Writing PHP MVC framework [recommended nanny-level tutorial]

Release: 2023-04-10 21:04:02
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1 What is MVC

MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller) is a software architecture pattern in software engineering . MVC divides the software system into three basic parts: Model (Model), View (View) and Controller (Controller). The MVC pattern in PHP is also called Web MVC and evolved from the 1970s. The purpose of MVC is to implement a dynamic programming design that facilitates subsequent modification and expansion of the program and simplifies , and makes it possible to reuse a certain part of the program. In addition, this mode makes the program structure more intuitive by simplifying the complexity. The functions of each part of MVC:

  • Model Model – manages most of the business logic and all database logic. Models provide an abstraction layer for connecting to and manipulating databases.
  • ControllerController – Responsible for responding to user requests, preparing data, and deciding how to display the data.
  • View View – Responsible for rendering data and presenting it to the user through HTML.

Writing PHP MVC framework [recommended nanny-level tutorial]

A typical Web MVC process:

1. Controller intercepts the request issued by the user;

2. Controller calls The Model completes the read and write operations of the status;

3. The Controller passes the data to the View;

4. The View renders the final Writing PHP MVC framework [recommended nanny-level tutorial] and presents it to the user.

2 Why you should develop your own MVC framework

There are a large number of excellent MVC frameworks available on the Internet. This tutorial is not intended to develop a comprehensive and ultimate MVC. Framework solution. We saw it as a great opportunity to learn PHP from the inside. In the process, you will learn Object-oriented programming and MVC design pattern, and learn some precautions in development. What's more, through self-made MVC framework, everyone can fully control their own framework and integrate your ideas into your framework. Isn’t this a wonderful thing~~~

3 Preparation work

3.1 Environment preparation

Here we need the most Basic PHP environment:

  • Nginx or Apache
  • PHP5.4
  • MySQL

It is recommended to use phpStudy or docker for one-click installation Such LNMP environment.

3.2 Code specifications

After the directory is set, we next stipulate the code specifications:

1. The MySQL table name needs to beLowercase or lowercase and underlined , such as: item, car_orders.

2. Module names (Models) need to use camel case , that is, the first letter is capitalized , and Model is added after the name. Such as: ItemModel, CarModel.

3. Controllers (Controllers) need to use the camel case naming method , that is, the first letter is capitalized , and Controller is added after the name. Such as: ItemController, CarController.

4. The method name (Action) must use low camel case , that is, the first letter is lowercase , such as: index, indexPost.

5. The deployment structure of Views is Controller name/behavior name, such as: item/view.php, car/buy.php .

The above rules are for programs to better call each other. Next, the real PHP MVC programming begins.

3.3 Directory preparation

Before starting development, let’s give this framework a name, just call it: Fastphp Framework. Then create the project directory as needed. Assume that the project we create is project, and the directory structure is like this:

project                 WEB部署根目录
├─app                   应用目录
│  ├─controllers        控制器目录
│  ├─models             模块目录
│  ├─views              视图目录
├─config                配置文件目录
├─fastphp               框架核心目录
│ ├─base                MVC基类目录
│ ├─db                  数据库操作类目录
│ ├─Fastphp.php         内核文件  
├─static                静态文件目录
├─index.php             入口文件
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Then follow the next step to configure the site root directory of Nginx or Apache to the project directory. .

3.4 Redirection

The purpose of redirection is twofold: to set the root directory to the location of project, and to send all requests to index.php file. If it is an Apache server, create a new .htaccess file in the project directory with the content:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# 打开Rerite功能
RewriteEngine On

    # 如果请求的是真实存在的文件或目录,直接访问
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

    # 如果访问的文件或目录不是真事存在,分发请求至 index.php
    RewriteRule . index.php
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If it is an Nginx server, modify the configuration file in Add the following redirection to the server block:

