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What are the top ten common errors in nodejs

Release: 2022-01-13 17:14:28
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Ten common mistakes in node: 1. Blocking the event loop; 2. Calling a callback function multiple times; 3. Deeply nested callback functions; 4. Expecting callback functions to execute synchronously; 5. Giving "exports "Assignment; 6. Throw an error from the callback; 7. Think that Number is an integer data format; 8. Ignore the advantages of the streaming API, etc.

What are the top ten common errors in nodejs

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, nodejs version 12.19.0, DELL G3 computer.

Since Node.js came out, it has received a lot of praise and criticism. This debate will continue and will not end anytime soon. In these debates, we often overlook that all languages ​​and platforms are criticized based on some core issues, which is how we use these platforms. No matter how difficult it is to write reliable code with Node.js, and how easy it is to write highly concurrent code, the platform has been around for a while and has been used to create a large number of robust and complex web services. These web services not only scale well but also prove their robustness by the time they last on the Internet.

However, like other platforms, Node.js makes it easy for developers to make mistakes. Some of these errors can reduce program performance, while others can render Node.js unusable. In this article, we’ll look at ten common mistakes that newbies to Node.js make and how to avoid them. <span class="pun">Error 1: Blocking the event loop</span>JavaScript in Node.js (just like the browser) provides a single-threaded environment. This means that your program won't have two things running at the same time, but instead will have the concurrency brought about by asynchronously processing I/O-intensive operations. For example, when Node.js initiates a request to the database to obtain some data, Node.js can focus on other parts of the program:

// Trying to fetch an user object from the database. Node.js is free to run other parts of the code from the moment this function is invoked..	
db.User.get(userId, function(err, user) {	
    // .. until the moment the user object has been retrieved here	
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However, in a Node.js with thousands of client connections In one instance, a small piece of CPU-intensive code blocked the event loop, causing all clients to wait. CPU-intensive code includes trying to sort a huge array, running a long function, etc. For example:

function sortUsersByAge(users) {	
    users.sort(function(a, b) {	
        return a.age &amp;lt; b.age ? -1 : 1	
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There is no problem calling the "sortUsersByAge" method on a small "users" array, but if it is on a large array, it will have a huge impact on the overall performance. If this kind of thing has to be done, and you can ensure that there are no other events waiting on the event loop (for example, this is just a Node.js command line tool, and it doesn't care that everything works synchronously), then this is no problem. However, it can cause problems in situations where a Node.js server is trying to serve thousands of users simultaneously.

If this users array is obtained from the database, then the ideal solution is to take out the sorted data from the database. If the event loop is blocked by a loop that calculates the historical sum of financial transaction data, the calculation loop should be pushed to a queue outside the event loop to avoid tying up the event loop.

As you can see, there is no silver bullet for fixing this type of error, just an individual solution for each situation. The basic idea is not to do CPU-intensive work on the Node.js instance that handles concurrent client connections.

Error 2: Calling a callback function multiple times

JavaScript has always relied on callback functions. In browsers, events are handled by passing a reference to the event object to a callback function (usually an anonymous function). In Node.js, callback functions used to be the only way to communicate asynchronously with other code, until promises came along. Callback functions are still used today, and many developers still set up their APIs around it. A common mistake related to using callback functions is calling them multiple times. Usually, a method that encapsulates some asynchronous processing, its last parameter will be designed to pass a function, which will be called after the asynchronous processing is completed:

module.exports.verifyPassword = function(user, password, done) {	
    if(typeof password !== ‘string’) {	
        done(new Error(‘password should be a string’))	
    computeHash(password, user.passwordHashOpts, function(err, hash) {	
        if(err) {	
        done(null, hash === user.passwordHash)	
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Note that except for the last time, every time There will be a return statement after the "done" method is called. This is because calling the callback function does not automatically end the execution of the current method. If we comment out the first return statement and then pass a non-string password to this function, we will still end up calling the computeHash method. Depending on how computeHash handles this situation, the "done" function will be called multiple times. Anyone can be caught off guard when the callback function passed in is called multiple times.

To avoid this problem just be careful. Some Node.js developers have therefore developed a habit of adding a return keyword before all statements that call callback functions:

if(err) {	
    return done(err)	
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In many asynchronous functions, the return value of this return is meaningless. , so this move is just to simply avoid this mistake.

