In vue, axios is a promise-based HTTP library, mainly used to implement AJAX asynchronous communication functions; axios can send XMLHttpRequests requests in the browser, send http requests in nodejs, and can also intercept requests. and responses, transforming request and response data.
The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, vue2.9.6 version, DELL G3 computer.
axios: Front-end communication framework, because the boundary of vue is very clear, it is to process DOM, so it does not have communication function. At this time, you need to use an additional communication framework to interact with the server; of course, you can also use jQuery to provide AJAX communication function.
Axios is a promise-based HTTP library. Simply put, it can send get and post requests.
Speaking of get and post, the first thing that everyone should think of is Jquery. After all, when Jquery was relatively popular a few years ago, everyone was using it. However, due to the emergence of frameworks such as Vue and React, Jquery is not so popular anymore. It is also the emergence of frameworks such as Vue and React that prompted the emergence of the Axios lightweight library. Because Vue and others do not need to operate the Dom, there is no need to introduce Jquery.js.
Axios features
1. You can send XMLHttpRequests in the browser
2. You can send http requests in node.js
3. Support Promise API
4. Intercept requests and responses
5. Convert request data and response data
6. Ability to cancel requests
7 , Automatically convert JSON data
8. The client supports protecting security from XSRF attacks
What scenarios is Axios used in?
As mentioned in the features, Axios can be used when the browser sends requests or Node.js sends requests. Projects such as Vue, React, Node, etc. can use Axios. If you use Jquery in your project, there is no need to do anything extra at this time. jquery itself can send requests.
How to use Axios?
Install the module
npm install axios
Or directly introduce
<script src=""></script>
After introducing the module, you can use it directly
Example (1)
// GET axios.get('/user', { params: { ID: 12345 } }) .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }); // POST'/user', { name: 'Javan', website: '' }) .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); });
The above parameters are optional
If you want to concurrently send multiple requests, you can see the code below
function getUserAccount() { return axios.get('/user/12345'); } function getUserPermissions() { return axios.get('/user/12345/permissions'); } axios.all([getUserAccount(), getUserPermissions()]) .then(axios.spread(function (acct, perms) { // 两个请求都执行完成才会执行 }));
Example (2)
In addition to the above method, you can create a request by passing relevant configuration to axios, such as:
// POST axios({ method: 'post', url: '/user/12345', data: { firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone' } });
axios(url[, config])
{ // `url` 是用于请求的服务器 URL url: '/user', // `method` 是创建请求时使用的方法 method: 'get', // 默认是 get // `baseURL` 将自动加在 `url` 前面,除非 `url` 是一个绝对 URL。 // 它可以通过设置一个 `baseURL` 便于为 axios 实例的方法传递相对 URL baseURL: '', // `transformRequest` 允许在向服务器发送前,修改请求数据 // 只能用在 'PUT', 'POST' 和 'PATCH' 这几个请求方法 // 后面数组中的函数必须返回一个字符串,或 ArrayBuffer,或 Stream transformRequest: [function (data) { // 对 data 进行任意转换处理 return data; }], // `transformResponse` 在传递给 then/catch 前,允许修改响应数据 transformResponse: [function (data) { // 对 data 进行任意转换处理 return data; }], // `headers` 是即将被发送的自定义请求头 headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}, // `params` 是即将与请求一起发送的 URL 参数 // 必须是一个无格式对象(plain object)或 URLSearchParams 对象 params: { ID: 12345 }, // `paramsSerializer` 是一个负责 `params` 序列化的函数 // (e.g., paramsSerializer: function(params) { return Qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'brackets'}) }, // `data` 是作为请求主体被发送的数据 // 只适用于这些请求方法 'PUT', 'POST', 和 'PATCH' // 在没有设置 `transformRequest` 时,必须是以下类型之一: // - string, plain object, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, URLSearchParams // - 浏览器专属:FormData, File, Blob // - Node 专属: Stream