<span class="hljs-title">location</span> / {
<span class="hljs-comment">    # 重新向所有非真是存在的请求到index.php
</span><span class="hljs-title">    try_files</span> <span class="hljs-variable">$uri</span> <span class="hljs-variable">$uri</span>/ /index.php<span class="hljs-variable">$args</span>;
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The main reason for doing this is:

(1)静态文件能直接访问。如果文件或者目录真实存在,则直接访问存在的文件/目录。 比如,静态文件static/css/main.css真实存在,就可以直接访问它。 (2)程序有单一的入口。 这种情况是请求地址不是真实存在的文件或目录,这样请求就会传到 index.php 上。 例如,访问地址:localhost/item/detail/1,在文件系统中并不存在这样的文件或目录。 那么,Apache或Nginx服务器会把请求发给index.php,并且把域名之后的字符串赋值给REQUEST_URI变量。 这样在PHP中用$_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_URI&#39;]就能拿到/item/detail/1; (3)可以用来生成美化的URL,利于SEO

4 PHP MVC核心文件

4.1 入口文件

接下来,在 project 目录下新建 index.php 入口文件,文件内容为:

// 应用目录为当前目录
define(&#39;APP_PATH&#39;, __DIR__ . &#39;/&#39;);

// 开启调试模式
define(&#39;APP_DEBUG&#39;, true);

// 加载框架文件
require(APP_PATH . &#39;fastphp/Fastphp.php&#39;);

// 加载配置文件
$config = require(APP_PATH . &#39;config/config.php&#39;);

// 实例化框架类
(new fastphp\Fastphp($config))->run();
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对于只有 PHP 代码的文件,最好没有结束标志?>


4.2 配置文件

在入口文件中,我们加载了config.php文件的内容,那它有何作用呢? 从名称不难看出,它的作用是保存一些常用配置config.php 文件内容如下,作用是定义数据库连接参数参数,以及配置默认控制器名和操作名:


// 数据库配置
$config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;host&#39;] = &#39;localhost&#39;;
$config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;username&#39;] = &#39;root&#39;;
$config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;password&#39;] = &#39;123456&#39;;
$config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;dbname&#39;] = &#39;project&#39;;

// 默认控制器和操作名
$config[&#39;defaultController&#39;] = &#39;Item&#39;;
$config[&#39;defaultAction&#39;] = &#39;index&#39;;

return $config;
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4.3 框架核心类




  • 类自动加载

  • 环境检查

  • 过滤敏感字符

  • 移除全局变量的老用法

  • 路由处理


namespace fastphp;

// 框架根目录
defined(&#39;CORE_PATH&#39;) or define(&#39;CORE_PATH&#39;, __DIR__);

 * fastphp框架核心
class Fastphp
    // 配置内容
    protected $config = [];

    public function __construct($config)
        $this->config = $config;

    // 运行程序
    public function run()
        spl_autoload_register(array($this, &#39;loadClass&#39;));

    // 路由处理
    public function route()
        $controllerName = $this->config[&#39;defaultController&#39;];
        $actionName = $this->config[&#39;defaultAction&#39;];
        $param = array();

        $url = $_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_URI&#39;];
        // 清除?之后的内容
        $position = strpos($url, &#39;?&#39;);
        $url = $position === false ? $url : substr($url, 0, $position);
        // 删除前后的“/”
        $url = trim($url, &#39;/&#39;);

        if ($url) {
            // 使用“/”分割字符串,并保存在数组中
            $urlArray = explode(&#39;/&#39;, $url);
            // 删除空的数组元素
            $urlArray = array_filter($urlArray);

            // 获取控制器名
            $controllerName = ucfirst($urlArray[0]);

            // 获取动作名
            $actionName = $urlArray ? $urlArray[0] : $actionName;

            // 获取URL参数
            $param = $urlArray ? $urlArray : array();

