php method to implement province and city query: 1. Design a data table; 2. Find the corresponding parent_id according to the query id; 3. Through "function GetCityInfo(searstr, cityselect) {... }" and other codes can be used to query provinces and cities.
The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, PHP version 7.1, Dell G3 computer.
PHP realizes three-level linkage query of province, city, county (district)
# #LinkagequeryWhat is linkage query? In fact, this thing is very common in life, such as online shopping (almost everyone has used this). When shopping online, we need to fill in the order information. There is one in the information. Where the address needs to be filled in for an item, some websites use linkage query, which saves users the time to fill in the order. This is when linkage query comes in handy. For example, when we select: Hebei Province in the province drop-down box, the corresponding For urban areas, you need to change the information inside, load the corresponding urban areas into the drop-down box, and paste a picture The statement to create the database is as follows. The database is MySQL database
CREATE TABLE `china_area` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `code` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(191) NOT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
INSERT INTO `china_area` (`id`, `parent_id`, `code`, `name`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES(1, 0, '110000', '北京市', NULL, NULL),(2, 0, '120000', '天津市', NULL, NULL),(3, 0, '130000', '河北省', NULL, NULL),(4, 0, '140000', '山西省', NULL, NULL),(5, 0, '150000', '内蒙古自治区', NULL, NULL),(6, 0, '210000', '辽宁省', NULL, NULL),(7, 0, '220000', '吉林省', NULL, NULL),(8, 0, '230000', '黑龙江省', NULL, NULL),(9, 0, '310000', '上海市', NULL, NULL),(10, 0, '320000', '江苏省', NULL, NULL),(11, 0, '330000', '浙江省', NULL, NULL),(12, 0, '340000', '安徽省', NULL, NULL),(13, 0, '350000', '福建省', NULL, NULL),(14, 0, '360000', '江西省', NULL, NULL),(15, 0, '370000', '山东省', NULL, NULL),(16, 0, '410000', '河南省', NULL, NULL),(17, 0, '420000', '湖北省', NULL, NULL),(18, 0, '430000', '湖南省', NULL, NULL),(19, 0, '440000', '广东省', NULL, NULL),(20, 0, '450000', '广西壮族自治区', NULL, NULL),(21, 0, '460000', '海南省', NULL, NULL),(22, 0, '500000', '重庆市', NULL, NULL),(23, 0, '510000', '四川省', NULL, NULL),(24, 0, '520000', '贵州省', NULL, NULL),(25, 0, '530000', '云南省', NULL, NULL),(26, 0, '540000', '西藏自治区', NULL, NULL),(27, 0, '610000', '陕西省', NULL, NULL),(28, 0, '620000', '甘肃省', NULL, NULL),(29, 0, '630000', '青海省', NULL, NULL),(30, 0, '640000', '宁夏回族自治区', NULL, NULL),(31, 0, '650000', '新疆维吾尔自治区', NULL, NULL),(32, 0, '710000', '台湾省', NULL, NULL),(33, 0, '810000', '香港特别行政区', NULL, NULL),(34, 0, '820000', '澳门特别行政区', NULL, NULL),(35, 1, '110100', '北京城区', NULL, NULL),(36, 35, '110101', '东城区', NULL, NULL),(37, 35, '110102', '西城区', NULL, NULL),(38, 35, '110105', '朝阳区', NULL, NULL),(39, 35, '110106', '丰台区', NULL, NULL),(40, 35, '110107', '石景山区', NULL, NULL),(41, 35, '110108', '海淀区', NULL, NULL),(42, 35, '110109', '门头沟区', NULL, NULL),(43, 35, '110111', '房山区', NULL, NULL),(44, 35, '110112', '通州区', NULL, NULL),(45, 35, '110113', '顺义区', NULL, NULL),(46, 35, '110114', '昌平区', NULL, NULL),(47, 35, '110115', '大兴区', NULL, NULL),(48, 35, '110116', '怀柔区', NULL, NULL),(49, 35, '110117', '平谷区', NULL, NULL),(50, 35, '110118', '密云区', NULL, NULL),(51, 35, '110119', '延庆区', NULL, NULL),(52, 2, '120100', '天津城区', NULL, NULL),(53, 52, '120101', '和平区', NULL, NULL),(54, 52, '120102', '河东区', NULL, NULL),(55, 52, '120103', '河西区', NULL, NULL),(56, 52, '120104', '南开区', NULL, NULL),(57, 52, '120105', '河北区', NULL, NULL),(58, 52, '120106', '红桥区', NULL, NULL),(59, 52, '120110', '东丽区', NULL, NULL),(60, 52, '120111', '西青区', NULL, NULL),(61, 52, '120112', '津南区', NULL, NULL),(62, 52, '120113', '北辰区', NULL, NULL),(63, 52, '120114', '武清区', NULL, NULL),(64, 52, '120115', '宝坻区', NULL, NULL),(65, 52, '120116', '滨海新区', NULL, NULL),(66, 