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An article explaining in detail how to add, delete, modify and query the database in Thinkphp5

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How to operate the database in Thinkphp5 and perform addition, deletion, modification and query? The following article will give you a detailed understanding of the methods of adding, deleting, modifying and querying the database in Thinkphp5. I hope it will be helpful to you!

An article explaining in detail how to add, delete, modify and query the database in Thinkphp5

thinkphp standard data table design:

Create time field: create_time

Update time field :update_time

Delete time field: delete_time

Select int as the type, as shown below:

An article explaining in detail how to add, delete, modify and query the database in Thinkphp5

##[Related tutorial recommendations:

thinkphp framework

1. Create a model folder

Create a new folder named model in the secondary object directory under the application folder. This folder is the same as The corresponding controller and view directories are at the same level, as shown below:

An article explaining in detail how to add, delete, modify and query the database in Thinkphp5

#If there are multiple modules (such as front-end index, back-end admin) and the operating databases are similar, then you can The model model is placed in the common public module, as follows:

An article explaining in detail how to add, delete, modify and query the database in Thinkphp5

2. Create the model model class

1. Create the model object file in the model directory, generally The name of the model corresponds to the table name, for example:

表名 pre_user       --------------->  模型名 User.php
表名 pre_user_info  --------------->  模型名 UserInfo.php
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2. Define the model model

namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
use think\Db;

class User extends Model{
     * 定义变量
     * 1.变量名称应与数据表中的字段名相同
     * 2.此处可根据需求省略,因为如果没有,thinkphp会自动在数据表中寻找的对应字段名
	public $username;
	public $password;
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3. If the data model definition name is inconsistent with the table name, then additional definitions and declarations are required. As follows:

namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
use think\Db;

class User extends Model
	protected $table = "admin_user";//指定数据表名
    protected $pk = &#39;id&#39;;           //指定主键的字段
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3. Method of calling model model

use \app\index\model\User;

$res = User::get(1);

$user = new User;
$res = $user::get(1);	

use think\Loader;
$user = Loader::model("User");
$res = $user::get(1);

$user = model("User");       
$res = $user::get(1);
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4. Query operation

get Get a record

$res = User::get(1);
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all Get multiple records

1. No parameters are passed

$result = User::all(); //查询出所有记录
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2. The parameter is n, n is a positive integer

$result = User::all(1); //查询出id为1的记录
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3. The parameter is 'n1, n2, n3...'

$result = User::all(&#39;7, 8, 9, 10&#39;); //查询出id为7、8、9、10的4条记录
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4. The parameters are [n1, n2, n3...]

$result = User::all([7, 8, 9, 10]); //查询出id为7、8、9、10的4条记录
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find Query a certain item

 $res = User::where(&#39;id&#39;,&#39;1&#39;)->field(&#39;name&#39;)->find();
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Not equal to


##select multiple queries

$res = User::where(&#39;id&#39;,&#39;1&#39;)->field(&#39;name&#39;)->limit(2)->order(&#39;id DESC&#39;)->select();
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value Query one by field

$res = User::where(&#39;id&#39;,&#39;1&#39;)->value(&#39;name&#39;);
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Convert the result into an array

$res = $res->toArray();
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Query number

$res = User::count();
$res = User::where(&#39;id&#39;,&#39;>&#39;,3)->count();
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whereTime() time condition query

1. Get today’s information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;today&#39;)->select();
db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;d&#39;)->select();
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2. Get yesterday’s information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;yesterday&#39;)->select();
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3. Get this Weekly information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;week&#39;)->select();   
db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;w&#39;)->select();
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4. Get this month’s information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;month&#39;)->select();   
db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;m&#39;)->select();
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5. Get last month’s information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;,&#39;last month&#39;)->select();
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6. Get this year’s information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;year&#39;)->select();    
db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;, &#39;y&#39;)->select();
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7. Get last year’s information

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;c_time&#39;,&#39;last year&#39;)->select();
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8. Date interval query

db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;time&#39;, &#39;between&#39;, [strtotime(date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;)), strtotime(date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;, strtotime(&#39;+2 day&#39;)))])->select();
db(&#39;table&#39;)->whereTime(&#39;time&#39;, &#39;between&#39;, [&#39;2020-3-28&#39;, &#39;2020-3-30&#39;])->select();
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5. Add operation

1. Use the create() method to add

$res = User::create([
     &#39;name&#39;      => &#39;安阳&#39;,
     &#39;age&#39;       => 23,
     &#39;sex&#39;       => 1,
     &#39;password&#39;  => &#39;123456&#39;
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2. Add data and return the added primary key

     &#39;name&#39;      => &#39;安阳&#39;,
     &#39;age&#39;       => 23,
     &#39;sex&#39;       => 1,
     &#39;password&#39;  => &#39;123456&#39;
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You can also use the insertGetId method of the DB class, as follows:

$uid = User::insertGetId([
     &#39;name&#39;      => &#39;安阳&#39;,
     &#39;age&#39;       => 23,
     &#39;sex&#39;       => 1,
     &#39;password&#39;  => &#39;123456&#39;
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3. Add by instantiation

 $user = new User;
 $user->name =  &#39;安阳&#39;;
 $user->age =  23;
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4 , Filter the inserted fields by instantiation and return the number of inserted rows

 $user = new User;
 $data = [
     &#39;name&#39; => &#39;安阳&#39;,
     &#39;age&#39; => 23,
     &#39;email&#39; => &#39;123456@qq.com&#39;
 $res = $user->allowField([&#39;name&#39;, &#39;age&#39;])->save($data);
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5. The model uses allowField() to filter the data of non-data table fields