data: { firstName: 'Fred' }, // `timeout` 指定请求超时的毫秒数(0 表示无超时时间) // 如果请求话费了超过 `timeout` 的时间,请求将被中断 timeout: 1000, // `withCredentials` 表示跨域请求时是否需要使用凭证 withCredentials: false, // 默认的 // `adapter` 允许自定义处理请求,以使测试更轻松 // 返回一个 promise 并应用一个有效的响应 (查阅 [response docs](#response-api)). adapter: function (config) { /* ... */ }, // `auth` 表示应该使用 HTTP 基础验证,并提供凭据 // 这将设置一个 `Authorization` 头,覆写掉现有的任意使用 `headers` 设置的自定义 `Authorization`头 auth: { username: 'janedoe', password: 's00pers3cret' }, // `responseType` 表示服务器响应的数据类型,可以是 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json', 'text', 'stream' responseType: 'json', // 默认的 // `xsrfCookieName` 是用作 xsrf token 的值的cookie的名称 xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', // default // `xsrfHeaderName` 是承载 xsrf token 的值的 HTTP 头的名称 xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', // 默认的 // `onUploadProgress` 允许为上传处理进度事件 onUploadProgress: function (progressEvent) { // 对原生进度事件的处理 }, // `onDownloadProgress` 允许为下载处理进度事件 onDownloadProgress: function (progressEvent) { // 对原生进度事件的处理 }, // `maxContentLength` 定义允许的响应内容的最大尺寸 maxContentLength: 2000, // `validateStatus` 定义对于给定的HTTP 响应状态码是 resolve 或 reject promise 。如果 `validateStatus` 返回 `true` (或者设置为 `null` 或 `undefined`),promise 将被 resolve; 否则,promise 将被 rejecte validateStatus: function (status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; // 默认的 }, // `maxRedirects` 定义在 node.js 中 follow 的最大重定向数目 // 如果设置为0,将不会 follow 任何重定向 maxRedirects: 5, // 默认的 // `httpAgent` 和 `httpsAgent` 分别在 node.js 中用于定义在执行 http 和 https 时使用的自定义代理。允许像这样配置选项: // `keepAlive` 默认没有启用 httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), // 'proxy' 定义代理服务器的主机名称和端口 // `auth` 表示 HTTP 基础验证应当用于连接代理,并提供凭据 // 这将会设置一个 `Proxy-Authorization` 头,覆写掉已有的通过使用 `header` 设置的自定义 `Proxy-Authorization` 头。 proxy: { host: '', port: 9000, auth: : { username: 'mikeymike', password: 'rapunz3l' } }, // `cancelToken` 指定用于取消请求的 cancel token // (查看后面的 Cancellation 这节了解更多) cancelToken: new CancelToken(function (cancel) { }) }
Example (3)
We can also create a new axios instance using custom configuration, and intercept requests or responses before they are processed by then or catch.
// 如文件名叫http.js import axios from 'axios' // 创建实例时设置配置的默认值 var instance = axios.create({ baseURL: '', timeout: 1000, headers: {'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'} }); // 添加请求拦截器 instance.interceptors.request.use(function (config) { // 在发送请求之前做些什么 /** 1、比如添加token之类的请求头信息 2、添加每次请求loading等 */ return config; }, function (error) { // 对请求错误做些什么 return Promise.reject(error); }); // 添加响应拦截器 instance.interceptors.response.use(function (response) { // 对响应数据做点什么 /** 1、集中处理响应数据(如错误码处理) */ return response; }, function (error) { // 对响应错误做点什么 return Promise.reject(error); }); export default instance
How to use the above http.js???
import http from 'xxx/http' http({ method: 'POST', url: '/user', data: { name: 'Javan', website: '' } }).then((response) => { // 200响应 }, (err) => { // 500响应 })
Example (4)
How to cancel the interface? ? ?
Scenario: A search box, the interface will be called every time a character is entered. At this time, there is no way to know which interface data is returned for the last time. The only way is to cancel the same interface initiated before, so there is cancellation. interface.
var CancelToken = axios.CancelToken; var source = CancelToken.source(); axios.get('/user/12345', { cancelToken: source.token }).catch(function(thrown) { if (axios.isCancel(thrown)) { console.log('Request canceled', thrown.message); } else { // 处理错误 } }); // 取消请求(message 参数是可选的) source.cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');
Axios can be said to have achieved the ultimate in requesting, and the packaging is very easy to use. The current number of downloads: 4,784,599 times , github star: 60,584 times. It's enough to show that developers still like him very much. Browser support method: Except for the lower version of IE, the latest version of the browser is supported.
(Learning video sharing: vuejs tutorial, web front-end)
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