        // 判断控制器和操作是否存在
        $controller = &#39;app\\controllers\\&#39;. $controllerName . &#39;Controller&#39;;
        if (!class_exists($controller)) {
            exit($controller . &#39;控制器不存在&#39;);
        if (!method_exists($controller, $actionName)) {
            exit($actionName . &#39;方法不存在&#39;);

        // 如果控制器和操作名存在,则实例化控制器,因为控制器对象里面
        // 还会用到控制器名和操作名,所以实例化的时候把他们俩的名称也
        // 传进去。结合Controller基类一起看
        $dispatch = new $controller($controllerName, $actionName);

        // $dispatch保存控制器实例化后的对象,我们就可以调用它的方法,
        // 也可以像方法中传入参数,以下等同于:$dispatch->$actionName($param)
        call_user_func_array(array($dispatch, $actionName), $param);

    // 检测开发环境
    public function setReporting()
        if (APP_DEBUG === true) {
        } else {
            ini_set(&#39;log_errors&#39;, &#39;On&#39;);

    // 删除敏感字符
    public function stripSlashesDeep($value)
        $value = is_array($value) ? array_map(array($this, &#39;stripSlashesDeep&#39;), $value) : stripslashes($value);
        return $value;

    // 检测敏感字符并删除
    public function removeMagicQuotes()
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $_GET = isset($_GET) ? $this->stripSlashesDeep($_GET ) : &#39;&#39;;
            $_POST = isset($_POST) ? $this->stripSlashesDeep($_POST ) : &#39;&#39;;
            $_COOKIE = isset($_COOKIE) ? $this->stripSlashesDeep($_COOKIE) : &#39;&#39;;
            $_SESSION = isset($_SESSION) ? $this->stripSlashesDeep($_SESSION) : &#39;&#39;;

    // 检测自定义全局变量并移除。因为 register_globals 已经弃用,如果
    // 已经弃用的 register_globals 指令被设置为 on,那么局部变量也将
    // 在脚本的全局作用域中可用。 例如, $_POST[&#39;foo&#39;] 也将以 $foo 的
    // 形式存在,这样写是不好的实现,会影响代码中的其他变量。 相关信息,
    // 参考: http://php.net/manual/zh/faq.using.php#faq.register-globals
    public function unregisterGlobals()
        if (ini_get(&#39;register_globals&#39;)) {
            $array = array(&#39;_SESSION&#39;, &#39;_POST&#39;, &#39;_GET&#39;, &#39;_COOKIE&#39;, &#39;_REQUEST&#39;, &#39;_SERVER&#39;, &#39;_ENV&#39;, &#39;_FILES&#39;);
            foreach ($array as $value) {
                foreach ($GLOBALS[$value] as $key => $var) {
                    if ($var === $GLOBALS[$key]) {

    // 配置数据库信息
    public function setDbConfig()
        if ($this->config[&#39;db&#39;]) {
            define(&#39;DB_HOST&#39;, $this->config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;host&#39;]);
            define(&#39;DB_NAME&#39;, $this->config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;dbname&#39;]);
            define(&#39;DB_USER&#39;, $this->config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;username&#39;]);
            define(&#39;DB_PASS&#39;, $this->config[&#39;db&#39;][&#39;password&#39;]);

    // 自动加载类
    public function loadClass($className)
        $classMap = $this->classMap();

        if (isset($classMap[$className])) {
            // 包含内核文件
            $file = $classMap[$className];
        } elseif (strpos($className, &#39;\\&#39;) !== false) {
            // 包含应用(application目录)文件
            $file = APP_PATH . str_replace(&#39;\\&#39;, &#39;/&#39;, $className) . &#39;.php&#39;;
            if (!is_file($file)) {
        } else {

        include $file;

