodejs

Release: 2021-10-29 15:00:12
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koa refers to a web framework based on Node similar to Express, and is committed to becoming a smaller, more expressive, and more robust cornerstone in the field of web application and API development. Koa does not bundle any middleware, but provides a set of elegant methods to help users write server-side applications quickly and happily.

What is koa in nodejs

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, nodejs version 12.19.0&&koa2.0, Dell G3 computer.

Koa is a Web development framework similar to Express, and the founder is the same person. Its main feature is that it uses the ES6 Generator function and redesigns the architecture. In other words, the principle and internal structure of Koa are very similar to Express, but the syntax and internal structure have been upgraded.

Koa is a new web framework built by the people behind Express and is committed to becoming a smaller, more expressive, and more robust cornerstone of web application and API development. By leveraging async functions, Koa helps you discard callback functions and greatly enhance error handling. Koa does not bundle any middleware, but provides a set of elegant methods to help you write server-side applications quickly and happily.

OfficialfaqThere is such a question: "Why is koa not Express 4.0?", the answer is this: "Koa is very different from Express, the entire design is different , so if you upgrade Express 3.0 to 4.0 in this way, it means rewriting the entire program. Therefore, we feel that creating a new library is a more appropriate approach."

1 Koa application

A Koa application is a object, containing an middleware array, which is composed of a set of Generator functionscomposition. These functions are responsible for various processing of HTTP requests, such as generating cache, specifying proxy, request redirection, etc.

var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();

app.use(function *(){
  this.body = 'Hello World';

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  • In the above code, the variable app is a Koa application. It listens on port 3000 and returns a web page with the content Hello World. The
  • app.use method is used to add the Generator function to the middleware array.
  • listen method specifies the listening port and starts the current application.
    It is actually equivalent to the code below.
var http = require('http');
var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();
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2 Middleware

Koa’s middleware is very similar to Express’s middleware, which also processes HTTP requests. Processing function , but must be a Generator function.
Moreover, Koa's middleware is a Cascading structure, that is to say, it is called layer by layer, The first middleware calls the second middleware , the second calls the third , and so on. The upstream middleware must wait until the downstream middleware returns the result before continuing to execute, which is very similar to recursion.
Middleware is registered through the use method of the current application.

app.use(function* (next){
  var start = new Date; // (1)
  yield next;  // (2)
  var ms = new Date - start; // (3)
  console.log('%s %s - %s', this.method, this.url, ms); // (4)
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In the above code, the parameter of the app.use method is the middleware, which is a Generator function, The biggest feature is the function Between the command and the parameter, must have an asterisk . The parameter next of the Generator function represents the next middleware.
GeneratorThe yield command is used inside the function to transfer the execution right of the program to the next middleware, that is, yield next, and you have to wait until the next middleware Only when the result is returned will execution continue.

  • In the above code, Inside the Generator function body, the first line of assignment statements is executed first and the timing starts,
  • The second lineyieldThe statement will hand over the execution right to the next middleware, and the current middleware will suspend execution.
  • When all subsequent middlewares are executed, the execution right will return to the place where it was originally paused, and execution will continue. The third line will be executed.
  • Calculate how long this process took, and the fourth line will print out this time.
    The following is an example of two middleware cascades.
app.use(function *() {
  this.body = "header\n";
  yield saveResults.call(this);
  this.body += "footer\n";

function *saveResults() {
  this.body += "Results Saved!\n";
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In the above code, the first middleware calls the second middleware saveResults, and they both write content to this.body. Finally, the output of this.body is as follows.

Results Saved!
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As long as one middleware is missing the yield next statement, subsequent middleware will not be executed. This should be noted.

app.use(function *(next){
  console.log('>> one');
  yield next;
  console.log(&#39;<< one&#39;);

app.use(function *(next){
  console.log(&#39;>> two&#39;);
  this.body = &#39;two&#39;;
  console.log(&#39;<< two&#39;);

app.use(function *(next){
  console.log(&#39;>> three&#39;);
  yield next;
  console.log(&#39;<< three&#39;);
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In the above code, because the second middleware is missing the yield next statement, the third middleware will not be executed.
If you want to skip a middleware, you can directly write return yield next in the first line of the middleware.

app.use(function* (next) {
  if (skip) return yield next;
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Since Koa requires that the only parameter of the middleware is next, if you want to pass in other parameters, you must write another function that returns the Generator function .

function logger(format) {
  return function *(next){
    var str = format
      .replace(&#39;:method&#39;, this.method)
      .replace(&#39;:url&#39;, this.url);


    yield next;
app.use(logger(&#39;:method :url&#39;));
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In the above code, the real middleware is the return value of the logger function, and the logger function can accept parameters.

3 多个中间件的合并

由于中间件的参数统一为next(意为下一个中间件),因此可以使用.call(this, next),将多个中间件进行合并。

function *random(next) {
  if (&#39;/random&#39; == this.path) {
    this.body = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  } else {
    yield next;

function *backwards(next) {
  if (&#39;/backwards&#39; == this.path) {
    this.body = &#39;sdrawkcab&#39;;
  } else {
    yield next;

function *pi(next) {
  if (&#39;/pi&#39; == this.path) {
    this.body = String(Math.PI);
  } else {
    yield next;

function *all(next) {
  yield random.call(this, backwards.call(this, pi.call(this, next)));
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function compose(middleware){
  return function *(next){
    if (!next) next = noop();

    var i = middleware.length;

    while (i--) {
      next = middleware[i].call(this, next);

    yield *next;

function *noop(){}
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4 路由


app.use(function* (next) {
  if (this.path === &#39;/&#39;) {
    this.body = &#39;we are at home!&#39;;

