VueHow to communicate between components? The following article will share with you more than ten Vue3 component communication methods. I hope it will be helpful to you!
##This article explains the basic usage of various communication methods ofAs we all know, a very important knowledge point inVue 3.2
components, and uses
single file component<script setup> .
Vue.js is component communication. Whether it is the development of business classes or component library development, each has its own communication method. [Related recommendations:
vuejs video tutorial]
Vue 3.
The collection (learned) is your own!
Parent component passes value to child component (abbreviation: parent to child)Props Document
https:/ / Parent component
// Parent.vue
<!-- 使用子组件 -->
<Child :msg="message" />
<script setup>
import Child from './components/Child.vue' // 引入子组件
let message = '雷猴'
Child component
// Child.vue <template> <div> {{ msg }} </div> </template> <script setup> const props = defineProps({ msg: { type: String, default: '' } }) console.log(props.msg) // 在 js 里需要使用 的方式使用。在 html 中使用不需要 props </script>
<script setup> to declare
props, which has full inference and is
<script setup> is available directly.
For more details, please see
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