        // 这里可以加入判断,如果名为$className的类、接口或者性状不存在,则在调试模式下抛出错误

    // 内核文件命名空间映射关系
    protected function classMap()
        return [
            &#39;fastphp\base\Controller&#39; => CORE_PATH . &#39;/base/Controller.php&#39;,
            &#39;fastphp\base\Model&#39; => CORE_PATH . &#39;/base/Model.php&#39;,
            &#39;fastphp\base\View&#39; => CORE_PATH . &#39;/base/View.php&#39;,
            &#39;fastphp\db\Db&#39; => CORE_PATH . &#39;/db/Db.php&#39;,
            &#39;fastphp\db\Sql&#39; => CORE_PATH . &#39;/db/Sql.php&#39;,
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下面重点讲解主请求方法 route(),它也称路由方法。 路由方法的主要作用是:截取URL,并解析出控制器名、方法名和URL参数。 假设我们的 URL 是这样:

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当浏览器访问上面的URL,route()从全局变量 $_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_URI&#39;]中获取到字符串/controllerName/actionName/queryString。 然后,会将这个字符串分割成三部分:controllerNameactionNamequeryString。 例如,URL链接为:yoursite.com/item/detail/1/hello,那么route()分割之后,

  • ControllerName名就是:item
  • actionName名就是:detail
  • URL参数就是:array(1, hello)

分割完成后,路由方法再实例化控制器:itemController,并调用其中的detail方法 。

4.4 Controller基类

接下来,就是在 fastphp 中创建MVC基类,包括控制器模型视图三个基类。 在fastphp/base/目录下新建控制器基类,文件名 Controller.php,功能就是总调度,内容如下:

namespace fastphp\base;

 * 控制器基类
class Controller
    protected $_controller;
    protected $_action;
    protected $_view;

    // 构造函数,初始化属性,并实例化对应模型
    public function __construct($controller, $action)
        $this->_controller = $controller;
        $this->_action = $action;
        $this->_view = new View($controller, $action);

    // 分配变量
    public function assign($name, $value)
        $this->_view->assign($name, $value);

    // 渲染视图
    public function render()
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Controller 类用assign()方法实现把变量保存到View对象中。 这样,在调用$this->render() 后视图文件就能显示这些变量。

4.5 Model基类

新建模型基类,继承自数据库操作类Sql类。 因为数据库操作比较复杂,所以SQL操作我们单独创建一个类。 Model基类涉及到3个类:Model基类本身,它的父类SQL,以及提供数据库连接句柄的Db类。 在fastphp/base/目录下新建模型基类文件,名为 Model.php,代码如下:

namespace fastphp\base;

use fastphp\db\Sql;

class Model extends Sql
    protected $model;

    public function __construct()
        // 获取数据库表名
        if (!$this->table) {

            // 获取模型类名称
            $this->model = get_class($this);

            // 删除类名最后的 Model 字符
            $this->model = substr($this->model, 0, -5);

            // 数据库表名与类名一致
            $this->table = strtolower($this->model);
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fastphp/db/目录下建立一个数据库基类 Sql.php,代码如下:

namespace fastphp\db;

use \PDOStatement;

class Sql
    // 数据库表名
    protected $table;

    // 数据库主键
    protected $primary = &#39;id&#39;;

    // WHERE和ORDER拼装后的条件
    private $filter = &#39;&#39;;

    // Pdo bindParam()绑定的参数集合
    private $param = array();

     * 查询条件拼接,使用方式:
     * $this->where([&#39;id = 1&#39;,&#39;and title=Web&#39;, ...])->fetch();
     * 为防止注入,建议通过$param方式传入参数:
     * $this->where([&#39;id = :id&#39;], [&#39;:id&#39; => $id])->fetch();
     * @param array $where 条件
     * @return $this 当前对象
    public function where($where = array(), $param = array())
        if ($where) {
            $this->filter .= &#39; WHERE &#39;;
            $this->filter .= implode(&#39; &#39;, $where);

            $this->param = $param;

        return $this;

     * 拼装排序条件,使用方式:
     * $this->order([&#39;id DESC&#39;, &#39;title ASC&#39;, ...])->fetch();
     * @param array $order 排序条件
     * @return $this
    public function order($order = array())
        if($order) {
            $this->filter .= &#39; ORDER BY &#39;;
            $this->filter .= implode(&#39;,&#39;, $order);

        return $this;