// 等同于

app.use(function* (next) {
  if (this.path !== &#39;/&#39;) return yield next;
  this.body = &#39;we are at home!&#39;;
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let koa = require(&#39;koa&#39;)

let app = koa()

// normal route
app.use(function* (next) {
  if (this.path !== &#39;/&#39;) {
    return yield next

  this.body = &#39;hello world&#39;

// /404 route
app.use(function* (next) {
  if (this.path !== &#39;/404&#39;) {
    return yield next;

  this.body = &#39;page not found&#39;

// /500 route
app.use(function* (next) {
  if (this.path !== &#39;/500&#39;) {
    return yield next;

  this.body = &#39;internal server error&#39;

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var app = require(&#39;koa&#39;)();
var Router = require(&#39;koa-router&#39;);

var myRouter = new Router();

myRouter.get(&#39;/&#39;, function *(next) {
  this.response.body = &#39;Hello World!&#39;;


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  • router.get()
  • router.post()
  • router.put()
  • router.del()
  • router.patch()
router.get(&#39;/&#39;, function *(next) {
  this.body = &#39;Hello World!&#39;;
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router.get(&#39;user&#39;, &#39;/users/:id&#39;, function *(next) {
 // ...
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router.url(&#39;user&#39;, 3);
// => "/users/3"

router.url(&#39;user&#39;, { id: 3 });
// => "/users/3"
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var router = new Router({
  prefix: &#39;/users&#39;

router.get(&#39;/&#39;, ...); // 等同于"/users"
router.get(&#39;/:id&#39;, ...); // 等同于"/users/:id"
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// 访问 /programming/how-to-node
router.get(&#39;/:category/:title&#39;, function *(next) {
  // => { category: &#39;programming&#39;, title: &#39;how-to-node&#39; }

  .get(&#39;/users/:user&#39;, function *(next) {
    this.body = this.user;
  .param(&#39;user&#39;, function *(id, next) {
    var users = [ &#39;0号用户&#39;, &#39;1号用户&#39;, &#39;2号用户&#39;];
    this.user = users[id];
    if (!this.user) return this.status = 404;
    yield next;
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router.redirect(&#39;/login&#39;, &#39;sign-in&#39;);

// 等同于
router.all(&#39;/login&#39;, function *() {
  this.status = 301;
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5 context对象

  • 中间件当中的this表示上下文对象context,代表一次HTTP请求和回应,即一次访问/回应的所有信息,都可以从上下文对象获得。
  • context对象封装了request和response对象,并且提供了一些辅助方法。每次HTTP请求,就会创建一个新的context对象。
app.use(function *(){
  this; // is the Context
  this.request; // is a koa Request
  this.response; // is a koa Response
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  • request:指向Request对象
  • response:指向Response对象
  • req:指向Node的request对象
  • req:指向Node的response对象
  • app:指向App对象
  • state:用于在中间件传递信息。
this.state.user = yield User.find(id);
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  • throw():抛出错误,直接决定了HTTP回应的状态码。
  • assert():如果一个表达式为false,则抛出一个错误。
this.throw(&#39;name required&#39;, 400);
this.throw(&#39;something exploded&#39;);

this.throw(400, &#39;name required&#39;);
// 等同于
var err = new Error(&#39;name required&#39;);
err.status = 400;
throw err;
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6 错误处理机制


app.use(function *() {
  throw new Error();
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app.use(function *() {
  try {
    yield saveResults();
  } catch (err) {
    this.throw(400, &#39;数据无效&#39;);
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app.on(&#39;error&#39;, function(err){
  log.error(&#39;server error&#39;, err);
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app.on(&#39;error&#39;, function(err, ctx){
  log.error(&#39;server error&#39;, err, ctx);
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如果一个错误没有被捕获,koa会向客户端返回一个500错误“Internal Server Error”。

this.throw(&#39;name required&#39;, 400);
this.throw(400, &#39;name required&#39;);
this.throw(&#39;something exploded&#39;);

this.throw(&#39;name required&#39;, 400)
// 等同于
var err = new Error(&#39;name required&#39;);
err.status = 400;
throw err;


this.assert(this.user, 401, &#39;User not found. Please login!&#39;);
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由于中间件是层级式调用,所以可以把try { yield next }当成第一个中间件。

app.use(function *(next) {
  try {
    yield next;
  } catch (err) {
    this.status = err.status || 500;
    this.body = err.message;
    this.app.emit(&#39;error&#39;, err, this);

app.use(function *(next) {
  throw new Error(&#39;some error&#39;);
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7 cookie


this.cookies.set(&#39;view&#39;, n);
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app.keys = [&#39;secret1&#39;, &#39;secret2&#39;];
this.cookies.set(&#39;name&#39;, &#39;张三&#39;, { signed: true });
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  • signed:cookie是否加密。
  • expires:cookie何时过期
  • path:cookie的路径,默认是“/”。
  • domain:cookie的域名。
  • secure:cookie是否只有https请求下才发送。
  • httpOnly:是否只有服务器可以取到cookie,默认为true。

8 session

var session = require(&#39;koa-session&#39;);
var koa = require(&#39;koa&#39;);
var app = koa();
app.keys = [&#39;some secret hurr&#39;];

app.use(function *(){
  var n = this.session.views || 0;
  this.session.views = ++n;
  this.body = n + &#39; views&#39;;

console.log(&#39;listening on port 3000&#39;);
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