52, '120117', '宁河区', NULL, NULL),(67, 52, '120118', '静海区', NULL, NULL),(68, 52, '120119', '蓟州区', NULL, NULL),(69, 3, '130100', '石家庄市', NULL, NULL),(70, 3, '130200', '唐山市', NULL, NULL),(71, 3, '130300', '秦皇岛市', NULL, NULL),(72, 3, '130400', '邯郸市', NULL, NULL),(73, 3, '130500', '邢台市', NULL, NULL),(74, 3, '130600', '保定市', NULL, NULL),(75, 3, '130700', '张家口市', NULL, NULL),(76, 3, '130800', '承德市', NULL, NULL),(77, 3, '130900', '沧州市', NULL, NULL),(78, 3, '131000', '廊坊市', NULL, NULL),(79, 3, '131100', '衡水市', NULL, NULL),(80, 69, '130102', '长安区', NULL, NULL),(81, 69, '130104', '桥西区', NULL, NULL),(82, 69, '130105', '新华区', NULL, NULL),(83, 69, '130107', '井陉矿区', NULL, NULL),(84, 69, '130108', '裕华区', NULL, NULL),(85, 69, '130109', '藁城区', NULL, NULL),(86, 69, '130110', '鹿泉区', NULL, NULL),(87, 69, '130111', '栾城区', NULL, NULL),(88, 69, '130121', '井陉县', NULL, NULL),(89, 69, '130123', '正定县', NULL, NULL),(90, 69, '130125', '行唐县', NULL, NULL),(91, 69, '130126', '灵寿县', NULL, NULL),(92, 69, '130127', '高邑县', NULL, NULL),(93, 69, '130128', '深泽县', NULL, NULL),(94, 69, '130129', '赞皇县', NULL, NULL),(95, 69, '130130', '无极县', NULL, NULL);
SELECT * FROM `china_area` WHERE parent_id=".$_GET['precityid']
<p>//引用了bootstrap框架和jq库,节省代码 </p><p> <select> <option>请选择...</option> <?php $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "zbt");//省份下拉框,可以在页面刚加载的时候生成 mysqli_query($conn, "set names utf8"); $sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM `china_area` WHERE parent_id =0"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlstr); while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {?> <option>"><?php echo $myrow[3] ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </p> <p> <select><!--市区下拉框--> </select> </p> <p> <select><!--县级下拉框--> </select> </p>
<script> $(function() { $(".province").change(function() { //省份下拉框事件 var citysele = $(".city");//获取要改变的下一个下拉框 GetCityInfo("precityid=" + $(this).val(), citysele); }); $(".city").change(function() { //市区下拉框事件 var citysele = $(".county"); GetCityInfo("precityid=" + $(this).val(), citysele); }); $(".county").change(function() { //弹出结果 alert("您选择的城市是:" + $(".province option:selected").text() + " " + $(".city option:selected").text() + " " + $(".county option:selected").text()) }); function GetCityInfo(searstr, cityselect) {//两个参数,第一个是搜索字符串,第二个是相对应的下一个要变动的下拉框 let sendtourl = encodeURI("conn.php?" + searstr); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: sendtourl, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { cityselect.empty(); if ( <= 0) { var option = "<option>暂无数据";//没有数据 cityselect.append(option); return; } cityselect.append("<option value='-1'>请选择...");//执行到这里就是有数据,将数据添加到相对应的下拉框 for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var option = "<option value=" +[i].id + ">" +[i].name + ""; cityselect.append(option); } }, error: function(xhr) { alert("error" + xhr.status); } }); } })</script>
<?php header('Content-Type:application/json');if (!isset(getallheaders()['Referer'])) exit;//不是自己的网址不返回数据$conn=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","zbt"); mysqli_query($conn,"set names utf8");if (isset($_GET['precityid'])) { $sqlstr="SELECT * FROM `china_area` WHERE parent_id=".$_GET['precityid'];//根据前台的数据查询相对应的表 $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sqlstr); $datas=array(); while($myrow=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ $rows=array(); $rows["id"]=$myrow[0]; $rows["parent_id"]=$myrow[1]; $rows["code"]=$myrow[2]; $rows['name']=$myrow[3]; array_push($datas,$rows); $rows=""; }//拼接结果 $data=array(); $data["code"]=200;//状态码 $data["msg"]=getallheaders()['Referer'];//自定义消息,我是为了看一下Referer是否正确,这里可以删除 $data["data"]=$datas; echo json_encode($data,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);}?>
PHP Video Tutorial"
The above is the detailed content of How to implement province and city query in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!