    // 查询所有
    public function fetchAll()
        $sql = sprintf(select * from `%s` %s, $this->table, $this->filter);
        $sth = Db::pdo()->prepare($sql);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, $this->param);

        return $sth->fetchAll();

    // 查询一条
    public function fetch()
        $sql = sprintf(select * from `%s` %s, $this->table, $this->filter);
        $sth = Db::pdo()->prepare($sql);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, $this->param);

        return $sth->fetch();

    // 根据条件 (id) 删除
    public function delete($id)
        $sql = sprintf(delete from `%s` where `%s` = :%s, $this->table, $this->primary, $this->primary);
        $sth = Db::pdo()->prepare($sql);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, [$this->primary => $id]);

        return $sth->rowCount();

    // 新增数据
    public function add($data)
        $sql = sprintf(insert into `%s` %s, $this->table, $this->formatInsert($data));
        $sth = Db::pdo()->prepare($sql);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, $data);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, $this->param);

        return $sth->rowCount();

    // 修改数据
    public function update($data)
        $sql = sprintf(update `%s` set %s %s, $this->table, $this->formatUpdate($data), $this->filter);
        $sth = Db::pdo()->prepare($sql);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, $data);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, $this->param);

        return $sth->rowCount();

     * 占位符绑定具体的变量值
     * @param PDOStatement $sth 要绑定的PDOStatement对象
     * @param array $params 参数,有三种类型:
     * 1)如果SQL语句用问号?占位符,那么$params应该为
     *    [$a, $b, $c]
     * 2)如果SQL语句用冒号:占位符,那么$params应该为
     *    [&#39;a&#39; => $a, &#39;b&#39; => $b, &#39;c&#39; => $c]
     *    或者
     *    [&#39;:a&#39; => $a, &#39;:b&#39; => $b, &#39;:c&#39; => $c]
     * @return PDOStatement
    public function formatParam(PDOStatement $sth, $params = array())
        foreach ($params as $param => &$value) {
            $param = is_int($param) ? $param + 1 : &#39;:&#39; . ltrim($param, &#39;:&#39;);
            $sth->bindParam($param, $value);

        return $sth;

    // 将数组转换成插入格式的sql语句
    private function formatInsert($data)
        $fields = array();
        $names = array();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $fields[] = sprintf(`%s`, $key);
            $names[] = sprintf(:%s, $key);

        $field = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
        $name = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $names);

        return sprintf((%s) values (%s), $field, $name);

    // 将数组转换成更新格式的sql语句
    private function formatUpdate($data)
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $fields[] = sprintf(`%s` = :%s, $key, $key);

        return implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
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应该说,Sql基类是框架的核心部分。为什么? 因为通过它,我们创建了一个 SQL 抽象层,可以大大减少了数据库的编程工作。 虽然 PDO 接口本来已经很简洁,但是抽象之后框架的可灵活性更高。 Sql类里面有用到Db:pdo()方法,这是我们创建的Db类,它提供一个PDO单例。 在fastphp/db/目录下创建Db.php文件,内容:

namespace fastphp\db;

use PDO;
use PDOException;

 * 数据库操作类。
 * 其$pdo属性为静态属性,所以在页面执行周期内,
 * 只要一次赋值,以后的获取还是首次赋值的内容。
 * 这里就是PDO对象,这样可以确保运行期间只有一个
 * 数据库连接对象,这是一种简单的单例模式
 * Class Db
class Db
    private static $pdo = null;

    public static function pdo()
        if (self::$pdo !== null) {
            return self::$pdo;

        try {
            $dsn    = sprintf(&#39;mysql:host=%s;dbname=%s;charset=utf8&#39;, DB_HOST, DB_NAME);
            $option = array(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

            return self::$pdo = new PDO($dsn, DB_USER, DB_PASS, $option);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
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4.6 View基类

fastphp/base/目录下新建视图基类 View.php 内容如下:

namespace fastphp\base;

