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What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)

Release: 2021-12-20 15:32:24
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This article brings you the relevant knowledge commonly used in the CSS box model. The so-called box model treats the elements in the HTML page as a rectangular box, which is a container that holds content. Each rectangle They are composed of the element's content, padding, borders, and margins. Let's take a look at them separately, hoping it will be helpful to everyone.

What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)

In fact, CSS has three major modules: box model, floating, positioning, and the rest are details. It is required that these three parts must be learned very proficiently no matter what.

The so-called box model treats the elements in the HTML page as a rectangular box, which is a container that holds content. Each rectangle consists of the element's content, padding, border, and margin.

See the essence of web page layout

In web page layout, how do we arrange the text and pictures in a neat and orderly manner according to the renderings given to us by the artist?

Inline elements such as text are similar to milk, and they also need a box to contain them. The double labels we learned earlier are all in a box. With the box, we can place it freely and freely.

See through the essence of web page layout: The process of putting web page elements such as text, pictures, etc. into boxes, and then using CSS to place the boxes is web page layout .

CSS actually doesn’t have much logic at all. It’s similar to the building blocks we played with when we were children. We can freely and randomly place them to create the effects we want.

Box Model

Skip here the old IE box model (below IE6), sorry, I have never seen IE5 browser.

First, let’s look at a picture to understand what a box model is.

All document elements (tags) will generate a rectangular box, which we call the element box (element box), which describes the position and size of a document element in the web page layout. Therefore, In addition to having its own size and position, each box also affects the size and position of other boxes.

Box border (border)

The border is that layer of skin. Tangerine skin. . Grapefruit peel. . Orange peel. . .


border : border-width || border-style || border-color
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Border attribute—set border style (border-style)

Border style is used to define the style of the border on the page. Common attribute values ​​​​are as follows:





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Box border writing summary table

##Set contentStyle attributesCommon attribute valuesTop borderborder-top-style: style; border-top-width: width; border-top-color: color; border-top: width style color; Bottom borderborder-bottom-style: style; border- bottom-width: width; border- bottom-color: color; border-bottom: width style color; Left borderborder-left-style: style; border-left-width: width; border-left-color: color; border -left:width style color;right borderborder-right-style: style;border-right-width: Width;border-right-color:Color;border-right:Width style color;##Style Comprehensive SettingsWidth Comprehensive settingscolor comprehensive settings Comprehensive border settings


以前学过的html表格边框很粗,这里只需要CSS一句话就可以美观起来。 让我们真的相信,CSS就是我们的白马王子(白雪公主)。

table{ border-collapse:collapse; } collapse 单词是合并的意思

border-collapse:collapse; 表示边框合并在一起。


从此以后,我们的世界不只有矩形。radius 半径(距离)


border-radius: 左上角  右上角  右下角  左下角;
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padding属性用于设置内边距。 是指 边框与内容之间的距离。

  • padding-top:上内边距

  • padding-right:右内边距

  • padding-bottom:下内边距

  • padding-left:左内边距

注意: 后面跟几个数值表示的意思是不一样的。

border- style: top [right, bottom, left];none (default), solid single solid line, dashed dotted line, dotted dotted line, double double solid line
border-width: top [right, bottom, left];pixel value
border- color: top [right, bottom, left];Color value,#hexadecimal,rgb(r,g,b),rgb(r%,g%,b%)
border: four-side width, four-side style, four-side color;
1个值padding:上下左右边距 比如padding: 3px; 表示上下左右都是3像素
2个值padding: 上下边距 左右边距 比如 padding: 3px 5px; 表示 上下3像素 左右 5像素
3个值padding:上边距 左右边距 下边距 比如 padding: 3px 5px 10px; 表示 上是3像素 左右是5像素 下是10像素
4个值padding:上内边距 右内边距 下内边距 左内边距 比如: padding: 3px 5px 10px 15px; 表示 上3px 右是5px 下 10px 左15px 顺时针

What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)


margin属性用于设置外边距。 设置外边距会在元素之间创建“空白”, 这段空白通常不能放置其他内容。

  • margin-top:上外边距

  • margin-right:右外边距

  • margin-bottom:下外边距

  • margin-left:上外边距

  • margin:上外边距 右外边距 下外边距 左外边




  1. 必须是块级元素。
  2. 盒子必须指定了宽度(width)



.header{ width:960px; margin:0 auto;}
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  1. 文字水平居中是 text-align: center
  2. 盒子水平居中 左右margin 改为 auto
text-align: center; /*  文字居中水平 */margin: 10px auto;  /* 盒子水平居中  左右margin 改为 auto 就阔以了 */
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  1. 插入图片 我们用的最多 比如产品展示类
  2. 背景图片我们一般用于小图标背景 或者 超大背景图片
section img {  
		width: 200px;/* 插入图片更改大小 width 和 height */
		height: 210px;
		margin-top: 30px;  /* 插入图片更改位置 可以用margin 或padding  盒模型 */
		margin-left: 50px; /* 插入当图片也是一个盒子 */
	}aside {
		width: 400px;
		height: 400px;
		border: 1px solid purple;
		background: #fff url(images/sun.jpg) no-repeat;
		background-size: 200px 210px; /*  背景图片更改大小只能用 background-size */
		background-position: 30px 50px; /* 背景图片更该位置 我用 background-position */
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* {
   padding:0;         /* 清除内边距 */
   margin:0;          /* 清除外边距 */}
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注意: 行内元素是只有左右外边距的,是没有上下外边距的。 内边距,在ie6等低版本浏览器也会有问题。






