type |
string |
| ## is the type of | icon , valid values: success, success_no_circle, info, warn, waiting, cancel, download, search, clear |
number/string |
23 |
No |
icon size |
string |
No |
The color of the icon is the same as the color of css |
The length unit of the component size attribute defaults to px, and the input unit is supported starting from 2.4.0 ( rpx/px)
PX numerical type, used by default, do not fill in any unit, just write a numerical value
RPX (Responsive Pixel) screen adaptive unit divides the screen into 750 units, each unit is 1/750. [Related learning recommendations: 小program development tutorial]

For example: the screen width of iphone6 is 350px, each rpx That's 0.5px. That is to say, if we set the size value to 60rpx on the iPhone 6 machine, it will have the same effect as setting it to 30 or 30px.
The color property of the component is to change the color of all pixels of the icon
Icon and text functions Put it on the same line?
Yes, the icon itself was born for better layout and easier use. The code is as follows:
<view style="font-size: 17px;margin-top: 20px;">
我是一行文字,<icon type="success" size="15"></icon>我里面包含了图标!
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Sometimes the Icon displays blank on the real machine
First of all, this problem is definitely not due to the font file link not adding the safe domain name of the mini program, WXSS loading pictures and Fonts allow foreign domains! If the icon is custom-implemented, check the model and embedded font file type. It may be caused by compatibility. It is recommended to use TTF and WOFF format fonts in the mini program. If you are using these two fonts and the situation still exists, you can consider changing to data embedding in SVG format.
How to take out the icon of the icon component in the weui component library and save it locally?
You can directly open the weui official website (https://weui.io/), then view the source code through the browser developer tools, find the resource address and download it. Or download it from WeChat’s official documentation (https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/design/#icon).
Works right out of the box.
Only supports success, success_no_circle, info, warn, waiting, cancel, download, search, clear types, which are far from meeting development needs.
Custom implementation icon
Use pictures directly
Simple and crude, each icon corresponds to a picture.
Pictures are not convenient to lay out in the text. It is inconvenient to modify the color.
The picture cannot be scaled up or down, and it will become blurry and jagged after zooming in.
Images need to be stored locally or on the network, which will result in a large number of HTTP requests and slow down page loading.
It is not as convenient to use as using only one name for the icon.
Use sprites
Sprite, a set of consecutive pictures, arranged into one picture in a non-overlapping and minimally distributed manner. Each time it is used, the starting coordinates and area size displayed vertically and horizontally are used to achieve a dynamic switching effect.

Usage example
Achieve an explosion effect through sprites. The image size is (650x650) px; so the size of each small icon is (130x130) px; this is the reason why the width and height of the css style setting are 130px, and also the reason why the js code movement step is set to 130. Both left and top in js are negative numbers. This is because this is not the coordinate of the icon displayed here, but the distance that the background image needs to move to the upper left.
Note: Only network images can be used in wxss, local images cannot be used!
The code is as follows:
<icon class="sprite scale" style="background-position: {{left}} {{top}};"></icon>
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/* icon.wxss */
display: block;
width: 130px;
height: 130px;
background: url("https://i.loli.net/2021/11/15/7BH5gdkbLynrfM3.png") no-repeat;
transform-origin: 0 0 0;
transform: scale(2,2);
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// icon.js
* 页面的初始数据
data: {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function () {
var that = this;
var left = 0;
var top = 0;
const step = 130;
const stop = (650-130);
var i = setInterval(function() {
if (left >= stop && top >=stop) {
} else {
left += step;
if(left >= 650){
left = 0;
top += step;
left: '-' + left +'px',
top: '-' + top +'px'
}, 100)
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Drawing using CSS styles
Usage example
<icon class="icon-close"></icon>
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Each icon requires writing CSS style code, which is a lot of labor.
This kind of icon is not a character. Each icon must have a unified center point when drawing, otherwise it will be more troublesome to control the position.
The size and color are also inconvenient to control. So this is not a good icon scheme.
使用矢量字体 (推荐使用)
很多作图软件都可以导出SVG格式的矢量文件,比方说 Sketch,但是它导出的SVG格式的矢量文件有没有用的垃圾信息。可以到 阿里巴巴的图标网站 编辑好之后下载SVG格式的矢量文件,它不带什么垃圾信息。然后我们拿这个文件找一个Image2base64工具,将文件内容转化为base64的字符串。然后就可以在小程序里使用这个base64的字符串作为图片源,实现自定义图标了。
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display: block;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background: url("");
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<icon class="svg-icon"></icon>
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腾讯的将SVG绘制成图像的 Cax 引擎