 * 视图基类
class View
    protected $variables = array();
    protected $_controller;
    protected $_action;

    function __construct($controller, $action)
        $this->_controller = strtolower($controller);
        $this->_action = strtolower($action);

    // 分配变量
    public function assign($name, $value)
        $this->variables[$name] = $value;

    // 渲染显示
    public function render()
        $defaultHeader = APP_PATH . &#39;app/views/header.php&#39;;
        $defaultFooter = APP_PATH . &#39;app/views/footer.php&#39;;

        $controllerHeader = APP_PATH . &#39;app/views/&#39; . $this->_controller . &#39;/header.php&#39;;
        $controllerFooter = APP_PATH . &#39;app/views/&#39; . $this->_controller . &#39;/footer.php&#39;;
        $controllerLayout = APP_PATH . &#39;app/views/&#39; . $this->_controller . &#39;/&#39; . $this->_action . &#39;.php&#39;;

        // 页头文件
        if (is_file($controllerHeader)) {
            include ($controllerHeader);
        } else {
            include ($defaultHeader);

        if (is_file($controllerLayout)) {
            include ($controllerLayout);
        } else {
            echo <h1>无法找到视图文件</h1>;

        // 页脚文件
        if (is_file($controllerFooter)) {
            include ($controllerFooter);
        } else {
            include ($defaultFooter);
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这样,核心的PHP MVC框架核心就完成了。 下面我们编写应用来测试框架功能。

5 应用

5.1 数据库部署

在 SQL 中新建一个 project 数据库,增加一个item 表、并插入两条记录,命令如下:

USE `project`;

    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `item_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `item` VALUES(1, &#39;Hello World.&#39;);
INSERT INTO `item` VALUES(2, &#39;Lets go!&#39;);
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5.2 部署模型

然后,我们还需要在app/models/目录中创建一个 ItemModel.php 模型,内容如下:

namespace app\models;

use fastphp\base\Model;
use fastphp\db\Db;

 * 用户Model
class ItemModel extends Model
     * 自定义当前模型操作的数据库表名称,
     * 如果不指定,默认为类名称的小写字符串,
     * 这里就是 item 表
     * @var string
    protected $table = &#39;item&#39;;

     * 搜索功能,因为Sql父类里面没有现成的like搜索,
     * 所以需要自己写SQL语句,对数据库的操作应该都放
     * 在Model里面,然后提供给Controller直接调用
     * @param $title string 查询的关键词
     * @return array 返回的数据
    public function search($keyword)
        $sql = select * from `$this->table` where `item_name` like :keyword;
        $sth = Db::pdo()->prepare($sql);
        $sth = $this->formatParam($sth, [&#39;:keyword&#39; => %$keyword%]);

        return $sth->fetchAll();
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因为 Item 模型继承了 Model基类,所以它拥有 Model 类的所有功能。

5.3 部署控制器

app/controllers/ 目录下创建一个 ItemController.php 控制器,内容如下:

namespace app\controllers;

use fastphp\base\Controller;
use app\models\ItemModel;

class ItemController extends Controller
    // 首页方法,测试框架自定义DB查询
    public function index()
        $keyword = isset($_GET[&#39;keyword&#39;]) ? $_GET[&#39;keyword&#39;] : &#39;&#39;;

        if ($keyword) {
            $items = (new ItemModel())->search($keyword);
        } else {
            // 查询所有内容,并按倒序排列输出
            // where()方法可不传入参数,或者省略
            $items = (new ItemModel)->where()->order([&#39;id DESC&#39;])->fetchAll();

        $this->assign(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;全部条目&#39;);
        $this->assign(&#39;keyword&#39;, $keyword);
        $this->assign(&#39;items&#39;, $items);