$user = new User($_POST);
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6. The model uses allowField() to specify certain Field writing

$user = new User;
// post数组中只有name和email字段会写入
$user->allowField([&#39;name&#39;,&#39;email&#39;])->save($_POST, [&#39;id&#39; => 1]);
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7. Use saveAll() for batch addition

user = new User;
$list = [
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You can also use the insertAll() method of the DB class to return the number of successfully added items

$res = User::insertAll([
     &#39;name&#39;      => &#39;安阳&#39;,
     &#39;age&#39;       => 23,
     &#39;sex&#39;       => 1,
     &#39;password&#39;  => &#39;123456&#39;
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Supplementary, other methods of filtering fields:

1. In DB operations, you can use strict to turn off strict field checking

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2. Use php's unset( ) method destroys variables

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6. saveAll adds multiple pieces of data and returns the object list
 $user = new User;
 $data = [
         &#39;name&#39; => &#39;安阳&#39;,
         &#39;age&#39; => 20,
         &#39;email&#39; => &#39;123456@qq.com&#39;
         &#39;name&#39; => &#39;小柒&#39;,
         &#39;age&#39; => 25,
         &#39;email&#39; => &#39;ap555@qq.com&#39;
 $res = $user->allowField([&#39;name&#39;, &#39;age&#39;])->saveAll($data);
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6. Update operation

1. update returns the number of affected rows

 $res = User::where([&#39;id&#39;=>1])->update([&#39;name&#39;=>&#39;安阳&#39;]);
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2. setField updates a field individually

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3. setInc

User::where([&#39;id&#39;=>1])->setInc(&#39;money&#39;, 10);
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4. setDec

User::where([&#39;id&#39;=>1])->setDec(&#39;money&#39;, 10);
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5. Batch update requires the data to contain Primary key, return the update object list

$user = new User;
$res = $user->saveAll([
     [&#39;id&#39;=>1, &#39;name&#39; => &#39;安阳&#39;],
     [&#39;id&#39;=>2, &#39;name&#39; => &#39;小柒&#39;]
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7. Delete operation

1. Pass in the primary key, return the number of affected rows

$res = User::destroy(1);
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2. Pass in the condition, return the number of affected rows

 $res = User::destroy([&#39;name&#39;=>&#39;安阳&#39;]);
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3. Conditional deletion returns the number of affected rows

 $res = User::where([&#39;id&#39;=>1])->delete();
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8. Transaction

1. Automatically control transaction processing

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2. Manually control transaction

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	Db::rollback();	//回滚
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9. Model model getter

The naming convention of the reader is:
->get the camel case name of the attribute name Attr

namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
class User extends Model
    //获取器:将性别的012修改为男、女、未知 返回
	public function getSexAttr($val)
		switch ($val) {
            case 1:
                return &#39;男&#39;;
            case 2:
                return &#39;女&#39;;
            return &#39;未知&#39;;
    public function getUpdateTimeAttr($val){
			if(!strtotime($val)) {
				return date(&#39;Y-m-d H:i:s&#39;,$val);
				return $val;
			return &#39;&#39;;
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Additional explanation: strtotime() parses the date and time description of any English text into a Unix timestamp, and returns the timestamp if successful, otherwise it returns FALSE (before PHP 5.1.0, this function returned -1 on failure )


namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
class User extends Model
	public function setTimeAttr()
        return time();
    /** 修改器:对密码字段加密之后存储
     * $val  第一个参数是密码
     * $data 第二个参数是添加的数据(可选)
    public function setPasswordAttr($val,$data){
        if($val === &#39;&#39;) {
            return $val;
            return md5($val.$data[&#39;email&#39;]);
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auto 新增及更新的时候,自动完成的属性数组
insert 仅新增的时候,自动完成的属性数组
update 仅更新的时候,自动完成的属性数组


namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
class User extends Model
    protected $auto = [&#39;addtime&#39;];

    public function setAddtimeAttr(){
        return time();
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namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
class User extends Model
	// 新增 自动完成
    protected $insert = [&#39;addtime&#39;];

    public function setAddtimeAttr(){
        return time();
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namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
class User extends Model
	// 更新 自动完成
    protected $update = [&#39;addtime&#39;];

    public function setAddtimeAttr(){
        return time();
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&#39;auto_timestamp&#39;  => false,
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namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;

class User extends Model{
    protected $autoWriteTimestamp = true;
    protected $createTime = &#39;addtime&#39;;//修改默认的添加时间字段
    protected $updateTime = &#39;updtime&#39;;//修改默认的修改时间字段
    protected $updateTime = false;//当不需要这个字段时设置为false
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    * 更新数据
    * @access public
    * @param array      $data  数据数组
    * @param array      $where 更新条件
    * @param array|true $field 允许字段
    * @return $this
   public static function update($data = [], $where = [], $field = null)
       $model = new static();
       if (!empty($field)) {
       $result = $model->isUpdate(true)->save($data, $where);
       return $model;
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$user=new User;
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namespace app\index\model;
use think\Model;
use traits\model\SoftDelete;//引入软删除的类

class Order extends Model{
    use SoftDelete;
    protected $deleteTime = &#39;deltime&#39;;
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2、 控制器里软删除,返回影响的行数

 $res = Order::destroy(1);
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$res = Order::destroy(1,true);

$orderData = Order::get(1);
$orderData ->delete(true);
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$res = Order::withTrashed(true)->find(1);
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$res = Order::onlyTrashed()->select();
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The above is the detailed content of An article explaining in detail how to add, delete, modify and query the database in Thinkphp5. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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