解决方案: 避免就好了。




  1. 可以为父元素定义1像素的上边框或上内边距。
  2. 可以为父元素添加overflow:hidden。





  Element空间高度 = content height + padding + border + margin
  Element 空间宽度 = content width + padding + border + margin
  Element Height = content height + padding + border (Height为内容高度)
  Element Width = content width + padding + border (Width为内容宽度)
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1、宽度属性width和高度属性height仅适用于块级元素,对行内元素无效( img 标签和 input除外)。


3、如果一个盒子没有给定宽度/高度或者继承父亲的宽度/高度,则padding 不会影响本盒子大小


开始学习盒子模型,同学们最大的困惑就是, 分不清内外边距的使用,什么情况下使用内边距,什么情况下使用外边距?

答案是: 其实他们大部分情况下是可以混用的。 就是说,你用内边距也可以,用外边距也可以。 你觉得哪个方便,就用哪个。


按照 优先使用 宽度 (width) 其次 使用内边距(padding) 再次 外边距(margin)。

  width >  padding  >   margin
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  1. margin 会有外边距合并 还有 ie6下面margin 加倍的bug(讨厌)所以最后使用。

  2. padding 会影响盒子大小, 需要进行加减计算(麻烦) 其次使用。

  3. width 没有问题(嗨皮)我们经常使用宽度剩余法 高度剩余法来做。



box-shadow:水平阴影 垂直阴影 模糊距离 阴影尺寸 阴影颜色  内/外阴影;
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What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)

  1. 前两个属性是必须写的。其余的可以省略。
  2. 外阴影 (outset) 但是不能写 默认 想要内阴影 inset
p {
			width: 200px;
			height: 200px;
			border: 10px solid red;
			/* box-shadow: 5px 5px 3px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);  */
			/* box-shadow:水平位置 垂直位置 模糊距离 阴影尺寸(影子大小) 阴影颜色  内/外阴影; */
			box-shadow: 0 15px 30px  rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
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What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)

 <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<style type="text/css">
		/* 1. 盒子案例 */
		p {
			width: 300px;
			height: 300px;
			border-width: 10px;
			border-color: yellow;
			border-style: solid;/*实线*/			
			border-style: dashed;/*虚线*/			
			border-style: dotted;/*点线*/			
			/*border: 1px solid blue;*/

			border-top: 10px solid green;
			border-bottom: 5px solid red;
			border-left: : 15px solid #daaa;
			border-right: : 30px dashed yellow;
		/* 2.表单边框 */
		.inputtest input 
			border:5px 3px 10px 26px dotted	purple	;	
		.inputtest button {

		height: 100px;
		border: 1px solid purple;


		/*  3. 表格边框 */
		table {
		width: 500px;
		height: 300px;
		border: 1px solid red;
	td {
		border: 1px solid red;
		text-align: 	center;		
	table, td {
		border-collapse: collapse;  /*合并相邻边框*/
	<p> 盒子 </p>
	<p class="inputtest"> 
		用户名: <input type="text">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)

 <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	.nav {
		height: 50px;/* 高度是 50*/
		border-top: 3px solid #FF8500;  /*上边框是 3像素*/  
		border-bottom: 1px solid #EDEEF0; /*下边框是 1像素*/
		background-color: #FCFCFC; /*背景颜色*/
	.nav a {   /*鼠标正常时候的样子*/
		height: 50px;
		line-height: 50px;
		/*background-color: pink;*/
		display: inline-block; /*转换*/
		color: #4c4c4c;
		text-decoration: none;
		/*padding-left: 18px;
		padding-right: 18px;*/
		padding: 0 18px;
		font-size: 14px;


	.nav a:hover {
		background-color: #edeef0;
		color: #ff8400;

	<p class="nav">
		<a href="#">首页</a>
		<a href="#">新闻客户端</a>
		<a href="#">设为首页</a>
		<a href="#">极限挑战</a>
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What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared)

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	/*p {
		width: 100px;
		height: 100px;
		border: 2px solid red;
		padding: 20px;
		margin: 30px;
	* {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0;  /*清除内外边距*/
	body {
		background-color: #eee;
	.article {
		width: 380px;
		height: 263px;
		border: 1px solid #ccc;
		margin: 100px;
		padding: 20px 15px 0;  /*上 20  左右  15  下  0*/
	.article h4 {
		color: #202026;
		font-size: 20px;
		border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
		padding-bottom: 5px;
		/*margin-bottom: 12px;*/
	li {
		list-style: none;   /*取消li 前面的小点*/
	.article ul li {
		height: 38px;
		line-height: 38px;
		border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc; /* 1像素的虚线边框*/
		text-indent: 2em;
	.article  a  {
		font-size: 12px;
		color: #333;
		text-decoration: none;
	.article a:hover {
		text-decoration: underline;  /*添加下划线*/
	.article ul {
		margin-top: 12px;
  <p class="article">
  		<h4>最新文章/New Articles</h4>
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The above is the detailed content of What is the key point of the box model that you must know in CSS (organized and shared). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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