The function of uploading files can be said to be a frequent requirement in projects. From uploading photos on social media to posting resumes on job boards, file uploads are everywhere. In this article, we will discuss 10 uses of HTML file upload support, hope it will be useful to you.
1. Single file upload
We can specify the input
type as file
to use the file upload function in a web application.
<input type="file" id="file-uploader">
input filte
Provides buttons to upload one or more files. By default, it uses the operating system's native file browser to upload a single file. After a successful upload, the File API
makes it possible to read the File
object using simple JS code. To read the File
object, we need to listen to the change
First, get the instance of the file upload by id
const fileUploader = document.getElementById('file-uploader');
Then add a change
event listener to read when the upload is complete To get the file object, we get the uploaded file information from the event.target.files
fileUploader.addEventListener('change', (event) => { const files = event.target.files; console.log('files', files); });
Observe the output results in the console, here focus on the FileList
array and File
object that has all metadata information about the uploaded file.
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2. Multiple file upload
If we want to upload multiple files, we need to add the multiple
attribute to the tag:
<input type="file" id="file-uploader" multiple />
Now, we can upload multiple files. Based on the previous example, after selecting multiple files to upload, observe the changes in the console:
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3. Understand file metadata
Whenever we upload a file, the File
object has metadata information, such as file name
, size
, last update time, type, etc. . This information is useful for further verification and special handling.
const fileUploader = document.getElementById('file-uploader'); // 听更 change 件并读取元数据 fileUploader.addEventListener('change', (event) => { // 获取文件列表数组 const files = event.target.files; // 遍历并获取元数据 for (const file of files) { const name = file.name; const type = file.type ? file.type: 'NA'; const size = file.size; const lastModified = file.lastModified; console.log({ file, name, type, size, lastModified }); } });
The following is the output result of a single file upload:
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4. Understand the accept
we can use accept
attribute to limit the type of files to be uploaded. If you only want to upload the file formats .jpg
, .png
, you can do this:
<input type="file" id="file-uploader" accept=".jpg, .png" multiple>
In the above code, only files with the suffix .jpg
and .png
can be selected.
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5. Manage file content
Display the file content after successfully uploading the file. From the user's perspective, it would be strange and inconsiderate if there is no preview after uploading.
We can use the FileReader
object to convert a file into a binary string. Then add a load
event listener to get the binary string when the file is successfully uploaded.
// FileReader 实例 const reader = new FileReader(); fileUploader.addEventListener('change', (event) => { const files = event.target.files; const file = files[0]; reader.readAsDataURL(file); reader.addEventListener('load', (event) => { const img = document.createElement('img'); imageGrid.appendChild(img); img.src = event.target.result; img.alt = file.name; }); });
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6. Verify file size
If the image uploaded by the user is too large, in order not to put pressure on the server, we need to limit the size of the image. The following is to allow users to upload images smaller than 1M
, if it is larger than 1M
, the upload will fail.
fileUploader.addEventListener('change', (event) => { // Read the file size const file = event.target.files[0]; const size = file.size; let msg = ''; // 检查文件大小是否大于1MB if (size > 1024 * 1024) { msg = `<span style="color:red;">The allowed file size is 1MB. The file you are trying to upload is of ${returnFileSize(size)}</span>`; } else { msg = `<span style="color:green;"> A ${returnFileSize(size)} file has been uploaded successfully. </span>`; } feedback.innerHTML = msg; });
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7. Display file upload progress
A better user experience is to let the user know the file upload progress. Earlier we used FileReader
and events for reading and loading files.
const reader = new FileReader();
There is also a progress
event, which indicates the current upload progress. With the progress
tag of HTML5, let’s simulate the upload of a file. schedule.
reader.addEventListener('progress', (event) => { if (event.loaded && event.total) { // 计算完成百分比 const percent = (event.loaded / event.total) * 100; // 将值绑定到 `progress`标签 progress.value = percent; } });
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8. 怎么上传目录上传?
的非标准属性(目前只有谷歌浏览器还有Microsoft Edge支持按照文件夹进行上传),它允许我们上传整个目录。
目前只有谷歌浏览器还有Microsoft Edge支持按照文件夹进行上传,具体可以看下百度云盘的网页版的上传按钮,在火狐下就支持按照文件进行上传,而在谷歌和Edge下,就会给用户提供一个下拉,让用户选择是根据文件进行上传还是根据文件夹进行上传。
<input type="file" id="file-uploader" webkitdirectory />
用户单击“上传”按钮后,就会进行上传。 这里要注意的重要一点。 FileList
数组将以平面结构的形式包含有关上载目录中所有文件的信息。 对于每个File
现在,File 对象将将webkitRelativePath
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9. 拖拽上传
不支持文件上传的拖拽就有点 low 了,不是吗?我们来看看如何通过几个简单的步骤实现这一点。
<div id="container"> <h1>Drag & Drop an Image</h1> <div id="drop-zone"> DROP HERE </div> <div id="content"> Your image to appear here.. </div> </div>
const dropZone = document.getElementById('drop-zone'); const content = document.getElementById('content');
dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', event => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; });
dropZone.addEventListener('drop', event => { // Get the files const files = event.dataTransfer.files; });
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10. 使用objectURL
创建的 URL 对象。当你结束使用某个 URL 对象之后,应该通过调用这个方法来让浏览器知道不用在内存中继续保留对这个文件的引用了。
fileUploader.addEventListener('change', (event) => { const files = event.target.files; const file = files[0]; const img = document.createElement('img'); imageGrid.appendChild(img); img.src = URL.createObjectURL(file); img.alt = file.name; });
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作者: Tapas Adhikary