Error 3: Deeply nested callback functions

Deeply nested callback functions are often known as "callback hell". It is not a problem in itself, but it will cause the code to be very fast. Becoming out of control:

function handleLogin(..., done) {	
    db.User.get(..., function(..., user) {	
        if(!user) {	
            return done(null, ‘failed to log in’)	
        utils.verifyPassword(..., function(..., okay) {	
            if(okay) {	
                return done(null, ‘failed to log in’)	
            session.login(..., function() {	
                done(null, ‘logged in’)	
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越复杂的任务,这个的坏处就越大。像这样嵌套回调函数,我们的程序很容易出错,而且代码难以阅读和维护。一个权宜之计是把这些任务声明为一个个的小函数,然后再将它们联系起来。不过,(有可能是)最简便的解决方法之一是使用一个 Node.js 公共组件来处理这种异步 js,比如 Async.js:

function handleLogin(done) {	
        function(done) {	
            db.User.get(..., done)	
        function(user, done) {	
            if(!user) {	
            return done(null, ‘failed to log in’)	
            utils.verifyPassword(..., function(..., okay) {	
                done(null, user, okay)	
        function(user, okay, done) {	
            if(okay) {	
                return done(null, ‘failed to log in’)	
            session.login(..., function() {	
                done(null, ‘logged in’)	
    ], function() {	
        // ...	
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Async.js 还提供了很多类似“async.waterfall” 的方法去处理不同的异步场景。为了简便起见,这里我们演示了一个简单的示例,实际情况往往复杂得多。

(打个广告,隔壁的《ES6 Generator 介绍》提及的 Generator 也是可以解决回调地狱的哦,而且结合 Promise 使用更加自然,请期待隔壁楼主的下篇文章吧:D)


使用回调函数的异步程序不只是 JavaScript 和 Node.js 有,只是它们让这种异步程序变得流行起来。在其他编程语言里,我们习惯了两个语句一个接一个执行,除非两个语句之间有特殊的跳转指令。即使那样,这些还受限于条件语句、循环语句以及函数调用。

然而在 JavaScript 里,一个带有回调函数的方法直到回调完成之前可能都无法完成任务。当前函数会一直执行到底:

function testTimeout() {	
    setTimeout(function() {	
    }, duration * 1000)	
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你可能会注意到,调用“testTimeout” 函数会先输出“Begin”,然后输出“Waiting..”,紧接着几秒后输出“Done!”。


错误5:给“exports” 赋值,而不是“module.exports”

Node.js 认为每个文件都是一个独立的模块。如果你的包有两个文件,假设是“a.js” 和“b.js”,然后“b.js” 要使用“a.js” 的功能,“a.js” 必须要通过给 exports 对象增加属性来暴露这些功能:

// a.js	
exports.verifyPassword = function(user, password, done) { ... }
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完成这步后,所有需要“a.js” 的都会获得一个带有“verifyPassword” 函数属性的对象:

// b.js	
require(‘a.js’) // { verifyPassword: function(user, password, done) { ... } }
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然而,如果我们想直接暴露这个函数,而不是让它作为某些对象的属性呢?我们可以覆写 exports 来达到目的,但是我们绝对不能把它当做一个全局变量:

// a.js	
module.exports = function(user, password, done) { ... }
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注意到我们是把“exports” 当做 module 对象的一个属性。“module.exports” 和“exports” 这之间区别是很重要的,而且经常会使 Node.js 新手踩坑。


JavaScript 有异常的概念。在语法上,学绝大多数传统语言(如 Java、C++)对异常的处理那样,JavaScript 可以抛出异常以及在 try-catch 语句块中捕获异常:

function slugifyUsername(username) {	
    if(typeof username === ‘string’) {	
        throw new TypeError(‘expected a string username, got &#39;+(typeof username))	
    // ...	
try {	
    var usernameSlug = slugifyUsername(username)	
} catch(e) {	
    console.log(‘Oh no!’)	
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然而,在异步环境下,tary-catch 可能不会像你所想的那样。比如说,如果你想用一个大的 try-catch 去保护一大段含有许多异步处理的代码,它可能不会正常的工作:

try {	
    db.User.get(userId, function(err, user) {	
        if(err) {	
            throw err	
        // ...	
        usernameSlug = slugifyUsername(user.username)	
        // ...	
} catch(e) {	
    console.log(‘Oh no!’)	
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如果“db.User.get” 的回调函数异步执行了,那么 try-catch 原来所在的作用域就很难捕获到回调函数里抛出的异常了。

这就是为什么在 Node.js 里通常使用不同的方式处理错误,而且这使得所有回调函数的参数都需要遵循 (err, ...) 这种形式,其中第一个参数是错误发生时的 error 对象。

错误7:认为 Number 是一种整型数据格式

在 JavaScript 里数字都是浮点型,没有整型的数据格式。你可能认为这不是什么问题,因为数字大到溢出浮点型限制的情况很少出现。可实际上,当这种情况发生时就会出错。因为浮点数在表达一个整型数时只能表示到一个最大上限值,在计算中超过这个最大值时就会出问题。也许看起来有些奇怪,但在 Node.js 中下面代码的值是 true:

Math.pow(2, 53)+1 === Math.pow(2, 53)
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很不幸的是,JavaScript 里有关数字的怪癖可还不止这些。尽管数字是浮点型的,但如下这种整数运算能正常工作:

5 % 2 === 1 // true	
5 &gt;&gt; 1 === 2 // true
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然而和算术运算不同的是,位运算和移位运算只在小于 32 位最大值的数字上正常工作。例如,让“Math.pow(2, 53)” 位移 1 位总是得到 0,让其与 1 做位运算也总是得到 0:

Math.pow(2, 53) / 2 === Math.pow(2, 52) // true	
Math.pow(2, 53) &gt;&gt; 1 === 0 // true	
Math.pow(2, 53) | 1 === 0 // true
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你可能极少会去处理如此大的数字,但如果你需要的话,有很多实现了大型精密数字运算的大整数库可以帮到你,比如 node-bigint。

错误8:忽略了流式 API 的优势

现在我们想创建一个简单的类代理 web 服务器,它能通过拉取其他 web 服务器的内容来响应和发起请求。作为例子,我们创建一个小型 web 服务器为 Gravatar 的图像服务。

var http = require(&#39;http&#39;)	
var crypto = require(&#39;crypto&#39;)	
.on(&#39;request&#39;, function(req, res) {	
    var email = req.url.substr(req.url.lastIndexOf(&#39;/&#39;)+1)	
    if(!email) {	
        return res.end()	
    var buf = new Buffer(1024*1024)	
    http.get(&#39;http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/&#39;+crypto.createHash(&#39;md5&#39;).update(email).digest(&#39;hex&#39;), function(resp) {	
        var size = 0	
        resp.on(&#39;data&#39;, function(chunk) {	
            chunk.copy(buf, size)	
            size += chunk.length	
        .on(&#39;end&#39;, function() {	
            res.write(buf.slice(0, size))	
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在这个例子里,我们从 Gravatar 拉取图片,将它存进一个 Buffer 里,然后响应请求。如果 Gravatar 的图片都不是很大的话,这样做没问题。但想象下如果我们代理的内容大小有上千兆的话,更好的处理方式是下面这样:

.on(&#39;request&#39;, function(req, res) {	
    var email = req.url.substr(req.url.lastIndexOf(&#39;/&#39;)+1)	
    if(!email) {	
        return res.end()	
    http.get(&#39;http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/&#39;+crypto.createHash(&#39;md5&#39;).update(email).digest(&#39;hex&#39;), function(resp) {	
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错误9:出于 Debug 的目的使用 Console.log

在 Node.js 里,“console.log” 允许你打印任何东西到控制台上。比如传一个对象给它,它会以 JavaScript 对象的字符形式打印出来。它能接收任意多个的参数并将它们以空格作为分隔符打印出来。有很多的理由可以解释为什么开发者喜欢使用它来 debug 他的代码,然而我强烈建议你不要在实时代码里使用“console.log”。你应该要避免在所有代码里使用“console.log” 去 debug,而且应该在不需要它们的时候把它们注释掉。你可以使用一种专门做这种事的库代替,比如 debug。

这些库提供了便利的方式让你在启动程序的时候开启或关闭具体的 debug 模式,例如,使用 debug 的话,你能够阻止任何 debug 方法输出信息到终端上,只要不设置 DEBUG 环境变量即可。使用它十分简单:

// app.js	
var debug = require(‘debug’)(‘app’)	
debug(’Hello, %s!’, ‘world’)
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开启 debug 模式只需简单地运行下面的代码把环境变量 DEBUG 设置到“app” 或“*” 上:

DEBUG=app node app.js
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不管你的 Node.js 代码是跑在生产环境或是你的本地开发环境,一个能协调你程序的监控程序是十分值得拥有的。一条经常被开发者提及的,针对现代程序设计和开发的建议是你的代码应该有 <span class="pln">fail</span><span class="pun">-</span><span class="pln">fast</span> 机制。如果发生了一个意料之外的错误,不要尝试去处理它,而应该让你的程序崩溃然后让监控程序在几秒之内重启它。监控程序的好处不只是重启崩溃的程序,这些工具还能让你在程序文件发生改变的时候重启它,就像崩溃重启那样。这让开发 Node.js 程序变成了一个更加轻松愉快的体验。

Node.js 有太多的监控程序可以使用了,例如:

<span class="pln">pm2</span>

<span class="pln">forever</span>

<span class="pln">nodemon</span>

<span class="pln">supervisor</span>



你可以看到,这其中的一些错误能给你的程序造成破坏性的影响,在你尝试使用 Node.js 实现一些很简单的功能时一些错误也可能会导致你受挫。即使 Node.js 已经使得新手上手十分简单,但它依然有些地方容易让人混乱。从其他语言过来的开发者可能已知道了这其中某些错误,但在 Node.js 新手里这些错误都是很常见的。幸运的是,它们都可以很容易地避免。我希望这个简短指南能帮助新手更好地编写 Node.js 代码,而且能够给我们大家开发出健壮高效的软件。

更多node相关知识,请访问:nodejs 教程!!

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