    // 查看单条记录详情
    public function detail($id)
        // 通过?占位符传入$id参数
        $item = (new ItemModel())->where([id = ?], [$id])->fetch();

        $this->assign(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;条目详情&#39;);
        $this->assign(&#39;item&#39;, $item);

    // 添加记录,测试框架DB记录创建(Create)
    public function add()
        $data[&#39;item_name&#39;] = $_POST[&#39;value&#39;];
        $count = (new ItemModel)->add($data);

        $this->assign(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;添加成功&#39;);
        $this->assign(&#39;count&#39;, $count);

    // 操作管理
    public function manage($id = 0)
        $item = array();
        if ($id) {
            // 通过名称占位符传入参数
            $item = (new ItemModel())->where([id = :id], [&#39;:id&#39; => $id])->fetch();

        $this->assign(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;管理条目&#39;);
        $this->assign(&#39;item&#39;, $item);

    // 更新记录,测试框架DB记录更新(Update)
    public function update()
        $data = array(&#39;id&#39; => $_POST[&#39;id&#39;], &#39;item_name&#39; => $_POST[&#39;value&#39;]);
        $count = (new ItemModel)->where([&#39;id = :id&#39;], [&#39;:id&#39; => $data[&#39;id&#39;]])->update($data);

        $this->assign(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;修改成功&#39;);
        $this->assign(&#39;count&#39;, $count);

    // 删除记录,测试框架DB记录删除(Delete)
    public function delete($id = null)
        $count = (new ItemModel)->delete($id);

        $this->assign(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;删除成功&#39;);
        $this->assign(&#39;count&#39;, $count);
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5.4 部署视图

app/views/目录下新建 header.php 和 footer.php 两个页头页脚模板,如下。 header.php 内容:

    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 />
    <title><?php echo $title ?></title>
    <link rel=stylesheet href=/static/css/main.css type=text/css />
    <h1><?php echo $title ?></h1>
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footer.php 内容:

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html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 20px;

input {

a {

a:hover {

h1 {
border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc;

td {padding: 1px 30px 1px 0;}
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然后,在 app/views/item 目录下创建以下几个视图文件。 index.php,浏览数据库内 item 表的所有记录,内容:

<form action= method=get>
    <input type=text value=<?php echo $keyword ?> name=keyword>
    <input type=submit value=搜索>

<p><a href=/item/manage>新建</a></p>

    <?php foreach ($items as $item): ?>
            <td><?php echo $item[&#39;id&#39;] ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $item[&#39;item_name&#39;] ?></td>
                <a href=/item/manage/<?php echo $item[&#39;id&#39;] ?>>编辑</a>
                <a href=/item/delete/<?php echo $item[&#39;id&#39;] ?>>删除</a>
    <?php endforeach ?>
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<a class=big href=/item/index>成功添加<?php echo $count ?>条记录,点击返回</a>
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<form action=<?php echo $postUrl; ?> method=post>
    <?php if (isset($item[&#39;id&#39;])): ?>
        <input type=hidden name=id value=<?php echo $item[&#39;id&#39;] ?>>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <input type=text name=value value=<?php echo isset($item[&#39;item_name&#39;]) ? $item[&#39;item_name&#39;] : &#39;&#39; ?>>
    <input type=submit value=提交>

<a class=big href=/item/index>返回</a>
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<a class=big href=/item/index>成功修改<?php echo $count ?>项,点击返回</a>
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<a href=/item/index>成功删除<?php echo $count ?>项,点击返回</a>
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6 应用测试

这样,在浏览器中访问 project程序:http://localhost/item/index/,就可以看到效果了。
Writing PHP MVC framework [recommended nanny-level tutorial]

以上代码已经全部发布到 github 上,关键部分加了注释:

  • 仓库地址:https://github.com/yeszao/fastphp
  • 源码打包:https://github.com/yeszao/fastphp/archive/master.zip

The above is the detailed content of Writing PHP MVC framework [recommended nanny-level tutorial]. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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